Details - SCET College of Architecture

NASA (National Association of Students of Architecture) is a National level Student Association and Council of Architecture
(COA) recognized and one of the largest of its kind in Asia with 213 member colleges. It holds great significance, being the only
one of its kind in the world.
The Annual NASA Convention 2013-2014 was hosted by Vaishnavi College of Architecture & Planning, High-tech city, Hyderabad
during 26th to 30th January and attended by 5000 students from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Malaysia. In which Faculty
of Architecture, SCET, Surat, have participated in following trophies and achieved remarkable success.
Details are as below.
Trophy Name
Reuben’s Trophy
NARI Gandhi
Louis I. Kahn
Details of Trophy
The very first trophy of NASA, the Reubens trophy intends to
display the standard of teaching and the quality of student work in
every college. Along with the above criteria, it is also judged on the
basis of the growth of the architectural student in their journey of
becoming an architect.
Select and analyze a structure which attempts to explore the ethos
of "symbols and/or metaphors in architecture"
UNESCO New Delhi office, through IHCN has been providing
technical advice in the organization of the LIK Trophy since 2007.
This collaboration between UNESCO and NASA has been fostered
to improve the quality of architectural education in the context of
the historic environment, and the legacy of knowledge, skills and
training required to better protect and conserve this heritage.
Through joint activities, the parties wish to increase the awareness
of India’s rich, diverse and unprotected historic environments.
Won 1st Position (8th time winner
since last four years)
Shortlisted in top 10
Shortlisted in top 10
Trophy Name
Landscape Design
ANDC Trophy
Journalism Trophy
Industrial Design
Details of Trophy
This trophy sponsored by the Housing and Urban Development
Corporation Limited (HUDCO).This year the trophy aims at
designing for the informal sector.
The Annual NASA Design Competition(ANDC) is NASA’s own
design competition, which touches upon issues ranging from
current trends to theoretical approach of architectural design
Journalism Trophy Competition is to inculcate the intrinsic
observation capabilities of students to be aware of the real World
around them, and make propositions and express their thoughts in
the form of written matter.
Industrial design trophy is aims to promote designing of public
utilities and transportation planning.
Won 1st Position