Issuance Date: 08 May 2015 ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS – CBO SUPPORT GRANT EOI No.: CSG 04b I CALL FOR PROPOSALS The Insular Southeast Asian Network on MSM, TG, and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10 in 2010. The programme entitled, ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM and the contract for the grant was signed on 6 October 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing (a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs. One of the strategies of ISEAN Hivos Programme (IHP) is to provide financial assistance to community-based organizations (CBOs) working with MSM and Transgender (TG) populations to support the implementation their operations and activities. Thus, PT Foundation (PTF), as the Sub-Recipient (SR) of the grant, is opening up this small grant facility known as ‘CBO Support Grant: P2S4b’ (superseding CSG P2S4) to strengthen CBOs by supporting their organizational needs, therefore complementing national responses to HIV and AIDS. This round is the final round of grant under the CBO Support Grant under IHP’s Phase 2 programme implementation. Who can Apply? CBO Support Grant: P2S4b is open only to the member CBOs of the Malaysian MSM and TG Network or myISEAN who sent participants to IHP’s Training of Trainers on Behavior Change Communication (TOT on BCC) held last 10th-14th January 2014 and or 18th-22nd March 2015. This round intends to provide a platform for those CBOs to roll out the learning the participants gained from attending said training. What are the Requirements? The list below outlines the requirements to be submitted under this grant: 1. Expression of Interest or EOI (Template Attached) 2. Bank Account (Template Attached) 3. Project Proposal (Template Attached) 4. Budget Proposal (Template Attached) Apart from the above requirements, CBO applicants must bear in mind the following: 1. Only those participants to the TOT (2014 and 2015) shall be allowed to facilitate the roll out training/workshop as staff/volunteer/external facilitator. Key IHP staffs shall sit in to observe and coach, if needed. 2. The number of days shall be commensurate with the number of participants 3. A Draft Agenda has to be attached to the proposal to reflect the sessions discussed in the next section. What does the Grant Cover? The grant shall mainly cover the roll out of BCC sessions done last January 2014 and or March 2015. These included Wildfire, Risk Continuum and STI Game and the use EPGA Technique and Icebreakers for the TOT in 2015 while Wildfire, Risk Continuum, STI Game, HIV Carousel, Shouting Exercise, Treatment Literacy, etc. for the January 2014 run. Other sessions could be included as long as 75% of the topics shall be about the rollout. The target audiences in the roll out could be any of the 3 categories: 1. Community Representatives 2. Non-Community Representatives (E.g., health service providers, police, etc.) 3. Mixed Community and Non-Community Representatives “Strengthening community systems to reduce the vulnerability to and the impact of HIV infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia” What is the Format of the Concept Note/Proposal? The attached Project Proposal Template shall be used and it covers the following contents: A. Title of the Project B. Project Category C. Implementing Organization/Contact Person/Address D. Project Background/Rationale E. Project Objectives and Expected Results F. Key Activities and Timelines G. Budget Proposal (include counterpart contributions, if necessary) How much is the Budget? The total budget for this round is RM 25,000. Five (5) CBOs shall be awarded in this round with each CBO receiving RM5,000. The successful grantees shall be determined by the Grant Assessment Panel (GAP) composed of key personalities from the community. Joint submission is welcome. If 2 CBOs jointly submit a proposal, they are eligible to propose for a RM10,000 project. When is the Implementation Period? The proposed projects shall be carried out between June and August 2015 and all projects should be completed by the 10th September 2015. This means the Project Completion Report (PCR) and all supporting documents (E.g. Attendance Sheet, Training Activity Report, Pre-Test/Post-Test, original receipts, Bid Analysis, etc.) are all submitted to IHP by said date. How to Submit? Submit the following to [email protected] and [email protected] with Subject Line, “Application for CBO Support Grant: P2S4b_CBO Name” on or before the specified dates: 1. Duly filled up and signed EOI, and Bank Account Form on or before 15 May 2015; 2. Project Proposal (with Draft Agenda) and Budget Proposal on or before 29 May 2015; and 3. Duly filled up and signed Proposal Presentation Reply Slip on or before 29 May 2015. What’s Next? After your submission, PTF-IHP team will review your application and inform you of any recommendation for improvement. On 5th June 2015, IHP is holding the Proposal Presentation and Assessment at PTF Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. Attached is the Reply Slip for you to fill up and sign, then send back to us. Prepared by: Approved by: FRANCIS OLIVER P. SISON National Programme Manager RAYMOND TAI National Coordinator “Strengthening community systems to reduce the vulnerability to and the impact of HIV infection among MSM and TG in the Islands of Southeast Asia” ISEAN-Hivos Program- Global Fund Round 10 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) ISEAN Hivos Programme CBO Support Grant: P2S4b We would like to express our interest to submit a proposal for the ISEAN Hivos Programme (IHP) CBO Support Grant: P2S4b. We recognize that by expressing our interest to apply to this grant, we need to submit the requirements listed in the Call for EOI issued on 8th May 2015. With this, we are willing to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by PT Foundation, most specifically its IHP Team and the Grant Assessment Panel (GAP) members. Name of the Organization Address Name of the Authorized Representative Email Telephone No. Mobile No. Bank & Bank Account No. Signed by: (Authorized Representative) ____________________________ (Signature over Printed Name) Date: ___________________ Attested by: (Head of the Organization) ____________________________ (Signature over Printed Name) Date: ___________________ CBO Logo Here Global Fund Round 10 ISEAN Hivos Programme (IHP) Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce the Vulnerability to and Impact of HIV and AIDS among MSM and TG CBO SUPPORT GRANT: P2S4b Project Title Submitted by: NAME OF THE CBO Submitted on: DATE OF SUBMISSION REF PARTICULAR A Title of the Project B Project Category C Implementing Organization D Project Background/ Rationale E Project Objectives and Expected Results DESCRIPTION Please make sure that the title of the project reflects what you intend to do and the budget items stated in F. Kindly put which category your proposed project belongs to. For example: Capacity Building NAME OF THE IMPLEMENTING ORGANIZATION Address Contact Person Contact Details Office Telephone No.: Office Fax No.: Mobile Phone No.: Email Address: Provide the background of your proposed project and the reasons/justifications why you are proposing the project. The significance of the project should be stated, too. It is much better if evidences, such as recent statistical data, are provided to further support the need to implement this project. Objectives At the end of the project, the _________ should be able to: 1. Name examples of STI (MAKE SURE YOUR OBJECTIVES ARE SMART) Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Bound Expected Results (WHAT RESULTS ARE YOU EXPECTING ONCE YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THE PROJECT) EXAMPLE 1. X number of participants with increased knowledge on STIs and risk continuum 2. X number of participants with improved attitude towards PLHIV F Key Activities and Timelines Provide the key activities to be undertaken to prepare, implement and complete the project. Identify the realistic timeline to complete each activity. Please take note that the project should be completed by 30th August and reports submitted by 5th September 2015. Example: Key Activity Preparation Phase Meeting with the Training Facilitator Canvass Training Venue Finalize Arrangement with the Selected Hotel Send off Training Invitation Finalize List of Participants Prepare Training Materials Implementation Phase Travel to Venue Conduct the Training Completion Phase Prepare Project Completion Report (PCR) Submit PCR and Support Documents to IHP G Budget Proposal Target Date July 1, 2015 July 1, 2015 July 5, 2015 July 7, 2015 July 16, 2015 July 16, 2015 August 17, 2015 August 17, 2015 August 18-28, 2015 August 30, 2015 Provide here the total amount being proposed to implement the project. Attach in an Excel File the Budget Proposal and name it as: “Budget Proposal_(CBO Name)” Global Fund Round 10: ISEAN Hivos Programme IHP CBO SUPPORT GRANT: P2S4b Proposal Presentation 5th June 2015, PTF HQ Training Room, Kuala Lumpur REPLY SLIP Please email the duly filled up and signed Reply Slip to [email protected] and [email protected] or fax it to +603-4044-4622 by Friday, 29th May 2015. DIRECTION: Please tick the appropriate box and provide the necessary information. [ ] I will attend the activity. [ ] I will not attend the activity. PARTICIPANT’S PROFILE Title: Prof Dr Mr Mrs Ms Others (please specify) Name: Preferred Name on ID card (optional): Sex: MSM1 Transgender Heterosexual Male Heterosexual Female Title of Position/Designation: Institution/Organisation/Agency: Contact Address: Postcode: State: Tel No: Fax No: Email: Dietary Requirements (if any): Participant’s Signature: Noted by: ____________________________ ________________________________ (Signature over Printed Name) Designation: 1 Men-who-have-Sex-with-Men (MSM) BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR TRAINING ON BCC* Project Title Date : Organisation Name : Proposed Budget No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Item Meals (Lunch and Teas) Room Accommodation Facilitator Local Transportaion Transportation by CBO Materials Token for KK Staff Training on BCC for Community-Based Outreach August 17-18, 2015 CBO XYZ 5,000.00 COST BREAKDOWN Particulars Unit Price No. of Units Frequency 80 20 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 20 2 100 1 2 300 1 1 100 1 1 OVERALL TOTAL Amount (RM) 3,200.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 200.00 300.00 100.00 5,000.00
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