How to access the National Training Surveys and Reports

How to access the National Training Surveys and Reports
This is the direct link to the GMC homepage:
Click on the ‘Education and Training’ tab at the top of the page, then click on
‘Postgraduate Education and Training’ on the left hand side. Go to ‘Postgraduate
Education Publications’ in the ‘Quick Links’ section in the bottom right hand corner of the
page to access the GMC Quality Framework, The New Doctor and the Standards
The GMC undertakes national surveys of both trainees and trainers. To find out more
about the surveys, click on the direct link below:
To access previous years’ PMETB/GMC surveys reports, click on the direct link below:
If you are accessing reports on a regular basis, SAVE THIS LINK IN YOUR
FAVOURITES – it saves a lot of time
The following is a guide to navigating around the survey reports so that you can make full
use of the data available:
Step 1:
The Reports Homepage
This site can be accessed by anyone to view the reports from the listed datasets.
There is also important information regarding the interpretation of the reports.
To select a report type either:
• Click on the button at the bottom of the page, or
• Click on this heading in the left hand margin
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May 2010
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Step 2:
Reports and Outlier Summary
There is a drop down menu of all the reports available to view.
Click on the report you are interested in
Click on select button – this will take you Step 3
Outlier Summary
This will allow you to review summary reports for outliers across providers.
Click on the drop down menu to view available reports
Click on the report you are interested in
Click on select button
Follow the drop down menus to access the relevant provider and then specialty as
appropriate – this is self-explanatory within the reports.
The reports will display outliers as triangles in either :
Green Outliers are in the top quartile and outside the 95% confidence intervals of
the national mean.
• Red Outliers are in the bottom quartile and outside the 95% confidence intervals of
the national mean.
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May 2010
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Step 3
Select Group
Select the Group that you wish to view within the report
Click on select button
Step 4
Indicator Scores
This displays the full report with guidance for interpretation. These reports all have the same
The green and red triangles highlight outliers, as before.
Hint: Do not print the report direct from the screen – it misses sections out of the report when
moving across pages
To print the full report: Click on the Print to PDF button in the left hand margin
How to extract further data from this report:
Click on the individual components eg red dot, light green bar etc, to obtain actual
numerical values of data displayed
Click on the ‘name’ to the left of the chart to compare this field across providers:
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Step 5
Choose comparative set
Usually there will be only one option here, which allows you to compare the chosen field
across the deanery.
Select ‘Deanery’
Click on select button
Step 6
Comparison across selected group of providers
You will provided with graphical representation comparing your chosen provider with others
in the deanery for a given field.
Hint: These are really useful to show where your trust or specialty stands in relation to others
within the Deanery.
Your chosen provider is the yellow dot
Other providers are the green dot
Place the mouse on any dot to see which provider it relates to.
To find out further detail, click on the dot (green or yellow) to get a detailed report
Step 7
Detailed report
This will display a series of bar charts showing:
detail of how the field was rated
number of respondents for that field
Hint: Use the print option in the left hand margin to ‘print all charts for this indicator’. This
will provide a full report of both the comparative graph and the detailed report.
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