Call for Papers PowerAfricaCFP_flyer

Nov. 10-14, 2015
Tunis, Tunisia
Ramada Plaza Tunis Hotel
Call for Papers and Technical Presentations
The IEEE PES PowerAfrica Conference 2015 is coming to Tunis, Tunisia, November 1014. Bringing a half-decade of industry innovation to foster a platform for participants from
academia, electric utilities and industry to discuss experiences, best practices and associated
technical developments that can be applied towards the electrification of Africa enabling
socio-economic development. Power delivery regulations, investments and policies will also
be addressed.
May 8, 2015All abstracts must be
The IEEE PES PowerAfrica Conference 2015 invites engineering professionals from industries,
R&D organizations, academic institutions, government departments and research scholars
from across the world to submit papers on their innovative ideas, research and development,
application experience and expertise in many areas of specialization including: transmission,
distribution and generation, transmission and distribution system design, protection and control,
power quality, asset management, communications, renewable energy integration, operations
and maintenance.
Sept. 1, 2015Full papers (or
presentations) are due
The technical program is designed to highlight innovations and challenges facing the power
and energy industry. The Conference will provide attendees with practical, solution-oriented
topics, including case studies and lessons learned, via a diversified technical program
consisting of tutorials/workshops, keynote/plenary speeches, poster and oral presentations.
The conference theme focuses on the following key topic areas:
Non-Conventional Generation: Applications and
Experiences in Africa
• Solar and Solar/Diesel Hybrids Generation: African Examples
• Wind Generation: African Examples
• Innovative Renewable Solutions for Off-Grid Communities
• Waste to Energy: African Examples
• International Experience in Electrification Projects
Co-generation: African Examples
• Micro-grids
• Power Availability, Reliability, Communications and Security
• Power Quality and Reliability
• Power System Stability and Security
• Communications suited to Africa
• Smart Grids
• Power System Monitoring, Operation and Control
• Power System Protection
April 8, 2015
Submission site opens
June 1, 2015Authors will be advised
via email of acceptance or
rejection of their abstracts:
from June 1st to June 8th
Oct. 1, 2015Final revised papers (or
presentations) are due
Conference Paper Submission Requirements
Abstracts (350 words) must be submitted to the
online submission and review site. A link to the
submission site will be available from the IEEE PES
PowerAfrica Conference 2015 home page by April 8th,
2015. All abstracts must be submitted by May 8th,
2015. Upon acceptance, a full paper will have to be
submitted and peer reviewed. If approved, it will be
archived in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and
presented in the Conference.
Appropriate System Design, Management and Integration
• Regional Integration and Flexible AC, HVAC and HVDC Transmission Systems
• Single-Wire Earth Return (SWER) Lines: Design and Deployment
• Billing and Commercial Losses
• System Planning - Innovative Means to Enable Electrification in Africa in the
Proper Pace
• Demand-side Management
• Asset Management - Dealing With the New and the Aging Existing Infra-structure
• Energy Management Systems
• Ancillary Services
Building Sustainability in Environmental Protection, Human
Safety and Skills Development
• Minimizing Environmental Impact While Keeping the Growth Pace Needed
• Grid Code Compliance when Connecting Renewables: Experiences in
Africa and Abroad
• Technology Transfer and R&D focusing on Local Production
For full details and more information including IEEE R8 and Smart Village
travel grants, please visit our website,
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