CLASS I Summer Holidays Homework (2015-2016)

Summer Holidays Homework (2015-2016)
It’s summer time,
Holidays have begun,
Sleep on time,
And have lots of fun.
Dear Parents,
Suggestions for parents
 Make your child to converse in English at home regularly as the communication skills
play a vital role in grooming the overall personality of the children.
 Make your child to do his/ her work on his/her own with help and guidance.
 Inculcate in your child the habit of sharing things with his/her peer group.
 Keep your child engaged with you in managing the small household work.
 Encourage your child to do the activities himself / herself and appoint a specific time
to do homework every day.
Healthy Mania
Pass this message to your child:
“Early to bed Early to rise make a man healthy wealthy and wise.”
 “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. Encourage your child to do exercise
like running, jumping, skipping e.t.c daily in the park or at home.
 Make your child brush his/her teeth twice a day. Activity: At the end of the
holidays, paste the wrapper of toothbrush and toothpaste, used by your child
throughout the holidays, on a A-4 size colored sheet .Also decorate the sheet.
 Take a small yellow and red color box .Put mango pieces in the yellow box and
water melon in the red box. Tell the child to eat these fruits time to time during
a day.
Language development
Make your child learn these simple sentences in English.
I am feeling hungry. Please give me food to eat.
May I go to play outside with my friends?
Please give me a glass of water.
Mama, May I watch T.V for some time.
I am not feeling well today.
Please help me to do my work.
General Instructions
1. Every work has to be done on A4 size interleaf coloured sheets for the activities.
2. Work has to be punched, tied in the form of a booklet separately for each subject and
put them in one folder. Also label all the sheets it with name, class, roll number and
subject properly.
3. Submit your holiday homework to your class teacher on 3rd July’ 2015 positively.
4. Revise all FA1 syllabus.
5. As children have come from Mont-2, they require lot of handwriting practice. So,
utilize the holidays for improving their handwriting for their betterment. Do practice of
English and Hindi handwriting by writing one line continuously on one page and do four
times in a week in your 3 in 1 notebook.
1) Take 10 objects. First you make one picture and in front of it make many pictures.
For example:
One cake
many cakes
2) Find out any 5 new words from your textbooks and learn them and also write them in the
alphabetical order. Refer from the classwork done in the notebook.
1 . rolagaaD,I maoM ide gae [Mjana maoM ide gae Sabd ko Aai#arI vyaMjana sao maata ipta kI sahayata sao Aagao ko Sabd banaa[e.jaOsao–
naaoT: kxaa maoM kra[- ga[- maa~`aAaoM Aa a , [ i
ka hI p`yaaoga kroM.
2. maata ipta kI sahayata sao naIcao ide gae raola nambar ko Anausaar dI ga[- maa~aAaoM sao saMbaMiQat 2–3 ica~ बनाएँ yaa
raola nambar –
1 sao 10 –
11 sao 20 –
21 sao 30 –
31 sao 35
36 sao 43
A , Aa a , [ i , [- I
] u , } U ,? R , e o
eo O , Aao ao , AaO aO , AM M
– caMd`ibaMdu
, ivasaga- :
– ‘vacana badlaao’ ica~ d\vaara kroM. jaOsaoo –
1) Learn the table of 2 and 3 and do written practice of tables in 3 in 1 notebook on every
2) On an A-4 size sheet trace the outline of hands of your family members and find out whose
biggest and smallest and colour them.
3) Paste 3 pictures of objects of each shape (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) on an A-4 size
1) On the basis of seasons, Draw or paste any 2- 2 pictures of any 2-3 things we use in that
particular season.
Summer Season
Winter Season
Rainy Season
For example: We use fan in summers, Heater in winters and umbrella in rainy season.
2) In a house, you have different rooms like kitchen, bedroom, drawing room, etc. Draw or paste
pictures of any 3 things you see in that room.
For example: In a Drawing room, we see Sofa, Television, Centre table.