PART C This part is to be filled by the School authorities and handed over to the Students in a sealed envelope along with Part A and Part B for passing it to IEEE Student Branch Counselor/Staff in Charge. Signature of Principal/Head of the Institute:R STUDENTS AWARENESS CONTEST 2015 § How many student's attended thepresentation Aids /Materials used in presentation: Stamp of the School:- Models Posters Charts LCD OHP Any other (specify) Presentation § Simplicity of presentation and communication with the schools: Excellent Very good Good Can be improved § Continuity, Logical sequencing, appropriate examples from the normal life etc.:- Excellent Very good Good Can be improved § Keeping up interest of the students throughout presentation: Excellent Very good Good Can be improved § How was the questions and answers session? Excellent Very good Good Can be improved § Would you like to have such presentations in future? Yes No § Any other suggestions / comments: Name and signature of Class Teacher:- For students of Engineering & Science Colleges Organized by IEEE Pune Section & IEEE Student Branch PVG's College of Engineering & Technology, Pune. Convenor Prof Mrs. P.R.Khatri 9881245010 [email protected] Countersigned by IEEE Student Branch Counsellor/Principal of the College:- STUDENTS AWARENESS PROGRAM 2015 The development and inventions in technologies have changed the life style of the human being right from Stone Age to present Information Technology era. Every new invention brought in new facilities and influenced the life style. Recent inventions in Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Communication Technologies have added new dimension s in everybody's life. Not only resident of urban area but rural area too, have adopted such new developments and the trend will continue for years to come. The future citizens of urban and rural areas, that are students studying in the schools, need to be exposed to these new developments in the technology so that they get motivated with it and make their mind to work in these fields in the future. Such awareness will also help them in adopting these technology smoothly and more efficiently in their daily life. The budding engineers and scientists, i.e. students of engineering and science colleges can take this challenge. THE PROGRAM RULES FOR EVENT TOPICS FOR THE PRESENTATION · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · REPORTS FRO HIGH SCHOOL AUTHORITY Global warming and remedies. Water conservation. Use of Technology to save mother earth. Ethic in Technology usage. Information and communication Technology (ICT) for agriculture and rural India. Communication Technology: Wireless, Mobile technologies, mobile handsets, Wi-Fi, WiMax, Broadband, 3G Technology. E-commerce, e-transactions,e-banking,emarketing,e-governance. Nano Technology: Principle and applications Biotechnology and Bio information: Principle and applications. Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles. Robotics: recent Advances and applications. Satellite and Space Communication. Harnessing Solar/Wind Energy: Principle and applications. Energy Conservation. Electrical Safety. Note: The presentation may include general concept of technology and/ or may cover more specific applications or topics in detail. Sr No. 1. All participants will get certificate of participation. If the prize winning group does not have a single IEEE Student Member, the group will be eligible for prize. Provide at least one of them registers for IEEE Student Membership by submitting membership form along with membership fees. Date Registration of participating groups with IEEE student branch counselor/Staff in charge of the college where there is no IEEE student branch. 25th to 30th June,2015 Communication from Branch Counsellor/ Staff in charge regarding registration of groups to the coordinator of the program. Upto 2nd July, 2015 3. Presentation duration for the groups to give their presentation in the schools. Upto 25th August,2015 4. College /Institute level contest for selection of the 26th to 30th two groups. August,2015 5. Final communication of the two groups selected at college/Institute level contest to the coordinator along with feedback forms and repots of all the participating groups. 3rd Sept 2015 Final Contest at PVG's College of Engineering and Technology, Pune. 15th Sept 2015 2. PRIZES First Prize: 10000/Second Prize: - 7000/Third Prize: 5000/- Activity 6. These forms (A, B and C) are to be handled over to School authorities at the end of presentation after filling form A and form B. PART A o Presentation Topic:o Name and Address of the college to which students belong:o Name of High School:o Address of High School:o Names of the students in group giving presentation and IEEE student membership number if any:o Day and date of presentation:o Presentation time allotted:o Time actually taken for presentation:o Language used for presentation:English Marathi Hindi o Language of presentation was chosen by:School Participants PART B Students should tick appropriate block after presentation:- Ø How do you rate your presentation? Excellent Very good Good Average Ø How was student's response? Excellent Very good Good Average Ø How was questions and answers session? Excellent Very good Good Average ØAddiitnal Information if any:-
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