M Mission Mo otorsport, A Anglesey Circcuit and the e 750 Motor Club prouudly presentt: The Race e of Rem membraance 6th 7th 8th Novem mber 201 15 Race En ntry Form Team N Name*: Prefe erred Team No: Team P Principle: Emaill: Phone ((Landline): Phone (Mobile): *Team Name will b be used in the Race Proogramme. Postal A Address: Postcod de: NOTES:: Class A A, B, C or D entries: e 3-4 drivers d and 2 2-4 cars. Heroes’’ Trophy elig gible entries: Class A-D, 3 3-4 drivers and a ONE carr. Invitatio onal Trophy y entries: 3-4 drivers and 1 – 4 cars. Lotus T Trophy eligib ble entries: In nvitational en ntries from wiithin the Lotu us Cup UK C Championship p. 1.. Driver list reflects day & night quallifying sessio on and race starting s orderr. 2.. If applyingg for a Guestt driver enterr “Guest” in place p of drive er name. Currrent Guests: Marino Frranchitti, Calu um Lockie, P Paul O’Neill, Daniel Welch h, Adam Morrgan, Jack Goff. G More to co ome… Driver Nam me 1 2 3 4 MSA/Europ M ean/US Licence No Grade Novice (Y/N) Car 1 2 3 4 Make/Mod del Year Mk M TTransponde er No* *Transp ponders ava ailable to hiire from thee 750 Motorr Club & ma ay be collectted at sign‐o on. I wish to o enter the following C Class: Class ‘Clu ub’ Classses ‘Club+’ Class A A B B C C D D E E Descrription <20 000cc <18 800cc <16 600cc 7‐T Type Invitaational CClass Trophy Heroes Trophy ‘XX’ ONE ONLLY ‘X’ ONLY if elig gible Lotus Trop phy ‘X’ ONLY if eligible NOTES: 1. Trop phies will be awarded forr the WINNIN NG team in e each Class/Trrophy. 2. Carss MUST meeet the technical regulatioons of the evvent, howevver bodyworrk, suspensio on and engine modificaations are free to cars entering th he Mission Motorsportt HEROES’ Trophy T notw withstandingg safety equip pment. 3. Fuel: 98 Ron peetrol or diesel equivaleent is provid ded by the organiser att 0.8lt/min x x race duraation. 4. Guest Drivers: arre limited an nd will be alloocated to teaams on a firsst‐come first‐‐served basis. 5. Please use the sp pace below tto explain anny modificatiions as requiired. SUPPOR RT VEHICLEE: Paddocck and garagge space is p premium, aas such ONEE support ve ehicle per teeam will be permittted directly behind the e garages. P lease provid de length and width off this vehicle. Furtherr support veehicle(s) parrking is avaiilable furthe er into the p paddock. Paaddock plan n to follow. Teams aare responssible for enssuring that any power cables crossing pedesttrian accesss and/or fire lanees are suitably protected. Vehicle description (Van, LLorry, Pan‐ttec) Length* (M) Width* (M) Remaarks *Include awning (iff applicable e) DECLAR RATION: On beha alf of the driivers (as listted above), Team: wish to t enter: Class A / B / C / D / E and (if applicable)) the Heroes s’ Trophy / Lotus Troph hy (strikethrough as req’d). ers hold a current MS SA (and/or E European and/or a US) licence l and d all cars meet m the All drive technica al requirem ments as per the Troph hy/Cup ente ered. We als so agree to o be bound by the Driving Standards declaration which form ms part of this registration form. Signeed on behalff of Team: REGISTRATION DEETAILS: You can n either emaail this form m via: Giles@ @750mc.co o.uk or, Print an nd Fax to: 01332 81142 22 or, Post to:: 750 Motorr Club, Consservatory Suuite, Doninggton Park, D Derbyshire. DE74 2RP. PAYMEENT DETAILSS: To secu ure a Team eentry, pleasse pay the ddeposit of £ £500 no late er than Fridaay 10th April 2015. t Teams w will be indivvidually invo oiced for thhe remainde er to be received no latter than 30th Septem mber 2015. Sadly, d due to a non n‐payment in 2014, Te ams will NO OT be allowed to comm mence Qualifying if full and d final paym ment has nott been rece ived. Paymen nts by cheque payable to: Mission n Motorspo ort Racing And sen nt to: Mission n Motorspo ort Vantagge Point Bussiness Cent re Mitche eldean Gloucs GL17 0DD 40‐19‐2 27 714763 394 Electron nic paymen nts to: Sort Code: Acct No: If paaying electrronically, pllease ensurre that you use Team a and/or Drivver Name ass the referencee prefixed w with RoR. Entries will NOT be N processed u until entry ddeposit funds have bee en receivedd.
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