RDHS 7-8 April News - Ridgetown District High School

April 2015 Newsletter
Coding Club
RDHS has started a Coding Club that meets every
Wednesday at 2pm in the library. It is run by two grade
7 students, Austin G and Brody W, who are both
interested in coding. We will be starting to make math
apps to find areas of shapes, then we will start creating
apps that draw shapes. Tutorials and projects using
apps like Hopscotch, Pyonkee, Tynker, Cargo bot,
Scratch and Twinery. Also a hands-on tool such called
Makey Makey. We plan to teach computer languages
like HTML, Java and CSS. We are happy to start a club
like this, coding is a great skill to learn for your life,
which could bring many opportunities in the future.
Volunteers Needed
Grade 7 and 8 students are needed to assist with an
upcoming evening event at Naahii Ridge Public School.
The Parent Council is sponsoring a night called Mad for
Learning. During the evening of April 8th, from 6:30
until 8 pm, families can visit the school and attend a
variety of stations set up while collecting stamps for
their passport. Stations include Mad Science and other
interesting activities.
If you are available to volunteer, please speak with Ms.
Vander Pol and get your name added to her list.
Students in Grade 7 and 8 will be receiving their next
immunizations on Wednesday, April 8th. These will only
be given to the students who brought back their signed
permission forms earlier this school year.
Update from the Health Unit
Chatham-Kent Public Health is doing their annual
review of elementary student immunization records.
You may have received a notice in the mail or a phone
call from public health requesting missing vaccine
information be reported to them. If public health has
not received the requested information by May 28th,
2015 your child will be suspended from school. It is your
responsibility, as a parent, to report these shots to
public health. Immunizations provided by your health
care provider are not automatically reported.
If you have any questions about the recent changes
about meningitis, pertussis (whooping cough) and
varicella (chicken pox) protection, please call our
immunization intake line at 519.355.1071 ext. 5900.
To report any shots to Chatham Kent Public Health
Phone: 519.355.1071 ext. 5900.
Fax: 519.355.0848 Attention: VPD Team
Online: https://www.chatham-kent.ca/vaccinations
Auditions have taken place, and the teachers had to
make the tough decisions as to which students would
play each role. This week, students will be informed of
their individual role in the Flower Power presentation.
Being able to see some of the auditions, I was
personally blown away by the talent that these students
possess. Rehearsals will begin this week and the
students will continue working diligently toward
producing their show for the students, staff, parents
and community members.
Community Ties to Curriculum
Track and Field
On Tuesday, April 2nd, the Grade 8 students attended
the Ridgetown Water Treatment Plant. The Grade 7
students were scheduled to go later the same day, but
due to the weather, their trip is postponed until
Thursday April 9th.
Again this year, the Track and Field events will be held
at CKSS in Chatham. This location allows for a better
facility for all athletes to compete. Transportation
details are being arranged and will be sent at a further
The purpose of this trip was for students to be
introduced to workplace safety. Before the trip
occured, students prepared by learning about mixtures
and how these mixtures can be separated by different
means. Following the trip, teachers will lead the
students to inquire about the impact on the
environment that these mixtures have. Having the
students see how Science and Technology exist in their
own community helps them to make real life
connections to their learning.
The date for Track and Field has been set for May 25th,
2015. We will need volunteers to run the events in
order for the day to be successful. We are asking that
any parents or older siblings who are dedicated and
capable of running an event for the duration of the day
please contact the school to sign up.
Spirit Horse
Outdoor Education Trip
On Friday, April 10th, students from Grade 4-6 at
Naahii Ridge will join our Grade 7 and 8 students to see
a performance provided by the Elementary Teachers
Federation of Ontario. The performance is called Spirit
Horse and will take place at 10 am.
Teachers are in the process of planning an engaging and
active trip for students during the month of May. This
trip is outside of and in addition to the year-end trip to
Spirit Horse is a powerful story that chronicles an
incredible adventure involving two urban First Nations
children. Spirit Horse is an adaptation of the
internationally acclaimed play Tir Na N’Og by Greg
Banks– one of Britain’s most successful children’s plays
in decades.
Following the production, students will have a chance
to ask questions about the show and interact with the
cast and crew to learn more about the production
process. As well, some teachers have been selected to
attend a professional development workshop around
the themes from the production. We are looking
forward to this presentation.
As well, food and snacks will again be provided by the
Optimists. More details about pricing will come in the
May Newsletter.
Outdoor Education funding is provided to the Lambton
Kent District School board through the Ministry of
Education. This funding is designed to get students
active and involved in programs and learning
opportunities which are outside of the regular
classroom learning environment. Each student within
the LKDSB is provided with the same amount of
funding, and teachers can then determine what type of
program suites the needs and interests of their
students, as well as matching up with grade-level
curriculum expectations.
Watch for permission forms and more information
regarding this trip to come home from the school in the
following weeks.