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GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation
Part 2
(Lent Term 2014/15)
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Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation, takes a case-study
approach to questions of sexuality, gender and culture
(in the first term) and a broad range of sexual
formations in relation to nation and globalization (in the
second). The full unit considers a variety of ways in
which sexuality is central to the social sciences in
today’s globalised world. Theoretical approaches will be
woven through the course via case study material so as
not to provide a false opposition between example and
approach. The course will allow a more thorough
grounding in this area than the half unit, and will include
a high element of student participation and group work.
It is interdisciplinary but does not have a pre-requisite.
197 items
Course Outline (1 items)
Term 1
Introduction: Sexuality, Gender and Culture
1. Histories of a field
2. Concepts and key terms
Topic I: Sexuality, Race and Nation
3. Colonial Legacies and Sexual Morality
4. Sexuality and Childhood
5. Race, Nation and Abortion
Topic II: Sexual Identities and the Modern World
6. Lesbian and Gay Identities and Communities
7. Queer Theory
8. Bisexuality and Trans* Perspectives
Topic I: Sexuality, Race and Nation
9. Capitalism and Gay Identity10. Sexualisation of Culture
Term 2
Topic IV: Beyond Identity
1. Sexual Citizenship
2. Affect and Sexuality
3. Global Gayness
Topic V: Migration and Borders
4. LGBT Asylum
5. Homonationalism and Homophobia
Topic VI: Sex Work and Leisure
6. Sex Work and Migration
7. Sex, Race and Romance Tourism
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Topic VI: Sexual Rights and Pleasures
8. Sexual Rights
9. Sexual Subcultures
Overview Session and Essay Preparation
Topic IV: Beyond Identity (66 items)
The first three sessions of this term provide some additional concepts and ways of looking
at the field of 'sexuality and gender studies' from a global perspective. In particular, we
consider the politics and ethics of sexual meaning transnationally, where this frequently
involves universalising from Western taxonomies. In addition, we consider thinking through
two non-identitarian approaches, that of 'sexual citizenship' and that of 'affect', both of
which provide other ways of thinking about sexuality in terms of practices and feelings.
These sessions are also intended to remind you of, as well as extend, discussions from the
first term.
Week 11 Sexual Citizenship (12th Jan 2015) (18 items)
This session continues to think through sexuality in global perspective, focusing on the
literature on sexual citizenship. How is citizenship altered when we think through
sexuality? How are key concepts such as 'the sexual citizen', 'acts of citizenship' or
'intimate citizen' useful and what are their limits? How do questions of sexuality reshape
the ways we think about a history of citizenship in the first place?
Assessment Preparation: Expectations and term-time markers
Key Reading (2 items)
European citizenship unbound: sex work, mobility, mobilisation - Rutvica Andrijasevic,
Claudia Aradau, Jef Huysmans, Vicki Squire, 2012
The Sexual Citizen - Jeffrey Weeks, 1998
Recommended Reading (5 items)
Geographies of sexual citizenship - David Bell, Jon Binnie, 2006-11
Citizenship in Flux: The Figure of the Activist Citizen’ - Engin Isin, 2009
Inclusive Citizenship: Realizing the Potential 1 - Lister, Ruth
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Constructing sexual citizenship: theorizing sexual rights - D. Richardson, 2000-02-01
'A Stranger to its Laws': Sovereign Bodies, Global Sexualities, and Transnational Citizens Carl F. Stychin, 2000-12
Further Reading (10 items)
The queen of America goes to Washington city: essays on sex and citizenship - Lauren Gail
Berlant, c1997
QUEERING CITIZENSHIP?: Same-Sex Marriage and the State - A. L. Brandzel, 2005-01-01
Sexual citizens: the legal and cultural regulation of sex and belonging - Brenda Cossman,
Sexual Citizenship in the European Union - Stychin, Carl F.
Citizenship, Same-Sex Marriage, and Feminist Critiques of Marriage - Jyl Josephson,
Queer Migrations: Sexuality, U.S. Citizenship, and Border Crossings - Benita Roth, 2007-25
Article | Martin F. Manalansan IV (2005) ‘Migrancy, Modernity, Mobility: Quotidian
Struggles and Queer Diasporic Intimacy’ pp. 146-160.
Queer globalizations: citizenship and the afterlife of colonialism - Arnaldo Cruz, Martin F.
Manalansan, c2002
Intimate citizenships: gender, sexualities, politics - Elzbieta H. Olesky, 2009
Introduction to the special section: Citizenship and queer critique - R. Payne, C. Davies,
Article | [and this whole section; the latter part of this issue also has a couple of articles
on global trans identities, which might be of interest]
Sexual Citizenship in the European Union - Stychin, Carl F.
Week 12: Affect and Sexuality (19th Jan 2015) (25 items)
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
This session will highlight the critical importance of affect for thinking about gender and
sexuality, and suggest ways that this is particularly interesting when we thinking about
globalization. Drawing on economic/Marxist as well as queer and feminist accounts of
affect, theorists consider affect to be both the 'tie that binds us' to the violence of history
and consumption, but also that which has the potential to articulate social forces and our
relationship to them differently. How does this work when we thinking about intimacy and
about the increasingly global nature of kinship (as well as affective labour)? [Those of you
in the GI will have read the Sedgwick text already, so spend more time struggling with the
Berlant text!]
Assessment Preparation: What makes a good/bad abstract?
Key Reading (4 items)
Cruel Optimism - L. Berlant, 2006-01-01
The outsourced self: intimate life in market times - Arlie Russell Hochschild, 2012
Book | Hochschild, Arlie, The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life pp.146-156, New York,:
Metropolitan Books. [11]
Not Allowed to Love? Sri Lankan Maids in Lebanon - Moukarbel, Nayla
Sporting Bodies: Dynamics of Shame and Pride - E. PROBYN, Elspeth Probyn, 2000-03-01
Article | Body and Society 6. (1): 13-28
Recommended Reading (4 items)
Affective Economies - Ahmed, Sara
Affective Labor’ - Michael Hardt, 1999
Invoking affect: cultural theory and the ontological turn - Clare Hemmings
Affecting feminism: Questions of feeling in feminist theory - C. Pedwell, A. Whitehead,
Further Reading (16 items)
Introduction - Deborah A. Boehm, Heidi Swank, 2011-12
Article | [read the intro and choose another text to look at]
Cruel optimism - Lauren Gail Berlant, 2011
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
The queen of America goes to Washington city: essays on sex and citizenship - Lauren Gail
Berlant, c1997
The affective turn: theorizing the social - Patricia Ticineto Clough, Jean O'Malley Halley,
An archive of feelings: trauma, sexuality, and lesbian public cultures - Ann Cvetkovich,
Immaterial and affective labour: Explored - E. Dowling et al, 2007
Learning to (Love) Labour: Production Cultures and the Affective Turn - Gregg, Melissa
Cultural studies' affective voices - Melissa Gregg, 2006
Affective solidarity: Feminist reflexivity and political transformation - C. Hemmings,
The managed heart: commercialization of human feeling - Arlie Russell Hochschild, 2003
"My Filipina is from Ghana:" Transnational Migration, Nannies and Family Life. - Hutter,
Mark, 2013
Deleuze: a critical reader - Paul Patton, Timothy S. Murphy, 1996
Book | Brian Massumi (1996) ‘The Autonomy of Affect’ pp. 217-239.
Feeling Secular - Ann Pellegrini, 2009
Prognosis time: Towards a geopolitics of affect, debility and capacity - Jasbir K. Puar,
Touching feeling: affect, pedagogy, performativity - Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Adam Frank,
Book | ‘Introduction’ pp. 1-27.
Non-representational theory: space, politics, affect - N. J. Thrift, 2008
Week 13: Global Gayness(26th Jan 2015) (22 items)
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
What difference does it make to think about sexuality and gender from a transnational
perspective? What are some of the dilemmas that arise when we do? This session focuses
on the growing importance of sexuality for global regulation of people and politics, and on
some of the key issues that arise. We will pay particular attention to the question of
representing sexual others (across space and linguistic difference) and the challenges a
transnational approach poses to how we research sexuality. The focus here will be
primarily on understanding 'same-sex' practices in a transnational frame.
Assessment Preparation: How to narrow a topic in developing a research-led essay?
Key Reading (3 items)
Rupture or Continuity?: The Internationalization of Gay Identities - Denis Altman, 1996
Blackwood, 2008-01-01
Arrested development or the queerness of savages: Resisting evolutionary narratives of
difference - Neville Hoad, 2000-7
Article | Postcolonial Studies, 2000, Vol.3(2), p.133-158
Recommended Reading (5 items)
The globalization of sexuality - Jon Binnie, MyiLibrary, 2004
Book | Nation and Sexual Dissidence’ pp. 11-31.
Moral Ambivalence and Irregular Practices: Contextualizing Male-to-Male Sexualities in
Calcutta/India - Boyce, Paul
CAPITALISM AND GLOBAL QUEERING: National Markets, Parallels among Sexual Cultures,
and Multiple Queer Modernities - P. A. Jackson, 2009-01-01
Emotional Attachments and Secular Imaginings: Western LGBTQ Activism on Iran Rastegar, Mitra
Desiring China: experiments in neoliberalism, sexuality, and public culture - Lisa Rofel,
Book | Lisa Rofel (2007) ‘Qualities of Desire: Imagining Gay Identities’
Further Reading (13 items)
Islamicate sexualities: translations across temporal geographies of desire - Kathryn
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Babayan, Afsaneh Najmabadi, Harvard University, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study,
Q & A: queer in Asian America - David L. Eng, Alice Y. Hom, 1998
Book | Mark Chiang (1998) ‘Coming Out into the Global System: Postmodern
Patriarchies and Transnational Sexualities in The Wedding Banquet’ pp. 374-395.
"We're There and Queer": Homonormative Mobility and Lived Experience among Gay
Expatriates in Manila - D. Collins, 2009-08-01
The Queer Space of China: Expressive Desire in Stanley Kwan's Lan Yu - D. L. Eng,
Article | [and rest of this special issue on queer China]
What's in a Name? Bisexuality, Transnational Sexuality Studies and Western Colonial
Legacies - Hemmings, Clare
Undressing the Universal Queer Subject: Nicaraguan activism and transnational identity Alyssa Cymene Howe, 2002-01
Culture, Sexualities, and Identities: Men Who Have Sex with Men in India. - Khan,
Shivananda, 2001
Taboo: sex, identity, and erotic subjectivity in anthropological fieldwork - Don Kulick,
Margaret Willson, 1995
Queer Migrations: Sexuality, U.S. Citizenship, and Border Crossings - Benita Roth, 2007-25
Article | Martin F. Manalansan IV (2005) ‘Migrancy, Modernity, Mobility: Quotidian
Struggles and Queer Diasporic Intimacy’ pp. 146-160.
Inventing AIDS - Cindy Patton, 1990
Book | Inventing “African AIDS”. pp.77-97.
Queer diasporas - Cindy Patton, Benigno
nchez-Eppler, 2000
why queer diaspora? - Meg Wesling, 2008-10
Homophobia as the State of Reason: The Case of Postcolonial Trinidad and Tobago Wahab, Amar
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Topic V: Migration and Borders (53 items)
This topic considers two contexts of LGBT regulation and the changing nature of sexual
identity and the modern world. Where historically, sexuality has been considered to be
co-extensive with nation and citizenship only when part of traditional kinship,
contemporarily lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* subjects are also recognised. How might
we make sense of this new, if partial, recognition? How might we track the unevenness of
gay and lesbian security with respect to national borders and boundaries. How easy is it
for queer subjects to move?
Week 14: LGBT Asylum (Guest lecturer Emma Spruce, 2nd Feb 2015)
(30 items)
In this session we will consider the conditions under which LGBT asylum claims have
become possible. How does looking at LGBT asylum help us to think about the ways in
which sexual identities travel around the globe. What happens when we consider Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Trans asylum individually, rather than collectively under the acronym
'LGBT' or as 'gay asylum'? To what extent can LGBT asylum illustrate the opportunities and
challenges of international LGBT politics?
Key Reading (2 items)
Missing the Mark. Decision making on Lesbian, Gay (Bisexual, Trans and Intersex) Asylum
Claims - Keina Yoshida, 2013
Queer migrations: sexuality, U.S. citizenship, and border crossings - Eithne
id, Lionel
, c2005
Book | Cantú Jr, Lionel and Luibhéid, Eithne and Minna Stern, Alexandra, (2005)
"Well-Founded Fear: Political Asylum and the Boundaries of Sexual Identity in the
U.S.-Mexico Borderlands" pp.61-74
Recommended Reading (6 items)
Constructing the Personal Narratives of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Asylum Claimants - L.
Berg, J. Millbank, 2009-06-01
Production and Reproduction of Gender and Sexuality in Legal Discourses of Asylum in the
United States - Susan A. Berger, 2009
“How does a lesbian come out at 13? - S. Chelvan
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Living Discreetly: A Catch 22 in Refugee Status Determinations on the Basis of Sexual
Orientation - Choi, Venice, 2010-2011
Uncharted Territory: Choosing an Effective Approach in Transgender-Based Asylum Claims
- Neilson, Victoria, 2004-2005
The SAGE handbook of feminist theory - 2014
Book | Emma Spruce (2014) ‘(It’s not all) Kylie Concerts, Exotic Cocktails and Gossip:
the Appearance of Sexuality through ‘Gay’ Asylum in the UK’,
Further Reading (21 items)
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death: Political Asylum and the Global Persecution of Lesbians
and Gay Men - Goldberg, Suzanne B., 1993
Queer Cases Make Bad Law - Hathaway, James ; Pobjoy, Jason; Hathaway, James
(correspondence author)
On Silence, Sexuality and Skeletons: Reconceptualizing Narrative in Asylum Hearings Toni Johnson Johnson, 2011-03-01
Reading the Stranger of Asylum Law: Legacies of Communication and Ethics - Toni A. M.
Johnson, 2013-7
Homosexuality, Gender Nonconformity, and the Neoliberal State - Michael Kimmel, Cheryl
Llewellyn, 2012-08
'UNHCR Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender
Identity': a Critical Commentary - N. laViolette, 2010-07-01
The Cultural Politics of Lesbian Asylum - Rachel Lewis, 2010-12
The Emerging Importance of "Social Visibility" in Defining a "Particular Social Group" and
Its Potential Impact on Asylum Claims Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender - Marouf,
Fatma E.
The Right Of Lesbians And Gay Men To Live Freely, Openly, And On Equal Terms Is Not Bad
Law: A Reply To Hathaway And Pobjoy - Millbank, Jenni; Millbank, Jenni (correspondence
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
A Preoccupation with Perversion: the British Response to Refugee Claims on
of Sexual Orientation, 1989-2003 - J. Millbank, 2005-03-01
the Basis
Not Gay Enough for the Government: Racial and Sexual Stereotypes in Sexual Orientation
Asylum Cases - Morgan, Deborah A., 2006
Norwegian sexualities: Assimilation and exclusion in Norwegian immigration policy - W.
Muhleisen, A. Rothing, S. H. B. Svendsen, 2012-03-01
Homosexual or Female - Applying Gender-Based Asylum Jurisprudence to Lesbian Asylum
Claims - Neilson, Victoria, 2005
“We Cannot Claim Any Particular Knowledge of the Ways of Homosexuals, Still Less of
Iranian Homosexuals …”: The Particular Problems Facing Those Who Seek Asylum on the
Basis of their Sexual Identity - Barry O’Leary, 2008-4
Bisexuals need not apply: a comparative appraisal of refugee law and policy in Canada,
the United States, and Australia - Rehaag, Sean
LGBT Identity in Immigration - Shah, Bijal, 2013-2014
Who am I and Who Do You Want Me to Be - Effectively Defining a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
and Transgender Social Group in Asylum Applications - Southam, Keith, 2011
Fleeing homophobia: sexual orientation, gender identity and asylum - 2013
Queer refuge: a review of the role of country condition analysis in asylum adjunctions for
members of sexual minorities - Swink, Arwen; Swink, Arwen (correspondence author)
'Welcome to Britain': the cultural politics of asylum - I. Tyler, 2006-05-01
HJ (Iran) and HT (Cameroon) - Reflections on a new test for sexuality-based asylum claims
in Britain - J. Wessels, 2012-12-01
Week 15: Homonationalism and Homophobia (9th Feb 2015) (22 items)
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
This week we focus on homonationalism and homophobia. 'Homonationalism' theorises the
changing centrality of homosexual rights and symbolism for the 'modern' nation and
organisation of global power relations, highlighting the ambivalent role that homosexuality
plays in respect of national identity and religio-political oppositions. While many theorists
consider lesbian and gay identities to be increasingly powerful markers of modernity at the
border, others stress the continued difficulties faced by 'ordinary' subjects.
Assessment feedback: abstracts due this week
Key Reading (3 items)
Homonormativity: A Metropolitan Concept that Denigrates “Ordinary” Gay Lives - Gavin
Brown, 2012-08
National Identities and Transnational Intimacies: Sexual Democracy and the Politics of
Immigration in Europe - E. Fassin, 2010-10-01
Mapping US Homonormativities - Puar, Jasbir K.
Recommended Reading (4 items)
Sexual politics, torture, and secular time - Judith Butler, 2008-03
The Soldier and the Terrorist: Sexy Nationalism, Queer Violence - A. Kuntsman, 2008-02-01
Portrait of a Women's Marriage: Navigating between Lesbophobia and Islamophobia. Wieringa, Saskia E. ;
Are Gay Rights Islamophobic? A Critique of Some Uses of the Concept of Homonationalism
in Activism and Academia - A. Zanghellini, 2012-09-01
Further Reading (14 items)
The times of movements: a response - Chetan Bhatt, 2008-03
subjects of debate: secular and sexual exceptionalism, and Muslim women in the
Netherlands - Anna Clark,, 2011-7
From 'saving women' to 'saving gays': Rescue narratives and their dis/continuities - S.
Bracke, 2012-05-01
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
'Gays who cannot properly be gay': Queer Muslims in the neoliberal European city - F.
El-Tayeb, 2012-02-01
National Identities and Transnational Intimacies: Sexual Democracy and the Politics of
Immigration in Europe - E. Fassin, 2010-10-01
Introduction: Transgressing Boundaries - E. Fassin, J. Surkis, 2010-10-01
Women's rights, gay rights and anti-Muslim racism in Europe: Introduction - J. Haritaworn,
Globalization and its Mal(e)Contents: The Gendered Moral and Political Economy of
Terrorism - Michael S. Kimmel, 2003-9-1
The Dutch Homo-Emancipation Policy and its Silencing Effects on Queer Muslims Suhraiya Jivraj, Anisa de Jong, 2011-8
The Soldier and the Terrorist: Sexy Nationalism, Queer Violence - A. Kuntsman, 2008-02-01
Settler Homonationalism: Theorizing Settler Colonialism within Queer Modernities
Contesting Europe: A call for an anti-modern sexual politics - J. Petzen, 2012-02-01
Terrorist assemblages: homonationalism in queer times - Jasbir K. Puar, 2007
Citation and Censorship: The Politics of Talking About the Sexual Politics of Israel - Jasbir
Puar, 2011-8
Topic VI: Sex Work and Leisure
(43 items)
This topic foregrounds questions of sex as labour in a global perspective. While last term
we explored (briefly) the question of sexual morality in relation to colonial histories, here
we consider the relationship between sexual labour, race and borders in two related
contexts: sex work and migration (including trafficking and regulation) and sex tourism
(including LGBT and romance tourism). In exploring these sites we will highlight the
intersectional complexities of global mobility and the purchase of sex, and interrogate the
power relations that attend 'romance' in the context of tourism. In both cases, we will be
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
thinking through questions of representation and research positionality too, as a way of
mediating what tend to be highly polarised debates within the field. Some texts cut across
both weeks, so please think of these as integrated.
Week 16: Sex Work and Migration (16th Feb 2015) (22 items)
In this first session, we consider sex work in terms of migration, citizenship and
representation. Always framed by sexual morality, sex work is also a question of borders
and regulation of bodies (in terms of trafficking and violence). We focus here on different
ways of conceiving of this form of sexual labour (as trafficking, as violence, as work) and
on questions of representation and ethics in considering this field.
Assessment feedback: group feedback on abstracts and individual meetings sign-up
Key Reading (3 items)
Sex Trafficking as the 'New Slave Trade'? - F. Schaeffer-Grabiel, 2010-04-01
Trafficking Prostitution and Inequality - Catherine MacKinnon, 2011
Normal - Real Stories from the Sex Industry - Trailer - Nicola Mai, Tuesday, March 11, 2014
at 8:35 AM
Audio-visual document
Recommended Reading (5 items)
The SAGE handbook of feminist theory - 2014
Book | Rutvica Andrijasevic (2014) ‘The Figure of the Trafficked Victim: Gender, Rights
and Representation’, pp. 359-373.
Ouch!: Western Feminists' 'Wounded Attachment' to the 'Third World Prostitute' Doezema, Jo
Not for sale: feminists resisting prostitution and pornography - Rebecca Whisnant,
Christine Stark, 2004
Book | “Prostitution as a harmful cultural practice.” pp. 386-399.
Men, middlemen, and migrants - Julia O'Connell Davidson The demand side of "sex
trafficking" - Julia O'Connell Davidson, 2006
Between Minor and Errant Mobility: The Relation Between Psychological Dynamics and
Migration Patterns of Young Men Selling Sex in the EU - Mai, Nicola
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Further Reading (13 items)
Sex at the margins: migration, labour markets and the rescue industry - Laura
n, MyiLibrary, c2007
beautiful dead bodies: gender, migration and representation in anti-trafficking campaigns Rutvica Andrijasevic, 2007-7
Sex, Work, and the Feminist Erasure of Class - Brooke Meredith Beloso, 2012
Militarized Humanitarianism Meets Carceral Feminism: The Politics of Sex, R...: EBSCOhost
- E. Bernstein, 2010
Sexual Labors: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Toward Sex as Work - E. Boris, S. Gilmore, R.
Parrenas, 2010-04-01
Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings - Council of
Europe, 2005
Vulnerable Bodies, Vulnerable Borders: Extraterritoriality and Human Trafficking - Sharron
A. FitzGerald, 2012-11
Body issues: The political economy of male sex work - N. J. Smith, 2012-09-01
Article | [interesting special issue on LGBT sex work]
Doing Love in the Borderland of Transnational Sex Work: Female Thai Migrants in Denmark
- Marlene Spanger, 2013-06
Trafficking’ piece in Themed Issue ‘The Body and the State: How the State Controls and
Protects the Body Part II - Carole Vance, 2011
Thinking Trafficking, Thinking Sex - Vance, Carole S
Sex Worker's Rights and Media Ethics: Notes for Journalists - Jo Weldon
Sex Trafficking or Sex Work? Conceptions of Trafficking Among Anti-Trafficking
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Organizations in Nepal - M. Worthen, 2011-09-01
Week 17: Sex, Race and Romance Tourism (23 Feb 2015) (20 items)
This week focuses on sex and romance tourism, continuing to think through the
intersectional issues that arise when we consider sexual labour. Long a feature of romance
novels as well as tourism, the encounter with 'the other' is frequently exoticised through
race and gender. It is not hard to see how international power relations of wealth and
location are playing out when we think about 'mail order brides', say, but what about the
dynamics within queer tourism or women's travelling desires? How do we account for
power in the 'field of romance tourism' without ignoring agency or flattening feelings out
Assessment feedback: conference presentation training
Key Reading (3 items)
Globalizing sexual exploitation: sex tourism and the traffic in women - Sheila Jeffreys,
Article | GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 2002, Vol.8(1), pp.101-137
female sex tourism: a contradiction in terms? - Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor, 2006-8
Recommended Reading (5 items)
Between Love and Money: Sex, Tourism, and Citizenship in Cuba and the Dominican
Republic - Amalia L. Cabezas, 2004
Bananas, beaches and bases: making feminist sense of international politics - Cynthia H.
Enloe, c2000
Book | ‘On the Beach’
Race, ethnicity, and sexuality: intimate intersections, forbidden frontiers - Joane Nagel,
American Council of Learned Societies, 2003
Book | ‘Sex and Tourism: Travel and Romance in Ethnosexual Destinations’. pp.
Almighty gringos: Masculinity and value in sex tourism - M. Rivers-Moore, 2012-10-01
New femininities: postfeminism, neoliberalism and subjectivity - Rosalind Gill, Christina
Scharff, 2011
Book | Sadie Wearing (2011) ‘Notes on Some Scandals: The Politics of Shame in 'Vers le
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Sud’. pp. 173-187.
Further Reading (11 items)
Gay tourism: culture and context - Gordon Waitt, Kevin Markwell, c2006
Sex work in China's Pearl River Delta: Accumulating sexual capital as a life-advancement
strategy - Y. Ding, P. S. Y. Ho, 2013-01-01
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 8 - Table of Contents - 2002
Journal | [special issue on gay tourism]
Sex, tourism and the postcolonial encounter: landscapes of longing in Egypt - Jessica
Jacobs, c2010
Unintended Consequences of Intimacy: Political Economies of Peacekeeping and Sex
Tourism - Jennings, Kathleen M.
Sun, sex and gold: tourism and sex work in the Caribbean - Kamala Kempadoo, 1999
Book | [has a range of now classic articles]
Sexing the Caribbean: gender, race, and sexual labor - Kamala Kempadoo, 2004
Love, Sexuality and Migration: Mapping the Issue(s) - Mai, Nicola ; King, Russell
Caribbean pleasure industry: tourism, sexuality, and AIDS in the Dominican Republic Mark Padilla, 2007
A Transnational Feminist Critique of Queer Tourism - Jasbir Puar, 2002-11
Tourism and sex: culture, commerce, and coercion - Stephen Clift, Simon Carter, 2000
Book | Jacqueline Sanchez Taylor (2000) ‘Tourism and “Embodied” Commodities: Sex
Tourism in the Caribbean’, pp. 41-53.
Topic VII: Sexual Rights and Pleasures (34 items)
The last topic of the course returns us to questions of rights and pleasures, with a
particular focus on sexual rights discourse and its limits (particularly in terms of
non-identitarian experiences). This is an opportunity for you to link academic and policy
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
issues, to consider intersectional and geographical issues, and to apply these concerns to
particular case studies. It is also a context for thinking through how rights and pleasures
might be thought of differently.
Week 18: Sexual and Gendered Rights (March 2nd 2015) (22 items)
In this session, we explore the development of the concept of 'sexual rights', as distinct
from e.g. 'citizenship'. Sexual rights have been developed in the context of sexual violence
in conflict, global development platforms, and the continued posing of 'sexuality' against
questions of the economy or social justice. Yet proposing 'sexual rights' as a solution has
severe limits, not least of all creating its own opposition between reproductive rights and
pleasures. In addition, we explore the value of a 'rights'-based framework for addressing
trans* (and disability) oppressions and marginalisations.
Assessment feedback: from confernece paper to essay (abstracts due this week)
Key Reading (2 items)
Against the grain: Teaching Transgender Human Rights - D. Irving, 2013-06-01
Sexuality - Sonia
a, 2008
| Sonia Corrêa, Rosalind Petchesky and Richard Parker (2008) ‘Transnational
Debates: Sexuality, Power and New Subjectivities’. pp. 175-191 Chapter 9
Recommended Reading (5 items)
Sexuality, health and human rights - Sonia
a, Rosalind P. Petchesky, Richard Parker, 2008
Book | Sonia Corrêa, Rosalind Petchesky and Richard Parker (2008) ‘At the Outer Limits
of Human Rights: Voids in the Liberal Paradigm’. pp. 192-218.
Sexuality, Health and Human Rights - Alice. M. Miller, Carole S. Vance, 2004
Article | This is the Intro to a special issue on sexuality, health and rights.
Transgender rights - Paisley Currah, Richard M. Juang, Shannon Minter, c2006
Book | Shannon Price Minter (2006) ‘Do Transsexuals Dream of Gay Rights? Getting
Real About Transgender Inclusion’. pp. 141-170.
Intersexuality and sexual rights in southern Brazil - Machado, Paula
Disabled Sexuality: Towards Rights and Recognition - Tom Shakespeare, 2000
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Further Reading (14 items)
Sexuality, Rights and Social Justice - Marge Berer, 2004-5
Unspoken rules: sexual orientation and women's human rights - Rachel Rosenbloom,
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, 1996
Book | Charlotte Bunch (1996) ‘Foreward’
Population policies reconsidered: health, empowerment, and rights - Gita Sen, Adrienne
Germain, Lincoln C. Chen, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies,
International Women's Health Coalition, Boston, c1994
Book | Sonia Correa and Rosalind P. Petchesky (1994) ‘Reproductive and Sexual Rights:
a Feminist Perspective’
Transgender Rights Imaginary, The - Currah, Paisley, 2002-2003
Transgender rights - Paisley Currah, Richard M. Juang, Shannon Minter, c2006
Disability and the male sex right - Sheila Jeffreys, 2008-9
Global sex workers: rights, resistance and redefinition - Jo Doezema, Kamala Kempadoo,
The narratives of transgender rights mobilization in Spain - R. Platero, 2011-10-01
Framing the sexual subject: the politics of gender, sexuality, and power - Richard G.
Parker, Regina Maria Barbosa, Peter Aggleton, 2000
Book | Rosalind P. Petchesky (2000) ‘Sexual Rights: Inventing a Concept, Mapping an
International Practice’
Respect and equality: transsexual and transgender rights - Stephen Whittle, 2002
Disability rights and wrongs - Tom Shakespeare, 2006
Obstacles to LGBT Human Rights Development in Taiwan - C. Yu-Rong, W. Ping,
IGLHRC: International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
Sexuality, health and human rights: A knowledge-resource of jurisprudence and law - The
International Council on Human Rights, 2012
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
Week 19: Sexual Pleasure (March 19th 2015) (11 items)
The final taught session on this course focuses attention on sexual pleasure as an
overlooked or sidelined aspect of sexual history and politics. Focused primarily on sexual
identity, rights, mobilities and constraints, sexual studies can often ignore the question of
pleasure. Yet pleasure (and desire) are of course what often motivate people to form new
communities, be a source of agency, and develop new subcultures that allow for freer
sexual expression. Since this week is also the week you will be giving your conference
presentations, I am only assigning a limited range of reading, and asking you to look at the
safe sex 'pleasure project' website to get you thinking.
Assessment feedback: panels and programme for Friday
Key Reading (1 items)
The Pleasure Project | Putting the sexy into safe sex.
Website | Browse this website and read at least one of the Recommended and Further
Readings below...
Recommended and Further Reading (8 items)
In Search of (Better) Sexual Pleasure: Female Genital 'Cosmetic' Surgery - V. Braun,
Queer Black Feminism: The Pleasure Principle - Laura Alexandra Harris, 1996-23
Faking Like a Woman? Towards an Interpretive Theorization of Sexual Pleasure - S.
Jackson, S. Scott, 2007-06-01
Sexual Pleasure as Feminist Choice - Patricia McFadden, 2003
Feminism: critical concepts in literary and cultural studies - Mary Evans, 2000
Chapter | Cora Kaplan (2001) ‘Wild Nights: Pleasure/Sexuality/Feminism’. pp.351-360.
Where Angels Fear to Tread - Charmaine Pereira, 2003
Article | Response to above McFadden article
The pursuit of sexual pleasure - B. J. Rye, Glenn J. Meaney, 2007-12
Sexuality and Disability: the Missing Discourse of Pleasure - Mitchell S. Tepper, 2000
Student Note (1 items)
GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation Part 2 | Reading lists @ LSE
In class I will ask you to discuss one of the following sexual subcultures in terms of the
challenges and possibilities raised:
butch/femme; sadomasochism; swinging; feeder communities; polyamory.