WOMEN’S MINISTRY Coordinating Team Meeting, Tuesday, May 5, 7:00pm in the Youth Room. Also, please check your mailboxes for information on our No-Bake Sale. More copies can be found on the table at the bottom of the stairs. May 3, 2015 Redeemed by Jesus Christ, mo vated by the Holy Spirit, moved by God’s grace as revealed in the Bible, we will invite all into faith in Jesus Christ, revitalize our grace-filled Lutheran tradi on for today’s culture, and make God the center of our personal and our communal life. This is the last call for photo appointments for our PICTORIAL DIRECTORY. We will be completing these by the end of May. There are still a few time spots on Monday, 0D\&RQWDFW%HFN\LQWKHFKXUFKRIĆFH-374-7585) by Friday, May 8 to book your appointment. Those people who are submitting their own photographs for the GLUHFWRU\VKRXOGFRQWDFW%HFN\IRUUHTXLUHGVSHFLĆFDWLRQV3OHDVHGRWKLVE\)ULGD\ May 8. Thanks for your cooperation. What can we Christians do to respond to the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls? That's what The SASKATOON NATIVE MINISTRY'S NEXT FEAST-AND-SHARE will focus on. Bring a pot-luck dish and your thoughts to Redeemer Lutheran Church (corner of Preston and Main) at 6pm on Tuesday, May 12th and share what we as Christians can do to help put an end to this terrible problem. Welcome! We gather today to celebrate God's good news for us -- the news we understand and experience best through Jesus. May the Spirit of the living Christ bless us all as we worship together! GRANDMOTHERS 4 GRANDMOTHERS Saskatoon presents… Art from the Attic Art Sale in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, Saturday, May 9th, GraceWestminster United Church, 505 10th St. E., 10am—4pm. CLWR needs your help to respond to the urgent needs of survivors of the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Canadian Lutheran World Relief and the Evangelical /XWKHUDQ&KXUFKLQ&DQDGDKDYHLVVXHGDQDSSHDOIRUĆQDQFLDOGRQDWLRQVWRVXSSRUW the work of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), which has launched an immediate large-scale emergency response with its emergency team already in place in Kathmandu. LWF staff members on the ground are preparing to distribute immediate lifesaving supplies such as water, food, shelter and medication to those affected. The Canadian government has announced it will match all donations given between April 25 and May 25. To donate, you may: 1. Give online: http://clwr.donorshops.com/product/231A84F/ nepalearthquakerelief.php 2. Call CLWR at 1.800.661.2597 (in Winnipeg at 204.694.5602) to donate by credit card. 3. Send a cheque made payable to CLWR - address it to CLWR, 600-177 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0W5. Please indicate that you wish to contribute to “Nepal earthquake relief.” Mission Statement of Redeemer Lutheran Church If you are visiting us today, please fill out the green card that you'll find in the rack in front of you, next to the song books. Place completed green cards in the offering or give it to one of our ushers. The blue folder (in the same rack) will tell you more about who we are and what we believe. Feel free to take it home with you. REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 812 Preston Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7H 2V2 Phone: 374-7585 Fax: 374-2378 Email: [email protected] Website: www.redeemersaskatoon.ca MINISTERS: ALL GOD’S PEOPLE Pastor: George Hind [email protected] Christian Education Coordinator: Elaine Akre [email protected] Church Administrator: [email protected] Admin. Assistant: Becky Wilson [email protected] Ask an usher if you need • earphones for hearing assistance • special children’s activity bag • assistance finding our washrooms We celebrate Holy Communion at many of our worship services, believing that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal. All are invited to gather around the Lord's table. All are welcome! Look in the blue folder for more information about Holy Communion; ask an usher or the pastor about our customs. Please keep the following members and friends of Redeemer Lutheran in your prayers this week: For healing and on-going health concerns: Wilma Busch, Elizabeth Dyck, Eileen Huebert, Donald Kirsch, Eileen Lissinna, Esther Loewen, Nic Nostbakken, Danielle Schmidt. For bereavement: Ernie Karolat & family. This week at Redeemer May 3 - May 10 Sun, May 3 Mon, May 4 Tues, May 5 Wed, May 6 9:00 What Builds your FAITH 10:00 Worship 6:30 H2H Wind Up @ Lutheran Theological Seminary 9:30 Parents & Praise 7:00 Weight Watchers [Hall] 7:00 Women’s Coordinating Team Meeting 9:30 Tai Chi 10:00 Bible Study 7:00 Weight Watchers [Hall] Thur, May 7 12:00 Al Anon [Basement] 7:30 Al Anon [Hall] Fri, May 8 1:00 Tai Chi 5:00 Items may be dropped off for Youth Garage Sale 8:30 Youth Garage Sale 1:00 AA [Hall] 3:00 AA Step Group [Basement] Parents n’ Praise Bake Sale 9:00 What Builds your FAITH 10:00 Worship Sat, May 9 Sun, May 10 Mother’s Day The May edition of ê5HGHHPHU5HćHFWLRQVë is now available on the table at the bottom of the stairs. COMMUNION CARDS are available in the pew racks. All are invited to gather around the Lord's table. Please complete one for your family and hand it to the usher as you go up for communion. This information will be used to welcome visitors and to track communion numbers. Come with us to CAMP DISCOVERY VBS 2015, July 20-24 at Redeemer. Children, age 3 to completed Gr.6 are invited to 5 tree-mendous mornings! Mark these dates on your calendar and invite friends and family to join us in this very active ministry at Redeemer and in our community. Registration has begun, with info available at the church and online at redeemersaskatoon.ca Youth (completed Gr.7 and up) and Adults are encouraged to join our Camp Team in a variety of ways. Sign up on our Team List in the Place of Welcome and we will be in touch. Come and get a taste of VBS at our May Camp Team meeting on Wed., May 20 at 7:00pm. Check for more VBS info in the May newsletter. Sundays at 9:00 What builds your FAITH? Join us for times of building and growing in Faith. KLIC Kids (age 3-Gr.4) & CONNECT Youth (Gr.5-8) gather in KLIC Crossing for Bible exploration, science, games, snacks and more. Youth gather in the Youth Room and Adults gather in the Fireside Lounge for weekly lectionary based discussions. Come and be part of these times of building faith and community . NOTES FROM THE LEADERSHIP TEAM A Call committee is being formed of 5-7 members of our congregation. If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact Ingrid Benning at 306 373 1678. A Task Force has been formed to help 5HGHHPHUUHYLHZWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQDOVWUXFWXUHPLQLVWU\PRGHODQGVWDIĆQJQHHGV Zane Hansen, Brett Wilson and Paul Deason have begun meeting and collecting information that will allow them to make some future recommendations. They plan to be contacting various members in person, through focus groups and online surveys. Leadership will be updating the congregation on a regular basis. PARENTS AND PRAISE BAKE SALE! May 10th before and after the service at Redeemer. The money, by donation, will provide the group with funds for childcare for the 2015-2016 year. GET INVOLVED! MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Childcare, for ages 0 - 5, is now being offered durLQJWKHVHUYLFHDIWHUWKH&KLOGUHQèV&KDWLQ./,&&URVVLQJGRZQWKHORQJKDOOĆUVWULJKW steps down). We are looking for adults and youth (12 years and over) to support Redeemer families with young children by caring for kids. Please consider signing up for one or more Sundays to care for kids so parents can be more fully engaged in worship. A sign-up sheet is located in the nursery, or you can contact Wendy Hansen (978-1672), Brenda Ledding (6529657) or Sheryl Fox (653-0418). Youth caregivers will receive a donation toward Youth Fundraising. REDEEMER IS LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO CUT THE GRASS PART-TIME. The church has a riding mower and a push mower. Training will be provided to anyone interHVWHG)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKHFKXUFKRIĆFH OUR ANNUAL CHURCH YARD CLEAN-UP will happen Tuesday, May 5 @ 6:30pm. Bring your hoe and rake and help us ready our yard for summer! Come one, come all! The annual Youth Garage Sale is happening on Saturday, May 9th from 8:30-4:00 p.m and we invite you to come and browse for bargains as you support our youth. As always, burgers, hotdogs, fried onions and puffed wheat cake will be available for your dining pleasure. All proceeds will be used to fund our youth who will be attending the next Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth gathering in Charlottetown next summer. If you have items to donate, please deliver them to the Fellowship Hall on Friday, May 8th after 5:00 p.m.. If you are unable to deliver them at that time, pickup can be coordinated through Gisele Dumonceaux, by calling 343-6617 or emailing [email protected] Thank you in advance for your donations, but please note: we are unable to accept strollers, cribs, appliDQFHVWRLOHWVSDLQWRURWKHULWHPVWKDWZLOOUHTXLUHGLVSRVDODWWKHODQGĆOO If you just love garage sales and have some extra time to donate to helping out at this year's event, we welcome your help! Call Gisele or just show up on Friday evening or Saturday and we will put you to work! You may come for the thrill of the bargain hunt, you may come for the fun of a neighbourhood party, or you may come for the world renowned barbequed fare. Whatever your reasons, Redeemer Youth and the Youth Team hope to see you there! This week at Redeemer May 3 - May 10 Sun, May 3 Mon, May 4 Tues, May 5 Wed, May 6 9:00 What Builds your FAITH 10:00 Worship 6:30 H2H Wind Up @ Lutheran Theological Seminary 9:30 Parents & Praise 7:00 Weight Watchers [Hall] 7:00 Women’s Coordinating Team Meeting 9:30 Tai Chi 10:00 Bible Study 7:00 Weight Watchers [Hall] Thur, May 7 12:00 Al Anon [Basement] 7:30 Al Anon [Hall] Fri, May 8 1:00 Tai Chi 5:00 Items may be dropped off for Youth Garage Sale 8:30 Youth Garage Sale 1:00 AA [Hall] 3:00 AA Step Group [Basement] Parents n’ Praise Bake Sale 9:00 What Builds your FAITH 10:00 Worship Sat, May 9 Sun, May 10 Mother’s Day The May edition of ê5HGHHPHU5HćHFWLRQVë is now available on the table at the bottom of the stairs. COMMUNION CARDS are available in the pew racks. All are invited to gather around the Lord's table. Please complete one for your family and hand it to the usher as you go up for communion. This information will be used to welcome visitors and to track communion numbers. Come with us to CAMP DISCOVERY VBS 2015, July 20-24 at Redeemer. Children, age 3 to completed Gr.6 are invited to 5 tree-mendous mornings! Mark these dates on your calendar and invite friends and family to join us in this very active ministry at Redeemer and in our community. Registration has begun, with info available at the church and online at redeemersaskatoon.ca Youth (completed Gr.7 and up) and Adults are encouraged to join our Camp Team in a variety of ways. Sign up on our Team List in the Place of Welcome and we will be in touch. Come and get a taste of VBS at our May Camp Team meeting on Wed., May 20 at 7:00pm. Check for more VBS info in the May newsletter. Sundays at 9:00 What builds your FAITH? Join us for times of building and growing in Faith. KLIC Kids (age 3-Gr.4) & CONNECT Youth (Gr.5-8) gather in KLIC Crossing for Bible exploration, science, games, snacks and more. Youth gather in the Youth Room and Adults gather in the Fireside Lounge for weekly lectionary based discussions. Come and be part of these times of building faith and community . NOTES FROM THE LEADERSHIP TEAM A Call committee is being formed of 5-7 members of our congregation. If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact Ingrid Benning at 306 373 1678. A Task Force has been formed to help 5HGHHPHUUHYLHZWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQDOVWUXFWXUHPLQLVWU\PRGHODQGVWDIĆQJQHHGV Zane Hansen, Brett Wilson and Paul Deason have begun meeting and collecting information that will allow them to make some future recommendations. They plan to be contacting various members in person, through focus groups and online surveys. Leadership will be updating the congregation on a regular basis. PARENTS AND PRAISE BAKE SALE! May 10th before and after the service at Redeemer. The money, by donation, will provide the group with funds for childcare for the 2015-2016 year. GET INVOLVED! MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Childcare, for ages 0 - 5, is now being offered durLQJWKHVHUYLFHDIWHUWKH&KLOGUHQèV&KDWLQ./,&&URVVLQJGRZQWKHORQJKDOOĆUVWULJKW steps down). We are looking for adults and youth (12 years and over) to support Redeemer families with young children by caring for kids. Please consider signing up for one or more Sundays to care for kids so parents can be more fully engaged in worship. A sign-up sheet is located in the nursery, or you can contact Wendy Hansen (978-1672), Brenda Ledding (6529657) or Sheryl Fox (653-0418). Youth caregivers will receive a donation toward Youth Fundraising. REDEEMER IS LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO CUT THE GRASS PART-TIME. The church has a riding mower and a push mower. Training will be provided to anyone interHVWHG)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKHFKXUFKRIĆFH OUR ANNUAL CHURCH YARD CLEAN-UP will happen Tuesday, May 5 @ 6:30pm. Bring your hoe and rake and help us ready our yard for summer! Come one, come all! The annual Youth Garage Sale is happening on Saturday, May 9th from 8:30-4:00 p.m and we invite you to come and browse for bargains as you support our youth. As always, burgers, hotdogs, fried onions and puffed wheat cake will be available for your dining pleasure. All proceeds will be used to fund our youth who will be attending the next Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth gathering in Charlottetown next summer. If you have items to donate, please deliver them to the Fellowship Hall on Friday, May 8th after 5:00 p.m.. If you are unable to deliver them at that time, pickup can be coordinated through Gisele Dumonceaux, by calling 343-6617 or emailing [email protected] Thank you in advance for your donations, but please note: we are unable to accept strollers, cribs, appliDQFHVWRLOHWVSDLQWRURWKHULWHPVWKDWZLOOUHTXLUHGLVSRVDODWWKHODQGĆOO If you just love garage sales and have some extra time to donate to helping out at this year's event, we welcome your help! Call Gisele or just show up on Friday evening or Saturday and we will put you to work! You may come for the thrill of the bargain hunt, you may come for the fun of a neighbourhood party, or you may come for the world renowned barbequed fare. Whatever your reasons, Redeemer Youth and the Youth Team hope to see you there! WOMEN’S MINISTRY Coordinating Team Meeting, Tuesday, May 5, 7:00pm in the Youth Room. Also, please check your mailboxes for information on our No-Bake Sale. More copies can be found on the table at the bottom of the stairs. May 3, 2015 Redeemed by Jesus Christ, mo vated by the Holy Spirit, moved by God’s grace as revealed in the Bible, we will invite all into faith in Jesus Christ, revitalize our grace-filled Lutheran tradi on for today’s culture, and make God the center of our personal and our communal life. This is the last call for photo appointments for our PICTORIAL DIRECTORY. We will be completing these by the end of May. There are still a few time spots on Monday, 0D\&RQWDFW%HFN\LQWKHFKXUFKRIĆFH-374-7585) by Friday, May 8 to book your appointment. Those people who are submitting their own photographs for the GLUHFWRU\VKRXOGFRQWDFW%HFN\IRUUHTXLUHGVSHFLĆFDWLRQV3OHDVHGRWKLVE\)ULGD\ May 8. Thanks for your cooperation. What can we Christians do to respond to the issue of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls? That's what The SASKATOON NATIVE MINISTRY'S NEXT FEAST-AND-SHARE will focus on. Bring a pot-luck dish and your thoughts to Redeemer Lutheran Church (corner of Preston and Main) at 6pm on Tuesday, May 12th and share what we as Christians can do to help put an end to this terrible problem. Welcome! We gather today to celebrate God's good news for us -- the news we understand and experience best through Jesus. May the Spirit of the living Christ bless us all as we worship together! GRANDMOTHERS 4 GRANDMOTHERS Saskatoon presents… Art from the Attic Art Sale in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, Saturday, May 9th, GraceWestminster United Church, 505 10th St. E., 10am—4pm. CLWR needs your help to respond to the urgent needs of survivors of the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Canadian Lutheran World Relief and the Evangelical /XWKHUDQ&KXUFKLQ&DQDGDKDYHLVVXHGDQDSSHDOIRUĆQDQFLDOGRQDWLRQVWRVXSSRUW the work of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), which has launched an immediate large-scale emergency response with its emergency team already in place in Kathmandu. LWF staff members on the ground are preparing to distribute immediate lifesaving supplies such as water, food, shelter and medication to those affected. The Canadian government has announced it will match all donations given between April 25 and May 25. To donate, you may: 1. Give online: http://clwr.donorshops.com/product/231A84F/ nepalearthquakerelief.php 2. Call CLWR at 1.800.661.2597 (in Winnipeg at 204.694.5602) to donate by credit card. 3. Send a cheque made payable to CLWR - address it to CLWR, 600-177 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0W5. Please indicate that you wish to contribute to “Nepal earthquake relief.” Mission Statement of Redeemer Lutheran Church If you are visiting us today, please fill out the green card that you'll find in the rack in front of you, next to the song books. Place completed green cards in the offering or give it to one of our ushers. The blue folder (in the same rack) will tell you more about who we are and what we believe. Feel free to take it home with you. REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 812 Preston Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7H 2V2 Phone: 374-7585 Fax: 374-2378 Email: [email protected] Website: www.redeemersaskatoon.ca MINISTERS: ALL GOD’S PEOPLE Pastor: George Hind [email protected] Christian Education Coordinator: Elaine Akre [email protected] Church Administrator: [email protected] Admin. Assistant: Becky Wilson [email protected] Ask an usher if you need • earphones for hearing assistance • special children’s activity bag • assistance finding our washrooms We celebrate Holy Communion at many of our worship services, believing that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal. All are invited to gather around the Lord's table. All are welcome! Look in the blue folder for more information about Holy Communion; ask an usher or the pastor about our customs. Please keep the following members and friends of Redeemer Lutheran in your prayers this week: For healing and on-going health concerns: Wilma Busch, Elizabeth Dyck, Eileen Huebert, Donald Kirsch, Eileen Lissinna, Esther Loewen, Nic Nostbakken, Danielle Schmidt. For bereavement: Ernie Karolat & family.
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