Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People Relocating Neuro Rehabilitation Services to a Care and Rehabilitation Centre at Leatherhead Court Consultation Paper Introduction The Board of Trustees of Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People (QEF) wishes to consult a range of stakeholders on a proposal to relocate Neuro Rehabilitation Services (NRS) from its current location at Banstead Place, Park Road, Banstead, Surrey to a new building on land owned by QEF at Leatherhead Court , Woodlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 0BN. The purpose of this paper is to explain the proposal and the reasons for it, and to seek your views. While a decision in principle has been made to make this move, we want to seek your opinions on how it should best be achieved. Details of the method and timeframe for responding to this consultation are at the end of the document. Background QEF has been operating from Banstead Place since 1956. Since the 1980s it has specialised in delivering rehabilitation, therapy and education for mainly younger people with acquired brain injury. With a capacity of 28 beds plus outpatients, Banstead Place is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Ofsted. Banstead Place is a Grade II* listed former private house built in 1790 with adjoining and associated buildings added more recently. QEF has owned land at Leatherhead Court since the 1930s and the potential exists to create a purpose built Care and Rehabilitation Centre within which neuro rehabilitation services can be accommodated. The proposal The proposal, which is subject to amended planning permission being granted for the redevelopment of Leatherhead Court, is to vacate Banstead Place and to provide neuro rehabilitation services from a state of the art new building at Leatherhead Court. Financial Considerations In December 2013 QEF completed a stock condition survey of its property portfolio. This indicated that the estimated cost of essential remedial and maintenance works at Banstead Place in the next five years would amount to £0.8 million. Most of the bedrooms at Banstead do not have ensuite bathrooms and it is considered that this is no longer appropriate for young 1 people with acquired brain injury. Additionally we believe that the lack of ensuite accommodation is having and will continue to have a negative effect on client referrals to NRS. The estimated cost of upgrading 20 bedrooms at Banstead Place is £2.0 million. The total cost of staying at Banstead therefore amounts to £2.8 million. The estimated cost of building a brand new centre at Leatherhead with 24 rooms (£7 million) less the potential value raised from the sale of Banstead Place (£5 million) amounts to £2 million net. The financial case for relocation is therefore strong both in the short term and in the future with reduced maintenance and energy costs. The cost of operating in a listed building surrounded by a variety of dated single storey buildings should not be underestimated. For example, the gas consumption at Banstead Place in the final quarter of 2013 was over 40% more than that consumed at Dorincourt. This basic cost analysis is reproduced in a table at Annex A. A major fundraising campaign will also be undertaken over 18 months to raise funds for the fit out of the rooms in the new centre which will raise additional income for the charity and generate new individual donors, foundations and businesses who will give to QEF for the first time. We anticipate there would be a cost associated with potential reduced occupancy prior to the move (as we would want to minimise disruption caused to individual clients) and some staff changes (as the staffing requirements may change in the new location). It is estimated that the £0.8 million improvement in cash flow would more than cover these costs. Clients While occupancy would be managed in order to minimise disruption to individuals’ rehabilitation caused by relocation, it is possible that some longer term residential clients would move from Banstead to Leatherhead. The average length of stay now being about six months, this will be appropriately managed by publicising the potential move at least a year in advance (see timetable below). New clients joining after the move would benefit from state of the art facilities. Staff Our staff are our greatest asset and we would want to retain as many people as possible through the relocation. Some however may not be able to move as it is possible that staffing requirements may differ in the new location and, if this proves to be the case, full consultation would be carried out with any staff potentially affected. Other stakeholders There are many other people who have an interest in and loyalty to NRS in Banstead including governors, volunteers, neighbours, supporters and healthcare professionals. Everyone is invited to submit responses to this consultation so that all views can be taken into account. Risk A full risk assessment of the proposal itself to QEF as well as the risk to individual clients will be conducted. 2 The new Care and Rehabilitation centre It is proposed that the new Care and Rehabilitation Centre at Leatherhead Court will comprise 24 beds (average occupancy at Banstead in the 2014/15 financial year was 15). The new centre will be on two floors. The first floor will be accessible with two or three lifts. The bedrooms will be located on the ground floor and will be fully accessible for disabled people with emergency call bells, wi-fi, ensuite shower rooms with hoists and plenty of room for wheelchairs. Space for physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, art, music and leisure as well as kitchens and communal space for dining will be incorporated into the design. Outside at Leatherhead Court there are extensive playing fields, woodland and access to Leatherhead by shuttle bus provided by QEF. Timetable The timetable for this consultation is as follows. April 2015 31st May 2015 Consultation paper published Closing date for responses Thereafter, the proposed timings are June 2015 September 2015 October 2015 Submit planning application Planning approval obtained Demolition and building work commences at Leatherhead Court Banstead Place on the market CRC ready for occupation Banstead Place sold with vacant possession March 2016 January 2017 March 2017 Responding to this consultation In responding to this consultation, you may wish to consider the important questions below Do you agree that this move is in the best long term interests of the service? Why? Is there anything else you think we should consider? What operational risks should be considered? Please let us know your views on any aspect of this consultation by email to [email protected]. The closing date for responses is 31st May 2015. We aim to publish our responses along with our final plans in June 2015, although please bear in mind that the timescales are subject to external factors which may be outside our control. 3 ANNEX A Cash flow comparison NRS stays in Banstead and bedrooms are upgraded Create 20 en suite bedrooms Planned maintenance over 5 years Sale of Banstead Place New build at Leatherhead Court £2.0m £0.8m Net cash outflow £2.8m ANNEX B NRS moves to Leatherhead Court £5.0m £7.0m Consultation paper addressees Staff Clients Families Governors Friends of Banstead Park Road Residents’ Association Volunteers Neighbours CQC Ofsted Surrey County Council Neighbouring / referring councils Reigate and Banstead Council Local Councillors Local MPs Referring CCGs Local CCGs GPs Healthcare professionals QEF (NRS) supporters QEF Vice-Patrons and Vice-Presidents 4 £2.0m
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