g n i b d y a Faith e L d n a g n i Liv One-day courses for ministry training and general interest open to all. Ecumenism - Why Bother? NEW course no : SP 601 S p r i n g In s t i t u t e Sa t ur day A p r i l 11, 2 015 10 a m - 4p m Holy Cross Sec ondar y 1619 3 - 8 8 t h Av e n u e Su r r e y cost: $3 5 . 0 0 * Online registration available at w w w.rcav.org/oc-spring. The cost of each course includes morning snack and lunch. Late registration is not guaranteed a lunch. * Cost of full-day course for payment received by or before April 9, 2015, af ter April 9, 2015 cost is $40.00. U Courses credited toward completion of a Catechetical Cer tif icate. 4885 Saint John Paul II Way Vancouver BC V5Z 0G3 tel 604.683.0281 [email protected] pr esenters : RCAV Commision for Ecumenical & Inter fait h Relat ions full - day What is ecumenism? How is it dif ferent from inter faith dialogue? Why is it impor tant? How did it begin? What are some meaningful ways to engage in this movement in my daily practice? How can I bring the spirit of reconciliation to my workplace? What is the place of prayer in the ecumenical movement? Explore a common framework to approach the task of grassroots ecumenism. This workshop ensures clarity and commonality and provides understanding of the Church’s approach and hopes for ecumenical dialogue. Presenters are members of the RCAV Commission for Ecumenical and Inter faith Relations: Rt. Rev. John Braganza, OSB, Abbot of Westminster Abbey; Linda Harder, St. Ann’s Parish; Pamela Ho, St. Francis Xavier Parish; Dr. Christophe Potworowski, Professor of Theology at Catholic Pacific College. DISCOV ERING THE GOSPELS course no : SP 602 pr esenter : Leanne Penco full - day Why are the same stories slightly dif ferent in each of the Gospels? What’s the dif ference bet ween a temple and a synagogue? How is Jesus the fulf illment of the Old Testament? We will look at Jesus’ life and ministr y, the culture and political scene of the time, how the New Testament was assembled and more. Together we’ll discover diverse ways to read, study, ponder and teach the Gospels. This is an excellent course for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of our Lord and the Gospels. Come, and bring your questions. Leanne Penco is the Liturgy of the Word with Children (LWC) Consultant for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Eva ngeliz ation & catechesis NEW youth ministry course no : SP 603 pr esenters : Clay ton Imoo & Er win Fung full - day Evangelization enables young people to uncover and name the experience of God already active and present in their lives. Catechesis is the Church’s ef for ts to bring the teachings of Jesus Christ to life. Both evangelization and catechesis lead people into an ever-deepening relationship with God who reveals himself in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. In this session, we’ll explore ef fective models of evangelization and catechesis with teens, especially within the context of comprehensive youth ministr y. As well, we’ll be providing you with a preview of our brand new “Youth Ministr y with Catechesis” strategy for the archdiocese. Be among the f irst to learn about it! Clay Imoo (Director) and Er win Fung (Consultant for Youth Ministry) both work in the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Of fice for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Wor ld youth day group leader tr aining NEW pr esenters : Daniela Gimenez & Elizabet h Ingram course no : SP 604 full - day Are you preparing for a pilgrimage like World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland? Learn what you need to organize your group to have the best pilgrimage experience possible. We will discuss strategies for being an ef fective leader, how to engage your young adult pilgrims in order to build a community of trust, and recommend faith formation resources. Daniela Gimenez and Elizabeth Ingram are experiences World Youth Day Group Leaders having par ticipated in the last 5 international WYDs.. basics of the faith - PART II pr esenters : Fr. Ant hony Ho & Madonna House course no : SP 605 full - day The Catholic Faith is true and beautiful, but many have yet to discover its riches. Par t 2 explores the moral life and prayer, t wo of the four pillars of our Faith. U Fr. Anthony Ho is pastor of Precious Blood Parish in Cloverdale. Madonna House is a Catholic community dedicated to pover ty, prayer, & hospitality. A DULT CATECHESIS - PA RT II course no : SP 606 pr esenter : Pat r ick Gillespie full - day “Go... teaching them to obser ve all that I have commanded you.” This workshop provides an over view of the role of adult catechesis in the mission of the Church. Par ticipants will examine the content that is to be delivered, including Sacred Scripture, doctrine and personal testimony. While emphasis is given to RCIA, the principles explored are applicable to any form of adult catechesis. U Patrick Gillespie is the Director of the Office of Catechetics for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Childr en & Pr ayer course no : SP 607 pr esenter : Mur it a Chua full - day This course is designed to help Catechists lead their students to an appreciation of the centrality of the Eucharist and the impor tance of prayer in our lives. There will be oppor tunities to par ticipate in prayer and plan prayer experiences using a variety of resources. Ideas and guidelines to prepare children for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Conf irmation will be discussed. U CUPS not provide d, please Murita Chua is the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Consultant for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. bring a mug. Spr ing Inst itute Regist rat ion – Apr il 11, 2015 Registrants should confirm billing arrangement with parish or school prior to registration. Request for refunds must be phoned in, or emailed by April 6, 2015 to: phone: 604-683-0281 email: [email protected] You are not registered until payment is received. For refunds there is a $5 proccessing fee that will be deducted from your remaining blance. Please arrive early to check-in with the front desk. Last Name: Parish or School Name: First Name: Email PARISH SCHOOL Please circle one Mailing Address: City: Postal Code: PLEASE CAREFULLY CHECK THE COURSE YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR. THE COST FOR EACH COURSE INCLUDES MORNING SNACK AND LUNCH. Day Phone: PAID BY APR. 9 COST AFTER APR. 9 Other Phone: courses are from 10:00am - 4:00pm PAID BY APR. 9 COST AFTER APR. 9 SP601 Ecumenism - Why Bother? $35 $40 SP605 Basics of the Faith - Part II $35 $40 SP602 Discovering the Gospels $35 $40 SP606 Adult Catechesis - Part II $35 $40 SP603 Evangelization & Catechesis in Youth Ministry $35 $40 SP607 Children & Prayer $35 $40 SP604 World of Youth Day Group Leader Training $35 $40 Credit card account information can be phoned in to the Office of Catechetics: 604.683.0281 Request for refunds must be received by April 6, 2015. Signature Total Payment Cheques are payable to: Office of Catechetics Please circle one of the following payment options CREDIT CARD * BILL PARISH BILL SCHOOL CARD TYPE MC / VISA The 3 digit CVV/CSC Number is located on the back side of your credit card. 16 DIGIT CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRY DATE MONTH / YEAR CVV / CSC NUMBER
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