1 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com 5 Steps to a Profitable Mobile Catering Trailer Business This special report is FREE and you CAN give it away to others as long as it is NOT changed in any way, shape or form ( Zoom to 100% for best viewing ) Note: This is a free bonus report from Mike Carter’s bestselling fast-track mobile food business start-up course ‘Mobile Catering Mastery’. For more information on expanding, growing or starting a successful mobile food business with your own mobile catering unit go to: www.CateringTrailerSite.com CateringTrailerSite.com 2 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com The Secrets To Making It Big In Mobile Catering What you hold in your hands is just a snapshot of the world’s most comprehensive course on how to start and grow a successful mobile catering business. Up till now, this information has been closely held and only available to a select few entrepreneurs who were starting out in business and were accepted as clients to the worlds most successful mobile catering coaching program. I strongly suggest that you print this report out right now, and read it immediately. There are concepts in this report that have made many new mobile caterers a great deal of income in their own businesses which you are about to receive right here for free The reason why most new mobile caterers struggle… I am struck by how almost every new mobile caterer is approaching their business or starting their business the wrong way. Lack of fundamental business building knowledge is really the primary cause for so much struggling and time wasting, it’s sad. It’s the reason why the overwhelming majority of people new to mobile catering will fail in achieving their dreams even if they have great cooking skills and work extremely hard. I’m going to address the issues for you here right now, because I know from past experience that my unique perspective can really make a tremendous difference in your business, as it has for many new mobile catering businesses around the world. I cannot sit on the sidelines anymore and allow so many dreams fall by the wayside due to a misunderstanding of how successful mobile catering businesses are built. This report exposes these issues, one by one, and you will gain clarity about your relationship to your business (and how to grow it) that you’ve never had before. I’m going to show you how just a few of the Mobile Catering Mastery clients started their businesses, and I’m going to show you the some of the exact concepts that are responsible for their growth. CateringTrailerSite.com 3 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com But first, let’s take a look at where the industry is today and put it in perspective with traditional business… Putting the mobile catering industry into perspective Starting your own mobile food business could be the best business decision you have ever made. Heres why… Statistics show that due to a cultural shift in eating habits food and drink purchased and eaten away from the home has now OVERTAKEN eating in! Figures show that the average adult spends the equivalent of $1400 per year on food and drink away from the home… Figures from 1990-2008 go on to show a 150% increase in food and drink purchased away from the home at catering trailers and food outlets and the figures continue to rise… Mobile catering sales now exceed $10BILLION WORLDWIDE and with the weather continually getting hotter these figures are set to increase exponentially... Starting your own mobile food business is undoubtedly one of the fastest, most flexible, least time consuming ways of making money from food with the ability to earn real cash with some of the highest profit margins around in business. But Here Are The Alarming Facts You Need To Know… The food industry is the largest employer on the planet. More people work in the food industry as a whole than any other industry in the world. What does this mean? Well, when it comes to starting a business most of the people employed by the food industry naturally want to start a food related business. Do you think it’s by chance that restaurants have one of the highest failure rates out of all business start-ups? No, its because starting a restaurant business is one of the most desired businesses to own because of the amount of people employed in the food industry. CateringTrailerSite.com 4 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com But starting a restaurant is often way too expensive for people starting out, most people prefer a low risk, high return, shoestring style business to begin with, so what do people naturally turn to… Mobile Catering!!! I can’t begin to tell you the amount of calls I used to get before creating the Mobile Catering Mastery course from new caterers asking for guidance in starting up their mobile catering business. That’s why I rarely do phone consultations any more. There are simply too many food entrepreneurs wanting to start out in this business. What does all this mean? Simply put, competition is growing, and growing fast. Go to any mobile food joint and ask for guidance on starting up your own similar mobile food joint and you’ll soon find out the competitive reception you get from the business owners that want to hold you back! But rest assured, there IS hope and there IS opportunity for you if you are willing to learn the strategies that successful concessionaires use to achieve mobile catering success. Most new mobile catering businesses simply don’t know the successful start-up methods or insider’s real life methods and systems and will often fall flat on their face because they didn’t take the time to learn the core details to success in the mobile catering business I’d like to prove to you that starting your own mobile food business doesn’t have to be a struggle if you’re willing to learn the fast-track methods from people who have already succeeded with their own mobile catering businesses. So I’d like to give you 5 crucial steps to success for your new mobile food business. The 5 Keys to Success in Mobile Catering… CateringTrailerSite.com 5 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com Step 1: Plan for Success. From my own research and inside view on the industry, the mobile catering entrepreneurs who succeed are the ones who prepare and plan their business. Listen, without a plan and strategy in place you can’t do anything. You can’t set clear objectives, you can’t work out the financial requirement, heck you can’t even get funding to start in the first place! A huge mistake I see many new mobile caterers make is jumping into the mobile food business often spending thousands of their hard earned money without a even knowing where they will trade from, how they will attract custom or even what they will sell. Many mobile catering businesses fail not knowing where or even how to effectively start trading and have no idea on how to make money in the catering trailer and mobile catering business. Some go in to huge debt and do things wrong because they did not know how to successfully start up and get through the red tape and into the trading pitches and events that count. This can often be the case in business and without learning the strategies that will lead to a successful and profitable food operation you could end up loosing money fast! Educate yourself as much as humanly possible and try to immerse yourself in the industry. Learn as much as possible about the road ahead and prepare for business professionally by reading up on the best methods to use in this industry. Remember, almost everything can be set out and planned for before even purchasing any catering equipment and having a written plan will most likely determine the fete of your financial success. CateringTrailerSite.com 6 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com Step 2: Get a Good Catering Unit for Your Business Without this you’re dead in your tracks. In this business the concession stand, catering trailer, food cart or other catering equipment you will use in your day-to-day business is the single most important investment you will make and is the core foundation of the business itself and will ultimately determine your future in the industry. The buying decision MUST be made with some degree of sensible thought as this one decision will affect a number of outcomes in the future. For instance: It is the core of all of your marketing and will be attracting the eye of potential customers from every which way Your catering trailer represents how customers identify your business name, products and brand Your catering trailer also determines what foods you can sell with the equipment included and will often determine the menu options of your business It also determines how fast you can operate and effectively sell items through its structure and inner equipment layout which if positioned right can exponentially increase productivity and will ultimately determine your profits It will be one of, if not THE biggest asset of your business proving you with a sustainable income and giving your business value both on and off paper It will be the biggest single investment of your business and depending on your operation and budget can be a huge outlay ranging from just $500 up to $250,000+ The catering equipment you use is an essential part of running a successful mobile catering business and therefore it is important to know what to look for, the legal implications involved with owning and using this equipment, how to get the best deals and how to use your equipment correctly. CateringTrailerSite.com 7 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com There are a range of factors in mobile catering which will influence your sales. Such factors include the weather, season, time of year, types of people and their tastes etc. Ideally the catering equipment you choose to buy or rent should be as flexible as possible to deal with such factors. In summer for example you may wish to sell summer foods such as smoothies, while in winter they would not sell as well so switching that particular product line to a product like hot soup would be a smart move. Having this flexible equipment arrangement means you can adopt a more flexible menu so that ultimately you can cater a wider range of foods Step 3: Manage Your Business for Maximum Profit It’s a fact that event organizers, councils, health inspectors and the authorities LOVE IT when mobile caterers show organization in their operations. When it comes to health and food safety, managing your mobile food operation effectively is an absolute must and can determine whether your business stays open or not. Show them you mean business and get your catering operation to be seen as a professional mobile food outlet by using forms and organised schedules for your food and management operations. When you use rotas, forms and schedulers to effectively manage the day-today operations, the job just gets so much easier. With systems in place to manage each task such as setting up your catering van, preparing food, organizing staff, serving customers etc your business can literally double its productivity and produce food and products faster and fundamentally sets up your business to run more effectively. Set up an effective trading system with a step-by-step process for each important task within your mobile catering operation. Tasks can include preparing certain menu items, attracting customers to your outlet, positioning the food and equipment in a layout that is optimized for cooking and serving food items and so on. CateringTrailerSite.com 8 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com This will not only save you time but also increase your serving times, your productivity and result in greater profits almost instantly. The faster your can serve a queue, the more customers you can get through, the more customers you can serve, the more money you can make. In the Mobile Catering Mastery course I include a HUGE selection of action planners, temperature recording documents, cleaning schedules, stock management tools, money management and many more MUST HAVE templates in a Mobile Catering Business Toolkit so you can manage your mobile food business and keep it stress free, organized and legal. You can check it out at www.CateringTrailerSite.com Step 4: Get a Good Catering Pitch Getting your mobile food business into profitable catering pitches and events IS the make or brake of your business. It’s just that simple. Look, it doesn’t matter what experience you have in concession trailers and mobile catering, it doesn’t matter how good a cook you are or what experience with food you have, it doesn’t even matter what type of food you are selling... Think about it. Being able to get into high earning pitches and events and attract customers to your mobile catering stand is the most powerful skill you could ever learn in this business. Without getting a good catering pitch and attracting some money spending customers you’re going to be dead in your tracks. Simply put, when starting your own catering trailer business, knowing how to do this is vital for your success There are a number of savvy techniques which can greatly increase your chances of getting into profitable catering pitches by 10x which we don’t have time to go into here but will go into greater detail in ‘Get the Pitch You Want’, a valuable bonus guide from the Mobile Catering Mastery course. But just remember, focus on getting a good catering pitch with lots of people traffic to sell to, it can make or brake your business. CateringTrailerSite.com 9 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com Step 5: Attract Steams of Paying Customers Learning to market your catering trailer business and attracting customers has by far the highest leverage in your mobile catering food sales. Listen, Consider gravity. We can’t see it but it’s a force that surrounds us and keeps us from floating into space. As a result of gravity, if you hold something in your hands and then let go, it will fall to the ground. It’s a natural law of the universe. Gravity doesn’t care if you don’t like it or don’t know that it exists. It just works. It’s just like the proven marketing principles in the mobile food business, they work whether you know about them and use them, or not. One simple but highly effective marketing principle is creating an ongoing relationship with paying customers. Again there are a number of techniques to effectively do this to ensure your customers come back again and again which we will go into later in the Mobile Catering Mastery Course but the principle itself is important. Many mobile catering entrepreneurs underestimate the value of the relationships they have with their existing customers and the value in being able to market to them. You will always make more money from a continuing relationship than you will with a one off customer, so who’s better to market than the customer who just ate at your outlet. The ability to create and nurture a continuing and profitable relationship with your customers is a huge competitive advantage an independent food outlet has over any national food chain or franchise and is one that must be capitalized on. Here are just a few examples of the immense value of repeat custom and what it can do to your business. No. of items purchased based on a 5 day permanent pitch 1 coffee or drink purchase 1 repeat customer buying 3-4 items per day A family or group of 5 workers buying lunch Single Purchase Week Month Year 3 years $2.00 $10 $40 $480 $1,440 $10.00 $50 $200 $2,400 $7,200 $50.00 $250 $1,000 $12,000 $36,000 CateringTrailerSite.com 10 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com Obviously, these numbers tend to vary depending on the situation, but even if we reduce them by as much as 20% to allow for the slower periods and other variables the income from your potential repeat business can be astronomical. So I ask you, how much is a repeat customer worth to your business? The price of a 10 cent flyer? An introductory first time discount? A free drink or taster? Repeat custom can and will bring huge revenues to your business if you foster and keep the relationships strong so they keep on coming back to spend money at your outlet. There was a time where you could start a mobile food business and concentrate on serving good food with a fairly friendly service and find that the world would beat a path to your door however... The huge growth of the restaurant and mobile catering industry over the years with national chains, franchises and mobile catering companies popping up everywhere topped with the fact that many people want to start a business in the food industry means that starting up a mobile food business is no longer a guarantee of economic success or independence. Most caterers I meet are doing a great job of operating their mobile food stand, cooking up good food and so forth, but they lack the knowledge, skills and experience to attract a steady flow of customers and the ability to keep them coming back. In today’s highly competitive food industry, every known food chain can be within one or two blocks from your food stand and with the number of mobile caterers on the increase, getting pitches and attracting money-spending customers anywhere will be close to impossible without some solid marketing systems in place. “Here’s How to Avoid the Common Pitfalls, Beat Your Competition & Start Your Own Profitable Mobile Catering Business on Any Shoestring Budget” It will most likely take you months, if not years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out the most efficient way of starting, managing and marketing your catering trailer business, while others will risk it all and fall flat on their face. Let me ask you, how would you like to make a huge success of your very own mobile catering business from the very start? CateringTrailerSite.com 11 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com Suppose you had the tools and resources you needed to effortlessly run and own that dream business of yours doing something you enjoy and earning more money in a day than most people do in a month... Suppose you could have a ‘mobile catering success blueprint’ containing all the secret mobile catering tricks and knowledge with simple step by step techniques that showed you exactly how to start your own profitable catering trailer business... How useful would that be to you..? Well instead of knocking yourself out searching high and low trying to find all the answers on your own I’d like to invite you right now to discover the ‘closely guarded’ step-by-step secrets to starting a successful mobile catering business in a powerful new course... “They Call It Mobile Catering Mastery” The Mobile Catering Mastery course is a unique start-up course with powerful tools, templates and fast track start-up guide’s which shows you the step-by-step formula of starting and growing a profitable cash generating mobile catering business from the ground up... It breaks down each piece of the process containing all the essential information you need in an easily digestible course with follow-along action steps, multiple action tracking tools and templates to guide you through the start-up phase and into the BIG profits. Inside My Action-Packed Step-By-Step Course You’ll Discover… CateringTrailerSite.com 12 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com The laws, legalities and insurances that you MUST HAVE and the methods of how to effortlessly cut through the red tape and get your business licensed and trading Will you be shut down by the authorities? Discover the low down on how to pass the food inspection every time! Uncover the secret money magnet hotspots of the high earning concessionaires and discover how to locate the highest earning pitch for your business You’ll learn the event getting system and discover the unknown secret techniques of how to get into events Your own ‘Done For You’ Complete Mobile Catering Business Plan to Get The Funding You Need Fast Your very own all-in-one mobile catering toolkit to achieve your maximum profits and potential to get your business up and running fast and put your money-making catering trailer business on auto-pilot! How to find the pitch owners and event organisers that can literally explode your income-Inside you’ll find the MUST HAVE upto-date resources to all of the major event-getting websites including, festivals, events, markets, local councils, directories & more... 2 ‘done-for-you’ successful application blueprints which you can use right away to apply for pitches and events The sure-fire advertising techniques that will make your business the dominant food establishment at any location whilst blowing your competition away and make you BIG MONEY in the process How to optimize sales for maximum profit with your concession trailer and how to even duplicate your operation to be earning major streams of income in several places at once CateringTrailerSite.com 13 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com Free marketing and advertising methods that brings in paying customers every time with minimum time and effort An up-to-date complete marketing powerhouse with the most effective customer attracting, profit-pulling, money-making mobile catering techniques ever written... And much, much more… Here’s what just a few customers had to say about the course… "Making real money in a job I enjoy" “Hey Mike, This course is great. I’ve been a chef for a number of years and have wanted to start up my own food trailer business for a long time. Your eBooks were a great source of knowledge for me and I often refer to them for a recap. I’m now earning a lot more than I used to in any previous jobs and am happily trading in my own mobile catering unit at various pitches around the country. Thanks” Neil, Manchester, UK "Wow…I was about to waste thousands without this" "I am very pleased to be a part of this program after trying and failing at so many other businesses out there over the years. I was eager to simply jump in but boy am I glad I didn’t before reading through your course. Starting a catering van had been on my mind for years and the Mobile Catering Mastery Course finally gave me the step-by-step methods and the confidence to finally start in my own business THE RIGHT WAY. This package is great and I'll happily recommend it to anyone with doubts about buying or starting out in a new mobile catering business. Thanks again." Sarah, London, UK "I’m making money at 3 different locations" “Hey Mike, Your eBooks came highly recommended from a friend of mine who already does his own food stand. So I bought a copy for myself and did what you said in the books. I am now up and running in my own catering stand business and trade at local markets on the weekends. I have secured 3 other catering pitches so far at some fairly big outdoor events and just wanted say thanks for all the info in the course, I had no idea how to start and this was just a fantastic starter kit.” Paul, San Diego, USA CateringTrailerSite.com 14 Discover the Secret to Mobile Catering Success at www.CateringTrailerSite.com So here’s the deal. I’d like to give you the opportunity to try the course completely risk free. Simply put, if you don’t like the course, you don’t own it! Plus I’ll even let you keep 5 free bonus books just for trying it out. To see my ridiculous Iron-Clad Money Back Guarantee simply check it out on the main www.CateringTrailerSite.com site. Mobile Catering Mastery Discover the step-by-step formula of how to quickly launch your own $100,000+ per-year mobile food business anywhere in the world with little or no money and start an enjoyable business to be proud of. Download This Entire Powerful Series of Guides Now At >>> www.CateringTrailerSite.com <<< So there you have it. Truthfully, not everyone will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. It's only for the person who is ready to take their rightful place as high earning mobile food operator and is willing to do whatever it takes to finally make it happen... Wishing you all the success with your mobile food ventures Mike Carter www.CateringTrailerSite.com CateringTrailerSite.com
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