26th April, 2015 Sunday Service: 10am 1048 Fergusson Drive Phone 04 526 9677 PO Box 40-983 Upper Hutt 5140 www.awakencitychurch.org.nz Welcome to Church 'Giving fear a fright!' Senior pastors: Michael & Ally Greaney, [email protected] Associate pastors: Mark & Sara Sadlier, [email protected] Keys of life: Mario & Jacoline Brink, [email protected] Under 5s : Activities, music & stories Awaken Kids 10am Sundays during term time Friday nights during term time, plus weekly Life Groups. For info, email [email protected] 5 - 12s : Praise, worship, prayer, Bible teaching, & activities Parents please sign children in and collect them afterwards Did you miss the message on Sunday? Visit awakencitychurch.org.nz and click on Podcasts to listen to it. Tuesdays 10am If you are interested in joining during term time a life group, visit awakencitychurch.org.nz/life-groups/ Wednesday Worship Second Wednesday of each month, 10.00am Sit and be Fit Easy exercise Fridays 10am This morning Pastor Michael will be continuing our series 'Releasing the keys of the Kingdom' God intends for us to live large lives: Large in our love, large in our generosity, large in our peace and joy, but the enemy intends to keep us under the lie of fear. The result is we live lives short of God's intention for us, so this week we are going to GIVE FEAR A FRIGHT and put it where it belongs! 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." ‘And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven…’ Matthew 16:19 Norm and Jess Mcleod Friday 15th - Sunday 17th May at Awaken City and Link Churches Norm and Jess Mcleod are the Senior Leaders of House of Breakthrough Church in Gisborne. They have a strong mandate to release and activate believers in the Kingdom. It is truly an honour to have them with us. You can check out their website at www.houseofbreakthrough.com ‘We are not here to build a church, we are here to bless our city. When we do that, God will build His church.’ Pastor Ally Greaney will be speaking on Mother's Day, the 10th of May. Pre-service prayer meeting, Sundays at 9am. All welcome. Awaken Kids News: Our Sunday morning offering in the over 5s area goes towards Starship Children’s Hospital. We teach children that it’s not the amount that we give that is important, but the attitude of our hearts as we give the money. We also teach children that even if we do not have any money to give, we still give our prayers, that are powerful, for Jesus to heal and bless the families. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions please talk to Jacoline. Giving at Awaken: CAP Money Course: Starts Wednesday 13th May at 9am in Shirley’s room and runs for three weeks. Spaces are limited to ten people. This is a revolutionary, free, money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works. This course will help anyone to gain more control over their finances so they can save, give and prevent debt. No matter what your financial situation is, the CAP Money Course can benefit you. The tools that are taught on the CAP Money Course are vital life skills, so whether you are financially well-off or not, self-employed, or need a little help with your finances – this course is for you! Trained Money Coaches Christine Wakefield and Haines Van der Merwe will take you through how to build a budget, the CAP money system, and how to live week to week using this cash-based system. Register at the information desk. Dating and pre-marriage course with Michael and Ally: A interactive 6 week course starts this Thursday 30th April, with a mixture of group and private sessions plus a panel night. This course will set a firm foundation for dating and marriage, we invite you to discover God’s original plan for marriage. 7.30pm at 2 Cederholm Grove, Brown Owl, Upper Hutt. If you give to the church via EFTPOS, please put your giving number on your eftpos receipt and put it in the box at one of the Giving Stations. If you would like to be issued a giving number, or have not yet obtained your receipt for the 2014 - 2015 tax year, or would like help claiming your tax rebate, please see Debbie. Room available: Apartment, just down the road from church. Looking for an easy going, Christian, female flatmate. $130 inc internet, power and amenities. Talk to Bronwyn if you are interested. 027 3250 046. Wanted: Donations of household items – furniture, linen, crockery etc. Items can be dropped at church and will be collected by Prison Fellowship NZ. See Tristan for more details. Forum night: Tonight is our Awaken Family Forum. This year our theme is 'Better Together' and we see a church totally united in life and mission. To achieve this we believe having an open family forum is important. This will be an opportunity for everyone to ask questions about the life of the church, to make suggestions, talk about vision, and grow together as family. Put your suggestions and questions in the box at the info desk. Accommodation needed: 25 year old female looking for a room/sleep-out to rent/board. I have a well trained cat and I'm clean, tidy and considerate. I study full time at church so won't be around too often. Looking for somewhere affordable. Please contact Sharvelle on 027 7789 539 Real Life with John Cowan: Sunday 7.30pm NewstalkZB. Tonight, Murray Lindsay. Offerings: Average over 16 weeks - $2,530; budget $3,000
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