7UHDGPLOO&RQVROH2SWLRQV CONSOLE TOUCH ELEGANT CLASSIC Console & Programs ´7RXFK6FUHHQ+''LVSOD\ZLWK)LW7RXFK7HFKQRORJ\ 3URJUDPV&ODVVLF)LWQHVV7HVW7DUJHW+5 *RDO635,179LUWXDO$FWLYH&XVWRP3URJUDPV 6DYHG3URJUDPV ´)XOO&RORU/&' 3URJUDPV&ODVVLF)LWQHVV7HVW 7DUJHW+5*RDO635,179LUWXDO $FWLYH /DUJH/(''LVSOD\ 3URJUDPV&ODVVLF)LWQHVV7HVW 7DUJHW+5 Console Feedback 7RWDO7LPH7LPH5HPDLQLQJ7LPH(ODSVHG&ORFN+HDUW 5DWH0D[+50D[+57DUJHW+HDUW5DWH'LVWDQFH &DORULHV&DORULHV3HU+RXU:DWWV0(7V3DFH$YJ 3DFH6SHHG,QFOLQH 7LPH6SHHG,QFOLQH0LOHV.0&DORULHV :DWWV0(7V+HDUW5DWH0D[+5 &DORULHV+RXU 7LPH'LVWDQFH&DORULHV6SHHG,QFOLQH +HDUW5DWH Heart Rate &RQWDFW:LUHOHVV &RQWDFW:LUHOHVV &RQWDFW:LUHOHVV Extras 0DGHIRUL3RGL3KRQH86%SRUWIRUFKDUJLQJRI86% GHYLFHVWUDLQLQJFDOHQGDUZLUHOHVV+5VWUDSLQFOXGHG LQWHJUDWHGUHDGLQJUDFN3DVVSRUWUHDG\+HDGSKRQHMDFN DQG(QHUJ\6DYHUPRGH 86%SRUWIRUFKDUJLQJRI86%GHYLFHV ZLUHOHVV+5VWUDSLQFOXGHGLQWHJUDWHG UHDGLQJUDFN3DVVSRUWUHDG\DQG(QHUJ\ 6DYHUPRGH 86%SRUWIRUFKDUJLQJRI86%GHYLFHV LQWHJUDWHGUHDGLQJUDFN3DVVSRUW5HDG\ DQG(QHUJ\6DYHUPRGH The top-of-the line Touch console is loaded with features, including High Definition Virtual Active™ workouts through stunning destinations like the Northern Rockies and the American Northeast in high definition. The 15.6" touchscreen display offers 19 pre-programmed workouts, as well as iPod and iPhone connectivity, workout tracking through Nike Plus, and heart rate training with the included Polar® chest strap and wireless receiver. For added convenience, charge your USB devices right from the console while you workout. The Elegant treadmill console features an advanced full-color LCD screen and 15 programs, including the acclaimed Sprint 8® workout. Easily control speed and elevation using the one-touch quick keys, and wirelessly monitor your heart rate using the included chest strap. For added convenience, charge your USB devices right from the console while you workout. The Classic treadmill console was designed with one goal in mind - to get you started on your workouts right away. The extra-large display makes feedback easy to view. Choose from one of five preset workout programs or go at your own pace using the in-reach controls. Built-in contact grips and a wireless receiver are available for heart rate monitoring. For added convenience, charge your USB devices right from the console while you workout. Description Allcontents© 2012JohnsonHealthTech.Specificationssubjecttochange.Confidential.
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