2ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE Reciprocal Learning & Symbiotic Relationships In School Development SHANGHAI MAY 9-11, 2015 SPONSORED BY: Institute of School Reform and Development New Basic Education Research Center Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) REGISTRATION MAY 9, 2015 CHECK IN—REGISTRATION (8:30AM—9:00PM) Location 1: Hall on the first floor ,YiFu Building (逸夫楼一楼大厅) Address: North Road Zhongshan 3663, East China Normal University, Shanghai TEL: 021--6223201 Please Note: This location is for conference delegates who are staying in YiFu Building Location 2: Hall on the first floor, Qing Shui Wan Hotel(清水湾大洒店一楼大厅) Address: North Road Kai Xuan 1305 (near Ning Xia Road), Shanghai TEL: 021-62858000 Please Note: This location is for conference delegates who lives at or near this hotel PUBLIC CONFERENCE MAY 10, 2015 WELCOME REMARKS-SCIENCE HALL 8:30AM 8:35AM 8:40AM 8:50AM 8:55AM 9:10AM Chair: Dr. Zhengtao Li to introduce: President ECNU Professor Xiaowei Yang, Director of Institute of Schooling Reform and Development Dr. K.W. Michael Siu, Vice President for Research and Innovation Services, University of Windsor Professor Lan Ye, Pre-Director, Institute of School Reform and Development Dr. Ruth Hayhoe, Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto Picture—Greenwards (outside hall) KEYNOTE SPEECHES - SCIENCE HALL 9:20AM Dr. Yuhua Bu to introduce: Dr. Xiangming Chen, Director, Center for Basic Education and Teacher Education, Graduate School of Education, Peking University Knowledge Transformation and Identity Formation: Learning of StudentTeachers in Symbiotic Relationships with Their Mentors 9:40AM Dr. Cheryl Craig to introduce: Dr. Ian Westbury, Professor Emeritus, Curriculum& Instruction, University of Illinois Reciprocal Learning: Understanding Classrooms 10:00AM Dr. Zongyi Deng to introduce: Dr. Stefan T Hopmann, Professor, Comparative Education and History of Education, University of Vienna Comparing Curriculum 10:20 AM Break 10:40AM Dr. Jiacheng Li, to introduce: Dr. Stuart McNaughton, Professor of Education, Director, Woolf Fisher Research Centre, University of Auckland Intervention, innovation, and the central role of variability in school improvement 11:00AM Dr. K.W. Michael Siu to introduce: Dr. Shijing Xu, SSHRC Partnership Grant Project Director, University of Windsor, (reading joint paper with) Dr. Michael Connelly, Project Co-Director, University of Toronto, Reciprocal Learning: Comparative Models and the Partnership Project 11:20AM Question and Answer 11:30AM–1:20PM Lunch PUBLIC CONFERENCE MAY 10, 2015 PLENARY SESSION—SCIENCE HALL—1:30PM-3:00PM ECOLOGICAL MODE OF NEW BASIC EDUCATION Chair: Dr. Shijian Chen, Vice-President, Southwest University Speakers: Dr. Zhengtao Li and Professor Lan Ye, Director and Pre-Director, Center of New Basic Education Research, ECNU Yue Zhu, Vice-Director of Minhang School Board Xuefeng He, Principal of Minhang Experimental Primary School, Shanghai Yeting Wang, Principal of Huaping Primary School, Shanghai Hongwei Tu, Principal of the Fourth Middle School, Minhang Weiping Li, Principal of Juqianjie primary school, Changzhou CONCURRENT SESSIONS—PHASE 1 SESSION 1: CONFERENCE HALL, 1st Ground Yifu Building - 3:15PM-4:15PM Ecological Mode of New Basic Education (continued) Chair: Prof Lan Ye, Pre –Director, Center of New Basic Education Research, ECNU Speakers: Yun Zhou, Principal of Hong Jing Primary School, Changzhou Yingjiu Wei, Principal of Dongfang Primary School, Changzhou Peiying Wang, Principal of Qilun Primary School, Shanghai Yingqun Zhao, Principal of Tianyuan Foreign Language Primary School, Shanghai Lingling Zhang, Principal, of Gumei School, Shanghai SESSION 2: LECTURE HALL, 3rd Floor Yifu Building - 3:15PM-4:15PM Experience in school development, teacher development, student growth Chair: Dr. Xiao Wei Yang, Director, Institute of Schooling Reform and Development Speakers: Anthony Ezeife, University of Windsor Aihui Peng, Yueqiang Shang, Tingting Wang, Weihua Xu, Southwest University, Yun-peng Ma, Shu Xie, Yanling Wang, North East Normal University; Douglas McDougall & Sijia Zhu, University of Toronto Gila Hanna, University of Toronto Zhaoyun Wang & Douglas McDougall, University of Toronto Sijia Zhu, University of Toronto Yuhua Bu, East China Normal University PUBLIC CONFERENCE MAY 10, 2015 SESSION 3: MEETING ROOM, 1st Floor Yifu Building - 3:15PM-4:15PM Role of Culture in School Development Chair: Dr. Shuguang Huang ,Vice-director, Institute of Schooling Reform and Development, ECNU Speakers: Jiacheng Li, East China Normal University Juan Shi, Southwest University Lingyu Li, East China Normal University Lu Leng, Amber Strong Makaiau, & Thomas Jackson, University of Hawaii at Manoa Peng Jie, East China Normal University Takbir Ali, Nahid Parween Anwar, & Sadia Muzaffar Bhutta, Aga Khan University Xiaohong Yang & Caiwen Sun, Hangzhou Normal University Xiangtao Liu, Haihong & Shujie Ma, Yangtze Normal University SESSION 4: MEETING ROOM 2, 1st Floor Yifu Building - 3:15PM-4:15PM Interschool, Interregional or Intercultural School Development Chair: Dr. Zhongjing Huang, Researcher, Institute of School Reform and Development, ECNU Speakers: Deng Jing, Southwest University Fu Guang Huai & Yibing Liu, Southwest University Ge Wei, Peking University Jie Zhang & Eun-Joo Kim, The College at Brockport State University of New York Jun Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong Kela Cheng, Lingnan Normal College Li Lijuan & Kerry J Kennedy, Hong Kong Institute of Education Liyan Liu, Ningxia Normal University & Zuochen Zhang, University of Windsor Min Zhao, East China Normal University PUBLIC CONFERENCE MAY 10, 2015 SESSION 5: MEETING ROOM 3, 3rd Floor, Yifu Building - 3:15PM-4:15PM Interschool, Interregional or Intercultural School Development Chair: Dr. Liang Cheng, Researcher, Institute of School Reform and Development, ECNU Speakers: An Liu, East China Normal University David Potocek, University of Windsor Jonathan Bayley, University of Windsor Ju Huang, University of Windsor Minghua Wang & Shijing Xu, University of Windsor Nevin MacLeod, University of Windsor Na Wu & Yibing Liu, Southwest University Qian Yang & Yuhua Bu, East China Normal University Xuefeng Huang & Yishin Khoo, University of Toronto Yishin Khoo & Xuefeng Huang, University of Toronto CONCURRENT SESSION—PHASE 2 SESSION 6: LECTURE HALL, 3rd Floor, Yifu Building - 4:30PM-5:30PM Issues in School Education Research Chair: Dr. Yiming Zhu, Dean of Educational Department of ECNU Speakers: Kassie Freeman, African Diaspora Constortium Jingjing Liu & Guo Yuanxiang, Central China Normal University Qingju Pang, East China Normal University Shuhan Yang & Wang Jieqiong, Yunnan Normal University Stefanie Muhling, University of Toronto YanJie Chi, Shenyang Normal College Yanping Fang, Nanyang Technological University Zhengtao Li, East China Normal University PUBLIC CONFERENCE MAY 10, 2015 SESSION 7: MEETING ROOM 1, 1st Floor Yifu Building - 4:30pm-5:30pm Experience in School Development, Education Reform, School Curriculum Chair: Dr. Zongyi Deng, Professor, Nanyang Technological University Speakers: George Zhou, University of Windsor Geri Salinitri, University of Windsor Jing Xu, East China Normal University Juin Ee Teo, Nanyang University Lili Liao, Southwest University Pei Shi & Yuanrong Li, Southwest University Shijian Chen & Li Ying, Southwest University Wenxiu Gu, Mingqiang Primary School, Shanghai Zuochen Zhang & Brandon Sabourin, University of Windsor; Kun Qu Southwest University SESSION 8: MEETING ROOM 2, 1st Floor, Yifu Building - 4:30PM-5:30PM Issues in School Education Research Chair: Dr. Jiacheng LI, Researcher, Institute of School Reform and Development ,ECNU Speakers: Jingshun Zhang, Florida Gulf Coast University Peng Liu, Hong Kong Institute of Education Takbir Ali, Sadia Muzaffar Bhutta, & Nahid Parween Anwar Aga Khan University Weihua Xu & Aihui Peng, Southwest University Xiao Han, University of Houston Yao Lin, East China Normal University Yanting Liu, East China Normal University Zhaoyun Wang & Douglas McDougall, University of Toronto SCHOOL VISIT MAY 11, 2015 School Name: Minhang Experimental Primary School: ChunchengCampus Minhang Experimental Primary School: JinchengCampus Huaping Primary School Mingqiang Primary School Fourth Middle School of Minhang 9:10AM - English Math Class activities Chinese Math Art Music Science Math Chinese Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion 9:50AM 9:50AM10:40AM 10:40AM11:50AM 12:00PM 1:20PM3:30PM Lunch & Schoolyard Visit Min hang Primary School at Jincheng Huaping Primary School Mingqiang Primary School Minhang the Fourth middle School Principal Reporting Principal Reporting Principal Reporting Principal Reporting Teacher Reps Speeches Teacher Reps Speeches Teacher Reps Speeches Teacher Reps, Speeches Student Reps Student Reps Student Reps Student Reps Communication Communication Communication Communication Join us next year at SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY Chongqing, China APRIL19-20, 2016 www.swu.edu.cn
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