.iBa g<rqre uni M+qrcq E-ffig,c tg*l qrf, Egu atfi-fffdmr frarwW F.q) , (ozzsz) v;3644, z1:rz3 6qq 424329, www.pssou.ac. in, E-mail - 213023 registra [email protected]. in /szn /15, fr-dmgq, m 06//06/201s / Tatuaatr/ / {R-o g<rera qnf (Tm) frqqfuqrd-q Edq,rq, d otffiqq qro rwrq oqio o+ d Ran.Hgi o1 +o dl d-d-o frci-r 26/os/201s d 3tg*trd Stqfi{f 6.qi6'33 Master of Business Adminisrration (M.B.A.) 6} w frsqfuqidq d ftrt rora qqrq t er.1 fuur qior tt 6ffiqE d erivrgqn -@+ (frq-o q+lr qlo-gq) gd-strff 1. n.7s+b /qzn./$, qfrfrfr R-flTXq ffi oa/oa/zots 1. qmftq \rrqstd qq e-drmr d xgu sfuq, rrwrfi, {rqg{ z. qfuq, ffiqra-q srgqn GTrqtT, q6rgq ctr6 qq-t rnf, T$ ffi - 110002 e. {fus, E.T. crrn, sa Rnn fu{Fr, T6r+fr rrq{, qarf,q, rqT {rqgr 4. 3Trgffi, sa Rreil €qrc+rf,q, {<ls-fr T{q. Tqr irqg{ s qoufr d frq qt{s/e-dsEs d ftq s6r+o d q+rnf o. cfreil ft+rfi 6) {-*cTef Ts 3{Frr{F 4rftre fu z. fuc a{Emft o} qfirQf si onsr{fi orffi fur 8. __- qrltr ftqmrpaqT fr1 oiYq q_firet vi eirqsfi o.fffi tg ,,.{ oqer frirw of qe ftdyr d qreT iRd fu oTs{ricr o) fuqfuweq d r I | r r I i-{flrgc 10. r+fr tg w erqds otr I -------F> ( l.r ( -\ ,<*.cr EdNfrq Deepak / Pssor./ order / 49- tFSr rl-' 'dff,-izT'?" pANDtT SUNDARLAL SHARMA (OpEN) UNtVERSIW CHHATTTSGARH Ordinance No. 33 Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) (Under Section 27 (1) of Chhattisgarh Act No. 2612004l 1. Course Title: L. Master of Business Administration: Financial Managemenr. 2. Master of Business Administration: Marketing Management. 3. Master of Business Administration: Human Resource Management 2. Eligibility A candidate who has passed degree Examination of any faculty or any other examination equivarent to graduation degree, recognised by pt. sunderrar sharma University, shall be eligible for admission. 1. A student coming from any other prace out of chhattisgarh win have to obtain eligibility certificate from the UniversiW. 2. A student coming from any other place out of Chhattisgarh will have to pay rmmigration Fee as decided by the Executive councir of the university, from time to time. 3. Duration of the course/programme: Duration of programme shal be of Three years or six semesters consisting of courses of (1) at least 60 credits in one year or 30 credits in one semester as below :First Year: DM - Diploma in Management: 60 Credits in one year/3o Credits in one semester. A student who has successfuly compreted/passed first year and is not willing to take admission in second year and finar year wi| be awarded Diproma in the concerned management course (i.e. fina ncial/marketing/human resource). (21 Second year: PGDM- post craduate Diploma in Management: 60 credits in one year/ 30 credits in one semester. A student who has successfully compreted/passed first year and second year and is not wiling to take admission in year Finar awarded post Graduate Diploma fi (3) in the wil concerned management course (i.e. nancial/marketing/human resource). Final Year: MBA - Master of Business Management: 60 credits in one year or 30 credits in one semester. A student who has successfuly compreted/passed first year, second year and final year Examinations will be awarded Master of Business Administration: Financial/Marketing/Human resource Management. PSSOU/Ordinance No. 33/ page 1 of 4 be 4, Structure ofthe Course/Programme: A flexible choice based course will be proposed by the Board of Study and students have to select courses of 30 credits for one Semester or 60 credits for one year (Total 180 credits for the programme). 5. Availability Of Course /Programme : Papers of MBA Degree/Diploma/P.G. Diploma and Master of Business Administration Courses /Programme are to be decided by the Board of Study. 6. Delivery of the Course/Programme: It will comprise of support study material. assignments and Library consultation. 7. Scheme of examination: Examination will be in three oarts: 1. 2, 3. 1, (i) Assignment Test Term- End Examination (TEE) Project Report. Assignment Test Every student will have to appear in the Assignment Test for each subject/ paper offered by him. (ii) Assignment Test centre, as far as convenient will be kept in the study centre or any other institution in its vicinity, where in student got himself/herself enrolled. (iii) Name, date and time of Assignment Test will be announced/ Notified well in advance, by the university. iv) Student will come with books/ study material of the related subject /paper, given to him in advance. v) Assignment Test answer book and question paper will be given to student at Assignment Test Centre (ATC) only. vi) vii) STUDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO WRITE ANSWER AT ASSIGNMENT TEST CENTRE ONLY. After end of Assignment Test, Answer books will be collected by invigilators/ officers/ employees appointed by the University and kept in a bundle or envelope duly sealed, and send to collection centre or University without any delay. viii) There will not be Assignment Test on Project Report. PssOU/Ordinance No.33/ PaEe 2 of 4 2. Term End Examlnation (TEE) TERM-END EXAMINATIONS FOR ALL PAPERS WILL BE BASED ON FULLY OBJECTIVE WPE qUESTIONS WITH MULTIPLE CHOICE OF ANSWERS. THERE WILL BE PROVISION OF NEGATIVE MARKING ON WRONG ANSWERS AT THE RATE OF 25% OF THE MARKS ASSIGNED TO THE ANSWER. PROVIDED THAT THE COURSES WILL BE APPROVED BY THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF CONCERN BOARD OF STUDIES. 3, Project Report - Every student will have to submit a project Report. Credit value is 20 credits. 8. Scheme of Valuation of Scripts: There will be two type of answer books; Assignment Test Answer books and TermEnd Examination Answer books. Term End Examination Answer books will be valued by Computer or manually, There will be provision of negative marking on wrong answers at the rate of 25% of the marks assigned to the answer. provided that the courses will be approved by the Academic Council on the recommendation of concern Board of Studies. 9. Valuation of Project- Project Report shall be examined by the Examiner/Examiners appointed by the University. Viva-Voce may be conducted. 10. Medium of Instruction/Examination : Books/study material will be in English. However, students may opt Hindi or English in their examination. 11. Provision of "Allowed to keep term', or ATKT I lf result of a student in First year is of ATKT Student may take admission in Second year. b. Student may be allowed to appear in Term-End-Examination of final year, simultaneously student will appear in the examination of ATKT papers of First yearAecond year. f A student is allowed to appear in the examination ofATKT papers offinal year. Student will be allowed to pass ATKT examinations within Maximum duration of Six years. PSSOU/Ordinance No. 33/ Page 3 of 4 d. A student who has not completed programme/course within maximum time limit (six years) may apply for Re-Registration. The credits earned/ obtained during previous registration will be carried forward. 12. Determination of Grade and grade points, as per ordinance No.3 Para 6 (a). On the basis of marks/credit obtained in Previous and Final year grade and grade points will be determined as per provisions of Ordinance 3. Description Grade Point Range of Marks o (outstanding) 10 90 & above A+ (Excellent) 9 75-<90 A (Very Good) 8 62- <75 B+ (Good) 55- < 62 B (Above average) 6 50- < 55 C (Average) 5 45-<50 P (Pass) 4 40-<45 F (Fail) 0 <40 Absent 13. . Provision of Grace Marks: Maximum 05 (five) marks may be given to a student as Grace Marks provided in the Ordinance No.3 14. There is provision of Re-assessment of valued answer book / Re-totaling of marks as orovided in the Ordinance. ---00---(qRn g<-{drs , q,t ao di t-ao cnf m PSSOU/Ordinance No.33/ Page 4 of 4 (5sf,) ffiamq Effis'td- fr-drgg{ d odqRqE 26/os/2ols d T.6 T{drs E;qi-6 04 d erJdg6l
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