Faculty Appointment - Office of the Provost

Office of Faculty Affairs – 5/29/15
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost
Office of Faculty Affairs
May 29, 2015
UGA Administrators
Sarah Covert, Interim Director of Faculty Affairs
Faculty Appointment Policies, Procedures and Checklists
To assist in the hiring and processing of faculty appointments and other faculty actions, the Office of Faculty Affairs
(OFA) is providing information to clarify requirements and to ensure continued consistency with University of Georgia
(UGA) and Board of Regents’ (BOR) policies and procedures. To ensure you use the most current forms and
processes, we ask that you only use the online forms and documents and do not save/download locally. A list of OFA
designated contacts for Vice Presidents and Deans and for their respective units is available on p. 5.
Faculty Search & Hire Process Checklist: This checklist includes all steps for recruitment and hire of faculty
including initial budgetary approval and search requirements. The UGA Faculty Search & Hire Process Checklist can
be found on the OFA website at http://provost.uga.edu/documents/faculty_hire_process_checklist.pdf
Faculty Appointment Packages and Other OFA Checklists (see p. 6): A copy of OFA checklists are attached for
new, adjunct, internal administrative and emeriti faculty appointments, faculty professional leaves of absence,
establishment of endowed chairs/professorships and appointment to endowed chairs/professorships. Note that these
checklists only include documents required by OFA and do not include possible requirements for other UGA offices
such as Human Resources, Academic Fiscal Affairs, Graduate School, etc. If an appointment package is for a current
or prior UGA faculty member, please check with OFA to see if any required documents are already on file.
Complete Appointment Package and FIRST Electronic Record: Per UGA Policy, the complete appointment
package should be received in OFA at least 30 days prior to the employment effective date. If the candidate is a new
UGA faculty member, the FIRST electronic record must be submitted to OFA when the appointment package is
submitted. The designated contact for each senior administrative unit (see list p. 5) must review each appointment
package to ensure only complete appointment packages are submitted to OFA. To assist in this effort, upon our initial
review, we will notify your designated unit contact of any missing items and/or return the package to be submitted
when complete. Below are additional information and instructions for items required in the appointment package:
Recommendation for Faculty Appointment Form: All faculty appointments must include the one-page
Recommendation for Faculty Appointment Form. For new faculty appointments, the Recommendation for
Faculty Appointment Form can be generated via FIRST (print option available under Task Menu at all Dept
and College/School/VP user access levels). For all other faculty appointments, use the UGA
Recommendation for Faculty Appointment Form available on OFA website. Signature authority for faculty
appointments is only issued to administrators in the unit who hold appropriate faculty rank/status. Please
remember that the appointment form must include all required original signatures prior to forwarding to OFA
for Provost/President review and approval. Below are additional requirements for routing and approval of
Public Service and Research Scientist faculty appointments:
Public Service Faculty Appointments: All public service faculty appointments, regardless of home unit,
must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Public Service & Outreach (OVPPSO) for
approval/signature prior to submission to OFA. Note that OVPPSO may have additional
documentation requirements for hire of public service faculty. See OVPPSO Appointment and
Promotion Guidelines or contact OVPPSO for more information.
Office of Faculty Affairs – 5/29/15
Research Scientist Faculty Appointments: All research scientist faculty appointments, regardless of
home unit, must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) for
approval/signature prior to submission to OFA. Note that OVPR may have additional documentation
requirements for hire of research scientists. See Guidelines for the Appointment and Promotion of
Research Scientists or contact OVPR for more information.
Cover letter from Dean/VP to SVPAA & Provost: The cover letter should document the candidate’s
qualifications for appointment as clearly as possible. As applicable, the cover letter should include the
candidate’s background, achievements, assessment of stature, search procedures, and faculty vote. If the
Provost approved credit toward the tenure probationary period, or tenure on appointment during her review of
the candidate’s offer letter, then this should be noted in the cover letter, AND a copy of the Provost’s email
message in which she communicated her approval of these terms should be appended to the cover letter.
Although a cover letter outlining the terms of appointment from the Dean/VP is preferred, the Dean may also
sign the Department Head’s cover letter, if the required items are appropriately covered.
The cover letter should clearly note any request for exception, along with justification, to BOR and/or UGA
policy (e.g. candidate does not hold highest degree earned per policy for the respective faculty rank, late
submission of faculty appointment, and/or request for consideration of documents on file from prior
Endowed Chairs/Professorships: If the faculty appointment includes special appointment to an
endowed chair/professorship, see checklist on bottom of p. 6 for additional cover letter requirements
for submission to the Board of Regents’ agenda for final approval.
In cases where probationary credit toward tenure or tenure on appointment is requested AND was not
previously approved by the Provost during the offer letter review (see below), include the following in the cover
Request for credit towards the tenure probationary period: Clearly state the number of years
requested (maximum of 3), corresponding position and years of service, and institution where the
candidate served in a tenure track position (cannot be less than the number of years requested). Any
request for exception to the UGA/BOR policies on probationary credit toward tenure should clearly
state that an exception is being requested and must include strong justification for awarding
probationary credit. At the latest, credit toward the tenure probationary period must be requested at
the time of appointment and requires Provost/President approval.
Request for Tenure on Appointment: Clearly state that the candidate was previously awarded tenure,
the corresponding institution, and the departmental vote for tenure on appointment. These candidates
must be appointed as Associate Professors or Professors and must bring a demonstrably national
reputation to UGA. Any request for exception to these UGA/BOR policies for tenure on appointment
should clearly state that an exception is being requested and must include strong justification for
awarding tenure. All requests for tenure upon appointment require Provost/President approval, and
they may require Chancellor approval.
Letter of Offer: The letter of offer should follow the UGA Faculty Letter of Offer Template available online at
http://www.uga.edu/provost/facofferltr.htm and must include the candidate’s acceptance. All offer letters for
tenure-track and tenure-on-appointment faculty should have been reviewed by the Associate Vice President
for Faculty Affairs and approved by the Provost before they were offered to the candidate. Note: The letter of
offer must include the section on limited-term pending award of terminal degree if the terminal degree is
required for the position but has not yet been awarded at time of appointment processing or by the
employment effective date. Additional information may be added as applicable to the appointment and
sections may be omitted if not applicable.
Equal Opportunity Office Letter --or-- Affirmative Action Checklist & USG Applicant Clearinghouse
Form: If no search was conducted, please contact the Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) to request approval for
an appointment without a search. Please include a copy of the EOO approval letter in the appointment
package as applicable. If a search was conducted, the Affirmative Action Checklist (AAC) and University
System of Georgia (USG) Applicant Clearinghouse form are required.
Office of Faculty Affairs – 5/29/15
Internal Administrative Appointments: The EOO approval letter or AAC and USG form are required for
all administrative appointments of current UGA faculty with the exception of internal appointment of an
academic department head. If a department head of an academic unit is appointed from the pool of
tenured faculty within the unit, approval of EOO or documentation of a search is not required.
Part-Time Appointments: The EOO approval letter or AAC and USG form are required only for new
appointments or for faculty who have not been appointed in the same position/unit within the past
three years. EOO has given blanket approval for all other part-time appointments that meet the
following criteria: a) no title change; b) no unit/department change; c) percent time employed does not
exceed 75%; and d) break in service of no more than three years. (EOO Memo, p. 7)
Official Transcript: The final official transcript from the degree granting institution is required for the highest
degree earned and must include degree name, major and award date. Below are additional requirements if
the highest degree has not yet been awarded, if it is available in electronic form via download, or if the highest
degree awarded is from a foreign institution:
Transcript for High Degree Not Yet Available: If the official transcript listing the degree, discipline, and
award date is not available at the time of appointment (e.g., candidate recently received degree or
completed degree requirements but degree has not yet been awarded or transcript for completion not
yet available), the following documents are required:
An original letter or degree certification form from the candidate’s major professor, department
head or registrar certifying that all degree requirements have been met and the date the degree
was or will be awarded. This letter of certification should be on the institution’s letterhead and
include the specific degree (e.g., PhD, MA, MS) and major area of concentration.
Official transcript for the prior highest degree earned.
Electronic Transcript for High Degree: If the official transcript is an electronic copy, OFA must be
given access to download and print the document directly from the awarding institution’s website to
verify authenticity. Candidate should request electronic transcript be sent to [email protected].
The hiring department should email the name of candidate and hiring department to the Director of
Faculty Affairs at [email protected] to receive confirmation that electronic transcript has been
Transcript for High Degree from Foreign Institution: For candidates earning their highest degree from
a foreign institution, the transcript must be accompanied by the following documents:
1. Notarized translation if transcript is not in English.
2. Certification of U.S. Degree Equivalency, preferably from a recognized credentialing agency (see
http://www.uga.edu/provost/fef11605.pdf). U.S. degree equivalency will also be accepted from a
UGA faculty member, preferably an academic dean or department head, who is an expert in the
candidate’s academic discipline using the below letter template:
I certify that the degree documentation submitted to the UGA Office of Faculty Affairs for
faculty candidate’s name from foreign institution name, city, country awarding the degree
/level in discipline/major on date granted is reliable and that the institution has standards
similar to those of an accredited institution of higher education in the U.S. I have reviewed this
degree documentation and certify that the degree is equivalent to a degree /level in
discipline/major in the U.S.
UGA Faculty Member/Discipline Expert Name, List of Academic Credentials
List other credentials/positions held appropriate for this expert review
Office of Faculty Affairs – 5/29/15
External Letters of Recommendation: Obtain at least three letters of recommendation from external
authorities who can provide a critical, detailed evaluation of the candidate’s work as related to the faculty
appointment. Internal letters of recommendation will be allowed for appointment of part-time and limited-term
instructors when their primary teaching experience has been at the University of Georgia. Any request for
exception to the requirement for external letters of recommendation must be noted in the Dean/VP cover letter,
along with justification for the exception request, and requires Provost’s approval. These letters should be
signed. If submitted electronically, please include a copy of the email transmittal for signature verification.
Personnel Report or Other Official Budget Documentation: BOR policy requires budget documentation for
all faculty appointments. The information submitted in FIRST must be consistent with information entered on
all personnel and budget documents to ensure the integrity of faculty data transmitted through UGA and USG
databases and submitted to the BOR Human Resources Data Mart. For adjunct appointments where a faculty
member already holds a regular appointment, include a comment in remarks that “this faculty member holds a
regular appointment in dept name/dept number.”
Pamela Whitten, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Russell Mumper, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Faculty Affairs Specialist
Office of Faculty Affairs
Faculty Affairs Specialist
Office of Faculty Affairs
Assistant Director
Office of Faculty Affairs
[email protected], 706-542-1726
[email protected], 706-542-3677
[email protected], 706-542-0546
Agricultural &
Director Administrative
[email protected], 2-2373
Bill Cheesborough
Patti Orr
Family &
Journalism &
Information Analyst
[email protected], 2-0060
Ginny Benedict
Admin Financial Director
[email protected], 2-4880
Terri Baker
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-2006
Debbie Love
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-5226
Jan Hudson
Public &
VP for Public
Service &
HR Manager
[email protected], 2-2716
Nancy Thompson
Arts & Sciences
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-2840
Admin Financial Director
[email protected], 2-8886
Gwen Moss
Graduate School
Admin Financial Director
[email protected],
Tonia Austin-Brown
Brenda Mattox
Christy Glazer
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-2696
Patsy Adams
Environment &
Forestry & Natural
Administrative Manager
[email protected], 2-8839
Michael Sims
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-8113
Anuj Sinha
Admin Financial Director
[email protected], 2-4745
Jessica Hart
Business Manager
[email protected], 2-2147
Diane Baird
Public Health
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-3461
Admin Financial Director
[email protected], 2-7854
Karen Coker
Assistant to the Dean
[email protected], 2-2931
Tanya Eidson
Provost’s Office:
Honors Program
Provost’s Office:
Georgia Museum
of Art
Business Manager
[email protected],
Amanda Pruitt
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-0532
Lisa Conley
Business Manager
[email protected], 3-8231
Provost’s Office:
Institute of Higher
[email protected], 2-0570
Provost’s Office:
Ofc of International
Intl Financial Analyst
[email protected], 2-1770
Susan Sheffield
Gina Kurtz
Mary Whitehead
VP for Instruction
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 3-0690
VP for Research
Director Rsch Fiscal Affairs
[email protected], 2-5930
Administrative Manager
[email protected], 2-0939
Jeanell Muckle
Social Work
Leigh M. Knapp
GRU/UGA Medical
Kevin Burt
Administrative Manager
[email protected], 2-7490
VP for Student
President’s Office:
VP Finance & Admin
VP Govt Relations
VP Public Affairs
VP Development &
Alumni Relations
Amanda Patterson
Assistant Vice President
[email protected], 2-3564
Janet Lance
Administrative Specialist
[email protected], 2-0017
Office of Faculty Affairs - 2/2/15
Office of Faculty Affairs Checklists
University of Georgia Approval Items
NOTE: If appt pkg is for current or prior UGA faculty member, contact OFA to verify if any required documents are already on file.
Faculty Appointment:
Recommendation for Faculty Appointment Form (1-pg form with appropriate signatures-OFA obtains Provost’s approval)
Cover Letter from Dean/VP to Provost (include faculty vote and request for exceptions to policy as applicable)
Faculty Offer Letter with Candidate’s Acceptance (utilize faculty offer letter template)
Affirmative Action Checklist (if search) or EOO approval for hire letter (if no search; pt reappts-see memo p. 7)
Applicant Clearinghouse Position Vacancy Announcement (if search)
Official Transcript for Highest Degree Awarded
Foreign Degrees: Notarized Translation/US Equivalency Certification
Current Vita
Three External Letters of Recommendation (signed letters or copy of email transmittal if electronic submission)
Electronic Personnel Report/Budget Documentation (draft copy acceptable)
FIRST Electronic Record (new faculty only)
Adjunct Faculty Appointment: (contact OFA to verify documents already on file if prior or current faculty member)
Recommendation for Faculty Appointment Form (1-pg form with appropriate signatures-OFA obtains Provost’s approval)
Cover Letter from Dean/VP to Provost (include faculty vote and request for exceptions to policy as applicable)
Official transcript for Highest Degree Awarded (not required if currently or previously tenured at UGA)
Foreign Degrees: Translation/US Equivalency Certification
Current Vita
Three External Letters of Recommendation (signed letters or copy of email transmittal if electronic submission)
Electronic Personnel Report for Adjunct Faculty Appointment (if addl title, add home department name & no. in remarks)
FIRST Electronic Record (new faculty only)
Internal Administrative Appointment: (for admin appt of current UGA faculty member within current unit)
Provost’s Approval (required for all internal administrative appts at level of department head/director or higher)
Faculty Offer Letter or other pertinent documents (e.g., Salary Supp. Agrmnt., etc.) outlining change in work assignment
Affirmative Action Checklist (if search) or EOO approval for hire letter (if no search; academic dept heads-see memo p. 2)
Applicant Clearinghouse Position Vacancy Announcement (if search)
Electronic Personnel Report/Budget Documentation
Emeritus Faculty Appointment:
Recommendation for Award of Emeritus Status Form (with appropriate signatures-OFA obtains President’s approval)
Cover Letter from Dean/VP to Provost
Cover Letter from Dept Head (as applicable)
Current Vita
Faculty Professional Leave of Absence: (beyond 1 yr requires BOR Chancellor’s approval)
Faculty Leave of Absence Request Forms A, B & C (with appropriate signatures-OFA obtains Provost’s approval)
Faculty Member’s Written Request
Faculty Member’s Current Vita
Supporting Documentation (as applicable such as inter-institutional contract, agreement ltr from agency/institution, award notification ltr)
Board of Regents’ Approval Items
Establishment/Upgrade of Endowed Chair/Professorship: (BOR approval req'd prior to faculty appt)
___ Review How-To Document (from UGA External Affairs Website)
___ Dean/VP Letter of Request to Provost (following above procedures, Item 3-Letter Template)
___ Copy of Fully Executed Fund Agreement
___ Current Copy of Fund Account Statement
Faculty Appointment to Endowed Chair/Professorship:
___ Complete Appointment Package (only if new faculty member)
___ Cover Letter from Dean/VP to Provost (incl. search procedures, candidate’s credentials, appt. date, and
faculty vote as applicable per approved Fund Trust Agreement)
___ Current Copy of UGA Fund Account Statement
___ Current Vita
___ Electronic Personnel Report (placing faculty member in the endowed position)
Dr. Jayne Smith
Director, Office of Faculty Affairs
E. .Tanyce Dawkins
Associate Director, Equal Opportunity Office
March 1, 2011
EOO Approval for Part-time Faculty Reappointments
As discussed, part time faculty positions will be included in the budget development process
begiIming sometime in March or April 2011. In an effort to further improve the proccss of part­
time faculty reappointments, the Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) will consolidate approval of
part time faculty reappointments by issue of this correspondence within the following
No titlc change in the reappointment;
No unit/depmtment change in the reappointment;
Reappointee's percentage of time does not exceed 75%;
Breaks in part-time reappointments are within tlU'ee (3) years of the previous
This "blanket" approval is effective on all part-time faculty reappointments after March
It is important to note that first time-part time appointments or part time appointments with
greater than 3 years between appointments will still require an EOO letter. Similarly EOO
letters will be required for all temporary faculty appointments and reappointments for each
appointment period with that period not to exceed one (1) year.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding these procedures.
cc: .T. Stephen Shi
Libby Morris
3 Peabody Hall. Athens, Georgia 30602-1622 • Telephone (706) 542-7912 • Fax (706) 542-2822
An Equal Opportunity/ Affinnativc Action Institution