April 9, 2015

for 139 years shining the light of God’s love and grace
3900 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Sunday Worship at 8:45 and 11 am
April 9, 2015
We Welcome All!
We warmly welcome all to worship on
Sundays at 8:45 or 11 am, to Sunday
School at 9:45 am, to participate freely
in the life of this community of faith and love, and
to become a member of this congregation.
Rayne welcomes and embraces all people
regardless of race, class, gender, or sexual
orientation with open hearts, open minds, and
open doors!
Welcome to Rayne!
Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service
We welcome all
to this community
of faith and love.
Those wishing to
become members of
Rayne are encouraged
to contact
Y !
2015 Operating Budget
Needed Weekly
Weekly Average to Date
Received 04/05/15
2015 Pledges-to-Date:
143 for 627,739
Pledge cards are
on the tables
throughout the church!
Contribute Online at www.raynenola.org
ACH Contributions
You may authorize automatic monthly contributions
from your checking account using the form found on
the tables of the church or downloaded from the website. Call 899-3431 to request a mailed form!
Acts 4:32-35
“The community
of believers was one
in heart and mind.”
Message by
Max Zehner
Holy Communion
at 8:45 am in
The Hannah Chapel
with musicians
Marcus St. Julien,
Joseph Tate,
and Ebonee Davis
Worship at 11 am
in the Historic Sanctuary
with The Chancel Choir
C. Leonard Raybon, Director
Marcus St. Julien, Organist
by Marcus St. Julien
in memory of Jack Hutton
3 pm, Sanctuary
Free and Open to All
A Combined Sunday School Mission Hour
Sunday, April 26
9:45 am, Fellowship Hall
Open to All
You are invited to hear stories
and see photos describing the experiences of
Michael Barr who served several months
at the Wesley Camp in Liepaja, Latvia
and then at the Hope School in Bethlehem
as a United Methodist Board of Global Ministries
missionary from Rayne!
Becoming a Good Listener:
How to Use the Power of Listening
to Become a Better Communicator
Tuesdays, 10:30-Noon
Rayne Library
Free and Open to All
6 Sessions Beginning Now
May 1
Instructor: Melissa Barker
Text: Listen Up, by Kittie Watson/Larry Barker
Explore ways to become a more skillful listener
and a speaker whose messages
are effectively communicated.
Stop 22 for Young Adults
Becoming a Good Samaritan
Tuesdays | 6:30 pm | Rayne Youth Room
Beginning April 21 | [email protected]
My Journey
All are invited to any or to all of the upcoming
“My Journey” sessions of the FaithWorks Class.
Each session features a guest speaker
who will share the story
of his or her faith journey.
The class meets in the Wesley Room
upstairs near
the Choir and Youth Rooms.
Upcoming Speakers
April 12
April 19
April 26
May 2
May 10
Scott Krueger
Bob Hopkins
Ann Meese
Jim & Clare Biedenharn
Joe Inabnett
For the Children
Introduction to Centering Prayer
A Workshop sponsored by The School for Contemplative Living
and Christ Cathedral’s Advent House
Presenters: Deacon Maggie Dawson and Vivien Michaels
Facilitators for Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.
Learn the foundational teachings and basic steps
for practicing centering prayer.
Saturday, April 11 | 9 am-12:30 pm
Parker United Methodist Church | 1130 Nashville Ave
Suggested Donation: $25 at the door
To Register or for Information:
Maggie Dawson, [email protected] or 504-837-0877
or Dick Moreland, [email protected] or 301-537-1065.
The Rayne 140th Anniversary Committee
invites you to join
the year-long celebration
featuring art, dance, music, and special events,
culminating with the coming of our
Bishop Cynthia Harvey.
Upcoming Event
An Organ Recital
by Marcus St. Julien
in memory of Jack Hutton
This Sunday, April 12
3 pm, Sanctuary
Free and Open to All
Will Winebrenner, Chair
Alanda Bennett
Callie Crawford
Oscar Gwin
Joyce Mathison
Babs Mollere
Max Zehner
Combined Sunday School Session
Hear Michael Barr, a seminary bound Rayne
member who served last year as a Board
of Global Ministries missionary at the
Wesley Camp in Liepaja, Latvia
and then at the Hope School in
Bethlehem, share his experiences in a
slide presentation on Sunday, April 26,
9:45 am, Fellowship Hall. This special combined
Sunday School session is open to all!
Salt Comfort Food Team
will be preparing a meal in the church
kitchen on Sunday, April 12, at Noon to
be served at The Open Table. If you
would like to help, stop by on Sunday!
The Open Table
If you would like to help serve Comfort
Food, join us at 2700 Louisiana Avenue
on Tuesday, April 14, at 3:30 pm.
Serving Victims of Human Trafficking
in Thailand
You can support Katie Vandeventer,
a member of Rayne working at the
Thailand Methodist Mission
to help victims of human trafficking.
Financial contributions may be sent to:
Thailand Methodist Mission, P.O. Box
56, Mannsville, KY 42758 Memo check:
Missionary—Katie or by going to youcaring.com
To learn more about her mission, go to
Two Upcoming Mission Trips
In the exploratory stages are:
1. a mission trip to La Toma, Guatemala
this summer to help families become
self-sustaining by building chicken coops
and providing chickens for eggs, meat, and
2. and a mission trip to Pattaya, Thailand to help at
the Blessing Home Methodist Mission serving the needs
of children and youth who would otherwise be at risk
for sex-trafficking. This is the mission center at which
Katie Vandeventer has been serving.
A Celebration of Creation
Sunday, April 19
8:45 and 11 am
Sponsored by the Caring for Creation Committee
To learn more about either mission, contact Max or
Callie at 899-3431
QR Code for Giving
Smart phone users with scanners may now
use a QR Code printed in our Sunday
bulletin to make contributions to Rayne via
PayPal or credit card.
5-7 pm Youth Fellowship
5-6 pm Women’s Covenant Group
6 pm NOLA Wesley Worship
Each Week At Rayne
10 am Staff Meeting
5:30 pm Centering Prayer
6 pm Ministry Meetings
6:30 pm AA Meeting
1 pm Intercessory Prayer Group
3:30 pm Open Table
6-8 pm Luke’s House Free Clinic
6:30 pm Covenant Group
6:30 pm Stop 22 Young Adults
9:30 am Mom’s Bible Study
6 pm Children’s Choir seasonal
6 pm Wednesday Classes
7 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
9:30 am Sacred Yoga Parker UMC
10 am Space for God
7 pm Al-Anon/AA Meetings
7-9 pm Luke’s House Free Clinic
Let Us Pray
—for Kevin Horne, Edith Parr,
Kelly Hereford, Glen Ford, Scott
Darnall, Anita Wilson, Craig
Hanson, Meredith Harris, Jim
Biedenharn, Lorraine Wilson, Lib
Neilson, Mel Pate, Anne Elise
Hester, Charlie McHale, Alan von
Gremp, Barbara Canole, Elbert
and Janelle Wheelis, Laura
Coatney, Kelly Dunn, Bob
Settles, Anne Aten, Rudy Timm,
and Bryan Slate.
We Share the Sorrow
—of The McMahon Family and all
who mourn the death of Alice
Stevens. The Memorial Service
for Alice was on Tuesday at
—of Rachel Watts in the death of
her mother, Judy Watts,
grandmother of Ezekiel and Isaiah
—of Tess Murdock in the death of
her father, Michael Murdock.
Thank You
—to Lyle Colombo, Jared Frank,
Jacob Landry, Michael Southall,
and Joseph Tate who were our
readers at the Maundy Thursday
—to those who assisted in the
traditional stripping of the altar
on Maundy Thursday;
—to Jane Stennett, Director of
Senior Ministries, led the Poydras
Home worship service on Easter
Sunday, and to Debbie Nice who
played the piano for the service;
—to all who provided food for
Alice Stevens’ Memorial Service;
—to all those of our Care Team
who helped to deliver Easter lilies
to our homebound members!
prayer concerns.
9-11:30 am STAIR Tutoring
Save the Date!
Meetings Coming Up
Monday, April 13, 6 pm
Children’s Team
Outreach Team
Wednesday, April 22, 6 pm
RECP Summit
“Camp Discovery,” the 2015
Vacation Bible School, will be
Monday-Friday, June 1-5. If
you can volunteer to help with
food, decorations, crafts, or
classes, contact Natalie at
@raynenola.org Register
online at www.raynenola.org
Worship Leaders
Birthday Sunday
is April 19. Cake and Ice
Cream 504 will be served at
Noon in the Fellowship
Hall in celebration of all
April birthdays!
The Gratitude Class will have a used
book sale on Sunday, April 19 in the
Fellowship Hall. All proceeds go to
support Rayne projects. Volunteers are
needed at 1 pm, Saturday, April 18, to
help set up the sale. If you can
volunteer, call 899-3431.
Like Us on Facebook
Acts 4:32-35
Psalm 133
I John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
photos of Rayne! Contact
[email protected]
Book Sale
Altar Guild Nancy and
Bob Hopkins, Jan Jeter,
Trish Rauls
Head Ushers Bob Moffett,
Gary Kennan
Head Greeters Mable
Thomas, Susie VanderKuy,
Barbara Clark, Carol Thiele
Sound System Amy Pertuit
The 140th Rayne
Committee solicits old
Visit Rayne’s page and check
out “Throwback Thursdays”!
The Throwback Thursday team
is seeking old photos of Rayne
baptisms and weddings. If you
can provide any, please
contact Barbara Everett at
Confirmation Class Lunch and
The 2015 Class will enjoy lunch together
and an on-site mission project Sunday,
April 12, at Noon.
Parking Instructions
We have been asked not to park in the
few places across Pitt Street on the
property belonging to the neighboring
nursing home.