www.birminghampropertyservices.co.uk FOR SALE – LEASEHOLD. FORMER OUTDOOR EDUCATIONAL CENTRE SUITABLE FOR A VARIETY OF ALTERNATIVE USES INCLUDING A POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. BY INFORMAL TENDER STANSFELD OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTRE, QUARRY ROAD, HEADINGTON, OXFORD OX3 8SB. Offers for Stage 1 to be sumitted on the attached tender form by Noon Thursday 14 May 2015 For full details and tender pack please visit www.birminghampropertyservices.co.uk or Contact Lucy Berry 0121 303-3777 [email protected] Stansfeld Outdoor Education Centre. Location: Planning: The site is approximately 6 miles from junction 8 of the M40, in the residential suburb of Headington on the east side of Oxford. The centre is accessed from Douglas Downes Close, off Quarry Road. Shotover Country Park is within close proximity to the site. Please see the Planning Appraisal document available on our web site; www.birminghampropertyservices.co.uk Description: All planning related enquiries need to be made to; [email protected] or telephone; 01865 252847. This former outdoor learning centre ceased trading in July 2014. The total site covers an area of approximately 7.28 ha. The vast majority of the site is mature woodland and is designated as a Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC), with little future development potential. It will be the council’s intention to ensure the retention and continued use of this area of land as woodland through the lease terms offered. The footprint of the existing buildings (fig: 3) and adjoining open space offers a development opportunity, (fig: 2) opposite the main residential block, (subject to planning consent). The sale will also include the former centre managers three bedroomed selfcontained house (fig: 1). Fig: 2 Tenure: The site is available by way of a new 250 year lease with full vacant possession. Local Authority: Oxford City Council Business Rates; RV; £20,000 Services: fig1 Asset of Community Value Prospective purchasers are advised to make their own enquiries of the relevant statutory providers as to the position/availability of mains services on, in, or adjacent to the site. In June 2014 the property was registered with Oxford City Council as an Asset of Community Value. Further details of this registration can be obtained at www.oxford.gov.uk Fig: 3 Stansfeld Outdoor Education Centre. Offers: Stage 1: This development opportunity is offered by way of a Two Stage Informal Tender. Interested parties need to make their Stage 1 offer by completing the form in the Invitation to Tender (ITT) document in the prescribed format. Developers are required to submit designs and principles, a financial bid, and a range of information to support previous track record and financial capabilities. Closing date Stage 1: Noon Thursday 14th May 2015 Price: Offers are sought for the leasehold interest in the site subject to contract. The purchaser will be required to pay a 10% refundable deposit of the purchase price on exchange and the balance is payable on completion. Costs: The purchaser will on exchange be liable to pay the Council’s legal fee of £5,000. Plus the Council’s surveyor fees amounting to 1% of the purchase price subject to a minimum of £10,000. All of the initial offers received will be fully evaluated and a number of parties will be invited to submit a Stage 2 bid. Condition of Sale: Stage 2: The acceptance of any offer will be subject to formal approval by the appropriate Council Authority. Following the evaluation of the Stage 1 bids, a shortlist of developers will be invited to submit a further offer. Birmingham City Council anticipates these offers might well form part of a Consortium/Joint Venture bid with a Third Party organisation in relation to the retention and continued use of the woodland area. Closing date Stage 2: To be advised. Viewings: Viewings can be made strictly by appointment, please contact; Lucy Berry Senior Valuer 0121 303 3777 [email protected] Robert King Business Centre Manager 0121 303 3928 [email protected] Misrepresentations Act 1967 1. These particulars do not constitute or form any part of an offer or contract. 2. All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of the Council or its officers. 3. None of the statements contained in these particulars is to be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. 4. Neither the Council nor any of its officers make or give representation of warranty whatsoever in relation to the premises described in these particulars. 1 Lane 104.5m DRAWING NO. 12152 Linacre Court 22 28 106.9m 2 104.5m TCB 46 50b Play Area Warehouses 11 to 21 20 Headington Quarry Foundation Stage School PCs Spring FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY 18 De f Holy Trinity Church Hall 40 El Sub Sta Longacres 3 50a 26 65 44 24 1 Shotover Mound 50 61 48 1.2 2 m RH 60 75 66 59 107.3m Warehouses CF Und 52 CH 53 EASTERN BY-PASS RO AD The Vicarage 104.6m 63 The Coach House Cycle Path (Church Hall) 64 51 D QUARRY ROA 38 56 ROMA N RO 1 AD (course of) 47 1.2 2m RH 49a 107.6m 52 104.2m CF 50 41 107.8m 36 35 26 45 33 Pump House TK of R 29 H 1 104.0m 1 1.22 m Hawthorns O UG 14 23 Amarna House L C AS LO D SE OW NE S 3 4 16 2 107.5m D 103.9m Long Cot Stansfeld Country Study Centre 10 21 29 8 9 5 ST AN S 3 CL OS E Priory Cottage DCLOSE 107.1m 2 1 1 FF 141a ST. EBBA 'S 2 1 14 139a 139b L FI E CF 5 5 SHOTOV 7 145 El Sub Sta ER KILNS 12 143 6 Un d D QUARRY ROA 2 3 Shotover Trading Estate 104.5m 103.0m 166 Un d 158 174 AREA EDGED RED 109.1m 7.28 El Sub Sta HECTARES APPROX. 17.99 ACRES APPROX. Peter Jones BSc, MRICS Director of Property Birmingham Property Services PO Box 16255 Birmingham, B2 2WT Stansfeld Study Centre Quarry Road Headington, Oxford SCALE 1:2,500 DRAWN DATE DK 16th July 2013 O.S.Ref. SP5506NW Produced by the Survey & Mapping Team, BPS, Economy Directorate, 10 Woodcock Street, Birmingham, B7 4BL Tel 303 3867. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. Ordnance Survey 100021326. You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of this data to third parties in any form. 4 INVITATION TO TENDER STAGE 1 Stansfeld Outdoor Education Centre Quarry Road, Headington Oxford OX3 8SB CONTENTS PART I-A UNCONDITONAL TENDER STATEMENT PART I-B CONDITIONAL TENDER STATEMENT PART II TENDER CONDITIONS PART III INSTRUCTIONS FOR TENDERING Invitation To Tender Document 1 PART I-A STAGE 1 UNCONDITIONAL TENDER STATEMENT Name of Tenderer: Company No: (if limited company) Address for Correspondence: Company’s Registered Address: (if different from above) Tenderer Principle point of contact (if different from Tenderer) Details: Telephone number: Facsimile number: E-mail address: Tenderer's Signature: (see Section III, pt. 13) Date: Nature of Payment When payment due Sum OFFER: A refundable deposit of 10% of the agreed offer is payable upon exchange of contracts. The balance is payable upon completion. Figures Legal Costs Payment liability becomes due £5,000 on exchange of contracts. Figures £ Words £ Words Surveyors Payment liability becomes due Fees (1% of on exchange of contracts. offer figure subject to minimum of £10,000): Invitation To Tender Document Figures Words 2 £ PART I-B STAGE 2 CONDITIONAL TENDER STATEMENT Name of Tenderer: Company No: (if limited company) Address for Correspondence: Company’s Registered Address: (if different from above) Tenderer Principle point of contact (if different from Tenderer) Details: Telephone number: Facsimile number: E-mail address: Tenderer's Signature: (see Section III, pt. 13) Date: Nature of Payment When payment due Sum OFFER: A refundable deposit of 10% of the agreed offer is payable upon exchange of contracts. The balance is payable upon completion. Figures Legal Costs Payment due on completion. £ Words Figures £ £5,000 Words Surveyors Payment due on completion. Fees: (1% of offer figure subject to a minimum of £10,000): Invitation To Tender Document Figures Words 3 £ PART II TENDER CONDITIONS 1. The Tenderer must submit their offer as a bona fide Tender that is not a fixed or adjusted amount in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. 2. The Tenderer shall not communicate to a person other than the Birmingham City Council or their Agent, the amount or approximate amount of the proposed Tender, except where necessary to obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the Tenders. 3. Tenderer to provide financial and company information when requested. 4. Tenderer to provide bank references when requested. 5. Tenderer to provide Solicitor’s details when requested. 6. Tenderer to provide details of Surety for the development including Registered Office and Company No. Invitation To Tender Document 4 PART III INSTRUCTIONS FOR TENDERING 1. Birmingham City Council (“The Vendor”) invites Tender offers to be made both conditionally (where planning consent is being obtained prior to completion of the purchase) and unconditionally (where completion will not be dependent on planning consent) for the freehold interest in Stansfeld Outdoor Education Centre, Quarry Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 8SB. 1.1 The Vendor would like each Tenderer to submit offers made on both a conditional and unconditional basis with the appropriate adjustment of the offer figure to take account of this. 1.2 If however any Tenderer wants, or is only able to submit one offer, either on a conditional or unconditional basis, they are open and welcome to do so. Only the appropriate offer form then needs to be fully completed and the other form should be marked ‘no offer to be submitted on this basis’ and returned in the same envelope with the completed offer form. 2. Tenderers are advised to ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations to be accepted by them if their Tender is accepted. 3. Tenderers shall obtain for themselves at their own expense all information necessary for the preparation of their Tenders. 4. If a Tenderer is in doubt as to the interpretation of any part of this Tender document the Vendor or its Agent will endeavour to answer written enquiries prior to Tenders being submitted. 5. Tenderers should not rely on any information received other than that supplied by the Vendor or its Agent in this Tender Document or other information in written form from the Authorised Officer or his nominated representatives. The Vendor will not accept responsibility for any information supplied. 6. The Tender Document is and shall remain the property of the Vendor. 7. Every Tender Statement received by the Vendor shall be deemed to have been made subject to the Tender Document unless the Vendor shall previously have expressly agreed in writing to the contrary. The Vendor retains the right to invite or permit variations or alterations to the terms of the sale. 8. The Tender Statements shall be fully completed and signed by the Tenderer in accordance with Clause 13 and submitted in the manner and by the date and time stated in Clause 14. Invitation To Tender Document 5 9. All information supplied by the Vendor or its agent in connection with this invitation to tender will be regarded as confidential by the Tenderer (except that such information as is necessary may be disclosed for the purposes of obtaining quotations necessary for the preparation of the Tenders). 10. No employee or agent of the Vendor has the authority to vary or waive any part of the Tender Document, other than the Authorised Officer or his nominated officer who shall only do so in writing. 11. Any Tenderer who directly or indirectly canvasses any member, agent or officer of the Vendor concerning the award of the Contract will be disqualified. 12. The insertion of any conditions qualifying the Tender or any unauthorised alteration to any of the Tender Documents shall not automatically affect the sale and may cause the Tender to be rejected. 13. All documents requiring a signature shall be signed:- 14. a. where the Tenderer is an individual, by that individual. b. where the Tenderer is a partnership, by two duly authorised partners. c. where the Tenderer is a company by two directors or by a director and the secretary of the Company, such persons being duly authorised for that purpose. The tendering timetable is as follows:TENDERING TIMETABLE 12:00 Noon Thursday 14th May 2015 Tender Statements must be delivered to Peter Jones, Director of Property, Birmingham Property Services, Corporate Resources Directorate, PO Box 16255, 10 Woodcock Street, Birmingham. B2 2WT. 15. If submitting a conditional offer, the Tenderer shall submit adequate drawings where relevant of the proposed development scheme (preferably to scale) showing the full site layout, plans and elevations. 16. All tender documents must be returned using the tender address label provided. 17. The Tender Statements once submitted and accepted by the Vendor cannot be renegotiated. The amount offered will be assumed to have been submitted with the potential purchaser having full knowledge of the land, its condition, statutory requirements and planning status. It is recommended that independent professional advice be sought before offers are submitted. 18. The Tenderer must accept that if they fail to exchange contracts within six weeks of the date on which the Vendor accepts the offer, then the acceptance shall be treated as withdrawn unless otherwise agreed by the Vendor in writing. 19. All offers and subsequent negotiations are subject to contract. The acceptance of any offer will be subject to the approval of the appropriate Council authority. Invitation To Tender Document 6 19.1. If the Vendor accepts a conditional offer the successful purchaser will be required to exchange contracts within six weeks of the offer being accepted and to submit an appropriate and valid planning application within a further 28 days. The purchaser will immediately inform the Vendor of any issues raised by the Council as Planning Authority. Completion of the sale will take place within 28 days of Planning Consent becoming unchallengeable, subject to a longstop period of nine months from exchange. 19.2. If the Vendor accepts an unconditional offer the successful purchaser will be required to exchange contracts within six weeks of the offer being accepted and to complete the purchase 28 days later. 20. The Vendor may in exceptional circumstances at its own absolute discretion extend the closing date and time specified for the receipt of Tenders. 21. The Vendor is not bound to accept the highest Tender or any Tender received and all Tenders and negotiations are subject to contract. 22. The Tenders will be evaluated on the financial offer submitted to ensure an acceptable and deliverable transaction. Invitation To Tender Document 7 Appropriate Postage Stamp To be STAGE 1 Affixed OFFER FOR: Stansfeld Outdoor Education Centre, Quarry Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 8SB REF: BPS/PDS/LB/S5543 BIRMINGHAM PROPERTY SERVICES P. O. BOX 16255 WOODCOCK STREET BIRMINGHAM B2 2WT To be delivered NOT LATER THAN NOON THURSDAY 14 MAY 2015
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