the guide - Advertise IT jobs on

Our guide to
IT jobs online
Our guide
to advertising
IT JOBS online
There’s never been a better time to take the plunge and
advertise your hospitality jobs online. As job boards become
more popular, advertising rates represent excellent value and
new tools are being developed every day to make it easier
than ever to get your ads online.
In short, at a time when print media is losing readers (and
therefore potential candidates), online job advertising goes
from strength to strength. In the following guide, we’ll explain
the basics of advertising your vacancies online:
Target the right audience for your vacancy
Get amazing value for money
Take control of your ad the easy way
Get vital insights on how your ad is performing
Discover exactly what you’ll need to advertise online
with our simple guide
Our guide to advertising IT JOBS online
01 The benefits of advertising online
Compared to print media, there are a host of
advantages to posting your vacancies online. With
Not only are rates for online advertising usually less
more than 70% of the adult population now using the
than what you’d pay for print job ads, but you also get
internet on a daily basis, getting your vacancy in front
a whole lot more for your money. From targeted ad
of the right candidate has never been easier. Here are
campaigns and nationwide reach to simple analysis
a few other reasons we think online is better than print
tools and straightforward posting options, advertising
online represents amazing value. You can buy a job
ad on for just £195.
The majority of job sites are nationwide, showing
vacancies from throughout the UK. And don’t forget
Compared to the potential hassles of creating print
that this nationwide coverage doesn’t mean job boards
job ads, posting a vacancy online is a piece of cake.
aren’t local - in fact, many job sites have many more
Major job sites like make the job-posting
relevant jobseekers in your area than your local print
process as simple as possible - at, for
publication could ever offer you.
example, it’s possible to buy an ad and post it online
in only three steps.
When you’re looking to fill an IT job, it’s likely you’ll go
searching for a jobseeker with a specialist skill set or
Popular job sites will offer you a range of tools to help
relevant experience.
you write the perfect job ad, target the right candidate
and measure the success of your job ad.
Unlike print media, online job sites have a wealth
On, for example, we have recently
of tools designed to make sure that recruiters are
launched helpful tools like jobs on a map to let
presented with only the most relevant candidates.
candidates see where your job is based, as well as a
With everything from CV databases to screening
revamped mobile version of the site.
questions and CV relevancy indicators, you can be
sure that you can find the right candidates quickly and
with the minimum of fuss.
Our guide to advertising IT JOBS online
02 What products can I buy?
Different sites will use their own names for the
Enhanced job ads
different types of job ad available to you, but when all
If you want to make your IT ad stand out from the
is said and done, there are three main ways that you
crowd, most jobs boards will offer you a range of
can target jobseekers.
enhancements to personalise your vacancy. On, for example, you can add a logo to
Standard job ads
your job ad cost effectively - and for a more individual
For your first steps in online recruitment advertising,
feel, you can also buy a featured template, allowing
a standard job ad is probably the best bet. This gives
you to customise your job ad with unique look tailored
you everything you need to get your ad in front of
to your company’s branding.
jobseekers, including job title, description, salary
and a chance to sell your company as a great place
CV database access
to work.
As well as advertising your vacancy and waiting on
jobseekers coming to you, you can also seek out
You’ll also get a job listing, meaning that your job ad
active jobseekers who might be interested in your
will appear on search results, making it much easier
role. Most job boards now offer access to their
for jobseekers to find your vacancy in their job search.
CV database, a place where interested jobseekers can
upload their CV for potential employers to find. You’ll
be able to search CVs by keyword and location, so
you can quickly narrow down the candidates to only
those who are most relevant to your role.
Our guide to advertising IT JOBS online
03 Which site is right for me?
So, you’ve decided that you want to advertise your
Read between the lines
IT jobs online, but how do you choose which site
Most job sites will tell you boldly how many job
to spend your precious budget with? This can be one
ads they currently have, but make sure you look
of the most difficult decisions of all, especially with
at the advertisers as well; are the job ads
so many job boars available to you. Follow these
coming from a few companies, or is there a good
tips to sift through the options and make a
spread? More importantly, are there other IT
considered choice.
companies advertising?
Look at the site itself
If so, then you can be pretty sure that jobseekers
You can get a fairly good idea of whether a job site is
are visiting that site looking for IT roles. On CWJobs.
a good fit for you just by browsing the site. If the site, for example, you can quickly see the make-up
doesn’t show anything IT related, then it’s fair to say
of site users by region and sector by searching
that posting an ad there won’t reap huge rewards.
our candidates.
Check the language used as well - does it look like the
Investigate elsewhere
people behind this site would be able to help you out
It’s all well and good reading the blurb on each site,
with any problems you might have? Do you find the
but for the whole picture, you should conduct a little
site easy to use? If you don’t, then it’s a fair bet that
research. Thanks to companies like ABCe and even
your potential candidates will struggle to find your job,
Alexa, it’s very easy to identify the relative popularity
which isn’t good if they’re experts in IT.
of a site compared to its competitors. But what should
you be looking at?
Lastly, read through the site’s claims and FAQ - sure,
there may be bias here, but you’ll be able to gather
The most important here is unique visitors: this will tell
valuable information on how popular the site is and
you how many people come to the site on a monthly
how well job ads do on there.
basis, letting you quickly gauge which is the most
popular job site out there. Remember, though, to tie
this in with research into how that particular job board
performs within IT.
Our guide to advertising IT JOBS online
04 What will i need?
We think that advertising vacancies online makes a
Location, location, location
lot of sense, especially when you’re searching for
Want to give jobseekers an extra incentive to apply?
IT candidates, but we can also understand that this
Then include the postcode of your company in the job
seems like a big step for someone who’s been using
ad; on many job sites, this means your ad will show
print media for most of their career. We’ve found that
up on people’s job searches on the site. If you include
many recruiters in that situation think that it’s a very
a postcode on, your job will show up
complicated process - but it’s actually much easier
on our map letting jobseekers see where your job
than getting a job ad into print. Here’s what you need
is based.
to know:
Job ad copy
A salary
As soon as you have your job spec completed, try to
Before you do anything else, check out your
condense it into a job ad that will convince people to
competitors to get an idea of the salary you should
apply for the position.
offer to potential candidates. Offering much less
than the going rate will not do you any favours when
This is the first point of contact people have with
it comes to getting people to apply for the job. On
your company when it comes to the vacancy, so, you can view the salary for any job
use positive language, explain the role and your
or industry within any location in the UK using our
requirements well and, most importantly of all,
hospitality salary checker tool.
remember that this is a sales tool. You can find the
complete guide to writing a killer job ad on
Job details
Most companies will insist on a detailed job
description being drawn up before the vacancy is
Graphics and company logos
approved, but in smaller employers, this isn’t always
Making your job ad stand out and helping emphasise
the case. Write down the key skills, the experience
your company’s brand is important, so adding a logo
and the type of person you’re looking for to fill this
to your ad is vital. Once you’ve nailed your job ad
vacancy - this will not only help you get your job ad
copy, your next task should be to prep a company logo
online much more quickly, but it will also make the
for inclusion in the ad - all good jobs sites will have
whole interviewing process far easier as well.
useful information on the sizes and dimensions you’ll
need to use.
Our guide to advertising IT JOBS online
05 The candidate experience
In the past, when all job ads were print and
Keep them informed
communication between jobseeker and recruiter was
At, we always recommend that
done through formal letters, candidates accepted long
recruiters draft a simple ‘thanks but no thanks’ email
delays between applying for a job and hearing back
that they can send out to people who have failed to
from an employer. Or not.
make the interview stage.
Job boards now make it very easy for recruiters to
Why would you do this? Well, it leaves jobseekers
keep in touch with candidates, though, informing them
with a positive feeling about your company, so they
how far they are along the recruitment process. Sure,
won’t feel like they shouldn’t apply for any subsequent
this might take you an extra bit of effort, but it will
vacancies you have. Even better, this positive feeling
make sure that candidates will really want to get your
might even lead to the jobseeker recommending you
job. But what can you do?
to a friend who also works in IT, making your job a
whole lot easier.
One of the easiest things you can do to make
jobseekers feel valued when they submit a job
application is to set up an auto-responder email. Sites
like will allow you to do this with every
new job ad you post, so that everyone applying to that
job will be sent a thank you email giving them details
of your intended timescales and contact details if they
have any further questions.
Our guide to advertising IT JOBS online
06 Has my job worked?
Probably the biggest difference between advertising
What can I do if it’s not working?
jobs in print and online is the way you gauge success.
Unlike in print, you won’t have to start again with a
In print, you have one option: sit back and wait for
completely new concept for your ad. On,
the CVs to come in. If they don’t, then it’s back to
for example, you are able to change your ad at any
the drawing board with a completely new job ad.
time during the 28 days it is live on the site.
When it comes to online job ads, however, there are
many ways for you to stay on track of how your ad is
Obviously, we would never recommend rewriting it
performing, before it’s too late.
completely with new requirements - and this wouldn’t
be a good time to bump up the salary to gain more
Regular reports
interest - but rewriting the job title and the introductory
Most good job sites will provide you with weekly
text could make all the difference in the world. You can
reports showing vital information on how your ad is
go further, though. On, for example,
doing. You can expect to see how many people have
you can add a logo to or a featured job template at
viewed your job ad and, most importantly of all, how
any time to a job that’s currently live, giving you even
many applications your vacancy has received to date.
more chance of attracting more views.
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