-I GOVERNMItNT OF RAJASTHAN COMMI.~HCIAL TAXES DEI)ARTMENT No: IF ~ft-) ( ) f,h.J/rDIJ>'V<TflIJ1./4>l}ef»JfDated17. f' D/J OFFICE ORDER In pursuance or the powcrs conferred by Rule 8 of the Rajasthan Value Added Tax l{lIh.~H, :W06 und in supercession of all previous orders issued from time to timc, I MlIk'~shSharma, Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Rajasthan, Juipul' her(.~bydistribute the business amongst the followin officers: --- ----S.No. I. --, Worl, Allotted 1. Revenue Monitoring. 2. Monitoring of Anti Evasion Activities. .3.. Monitoring or Flying Squads. --4. Supervision of establishment section, including store, accoullts-13 Vehiclc pool, ______ DCSig!~!!~~I~' Additionnl CommissiOllcl' (Anti-Evnsluu) I 1---- .. .... building clllllpini III 2. IIlId gCllcral administration, monitoring of Right to -InformationAct (DC (Adm.) Headquarters will submit files to commissioner through ACCT (AE». 5. Nodal Officer for REIC (Regional Economic Intelligence Council). 1. Computerization and IT 2. Transfer of cases (Sec.41 of the RST ACT and 37 of the RVAT Act). 3. Withholding refunds (Sec.57 of the RST Act and 54 of the RVAT Act). 4. Change or the Assessing Authority due to change of principul pluce of business (Sec. 13(3) or the RVAT Act). 5. All work related to collection of tax on contract basis in respect of casual commodities. 6. Permission for installments. 7. Breach of conditions of Incentive Schemes. 8. VAT compensation claims (JDS will put up fi]cs to Commissioner through ACCT (VAl' &IT). 9. Matter relating to TINXSYS. 10.EPRC Meeting Additional Commissioncr (VAT & IT) I !_ y ".~ ,-_.~" ---- maintenancc,' _.~~----_. II. Review meeting of Dy. Commissioners and follow "----..-----..up thercof. ._- 3. Additionnl Commissioncl' I. Thc Rajasthan Value Added Tax Act, 2003. 2. The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956. 3. The Rajasthan Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Areas Act, 1999. 4. The Rajasthan Entertainment and Advertisements Tax Act, 1957. 5. The Rajasthan Electricity (Duly) Act, 1962. 6. The Rajusthnn Tux on Luxuries (in Hotels and Lodging houses) Act, 1990. 7. The Rajasthan Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles into Local Arcas Act, 1988. 8. The Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, 1994. 9. The Rajasthan Video Films (regulation of Exhibition) Act, 1990. 10.Thc Rajasthan Tax on Luxuries (Tobacco and its products) Act, 1994. 11.The Rajasthan tax on Professions, Trade and Callings Act, 2000. 2. Sales Tax Incentive and Deferment Scheme, SLSC. 3. Rajasthan Investment Promotion (T..x) ( I .. Policy, 2003. 4. BIP, BIFR, BIDI, SLEC related matters. " 5. Meeting of Vigilance Committec. 6. Assembly and Parliament questions. 1 ! ,I -,---- 4. I Additionlll Com ml__Nlul1'" (Legal) -.- -_. - - - - 7. Budgetproposals. 8. Meeting of State Lcvel Tax Advisory Committee. 1. Work related Hon'blc' Supreme Court, I~ajasthan High Court and othcr High Courts, Administrative Tribunals, Consumer Forum, Labour Court, Tax Board, Civil & Criminal Court, BIFR and litigations at any other forum. 2. Monitoring of disposal --.-..-.-- 5. I Additional Commissioner (Training, J{('sc.'nnh nud IEC) , _-1- (, I Addition", CommissluUt I (Inspection. AlitUt Recovery) I. \'! . ,~I of appeals. 3. 80 CPG Notices. 4. Meetings of Prelitigation Committee. 5. Data relutcd to LITES software or Justice Dl~parlmenl. 6. Governmcnt Advocates, Sr. Counsel. Advocate Chmerul und DOA related mutters. 7. Prosecution and mgistrntion of Sales Tax practitioners. 8. Legal opinion to other sections of CTD. 9. Determination of disputed questions (Sce.40 of the RST Act and Sec. 36 of the RVAT Act). 1. Training need analysis for CTD oHicers/ol11cials. 2. Designing of training modules and preparation of annual training calendar. 3. Planning for training to trainers. 4. Training out side the State/other institutions. 5. lEC on various issues. 6. Dl:purtmental training programmes. 7. Rl'st~arch on important ---.-----------. tux related issues. 1. Monitoring or inspections dune by I lead Of11ceo11ieers. 2. Monitoring and compliance of AG dran paras, PAC report and internal audit reports and paras. 3. Formulation of risk parameters for selection of audit under Section 27 of the RVAT Act, 2003. 4. Monitoring of old and currcnt recoveries. 5. Monitoring of Special audits in case of misappropriulionof funds. .. 6. P~~E.!uti()n and -~. _..------ monitoring of data base old and current recoveries pending under all the heads --- specifically Rs. 25 lac. 7. Moniloring current above of old and recoveries . . . I. agull1stHllIts pemhng IIv~,ilcd/llvlli ling illeentive/defcrment! exemption of tax, 8. Monitoring of interState recoveries under the RR Act~ 1890. of pending LR Act~ 9. Monitoring recoveries under the 1956. 10.Revision cases under Section 87 of RST A ct, I994 and under Scction 85 of the R V AT Act~ 2003. 11. Review & Monitoring or cases of 12. Proposals sdlel1lCS write-off. for amncsty (,br augmentation revenue. 13.Study for I Dy. Commissioner of the systems other States regarding audit and put up proposals for any changes~ if required in RVAl' Act, Rules for procedural simplieification and Redressal of grievance of dealers. Work relatcd to following Computerization and IT activities of the Department:1. Ensure that the software '.; 7. of (IT) developed under the project RAJVISTA arc in accordance with the practical needs of the Department. 2. User Acceptance Test of all applications developed by TCS. 3. Successrull'Oll out of RAJVISTA ;;cross all the offices of the Department. computer 4. Management of manpower. _.-. 5._~~mitori~.~g a~1(1uddrcssin~~. ,--.- 0 __ _ --- --- ._- 8. day-to-day problems of field regarding functionaries . application software. 6. Monitoring of activities to procure correct and timely electronic information from various service providers. ...~.__R ..,, __.__ Dy. CuulltIINSlon('r Work relating the following Acts their (Minor Tuxcs) Rules and procedures 1. The Rajasthan Tax on Entry of Goods into Local Areas Act, 1999. 2. The Rajasthan Entertainment und Advertisem(mt Tux Act, 1957. 3. The Rajasthun Electricity (Duty) Act, 1962. 4. The Rajasthan Tax on Luxuries (in Hotels and Lodging houses) 5. The Rajasthan Tax on Entry of Motor Vchicles into Local Areas Act, 1988. '.. 9. Dy. Cohllllissioncr (Casual CunlillutllClcs) 'R" 10. _. _ . 6. The Rajasthan Video Films (regulation of Exhibition) Act, 1990. 7. The Rajasthan Tax on Luxuries (Tobacco and its Products) Act, 1994. 8. The Rajasthan Tax on Profession, Trade and Callings Act, 2000. 9. Other miscellaneous tax matters such as introduction of new taxes like tax 011Betting and Gambling. 10.Stuuy of other States minor tax laws. II. Assembly and Parliament _9uestions. All work reluted to collection of tax on contrm:t bnsis in respect of casual copu!.'.Quities. Dy. CcuumISldc)ul'r -All Work rciUiedte;: I. The Rajasthan Vulue Added Tax (VAT&CST) Act, 2003. 2. The CentralSales Tax Act, 1956. ,I.f' J. The l~njnstbnn Snlcs Tax Act, 1994/1954. 4. Incentive/ Defennent Schemes Sales Tax/VAT and SLSC matters. 5. Composition Schemes. 6. The Rajasthan Investment Promotion Policy, 2003. 7. l3lP/BIFR/BIDIISLEC/ 8. Vigilance Commiuee. 9. Budget Proposals. 10. Meeting of State Level Tax Advisory Committee. 11. Empowered Committee of State FinanceMinister. --- -- -- - --- I.- S.No. 1. 2. The -----. following... wlllul't - LISIllIk-. of'l1cer: _____n__ U.ignn' i_cn___ Additionul CUl1uuissioller (AE) ----..---. .---..-. Additional Conllllissioncr (V A1'&11') 3. Additional COl1ltHissioncr(Tax) 4. Additional Additionul COl1uuissioner (Legal) (TuxL . . _..._,-.- ...--... Additiol1ul l'UlIIllIissiollcr (Training, Additional 5. Commissioner Commissioner 11m _ _'W -,_. Link Officer Additional (V AT &IT) Additional Commissioner Additional (VAT&IT) Commissioner Commissioner (Legal) Research 1!9_._. Additional CcHIlInissioncr(Inspection, Additional Commissioner (Training, Research & IEC) --Audit and J.lIV.!I)') Dy. Commissioner (Casual Dy. ConuulHHllIllc!r (IT) 6. 7. -----. 8. Dy. CutHllIls"ioll!..'1' Commodilklt) . -....._, 9. ' _.--.._____0 COIlIllOdilics ) (Cusual Dy. Commissioner ._--_. -.-. ----....-. Dy. COIHlltlitlilUllC'r (f\lllIlIr rnxls) ._-.._..._,.,_. --- 10. Dy. Commisslom:r (V A I &CST) 11. Commissioncr Dy. Evasion) -..................-...._. (Adm.)(Anti (IT) Commissioner Dy. (V AT&CST) Dy. Commissioner (Minor Taxes) Dy. Commissioner (Adm.) Border Management Dy. Coml111ssioncr (Adm.) Border Dy. Commissioner (Adm.) (Anti Evasion) ManagcmcD.t_..._.. u__'_ 12. , -..-----.- ~ (Mukcsh Sharma) Commissioner No: "1['-"3Ll9) ( )t}7I!1Q~i( /'Jir:a)'bT-/'#of> /0 IJDated (7' 9- 08 Copy for information nnt! nccessary action to the: - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All ACCT Financial Advisor All Dy. Commissioners All concerned 1>8to CCT Guard File .~!:.~ -- - - - - -- :,1 I. I - - - --~ ~ .~ - -~~..c)g. AdditiolC1 olunlissioncr (Tax) --------- - -- - - -
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