June 2015 Social Justice Interns Travel to Albany The Social Just Interns traveled to AlbanyonMay19thtosupportthe Farm Worker's Fair Labor Practices Act. We joined other supporters of farmworkers rights inadaydesignedtosharewiththe legislature the pressing issues of thebill.Inthemorningwehearda testimony from a former farmworker, and then attended a workshop run by the Youth Arts Group.Wethenheadedovertothe legislative of,ice building to meet with our assemblyman, Thomas J Abinanti. After initially meeting with his aide, we shared issues with him about the unfair conditions facing farmworkers withthehopethathewillhelpthe bill be passed along. We left hoping that the farmer’s message got through to the legislature and thatitwouldin,luencethevotein thechambers. Interfaith Food Pantry Needs Donations Did you know that Pleasantville has an Interfaith Food Pantry at the MethodistChurchandthattheyarecurrentlyprovidingfoodeveryother weekto50familiesfromourarea? This summer we are launching a brand new program aimed at children 4 years old to 4th grade whoareinterestedinlearningnew skills, making things with others who share their passions, and generallybeingawesome. It’s called, DIY Explorers and will run every Wednesday during the summer from 3:30 - 5:30. Each week, we will learn about a new skill,orjobchoice,suchasclothing maker, biologist, or maybe even traveler. It’snottoolatetosignup,youcan come for one week, or sign up for the whole program! We offer discounts for families, just talk to Bryan. For more information, to see our brochure and to sign up, go to www.pvillepresby.org/ diyexplorers Pleasehelpoutbybringinginfoodthatisnonperishableandnotexpired such as: canned juices, boxes of cereal, canned tuna, low fat and low sugaritems,peanutbutterandjelly.Ifyouwouldliketovolunteeratthe pantrycallthemat769-3944. Donationbinsarelocatedinthebackofthesanctuaryandinthefoyer neartheof,ices. Register Now! Save the Dates Pastor Debbie on Celebrating Endings and Beginnings Dear Friends in Christ, MidnightRun June6 As we come into the season of summer – there are lots of chances to celebrate endings. We celebrate with the choir the ending of another wonderful season of music. With the graduates, we celebrate the completion of one chapter of their lives. And with the Con,irmands, we celebrate their completion of the con,irmation program and their decision to make a commitment to following Christ as church members. ASPSkillBuildingDays June6 &13 SummerChoirBegins June14 GraduatesSunday June21 ScholarshipDeadline June30 At the same time, this is a season of beginnings. We are watching people walk through a door into a new chapter of their life, whether it be to more schooling, or to a new job. We watch new members of the church decide what will come next for them in their life of faith, as they see new opportunities ahead. And we watch people choose again to share their gifts of music, of teaching, of generosity, and service. We commission our ASP folks, and recognize that our prayers are an important part of what our team is doing in service to God. EVBSRegistration Ongoing DIYExplorersBegins July1 On Sunday June 7th, and Sunday June 14th, we’ll get a chance to celebrate endings and beginnings in Adult Education as we engage in our Animate study on Christian Practices. We’ll be spending these two weeks considering what it means to be community. We’ll get a chance to consider how we are a community of faith together, as well as considering what being a community of faith looked like in the Bible. Mark your calendars to be there for this engaging study. May God’s peace go with you – wherever you are on your journey. Church Brochure Updated Youmayhavenoticedourupdated churchbrochurein the back of the sanctuary and downstairs in the foyer.Sportingour new logo, it tells interested readers more about our church, congregation and ministries and programs. Pick one up and share it with someone for a way to introduce them or invite them to our church. Youth Food Justice Corps to Launch Food Justice Corps is a 10 month internship program sponsored by the Stony Point Center and the Food Justice Network, for youth ages 14 to 21 who want to learn more about developing sustainable food systems. Join us twice a month in the summer and once a month, during the school year for hands-on farming and educational experiences that look at the environment, fair labor practices, advocacy, hunger and more. Modest stipends may be available for all members (funding pending.) For more information contact Lori Hylton, [email protected] or 347-276-2606. 3 Make a Donation to Help Nepal The April 25th earthquake in Nepal was the worst in more than 80 years. Nearly 4,000 are known dead and more than 6,000 were injured. Help Presbyterian Disaster Assistance respond by working with partners on the ground to bring needed food, water, supplies and medicine. Make an online donation or go to presbyterianmission.org. Church News Find out More About Church Membership If you’ve been thinking about becoming a member of PPC or would just like to know more about what it means to join, we invite you to let Pastor Debbie know. She can arrange a time to talk with you and answer any questions you may have. If you decide you’d like to join, she can tell you more about it. So, talk with Pastor Debbie or email her at [email protected] Gardening Time Again Pleasantville Appalachia Service Project Spring is here and the plants and weeds are growing. The children have planted annuals and we will all be enjoying summer ,lowers soon. PancakeBreakfast We need your help now and over the summer to help keep our ,lowerbeds looking great. Please consider giving one week where you will weed and water where needed. Contact Cathy Fellows 741-2734 for more info or sign up in the lobby. May 16th Want to Sing this Summer? The summer is a great time to sing with the choir. The repertoire comprises hymns and easy anthems. The rehearsals are relaxed and fun. Try it. You'll like it. Either call Dave Macdonald or just show up at 8:45am on Sunday. The summer session begins on June 14th. 4 Sunday School & Christian Ed News Sunday School Planting Summer Sunday School On Mother’s Day, our Sunday School classes beauti,ied the church grounds by planting annuals in the gardens. A big thank you to Kathy Brown and Louise Bookman for prepping the beds for planting and helping our students plant the annuals. Also, a thank you to Charlie Titterton for donating the plants. While the school year is winding down, we are gearing up for an amazing summer at Pleasantville Presbyterian Church. The youth group also worked in the gardens around the church, planting our ,irst ever “Butter,ly Garden” near the playgrounds in the back with help from Josephine DiCostanzo and the Garden Club, and Cathy Fellows. Our vegetable garden is entering year three, and this year we will be donating our harvest to Neighbors Link in Mount Kisco to support their outreach to immigrant families in our neighborhood. Each summer, our Sunday School program breaks out of the ordinary to experience God’s world in new ways. This year we will be spending time in the gardens, talking about creation, stewardship, and renewal. If you have thought about teaching, but didn’t really want to commit to a whole unit, consider volunteering to teach one week during our Summer Sunday School program. For more information see Bryan or Kathy Brown. Registration is open for campers of all ages at Holmes Presbyterian Camp. Sign up for a fabulous, faith,illed, fun way to spend the summer. We have many kids from our congregation who attend year after year. For more information, pick up a Holmes brochure in the church foyer, visit Holmes on the web at www.HolmesCamp.org or talk to Bryan. College Scholarships Giving and Receiving If you want to help us maintain our gardens, talk to Cathy Fellows. Recognizing our Graduates We are going to be recognizing and celebrating our graduates at worship on June 21st. This year we are graduating a LOT of friends of the church and we really want to recognize them in a special way. We are inviting all our graduating seniors to come and share their gifts with the congregation. If you are graduating this year and are interested in participating in the service, talk to Bryan or Pastor Debbie. Summer Camp at Holmes “EVBS” Ecumenical Vacation Bible School August10-14 HolyInnocentsChurch Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Adult&teenvolunteersneeded www.pvillevbs.org See Registration Form on page 7 5 ApplicationDeadline June30th Attention all high school seniors! Now that you have ,igured out which college you'll be attending next year, you might want to think about submitting a Scholarship Application to help offset all those costs your parents will be facing next year. Scholarship information and applications may be found on the church website under "Missions and Programs", and they must be turned in by the end of June. Pleaseconsidergivingtothe ScholarshipFund. Church News Deacons, Elders and Leaders Stewardship 101 On May 2nd the deacons, elders and leaders of the church gathered to participate in a retreat entitled “Stewardship 101” presented by the StewardshipTeamoftheHudsonRiver Presbytery.Weexplorednewideasand practicesaboutgivingourtime,talents, in,luence and ,inancial support to the church as we further God’s work through our congregation. We were inspired and encouraged to tell our stories to one another about becoming faithful disciples and worthy stewards of all the gifts with whichGodhasentrustedus. Midnight Run Saturday,June6th TalkwithDaveSmutzler ifyouareinterestedingoingon theRun—747-3331. Wearealsocollectingmen’sblue jeans,springclothes,pants,light jackets,shirtsandnewdarksocks. ItisgoodtorememberthatthegoalofStewardshipMinistryistohelp us grow in our relationship with Jesus through the use of our time, talents, in,luence and ,inances. Thank you to all the faithful stewards whosupportthiscongregationwithyourmanytalentsandgifts. Honoring our Graduates On Sunday June 21st we will honor our graduating seniors. Congratulations to all those who are graduating this year from high school and college on reaching this milestone. Always come back to us when you are visiting from college! AliciaAlvis ByramHillsHighSchool JuliaBedus PleasantvilleHighSchool KathrynBerg PleasantvilleHighSchool CaliBronkema PleasantvilleHighSchool OscarMarchi PleasantvilleHighSchool AudreyTocco PleasantvilleHighSchool NicoleWalkerwicz HoraceGreeleyHighSchool CarrieWellansky PleasantvilleHighSchool JacksonWong PleasantvilleHighSchool Alsograduated... PatrickFlynn B.S.,Accounting,UniversityatAlbany KevinLewis B.A.,InternationalRelations, UniversityofSouthernCalifornia EstherKim M.S.,Accounting,BinghamtonUniversity PaulMiller DevonStack B.A.,English,BinghamtonUniversity B.A.,Psychology,PurchaseCollege 6 Great Beginnings Pre-School Celebrations It has been a wonderful year and now we are celebrating our children’s achievements with two joyful celebrations. At 11am on Thursday June 11th our 3’s will put on a short program in Fellowship Hall and receive their certi,icates. At 9:30am on Friday June 12th our 4’s will participate in a graduation ceremony completewithsharingsomesongs and receiving their “diplomas”. Both programs will end with a reception in Fellowship Hall. You are invited to share their joy by attendingtheseprograms. We have a limited number of openings available for September. Ifyouknowofafamilylookingfor a pre-school, please encourage them to check out Great Beginnings. 7 Men’s Corner The Boys of Summer AndyPettitte "ItgivesmegreatpeacetoknowthatnomatterhowgoodorhowbadIdo,theLordlovesme.That'sallthat reallymatterstome.Baseballisn'twhateverythingisabout.It'saboutthewayI'mbeingaChristianhusband,a Christianfather,orthewayI'mlivingmylifeandtryingtobeaChristiantestimonytopeople." — “MyteammatesandeveryoneintheorganizationknowwhatIstandforandhowIlivemylife.Iwanttodo thingsthatbringhonorandglorytoGod.Andit’saboutcontinuingtolivethatlifeinthatstandard,becauseI de,initelydon'twanttodoanythingthathurtsmytestimonyintheclubhouseandonthe,ield.Ihopetheysee the love of God through me, that I care about them, respect them, andwant to do the best that I can to help them.Ihopetheyseethatthere’ssomethingdifferentaboutmylifeandunderstandthatit’sJesus.” JoeGirardi "Youcanhavepeaceeveninthe‘Zoo.'"Joesays,"whenyouseethatGodisincharge."JoeandKimturndailyto the Bible forencouragement and guidance. "The Bible keeps Kim andme ona straight andnarrow path and keepsusstronginourmarriage,"Joesays."ItkeepsuslockedintoGodandwhatHewants.Itshowsushowto havethestrengthandwisdomweneedtoliveeveryday." GaryCarter "Paul wrote about faith and perseverance and hard work overcoming adversity, and he didn't worry about whythingshadgoneagainsthim.ThemoreIread,themoreIrealizedtheonethingthatIwastododuringa toughspell,alongslump,a"jinx":Presson,lookforward,trusttheOnewhotrulycontrolsmylife." MarkTeixeira "Youcannevercompletelygetit—beingaChristian—butIthinkIreallygotitwhenmy,irstsonwasbornin 2006.IjustrealizedthelovethatGodhasforallofus.ItwasseeingmysonbornandknowingtheunconditionallovethatIhaveforhim." — Christdoesn’tkeepscore.It’snotaboutwhatyoudohere.It’saboutthepersonyouare.It’saboutyourfaith. That’sonethingthatI’dlikeforyoungkidsoranybodytoknow. HankAaron "IneedtodependonSomeonewhoisbigger,strongerandwiserthanIam.Idon'tdoitonmyown.Godismy strength.Hegavemeagoodbodyandsometalentandthefreedomtodevelopit.Hehelpsmewhenthingsgo wrong.HeforgivesmewhenIfallonmyface.Helightstheway." 8 News from the Thomas Family in Korea Annyeonghaseyo from Jeffrey and Barbara Thomas, teaching missionaries at Yongsan International School of Seoul, Korea (YISS). We hope this ,inds our PPC family well and enjoying the transition into summertime. We look forward in anticipation to worshipping with you over the July 4th weekend,andsharinga Minute for Mission about our work here in Seoul. In the remaining few weeks of school, Barbarawillengageher ,irstgradersinVacation Bible School, a time to sing praises, enjoy fun crafts and have deep discussions about emerging faith. Please pray that her students will deepen their relationshipwithChrist. Jeff has enjoyed serving as the founder and sponsor of the National Honor Society in the high school, and as such,hehashelpedfocustheireffortsonservicetothecommunity.RecentlytheNHSmemberssoldBarbara's handmade gift bags at the school's International Spring Fair to raise support for RoomtoRead,acharitythat builds libraries and promotes literacy projects in Africa and Asia. The bazaar was attended by over 2,000 membersoftheSeoulcommunity,andthestudents’effortshelpedsharethemessagethatourChristianschool believesstronglyincharityandservice. Recently, YISS was highlighted in SeoulSelectionMagazine, a popular English-language publication aimed at expatsandvisitorstoSeoul.Jeffwasaskedtoworkonthearticleabouttheschools’GuardiansWithAMessage service program. You can read the entire article here: http://magazine. seoulselection.com/2015/05/02/ molding-well-rounded-students- who -care/ Jeff and I are feeling called to lead a group of high school students on a service project to India next year – please pray for discernment for us. Thank you always for your prayers. We would love to hear from you. Barbara and Jeffrey Thomas Yongsan International School in Seoul 285 Itaewon-Ro Seoul 140-210 Korea 9 YOUTH GROUP NEWS faith, fun, fellowship and friends, with a bit of mission mixed in Sunday, June 7 ASP Organizational Meeting - 3pm at the Church Junior and Senior High Youth Group - 5 - 7pm at the Church Join us for dinner and a scavenger hunt! Sunday, June 14 Social Justice Internship goes to Albany Junior and Senior High Youth Group - 5 - 7pm at the Church Join us as we prep and plant our church’s vegetable garden Sunday, June 21 Graduate Recognition at 10am We will be recognizing our graduates at worship on Sunday. If you are graduating we hope you will be part of the service, see Bryan for more information. What’s new for PYC!? One of the aspects of Pleasantville Presbyterian Church that I appreciate most, is the desire to meet the needs of the community we serve, even if that means breaking from tradition. This is a bold and scary trait that makes our church stand out from the crowd. It is in this spirit that we are announcing big changes to PYC for the 2015 - 2016 school year. Middle School Youth Fellowship Join us for an end of the year barbecue on the front lawn! There are two big changes coming to our middle school program. First, instead of weekly meetings that often conflict with extra-curricular activities, sports, friends and family time, we will transition to monthly gatherings that feature more intentional programs aimed specifically at our middle school students. Second, we will be inviting our 5th graders to join the Middle School Youth Fellowship. We hope that these two changes bring energy, intentionality and vibrancy to our program. Sunday, June 28 High School Youth Fellowship Commissioning Sunday at 10am For our high schoolers, we will still meet weekly on Sundays but we are hoping to increase the mix of programs. We want to make sure that our high school program remains dynamic and responsive to your needs and desires. If you are interested in shaping the future of our High School Youth Fellowship, talk to our Youth Council Representatives, Kiernan McCarthy and Sophia Maldonado. Junior and Senior High Youth Group - 5 - 7pm at the Church We will be commissioning our ASP team at worship so come out and support our youth. youth.pvillepresby.org June 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 3 1 2 7pm English Lessons – Library 10am Hearts & Hands 10am Women’s Bible Fwshp 8:15pm Tuesday Titans 7:30pm Evening Women’s Bible Fwshp – Campbell Rm. 7 8 9 10 8:45am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10am Worship 10am Childcare 11:15am Mission Mtg. 4:30pm Jr. High Youth Grp. 6pm Sr. High Youth Grp. 7pm English Lessons – Library 10am Hearts & Hands 10am Women’s Bible Fwshp 8:15pm Tuesday Titans 7:30pm Session Mtg. 14 15 16 8:45am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10am Worship 10am Childcare/Sunday School 6:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7pm English Lessons – Library 10am Hearts & Hands 10am Women’s Bible Fwshp – off-site 8:15pm Tuesday Titans 21 22 Father’s Day Graduation Recognition 8:45am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10am Worship 10am Childcare/Sunday School 4:30pm Jr. High Youth Grp. 6pm Sr. High Youth Grp. 7pm English Lessons – Library 28 29 30 Commissioning Sunday 8:45am Chancel Choir Rehearsal 10am Worship 10am Childcare/Sunday School 11am Deacon’s Meeting 4:30pm Jr. High Youth Grp. 6pm Sr. High Youth Grp. 7pm English Lessons – Library 10am Hearts & Hands 8:15pm Tuesday Titans Thursday 4 Friday Saturday 5 6 6pm Spanish Lessons – 104 English Lessons – Campbell Rm. ASP Skill building 9:30am E&M Meeting 11 12 13 9am GBNS Moving Up Ceremony 8:30am GBNS Graduation Ceremony 6pm Spanish Lessons – 104 English Lessons – Campbell Rm. ASP Skill building 17 18 19 20 7:30pm Evening Women’s Bible Fwshp – Campbell Rm. 9:30am E&M Meeting 6pm Spanish Lessons – 104 English Lessons – Campbell Rm. 23 24 25 26 10am Hearts & Hands 8:15pm Tuesday Titans 7:30pm Evening Women’s Bible Fwshp – Campbell Rm. 6pm Spanish Lessons – 104 English Lessons – Campbell Rm. 27 Pleasantville Presbyterian Church Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 7038 White Plains, NY 400 Bedford Road Pleasantville, New York 10570 914-769-0458 [email protected] www.PvillePresby.org Return Service Requested Pleasantville Appalachia Service Project - 2015 Appalachia Service Project is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that fosters human development by addressing the housing needs of Central Appalachia. The goal is to make homes warmer, safer and drier for familiesinneed,whileofferingtransformationalexperiencesforfamilies,volunteersandstaffalike.Theyrely onvolunteersfromaroundthecountrytorepairandrebuildhomesforsomeofAppalachia’sneediestfamilies. Thissummer,thePleasantvillePresbyterianChurchwillhelpsponsor60localyouthandadultvolunteerswho willtraveltoBud,WestVirginiatorepairandrebuildhomesforfamilieswhoareinurgentneedofhelp.The CommunityPancakeBreakfastisonewayourvolunteersraisefundsforthisproject. Pleaseconsiderinvestinginthismissionwithusbymakingatax-deductiblecontributionandweaskthatyou keeptheteaminyourprayers. To,indouthowyoucangetinvolved,askoneoftheASPvolunteers. Pickupahammer.Changealife. AdultVolunteers BryanBardin BillBrown KathyBrown ChrisDieckman GaryDieckman JudyDieckman AndreaGarbarini JoAnneGullotta RichardGullotta TheoJannetty KimLewis NeilMarchi JeannineTocco RichTocco GregZarick LizZarick GailZarick MarkZarick YouthVolunteers AliciaAlvis AmandaBedus MichaelBloom LoganBronkema AngelaCalvi KimChia ValerieCodino KierstenCoolen JackCooper MannyCorona MichaelDarmohraj LizFaulkner PhilipGarbarini LisaGullotta KyraHickey EricHughes CordeliaJannetty RebeccaLord SophiaMaldonado JuliusMarchi KiernanMcCarthy SarahMeisel AnnaGraceMockler CarlMueller EricMueller SarahParaszczak CatePuglia ShaneRoberts BrendanRoney PhilipRountry KatieSchaub AmeliaStargiotti KatherineStargiotti JeremyStone AlexTjia AudreyTocco EvelynTocco BenjaminTrombetta ShaneWillard JacksonWong
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