Howes Primary School Newsletter: 20th March 2015 Scrumdiddlyumptious! Thank you! Next week we are all looking forward to the Year 3 and 4 performances. The dress rehearsal will take place on Monday 23rd March at 9:30am and the performances will be on Wednesday 25th March at 2pm and again at 6pm. Thank you to everyone who helped to raise lots of money to support the work of Comic relief. Howes Primary school raised £288.47! £200 was made by selling red noses. £38.36 was made from the book sale. £50.11 came from generous donations. If you have not yet returned your slip to request tickets please do so as soon as possible thank you. Illness We have lots of germs in school currently and many children and staff have been absent due to illness. Howes House Points The current running totals are: The Knights of Inspiration (Green): 376 points The Knights of Courage (Red): 378 points The Knights of Respect (Blue): 278 points Please could we remind all families that children should not return to school until 48 hours after their last bout of sickness and diahorrea. Thank you. The Knights of Equality (Yellow): 337 points Well done to the Knights of Inspiration who were our winning team last week! Easter Egg Competition Reminder This year the deadline for the Friends of Howes Easter Egg competition for decorating an egg is the morning of 31st March as this is when they will be judged. Easter Holiday Activities Coventry Family Information Service has collected information on activities and events happening in and around Coventry over the Easter holidays for children and young people. Visit the What’s On page on the Family Information Directory website at new additions added daily. Morning of Music On Wednesday Year 1 participated in the Morning of Music. Children from different schools around Coventry met at Stivichall Primary School to sing songs based on a healthy eating theme. Children played musical instruments and performed a party piece. “The lollipop song was really good.” (Logan and Jessica) “It was super fun.” (Travis) “I got to see some of my friends from other schools.” (Josh) Clubs Clubs will continue until the end of term. A letter will be coming out next week about club options for next term. Most clubs will start in the first week of the Summer Term. The Best of Intentions Here are the people who have been noticed having the good intentions this week. Priyanka (Y3) for being a good friend. Travis and Pankti (Y1) for playing with other children. Khalisah (Y5) for always being a nice friend. Sanjna (Y3) for playing with everyone. Charlotte (Y1) for always playing with people. Queeva, Lexi and Libby (Y3) for being great friends and being nice. Jake (Y2) because he is a good friend. Katie (Y1) for always having a big smile on her face. Rhiane (Y3) for being a great friend and for always giving 100%. Inaaya and Jessica (Y4) for being good friends. Ruqayyah (Y3) and Zeinab (Y4) for holding the door for others. Alex (Y4) for being a great friend. Narayan (Y4) for kindly holding the door. The girls in Year 6 for being kind. All the girls in Year 3 for being kind. Mrs Bannister for being kind. Miss Marshall and Miss McKinlay for being nice to everyone in Year 5. All of the teachers for working hard and being helpful. All of the Friends of Howes for their hard work. The whole school for being good. Miss Szyndler for being a good fife teacher and for being awarded the European Pedagogical ICT Licence (EPICT) for all of her work at school with ICT! Attendance and Lateness Please can we remind all families that the bell rings at 8:55am. Absence phone line: please telephone the school office on 02476411711 as soon as possible. Thank you. Class Attendance Lateness HIU 76% 0 Nursery 83.8% 2 Reception 90.7% 4 Year 1 98.6% 6 Year 2 97.8% 6 Year 3 95.5% 8 Year 4 97.3% 7 Year 5 96.3% 5 Year 6 93.4% 6 Overall 94.1% 43 Please continue to work with us in ensuring that your child arrives at school on time and attends every day. Dates for your Diary Monday 23rd March: Year 3 & 4 dress rehearsal 9:30am Tuesday 24th March: Class photographs Wednesday 25th March: HIU Writing Inspire Workshop (Please note the change of date) Wednesday 25th March: Coffee Morning 9-10am Wednesday 25th March: Year 3 & 4 Performances 2pm and 6pm Friday 27th March: Creative Flair dance assembly 9am Friday 27th March: Year 3 to Morning of Music Tuesday 31st March: Guitar and choir assembly 9am Tuesday 31st March: Dance Club assembly 2.45pm Thursday 2nd April: TeacherTraining Day-School closed to children Friday 3rd April-Sunday 19th April: Easter Holiday Monday 20th April- Start of term Monday 4th May: Bank Holiday-School closed to children Monday 11th – Thursday 14th May: Year 6 assessment week Monday 18th- Friday 22nd May: B.E.S.T project visitors in school Friday 22nd May: TeacherTraining Day-School closed to children Monday 25th May- Friday 29th May: Half term holiday
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