E<g6rc{.'of F*l ffi+sroq Ede-rl$ o].fr-Mr{ wf, Rarwgr (u.1.) qsqrq : (onsz) el;sel,4, 21rrzs fiw +zts29, zrgozs rifu-d www. pssou.ac. in, E-mail /sw. / - [email protected] ffi fr-dm5, 15, / 7uftql'n/ oa,toa,/zots / g<cdld cnf (Tm) ffiqra-q EdE r-d, fr-qrqgs d ft-dT qRrq of ro fr t-eo ffi n/os/zors d Tt_fi q-€TFr E;qio'01 i .iR-c ormqq of 40 dt +66 ffi-6 26/os/201s d rwrq 6qi-fi 06 n er3+fud siqr+cr oqto ez Master of Soctal Work (M.S.W.| of gq ffigrc-q d ftrt agra 3t-JciRd crsil fosft-qmq qqrq € <rr.1 fuu qror t t odcRvq d arivn1-wx -rl€--- (frro gnt{ qrrgq) q-drnfrs y tr t 1. 2:. 4. qdrffi d rgv rrfuq, ql-qrrfi, qt-qgs eh-q. ffi+qraq ergcn er*.r, {6rg{ qr€'qw qrf. T{ ffi qfuq. E.rI. qr*FL €-T RIetT fuTFr, T6n-fr +r+q, {Trf,q, TqT {FFf{ sngm, sa Rnn riqrd-{ffiq, {qs-fr rr{q, Tqr {-qgs qfttuD +o(r/cw./1s, - qrrfiq s'qqra fd-amgi. ffi s67s672s15 q'o I 110002 | I s qavft d fto vfu+7e-crsEs d F-o sarqo d qf,{rQf o. cfreil ft-4To o1 q++rei vo 3Tfq{qtb 6rffi fu z. fuc arffi oi q+qpi G 3ilsc{fi offi fu 8. , {rrrtr fuqFrnqeT o1 en-t WaqTei si 3ilsrro q-rffi fu ,Ba' q'ry.t:r trJtqi d EH dr{pT d rnrr }fud fu q-qterT o) ffisroq I r r r 10. ae-€rqc w elqals 6it Tsfr *El Deepak / Pssory' order / 50- d' ?fr.t''&).' 'EJffitzTl"tr PANDIT SUNDARtAt SHARMA (OPEN} UNIVERSITY CHHATTISGARH Ordinance No. 32 Master of Social Work (M.S.W) (Under Section 27 1. (11 of Chhattisgarh Act No. 26l2004f Course Title: Master of Social Work (M.S.W) 2. Eligibility A candidate who has passed degree Examination of any faculty or any other examination equivalent to graduation degree, recognised by Pt. Sunderlal Sharma University, shall be eligible for admission. 3. 1. Eligibility Certificate: A student coming from any other place out of Chhattisgarh will have to obtain eligibility certificate from the university. 2. A student coming as decided by 4. from any other place out of Chhattisgarh will have to pay lmmigration Fee the Executive Council ofthe University, from time to time. Duration of the course/Programme: Duration of Course/Programme shall be of two years /four semesters consisting of courses of at least 40 credits in one year or 20 credits in one semester. 5. Structure ofthe Course/Programme: A flexible choice based course will be proposed by the Board of study of the related subject and students have to select courses of 20 credits for one semester or 40 credits for one vear (Total 80 credits for the programme). 5. Delivery of the course protramme: It will comprise of support study material, assignment and Library Consultation. 7. Scheme of examination: Examination will be in three parts 1, 2, Term- End Examination (TEE) 3. Field Assignment Test Work/ Project Report PSSOU/Ordinance No.32/ PaEe L of 4 1. Assignment Test (i) Every student will have to appear in the Assignment rest for each subject/ paper offered by him. (ii) Assignment rest centre, as far as convenient will be kept in the study centre or any other institution in its vicinity, where in student got himself enrolled. (iii) Name, date and time of Assignment Test will be announced/ Notified well in advance, by the University. iv) student will come with books/ study material related to the subject /paper, given to him in advance. v) Assignment rest answer book will be given to student in Assignment rest centre (ATC) only. vi) STUDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO WRITE ANSWER AT ASSIGNMENT TEST CENTRE ONLY. vii) After end of Assignment Test, Answer books will be collected by invigilators/ officers/ employees appointed by the university and kept in a bundle or envelope duly sealed, and send to collection centre or University without any delay. v||rl There will not be Assignment Test on project Report etc. 2. Term End Examination (TEE) TERM.END EXAMINATIONS FOR ALL PAPERS WILL BE BASED ON FULLY OBJECNVE WPE QUESTIONS WITH MUTTIPLE CHOICE OF ANSWERS. THERE WItt BE PROVISION OF NEGATIVE MARKING ON WRONG ANSWERS AT THE RATE OF 25% OF THE MARKS ASSIGNED TO THE ANSWER. PROVIDED THAT THE COURSES WILL BE APPROVED BY THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF CONCERN EOARD OF STUDIES. 3. Field Work/Project Report Every student has to submit a Field work /projecr. Report in 1st year / second semester as well as in the second year or in 4th semester. The detailed guid line/contents/design of the Field Work/Project Report will be decided by the Board of Studies. ,8. (a) Scheme of Valuation of Scripts: There will be two type of answer books; Assignment Test Answer books and Term-End Examination Answer books. Answer books will be valued by computer or manually. There wilf be provision of negative marking on wrong answers at the rate of 25% of the marrs PSSOU/Ordinance No.32/ Page 2 ot 4 assigned to the answer. Provided that the courses will be approved by the Academic Council on the recommendation of concern Board of Studies. (bl Valuation of Field Work /prolect Report Proiect Report will be sent to examiner/examiners for valuation and Viva-Voice may be conducted. 09. Medium of Instruction/Examination It will be in Hindi or : English. However, students may opt Hindi or English in their examination. 10. a' b' Provision of '?llowed to keep term,, or ATKT lf result of a student in previous year is : of ATKT student may take admission in final year. Student may be allowed to appear in Term-End-Examination of final year, Simultaneously Student will appear in the examination ofATKT papers of previous year. c. A student if allowed be allowed to to appear in the examination of ATKT papers of final year. student will pass ATKT examinations within Maximum duration as provided in the Ordinance i.e. four years. d. A student who has not completed programme/course within maximum time limit (four years) may apply for Re-Registration. The credits earned/ obtained during previous registration will be carried forward. 11. Determination of Grade and grade points, as per ordinance No,3 para 6(a). On the basis of marks/credit obtained in Previous and Final year grade and grade points will be determined as per provision of Ordinance 3. Description O (Outstanding) A+ (Excellent) A (Very Good) B+ (Good) B (Above average) C (Average) Grade Point 10 9 P (Pass) 4 45-<50 40-<45 F (Fail) 0 <40 Absent PSSOU/Ordinance No.32/ page3 of 4 8 7 6 5 Range of Marks 90 & above 75-<90 62- < 75 55- < 62 50- < 55 12. Provision of Grace Marks: Maximum 05 (five) marks may be given to a student as Grace Marks provided in the Ordinance No.3 13. There is provision of Re-assessment of valued answer book / Re-totalling of marks as provided in the Ordinance. ---00------ sqf (Usf,) ffiqraq Edrrrq, ftdmg( d ft-{r qRq-q o1 16 fr d-do m e/05/201s d T{o e-Rnq 6qio 01 d ergvifuo oen frsqfuqrcq ordqRq-{ of +o dt d-o-o fu6 26/os/2o1s d rwrq cqio 06 (qR'a g<-cow fr eqdRal PSSOU/Ordinance No.32/ page 4 of 4
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