Prince of Peace Council of Catholic Women Volume 24, Issue 7 Inside this Issue March General Meeting: p. 2 Legislation Report: p. 3 Meet Our Leaders: p. 4 Commission Reports: p. 5 CCW Correspondence: p. 6 Membership Memo: p. 6 Respect For Life: p. 7 Election News: p. 7 Trash and Treasure: p. 8 Installation Luncheon: p. 9 Birthdays: p. 10 Card Party News: p. 11 Scholarship Info: p. 11 Eastern Deanery: p. 12-14 Poetry Corner: p. 15 Bi-law Bits: p. 16 Calendar of Events: p. 16 Our “Hugs for the Homeless” collection on February 21-22 raised $896.37. Thank you to all who helped in any way. CCW NEWSLETTER April 2015 A Note From Our President Hi Ladies, Happy Spring! Our April 14th General Meeting will be our last until September. At the meeting we will have Election of Officers and our "Queen for a Day" selection. Please try to attend. During the summer the ODCCW Leadership Symposium will be held at the Lake Yale Conference Center in Eustis. It will be held July 18 & 19th; a bit earlier than usual. If anyone is interested in attending please let me know. Our Annual Trash & Treasure Sale will be held in the social hall on April 25 & 26. We will need lots of help. Even a few volunteer hours and/or donations of items or baked goods would be very welcome. Sign-up sheets will be available at our April meeting. That same weekend Marlene and I will be going to the ODCCW Convention in Melbourne. We need 3 more Silent Auction items. If you have anything to contribute it would be greatly appreciated. At that time we will take all the "Caps of Love". Please br ing all the caps you have at the Apr il 14th meeting. That will finish the collection of them. Also we are collecting children shoes (sneakers) for our Sister Diocese. The children there have to walk far over hilly terrain and they wear out their shoes very quickly. NEW shoes for children, sizes 2 and 3 are being gathered by the Eastern Deanery. I am sure they will appreciate them. May 3rd will be our Installation Luncheon following the 11:30 Mass at the same place as last year, the Halifax River Yacht Club. May 9 & 10 weekend is the Mother's Day Baby Shower to benefit the Pregnancy Crisis Center. We will need help at each Mass. Please sign up. Sheets will be waiting for your name at the meeting. I want to thank all the ladies who baked cookies for Focus 11. The children enjoyed them and ate every crumb. They did not want to waste anything! I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for all that you do. It doesn't go unnoticed. I hope to see all of you at our last meeting. Remember we will have a "Queen" and it could be YOU! Happy Easter. Love , Debbie C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Page 2 March General Meeting What an informative evening we had with thanks to our guest speakers, Estelle Pecchio from Sarah House, Scott Selis, an Elder Care attorney and his practice's nurse, Cathy Parello! Sarah House is an assisted living residence with a new home opening soon in Ormond Beach. Scott Selis' practice specializes in Life Care Planning with one fee. Nurse Cathy is a patient advocate and communicates with families. We learned that the average monthly fee for nursing home care is $8,000 a month. Medicare will pay 100% for 20 days in a rehab facility following a 3 night stay in hospital and 80% for 100 days. With Obama Care, this does not apply if the patient was admitted to the hospital under "observation.” V.A. Pension benefits soldiers who have been in combat and their widows with a $2,200 a month allotment. Thank you to our speakers. Collection of Shoes for our Sister Diocese at the ODCCW Convention The 47th Annual ODCCW Convention will be held in Melbourne at the Crowne Plaza Oceanfront on April 25-27 hosted by the women of Southern Deanery. The theme this year is “Christ Be Our Light.” We will be collecting NEW shoes for the children in our Sister Diocese. It's amazing what we can accomplish as council sisters but we need your help. Eastern Deanery is collecting the new children's shoes sizes 2 and 3 but we will also take other sizes if you have them. Sturdy, tennis type shoes are the best. Funds are also accepted for the purchase of shoes. Your last chance to donate a pair will be at the April general meeting. Prize Incentive Tickets will be sold at our April meeting to help offset the cost of the convention. The cost is $1 per ticket or the book of 6 for $5. First prize is an heirloom-quality handmade quilt. 2nd prize is a 3-day/2-night stay at the Crowne Plaza Melbourne-Oceanfront, plus $200 cash. The 3rd prize is a 10 part DVD series by Fr. Robert Barron and Word on Fire. V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R Page 3 Legislation Many important topics were discussed at Catholic Days at the Capitol. Some of the most important were: 24-hour reflection period before an abortion is performed, SB 724 (Flores) / HB 633 (Sullivan) Restoring the per-pupil scholarships for the VPK Program to 2007-2008 school-year funding levels Expansion of Kid Care for lawfully residing immigrant children, SB 294 (Garcia) / HB 829 (La Rosa) Requiring a unanimous jury decision in order to recommend a sentence of death, SB 664 (Altman) / HB 139 (Rodriguez, J.) Current law requires a unanimous jury only during the determination of guilt phase and a simple majority (7-5) during the sentencing portion of death penalty cases. Be on the lookout for an action alert asking you to urge the members of the Criminal Justice Committee to vote 'yes' on SB 664. God bless, Linda Guidotti, Legislation Chair Queen for a Day The Queen for the Day will be announced at the April 14th General Meeting. Besides being honored and recognized, the queen will get flowers and a free ticket to the Installation Luncheon on May 3 at the Halifax River Yacht Club. NCCW MISSION STATEMENT The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its membership to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R Meet Our Leaders Pastor and Moderator: Fr. Bill Zamborsky President: Debbie Peterson Vice President: Pat Ostrowski Treasurer: Joan Nelson Recording Secretary: Marcia Rudman, O.F.S. Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Malek Parliamentarian: Louise Marie Trudel Deanery Rep. / Immediate Past President: Marlene Braganza Spirituality Commission Co Chairs: Sister Marie Tougas, Pat Fries Service Commission Co Chairs: Theresa Ho, Elena Torres Leadership Commission Chair : Pat Ostrowski Membership / Legislation: Linda Guidotti Respect Life : Calvie Dean Religious Articles Store: Katie Masterson, Manager Ivona Tydir, Treasurer CCW Newsletter: Linda Sullo, Editor/Publisher Scrapbook and Photographers : Judy Speno, Connie Komatz, Hospitality: Annette Van Tronk Angel Scholarship: Lucille DiLella Card Parties: Adrianne Austin FCCW President/ Talent Show: Rosie Schuhmacher Trash and Treasures: Louise Marie Trudel Page 4 V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Page 5 COMMISSION REPORTS Spirituality Dear Sisters in Christ, As we enter into the holiest times of the year, we are overwhelmed by the great Love Jesus has shown for us by shedding every drop of His Precious Blood for the remission of our sins. This is what He did for us and we have been making special efforts during Lent to return Love for Love. All that we do, done in Love, shows we are following in Jesus' footsteps. St. Paul tells us, "The greatest of these is Love." Love in this life is Love for all Eternity. May your lives be filled with the beauty and joy of Love. May all we do, be done for His greater Honor and Glory. May the Easter Season bring us all closer to God through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Special blessings to all. Sr. Marie Tougas, sfcc, Co-Chair How does grace work in our everyday lives, especially when we are going through trials or suffering? 1. With God’s grace, we can endure hardships with a godly attitude. We will even be able to rejoice in what He is doing in us through adversity. 2. Grace builds our confidence in God. Nothing looks hopeless when we keep our eyes on Him instead of on our problems. 3. We discover God’s sustaining presence as He walks with us every step of the way. 4. Because we have experienced His care for us, we are then able to show empathy and love to others facing hard times. 5. During fiery trials, grace works to transform us so that others can see Jesus reflected in us. Difficulties in life are unavoidable. We need a daily dose of God’s grace to live a victorious Christian life. Have a glorious Resurrection Day and Easter blessings! With loving prayer, Pat Fries, Co-chair Leadership Our next general meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 PM in the church hall. There will be no speaker this month because of elections. This month’s bakers are Connie Komatz and Chris Craycraft. Pat Ostrowski, Leadership Chair V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R Page 6 CCW Correspondence “Thinking of You” cards have gone out to Maureen Anderson, Debbie Peterson, Rosemary Preston, and Ruth Lucatorto. Have a glorious Easter! If anyone know of any of our members that may need a card from us over the summer, please contact me at [email protected] and let me know. Sharon Malek, Corresponding Secretary Caps of Love ~ Last Chance Our POP CCW will be working with the NCCW to be good stewards of our earth and raise money to buy wheelchairs for disabled children by collecting non-metal caps for recycling. Plastics caps are a different grade of plastics from bottles and are recyclable and valuable in bulk. Our collection of these hard plastics caps will end at the April General Meeting as Marlene and Debbie will be bringing them all to the ODCCW Convention in April. Please remove all paper inserts before bringing them to our meeting. Membership Memo As of today, we have 104 paid members in the Prince of Peace CCW! Welcome to Joan Sullivan! I feel we’ve had a great year in membership and attendance. I will be sending the last membership report for this season to everyone who has e-mail, and also I will bring several copies to the meeting for those of you who can’t print, etc. Also, please check the lists to be sure all of your information is correct and up-to-date. Our most important need on the list is to have your E-mail. If you notice that you or a friend’s is missing, please let me know. My telephone number is 386-615-7259. Thank you and Happy Easter!! God bless, Linda Guidotti, Membership Chair V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R Page 7 Respect For Life On Friday, March 13th, members of Prince of Peace parish, including Father Bill were present to pray and rejoice over the closing down of the Mason Avenue abortion clinic. Finally all of the prayers have been answered… Praise God! Our annual Baby Shower is coming up on Mother’s Day weekend, May 9 and 10. On the Sunday prior to the shower we will have the crib in the lobby of the church to remind people to bring baby clothes and diapers on the following Sunday. Please sign up at the April General Meeting or call Calvie Dean @ 386-274-4400 to oversee the crib after the Mother’s Day weekend Masses. This event will also be advertised in the church bulletin. Election of Officers for 2015-16 Our slate of officers for 2015-16 has been approved by the board. Further nominations will be taken from the floor and then voted upon at our General Meeting on April 14. Our nominees are as follows: Debbie Peterson for President; Pat Ostrowski for Vice President; Joan Nelson for Treasurer; and Marcia Rudman for Recording Secretary. The new officers will be installed at the 11:30 Mass on May 3. Our Annual Installation Luncheon at the Halifax River Yacht Club will follow. C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Page 8 WHEN: Saturday, April 25th, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Sunday, April 26th, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm WHERE: Prince of Peace Social Hall Hello Ladies: The year has flown by so quickly and here we are again…time to enjoy our annual Trash & Treasure fund raiser. It’s spring and a great time to check out your closets and cabinets for those items that you have not looked at for years. We need donations of dishes, small working appliances, books, bedding, jewelry and all kinds of cut glass and crystal items. Toys for children and clothing for all are needed. We do not have adequate space for large furniture at this time but I’m sure our “Like New Shop” would love to have it. Our maintenance person Ray, has graciously given us some space in the Quonset Hut in back of the church for drop-off of all household items. The doors will be open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The sale of these items will assist the CCW in raising funds for the scholarship that will be given to two students this year. If you are interested in renting a table as a Vendor for either day or both Saturday and Sunday, please contact Louise Marie Trudel at 386-672-2979 or E-mail her at [email protected]. Set-up for your table will be on Friday, April 24th from 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Thank you all for your help and we are all looking forward to a fun and successful event for our Trash & Treasure Sale in 2015. Louise Marie Trudel, Chair, with the help of Linda Guidotti and Sandy Piasecki V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R Page 9 You are invited to Join us. CCW INSTALLATION LUNCH BUFFET Sunday, May 3, 2015 1:30pm Halifax River Yacht Club Menu: BEEF STROGANOFF W/EGG NOODLES POACHED SALMON W/CUCUMBER DILL SAUCE GREEN BEANS ALMONDINE WILD RICE CASSEROLE FULL SALAD BAR GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE FRUIT COBBLER Price: $10.00 Members, $20.00 Non-members Tickets can be purchased at the April 14th General Meeting or by contacting Pat Ostrowski at 672-8977 or [email protected] C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Page 10 April ~ August Birthdays April June August 6 ~ Alyce Lindberg 3 ~ Mary Larcom 9 ~ Estelle Bernier 9 ~ Rosemary Preston 8 ~ Rose Dattilo 9 ~ April Griffith 15 ~ Connie Komatz 9 ~ Theresa Ho 10 ~ MaryRose Hess 20 ~ Michi Cervantes 10 ~ Marie Sottardi 13 ~ Martha Breehl 29 ~ Sr. Janet Holzer, sfcc 14 ~ Sharon Malek 29 ~ Helen Medved 14 ~ PattiAnn Welter 17 ~ Sandra Lakin July 15 ~ Sharon Wilbert 21 ~ Diane Day 23 ~ Evelyn Leahey 26 ~ Doris McCormick 27 ~ Linda Guidotti 9 ~ Mary Cormican 17 ~ Norma Gault 20 ~ Carol Bennett 7 ~ Hildegard Asp 11 ~ Ann Blythe 20 ~ Octaviza Jones 25 ~ Elena Torres 27 ~ Gertrude Repman 24 ~ Yancy Madden 28 ~ Evelyn Billig May 1 ~ Ann Murray 5 ~ Martha Pillon 6 ~ Kitty Mikol 7 ~ MaryAnn Corrado 7 ~ MaryAnn Zoeckler 17 ~ Maureen Anderson 17 ~ Sr. Marie Tougas, sfcc 24 ~ Betty Bales 28 ~ Carolyn Hoffman 29 ~ Mary Antos If your name is not listed, please advise Membership so we can put your birth month and day on the Membership List. Thank you. V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R Page 11 Card Party Another successful and exciting card party was held on March 12 with over 90 participants. Great food and fun made for a very enjoyable afternoon. Come and join us on Thursday, April 9 for our next and final card party for the year. Bring a friend or two and be prepared to have a great time. Doors open at 10:45am. Helpers are always needed especially in the morning pre-party time for food and hall set-up. Also, please consider bringing a dessert with you to share with the group. It’s only $7.00 for lunch, snacks, drinks and lots of laughs. Please call or text Adrianne Austin, card party chair, at 451-8753 if you can help out at all. CCW Scholarship The CCW is again giving two $1000 scholarships to high school seniors who are starting college in the summer or fall of 2015. The only requirement to apply is that they be registered members of Prince of Peace Church. Applications are available in the church vestibule, the office, or from Tom Silliker at a Life Teen meeting. All applications must be in by April 10, 2015. If you have a child, grandchild, relative or neighbor who is a high school senior, please encourage them to fill out an application. For more information, please call Lucille at 386-846-3661. Lucille DiLella C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Page 12 Eastern Deanery CCW Sisters in Christ, We do know you work around the clock being His Hands and Feet but find it very cumbersome to give in the hours you work. It would be nice to report them. But for time constraints our Bishop Noonan would definitely commend each of you. He sends out messages to thank all for being there for him and Jesus, Our Savior. A BIG THANK YOU for the volunteer hours. We will be having our EDCCW Spring Board Meeting on April 18, 2015 at St. Ann’s Debary. I am attaching herewith the details of the meeting (See page 14). Please try to attend as one of our oldest and vivacious speakers, Winkie LeFils, will be there. It is really an honor to have her at our meeting. We are gearing up for our ODCCW Convention April 24 to 27. We are collecting kids sneakers (not babies) to be sent to our Sister Dioceses. This will help them walk to school, church and play (See page 2). Recently I attended The Catholic Days at the Capitol. It was fun meeting members of the CCW from different deaneries/affiliations. Much behind the scenes work goes into this day. I commend the hard work put in by the Diocese of Orlando, Office of Advocacy and Justice who arranged for all our meetings with the Senators and Representatives and also kept us informed of different proceedings going on. It was indeed easy for us to jump in and listen to various sessions; a few interesting ones to note: Youth Criminal Justice Issues SB 378. This bill is meant to strengthen civil citations statues dealing with youth who commit a first-time misdemeanor and have not a life-long arrest record. This gives them a second chance. It was an interesting case but the opposition was hitting hard to remove this bill. (cont. p. 13) V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R Page 13 Eastern Deanery (continued) “Urge House Health Quality Subcommittee to Pass 24-Hour Reflection Period Prior to Abortion. Representative Sullivan presented the bill to its first committee, the Health Quality Subcommittee, on Thursday, where it passed 9-4. B 664 (Altman), which requires that an advisory sentence of death be agreed on by all twelve jurors who determined a defendant's guilt. We had good speakers. One that stood out was CFO Jeff Atwater who spoke on faith. He states, “Faith is the basis for not only my personal convictions, but it is also the basis of our very system of government. Although George Washington’s religious beliefs have been debated over the years, he made clear in his 1796 Farewell that he, like many of our founders, felt religion and morality were necessary to the operation of the government.” He thanked each one not for just being there, but participating in the process. As by faith, we are called to be an integral part of this process. Today we are rocked by the brutal news of Christians being persecuted all over the world. The day we accept our government as the arbiter of what is acceptable and what is simply “accommodated” is a day we lose everything those before us fought to accomplish. Ladies, it would be nice if we could be of one body to fight injustice. The pinnacle was the RED MASS! It was so beautiful! It looked as if Heaven had opened its doors for us. The Knights, Bishops, and the entire procession was something to witness. We returned with Heaven leading our pathways. I am attaching a few pictures. (See Page 15) Let us form a Human Chain spiritually and hold high the flag of JESUS OUR SAVIOR. God Bless, Marlene Braganza C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Page 14 Eastern Deanery (continued) EASTERN DEANERY CCW CALL TO MEETING Spring Board Meeting, Saturday, April 18, 2015 PLACE: St. Ann’s Church, 26 Dogwood Trail 380 Hinsdale Dr., DeBary, FL 32713 AGENDA: Registration and Coffee 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Business Meeting 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Mass Lunch - 12:00 noon -1:00 pm Meeting. 1:00 pm - 2:30 p m There is a charge of $7.00 to attend this Meeting and Luncheon. Please advise if a special diet is required. We encourage all affiliation Officers, Commission Chairs and all interested members to attend. We are honored to have Winkie LeFils as our special guest speaker. DIRECTIONS: From Daytona and Beach Side take I-4 West to Exit 111B (Saxon Blvd) make right turn off exit, go to end of Saxon and make left turn on to 17-92 (Charles Richard Beall Blvd), 2nd light make right turn on to Dogwood Trail. St. Ann’s is on the right--behind Chevron Gas Station. If interested in attending contact Marlene at [email protected] before April 13. Save the Date! " “Filomena's" *Family * Tradition * Tragedy * Pizza! Filomena's... the family pizza business is never far away because they live above the store. Treat yourself to the Theater. You don't have to travel to New York, its right here in Ormond Beach at The Ormond Beach Performing Arts Center! Live Theater at it's best... come and experience it! Friday, May 29, 2015, 7:30PM Saturday, May 30, 2015, 7:30PM Sunday, May 31, 2015, 2:30PM To purchase group tickets for ten or more call Darlene Teracino at 386-944-5527 C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Eastern Deanery Page 15 Poetry Corner (continued) Photos from the Red Mass at the Capitol I Find Happiness I find happiness in each little thing – Sunlight gleaming on a blackbird’s wing, The spider patiently spinning its web, Flowers that keep a hummingbird fed, Colorful leaves that greet the Fall, The faithful friends who come or call, A warm shelter from the cold and rain, Patterns of frost on the windowpane, The unique mosaic of a butterfly’s wing, A portent of hope for another Spring, The antics of children and pets at play, Sunset at the close of a work-filled day, The taste of a fresh-baked loaf of bread, And a peaceful place to rest my head, The touch of a hand, a smile of love . . . Thankful blessings from our God above. Eva Marie Ippolito V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R B Y L AW B I T S Page 16 Calendar of Events April through August 2015 ARTICLE V: Section 4: ELECTIONS The Nominating Committee shall be appointed in January and consist of three members: the chairman to be appointed by the president and two members to be selected by the chairman. The committee shall prepare a slate of officers for which prior consent has been given by each nominee. The slate must be approved by the Pastor and shall be read at the April meeting, at which time the elections are held. Nominations from the floor may be received at this time with the Pastor’s approval and the consent of the candidates. If there is only one candidate for each office, election shall be by acclamation (a unanimous vote cast by the secretary). If an election by paper ballot is necessary, a majority vote will be required. April 9 Card Party, Social Hall , 11:00am April 10 Scholarship Application Deadline April 14 CCW General Meeting, Social Hall, 7:00pm April 17 Adoration, Chapel, 7:00 to 8:00pm April 18 Eastern Deanery Meeting, St. Ann’s, DeBary April 25-26 Trash and Treasure, Social Hall, 9:00am ODCCW Convention, Melbourne May 3 A big hug of appreciation goes out to all who submitted articles and reports to our newsletter this year. Special thanks go to Judy Speno for her terrific photography and to Judy and Helen Medved for sharing their proofreading skills. I could not have published without you all. Wishing you all a joy filled Easter season and a relaxing Summer. God bless. Linda Sullo, Editor/Publisher Installation Lunch Buffet, Halifax River Yacht Club, 1:30pm May 9-10 Baby Shower after masses May 15 Adoration, Chapel, 7:00 to 8:00pm June 19, July 17, and August 21 Adoration, Chapel, 7:00 to 8:00pm July 18-19 Leadership Symposium at Lake Yale C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 PRINCE OF PEACE COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING HELD ON MARCH 10, 2015 Attendees: 31 attendees. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Debbie Peterson. Opening Prayer: Sister Mar ie offer ed the Opening Pr ayer . Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America: was led by Pat Ostr owski. Introduction of the Head Table by Debbie Secretary’s Report: Marcia Rudman said that the February minutes were included in the March newsletter. No additions or corrections were noted. They were approved as sent. Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Malek said that “Thinking of You” cards were sent to Maureen Anderson, Debbie Peterson and Rosemary Preston. Deanery Report: Our “Queen For A Day” for 2014-2015 will be crowned at the April General Membership meeting. Marlene Braganza: Marlene needs an estimate of our March Volunteer Hours as soon as possible because the quarter ends on March 31. Marlene and Rosie Schumacher attended “Catholic Days at the Capitol” in Tallahassee March 3-5. There are several issues affecting Catholics at this time. Marlene would like to see more attendance from our affiliation and Deanery when Capitol Days is held next year. Commission Reports: Spirituality: Sister Marie gave a reading: “Jesus Made His Home In My Heart.” Service: Theresa Ho mentioned that old cell phones are still being collected for the Domestic Abuse Council. Leadership: Pat Ostrowski said that our annual Installation Dinner will be held Sunday, May 3 at the Halifax River Yacht Club. It will be a buffet. The charge will be $10.00 for members, $20.00 for non-members. Pat will collect the money. Treasurer’s Joan Nelson stated that our balance as of 02/28/15 was $12,825.70. The report Report: was filed for audit. Membership: Helen Medved gave the report for Linda Guidotti. She said that we have 104 paid members at this time. Legislative: Helen gave this report for Linda G. as well. Helen read an article which Linda G. wrote on Human Trafficking. Helen also spoke about some things she saw regarding Human Trafficking when she lived in Miami. President Obama has signed HR4980, the “Preventing Sex Trafficking & Strengthening Families Act.” Respect Life: The abortion clinic at the corner of Mason Avenue & Clyde Morris Boulevard has closed. Our prayers have been answered! At this time, as far as we know, the clinic has not re-opened somewhere else in Daytona Beach. The Annual Pregnancy Crisis Center Volunteer Recognition Luncheon & Fashion Show Will be held this Saturday, March 14 at 11:30 AM at the Palmetto Club, 1000 South Beach Street, Daytona Beach. Please contact Bunny Rock at the PCC if you are interested in attending as the registration deadline was March 6. A sign-up sheet for helpers for the Mother’s Day Shower to benefit the Pregnancy Crisis Center is available at April’s meeting. Page 17 C CW N EW S L ET T E R V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 Religious Articles Shop: Katie Masterson said that our ending balance for the shop as of 02/28/15 was $3,778.96. Trash & Treasure Sale: Louise-Marie Trudel is the chairperson for this project; she said that nine tables have been reserved so far. The deadline to reserve a table is March 31. We need donations for the CCW table. Paula Leary needs help with the Bake Sale. Angel Scholarship: Lucille DiLella was not present. Guest Speakers: Estelle Pecchio spoke to us about her employer, Sarah House. They have four Assisted Living properties in the area. Page 18 Scott Selis, Esq. and Kathy Kavala, R.N, from the law firm of Chiumento, Selis, Dwyer. P.L. in Palm Coast also spoke to us. They gave us information about Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing, in particular how to pay for those services while protecting your assets. They also spoke about Elder Law issues. Unfinished Business: Sandy Piasecki, Nominating Chair, announced that the officers for next year. they will be the same as this year. We collected a total of $896.37 the weekend of February 21-22 for “Hugs For The Homeless”. Debbie thanked everyone who assisted with this project. Debbie will collect cookies for “Focus 11” after the 9:00 AM mass on March 15. They will be delivered to Fr. Lopez March 16. New Business: mass. We will have the election for our officers for next year at the April 14 General Membership meeting. The installation for our officers will be May 3 at the 11:30 AM The Parish Mission will be March 22-27. Greeters and bakers are need for each evening of the mission. Announcements: The ODCCW Convention will be April 25-27 in Melbourne. Debbie and Marlene will be attending. Raffle tickets are available tonight ($1.00 each, six for $5.00; you need not be present to win). We need five items for the Silent Auction. Also, children’s shoes, sizes 2 and 3, will be collected at the Convention for our Sister Diocese in the Dominican Republic. Patti-Ann Welter has tickets available for the Family Renew Island Party which will be held at the Palmetto Club April 11. Tickets are $50.00 each. (This has been cancelled) “Share the Wealth”: $31.00; Katie Masterson won $15.00. March Birthdays: Estelle Pecchio; Rosie Schumacher Closing Prayer: Sister Marie Adjournment: 9:00 PM Marcia Rudman, O.F.S., Secretary V ol u me 2 4 , Is s u e 7 C CW N EW S L ET T E R KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PRINCE OF PEACE COUNCIL 8791 Kentucky Derby PARTY Saturday, May 2, 2015 Doors open 4:45 PM Dinner Served 5:30 PM Prince of Peace Catholic Church Social Hall 600 South Nova Road Ormond Beach, FL Bourbon-marinated Pork tenderloin Scalloped potatoes, vegetable, Salad, rolls and beverage Appetizers & Complimentary Beer & Wine Sumptuous southern dessert table $15.00 per Person Tickets on sale after all Masses, in the Parish Office, At the door or call 672-5272 Advance Group Reserved Seating Available (6-12 people) Dress: derby festive, dressy casual or casual – you decide Hats! HATS! HATS! – Stylish or zany – women & men Three video horse races – horses picked at random, then drawings By participants holding the w/p/s horses -- $10 for three races 50/50 DERBY DRAW Door Prizes PRIZE TO the MOST FASHIONABLE COUPLE And BEST HATs (Male & female) “The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home” Page 19
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