May 2015 - Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

Our mission is to
share God’s love
with all people;
Be disciples,
Make disciples,
Feed God’s sheep.
9:30 AM
Learning Hour
10:30 AM
Holy Communion
Worship Service
51 Wilmington
Island Road
Savannah, GA
Thank you to all those who helped make it such a wonderful day to
celebrate our Lord’s resurrection. The altar guild who decorated the
sanctuary so beautifully, the fellowship group who prepared for,
served and cleaned up after the brunch, the youth who coordinated
the egg hunt for all the children, those who brought food and drink
to share, the groundskeepers who made our property so beautiful
for this special day, the choir who provided such beautiful music for
both services, the many visitors who came and shared in our
celebration and especially to Pastor Steve who prepared for and
delivered two beautiful Easter services.
Sunday, May 24th
we celebrate the arrival of the
Holy Spirit and the birthday of
the Christian church. Please join
us for this special worship
service, and remember to wear
represent the arrival of the Holy
Spirit as FIRE!
We know spring is turning to summer when we hear the call of the umpire standing behind the catcher at
home plate. From the professional level in packed stadiums down to T-ball in local parks, baseball is in full
swing. Families gather to watch their sons and daughters take a whack at the ball as it comes hurling (or in
the case of T-ball, arching) toward the batter. The question for every batter during every pitch is a singular
one: “Should I swing at this pitch?”
A few weeks ago I used baseball in one of my sermons to point out that God is the batter and we are the bat.
We cannot take credit for the work of God, but we can be thankful that God has chosen us – God’s team – to
perform the work of God in the world. As such, as God’s bats we are part of something powerful; we are utilized by God to right the wrongs in the world all the while singing God’s praises and sharing the story of God
with others.
But just as the shepherd is also the sheep, for a moment transition from being the bat to the batter. Let me
ask you again: “Should I swing at this pitch?” We are approached with opportunities daily to take a swing at
Sin with courage and conviction. In God there is to be no hunger, no thirst, no loneliness, no despair, and yet
Sin has thrown curve balls at humanity since the first game in the Garden of Eden. We find ourselves tempted to back away in fear, or to look away in apprehension, when what we need to do is to grind our cleats into
the dirt, position ourselves appropriately, and swing away.
Be that player; be THAT Christian. With God’s help, stand up to temptation with the full knowledge that it has
no power over you because God in the person of Jesus Christ has already won the game! Victory is ours because at a baseball game 2000 years ago one player – one and only one – had the courage to step up to the
plate for humanity when no one else could. Out of love, obedience, and respect for this Christ (who, by the
way, is already in the Hall of Fame), the Father, and the Holy Spirit, step courageously up to the plate, too,
and take a swing.
Do that, and soon you will realize that in Jesus Christ you can never strike out!
To God be the Glory for all God has done,
Pastor Steve
Average attendance: 88
Average offering: $3,269.00
Needed weekly for 2015 budget: $3,654.00
Backpack Buddie offerings: $628.00
Needed monthly for Backpack Buddies: $400.00
Beginning April 1, pick up your application from your
youth group leader or from the front office. If you want
one mailed to you, contact Juanita Clark in the church
office, and she will send one to you. All applications
must be received by May 1, 2015. This year, the
amount to be divided among qualified applicants is
Thank you to all those who donated
towards the ELCA World Hunger/Piggy
Bank Lenten Offerings. Donations
came to $180.00, so we were able to
provide 6 pigs for families in need.
When each little piggy grows up, she will give birth
to as many as 16 piglets each year. Pigs help fertilize fields, provide food to eat and can be sold at
market for much-needed income.
What a BIG difference a pig can make!
Missed worship Sunday? Go to our website,, to listen to pastor’s sermon
from worship on Sunday.
ALF Event
& Bashes!
Saturday, May 9th 5:00pm
Come for a fun evening gathering of Redeemer’s
Adult Lutheran Fellowship (ALF) group. ALF is for
any adult connected in any way to Redeemer.
Jim will crank up the smoker and have ribs for all.
Bring a side dish or dessert and any desired beverage. Tea will be provided.
Our social ministry project will be to build First Aid
Kits for the Lutheran Services of GA’s refugees.
Over 100 refugees are resettled in Savannah each
year. They come with very little and live on an extremely tight budget. We learned recently that one
man had a simple cut on his leg but because he did
not have first aid materials (which are expensive) the
leg got infected and later required a trip to the emergency room (which is even more expensive!). This is
something we could help with!
Bring a variety of first aid supplies and/or cash to
purchase items. We’ll put together as many kits as
we can. If you have small zippered canvas bags
(make-up bags) you are not using, bring those to
pack the items.
If you need transportation, please let the Wards
know. RSVP on the yellow sheets in worship, or
with the church office.
Allison & Jim Ward’s home
2807 3rd Street, Thunderbolt
VBS is coming back!
Vacation Bible School of the Arts
will be the week of June 8 through
June 12, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. All children from
age 3 - 5th grade are welcome. Please be on the
lookout for more details to come and save these
dates in your calendars! If you are interested in helping, please see Megan Maner at
church or email her at
[email protected].
Spring Bible Study
Pastor Steve began a new evening Bible
study on Paul’s Letter to the Romans from
the New Testament. Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm.
Please indicate on the Gold Attendance Sheet
in worship or call the church office if you are
interested in attending.
The youth will be selling Mother's
Day Flower Baskets again this
year. Orders will be taken starting
Sunday, April 19th.
Pick up will be May 3rd and 7-10th.
Thank you to all those who donated to and
helped with the YUC Yard Sale last
weekend. We had tons of items to
sell and sold lots of sponsorships for
the sale. So far it looks like we made
$960 towards our trip to Detroit.
As an extension of our Backpack Buddies
program, Redeemer’s Social Ministry
Comm. is adding a Summer Feeding Program from Second Harvest of Coastal
GA. Plans are underway to serve 25 Island children, K-8th grade on Tuesdays and Thursdays during June and July at Redeemer. Meals are
prepared and delivered by Second Harvest and we’ll
supply the paper goods and manpower for the 121:00 meal.
If you can help cover Tuesday or Thursdays
from11:30-1:30pm for June or July or both, please
let Susan Tellefsen or Elsie Evans know asap.
We will be celebrating our milestone
ministries for this school year on
Sunday, May 31st.
This is our HS list so far:
Shane Alberino—Benedictine
Kara Heater—Islands High School
Chloe Mosher—Islands High School
Kimberly Woods—Islands High School
If you have a high school or college graduate
this year, or a new driver in your family please
contact the church office asap.
Our mission is to share God’s love with all people
Church Office Hours: Mon – Fri, 9:00 am – Noon
Pastor Office Hours: Mon – Wed, 9:00 am – Noon; Thurs, 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
(912) 897-1133 │ Website: │
The Rev. Steve Hilgeman .....................912-677-0626, [email protected]
Allison Ward, Diaconal Minister .......................................... [email protected]
Juanita Clark, Secretary ................................................... [email protected]
Mary Scarborough, Music Director ......................................... [email protected]
Congregational Council
President: Jim Drinnon
Vice President: Mary Deloach
Secretary: Karen Jerald
Treasurer: Shawn Kaltenberg
Congregational Life: Heather Hegg
Learning: Megan Maner
Property/Operations: Bob Livingston
Social Ministry: Elsie Evans
Stewardship/Finance: Joe Warren
Worship: Mary Deloach
Financial Secretary: Carol Fowler
Newsletter: Susan Tellefsen
Website & eNews: Jim Ward
Marketing: Jodi Groover
51 Wilmington Island Road
Savannah, GA 31410-3704
Be good stewards
of god’s gift!
Our next fellowship gathering will be Monday, May
11th at 6:30 pm at Cancun II. Please join us.
If you have any questions contact Joe Warren,
786-9605 or
[email protected].
Our school year is almost
coming to a close. Our last
bags will be packed and
delivered the end of May. Thank you to all who
have supported this ministry and please continue
to support it so we will be ready to start up again
in September. If you are interested in helping
pick-up, pack or deliver, please let Susan
Tellefsen know, 898.0629.
Our cart is now available for Emergency Distribution
for 2nd Harvest, so please remember to
bring at least TWO CANS or containers
of food on Sundays for our grocery cart.
Foods needed are protein items such as
tuna, peanut butter, meaty soups and
stews, mac n’ cheese, also canned veggies and
fruits. Please make sure food items are not expired.
Can we do this, Yes we CAN !!!
 Box Tops for Education (given to alternate area
 Pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House.
 Backpack Buddies: $10/month donations needed for
food. Also pudding cups and granola bars.
 Diapers are needed for Lutheran Services of GA’s
Foster Care program.
 Grocery Cart: Protein items are always needed.
 Plastic grocery bags for weaving homeless mats
 Books for military
We have received word from Patti Lyons
at Senior Citizens Inc. They are in desperate need of funds to support the
Meals on Wheels program for this area. As we
heard at our September Hunger Night, our elderly
neighbors-the oldest and frailest among us –are
facing severe hunger and malnutrition. $60 can provide 10 nutritious meals for the elderly. If you are
able, please send a donation to Meals on Wheels,
3025 Bull St., Savannah, 31405. Thank you.
Sharing Sisters
Meet Mondays at 10:00 am
Sharing Sisters has resumed our Monday morning
meeting for Bible Study with Pastor Steve leading us
in a study of Romans. Commentaries are available
in the church library. We will not meet on Memorial
Day, May 25th but will continue meeting till this Bible
study is completed.
We also continue our mission work with lap robes,
prayer shawls and neck scarves. There is plenty of
material available in the SSs meeting room, which is
now to be kept unlocked.
All women of the church are invited and we would
love to have you join us. Any questions call Barbara
Warren, 786-9605, 596-9617 or Charlene Altman,
Thank you to all those who signed Easter
cards for our homebound members. Also to
those who donated and delivered Easter lilies to our
Should you wish to participate in making home visits
or supporting the Care Team in another way, do feel
welcome to join us. We will not meet in May.
Any questions, please contact Diaconal Minister,
Allison Ward at 912.355.9273 or
[email protected]
Sunday School for the children and youth
will break on Sunday, May 17th and resume
on Rally Day, August 23rd. The adult class
will continue meeting at 9:30 in the library.
Our SE Synod will be hosting a group of
visitors from the Lutheran Church of
Bavaria in late May. They will be here the
last week of May and will be visiting Downtown, Tybee, Ebenezer, and then back to
Atlanta and Birmingham for the Synod Convention.
The Tellefsens will be hosting a family and there will
be a trip to Tybee, to River Street, and a low-country
boil at Capt. Butler’s. If you would like to meet any of
these folks on one of their excursions please let
Susan Tellefsen know.
Congregational Prayer Concerns
(Please inform office of any additions or changes in status)
Prayer Requests - Prayer requests stay on the list for four weeks. If you wish for your request to be
continued, please contact the church office or indicate it on the yellow sheet in your bulletin.
Homebound Members : Marie Thigpen, John Gammert, Anne Leon, John Remion,
Olga Zinn (homebound visitor)
Members with Health Concerns: John Remion, Sarah Deary, Nell McCreery
Members' Prayer Requests for Friends and Family:
From Pastor Steve/Kris: Sylvia (health)
From Sarah Deary: her niece, Betty Ingram
From Dagma Goette: Savannah
From Ellie Loewen: for her niece, Kathryn
From Jean Schupp: Son, Donald Schupp, Jr (health issue).
From Nancy Oliver: friends Joe and Carol (health issues)
From Carol Fowler: Neill (health concerns).
From Heather Hegg: Bennett (health issues); Jamal
From Gobin /Goll Family: death of grandmother Jeannette Gobin
From Bonnie Emmerling: Melissa (health issues); Melissa’s coworker requested prayer for her
Dad (serious health issue).
From Ann Grant: husband Joe
From Mike Goodling: Mary Ellen (serious health issue)
From Kathryn Williams: My cousin struggling with severe health issue; Scott (serious health
treatment; Michael (health issues), Evan (prayers for wisdom and good decisions)
From Carol Bauman: Carolyn (serious health concern), husband Bruce (health)
Remember all those serving our country and their families, along with veterans who have
returned with disabilities and/or who are facing unemployment / underemployment.
Pray for those with addictions, and with families who suffer along with their loved one.
Pray for those awaiting surgery
Pray for the work of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA
Pray for violence to end, both in Savannah and in the world.
April 19, 26 Mother’s Day Baskets on sale
Don’t forget newspapers and cans for recycling!
May 3, 7-10 Mother’s Day Basket deliveries
May 17 3rd Sunday Lunch
May 23 Boston Butts sale
May 31 Graduation Sunday
June 13 Car Wash
Noisy Change Sundays are April 26th, May 31st,
June 28th.
Y.U.C. - Youth Under Construction,
is Redeemer's youth group for
6th through 12th graders
April 26th
ELCA World Malaria Sunday
Grab an envelope off the mosquito net in the
narthex and make a donation.
What can your donation do:
$1 buys a rapid diagnostic test, to see if people have
$2 buys a course of malaria medication to treat someone who is infected with malaria.
$6 covers medication to protect a pregnant woman and
her baby throughout the pregnancy.
$10 sponsors an insecticide-treated mosquito net and
education to help people use it correctly.
For more information or to give online go to
We have already
raised over 90%
of our $15 million
goal. Let’s get it
to 100%!!!
The new 2015 flower chart clip board is at
the Information Station. Choose your favorite
dates soon. Please help our accounting process by
clearly designating the funds as flower payment and
placing it ($33) in the offering plate, on Juanita's desk
or in her box. Payment must be made prior or the
flowers cannot be ordered. Thank you.
Time and Talent Sheets are due
immediately in the front office. If you
want some assistance in discerning this
important selection process, please
contact Pastor for an appointment.
Heather Hegg and Justin (“J”) Janzen have
been elected to serve as Redeemer’s lay
representatives at the 2015 Synod Assembly.
Please pray for them, along
with Pastor and Allison Ward,
our rostered leaders. They will
be voting on important Synod
issues. Jim Ward and Sarah
Janzen will be attending as
Thrivent Night at the Sand Gnats
Thursday, June 18th 7:05 pm
SAND GNATS vs Asheville Toursits
Grayson Stadium
1401 East Victory Drive
You are invited to attend the Savannah Sand
Gnats baseball game hosted by your local
Thrivent Financial Representatives,
Adam Hess and Vann Doubleday.
All proceeds will benefit the Backpack Buddies
Weekend Meal Program
Please call 912-704-6425 or email
[email protected] to reserve a
place for you, your family and
May 9
May 10
May 17
May 23
May 24
May 31
ALF at the Ward’s
Mother’s Day
2nd Sunday Lunch
YUC Boston Butt Sale
Pentecost Sunday
Memorial Day Sunday
Milestone Ministries/Graduation
June 1
June 4-7
June 8-12
June 18
Summer Lunch Program begins
SE Synod Assembly-Birmingham
Vacation Bible School of the Arts
Thrivent Night at Sand Gnats
August 23 Rally Day
EGG Hunt
Redeeming Waters was the theme for
the Ebenezer WELCA gathering held at
Jerusalem Lutheran Church. Diaconal
Minister Allison Ward led worship and
also Laughter Yoga for the event.
Redeemer was well represented at the
Lutheran Services of Georgia Art Gala,
Expressions of Hope. It was a lovely
evening for Mary Deloach, Jim Ward,
LSG Director Charles Ringling, Barbara
Warren, Joseph Seward, and Allison
Worship Assistants for May 3
Ron Altman, Charlene Altman
Jamie Coursey, Jim Heater
Caroline Schwalbe
Assisting Minister
Janet DeLoach
Communion Assistant
Kerry Coursey
Joseph Seward
Tech Board
Ben Tellefsen
Staci Woods, Kimberly Woods,
Brianne Woods
Liz Drinnon, Carol Fowler
Flowers given by: Gloria Leonard - In Memory of her father
John Remion
Hospitality Table: Maggie Tellefsen
Altar Guild Team: Susan Tellefsen/Vikki Maner
Council Lock Up: Megan Maner
Worship Assistants for May 10 Mother’s Day
Dwight Mooney, Ryan Mooney
Jim Heater, Ron Altman
John Brassard
Assisting Minister
Janet DeLoach
Communion Assistant
Elizabeth Drinnon
Allison Ward
Tech Board
Ben Tellefsen
Sarah Woodcraft, Kate Maner
Amanda Kaltenberg,
John Lewis, Megan Maner
Flowers given by: Gloria Leonard-In Memory of her mother ,
Helen Remion
Hospitality Table:
Altar Guild Team: Susan Tellefsen/Vikki Maner
Council Lock Up: Megan Maner
5/3 Jim Drinnon
5/3 Harrison Fowler
5/6 Heather Hegg
5/11 Mary Scarborough
5/11 Sandra Fennell
5/11 Jim Ward
5/13 John Gammert
5/14 Jacob Heater
5/16 Parker Woods
5/20 Staci Woods
5/22 Joe Grant
5/22 Kara Heater
5/26 Brian Woods
5/27 Michelle Reed
5/29 Kris Hilgeman
Worship Assistants for May 17
Richard Lee, Inge Lee
Dewey Mosher, Dwight Mooney
Jodis Hegg
Assisting Minister
Heather Hegg
Communion Assistant
Don Goll
Karen Jerald
Tech Board
Ben Tellefsen
Jodi Groover, Sylvia Wallis,
Lauren Groover
Liz Drinnon, John Lewis
Flowers given by: Annabeth Spogli in honor of her friend
Dee Dee DiMarco’s birthday
Hospitality Table:
Altar Guild Team: Susan Tellefsen/Vikki Maner
Council Lock Up: Megan Maner
Pentecost Sunday
Banner Bearer
Torch Bearer
Bible Bearer
Assisting Minister
Communion Assistant
Tech Board
Worship Assistants for May 24
Ellie Loewen, Jean Schupp
Drew Schwalbe, Joseph Seward
Maggie Tellefsen
John Brassard
Joseph Scwalbe
Caroline Schwalbe
Jodis Hegg
Janet DeLoach
Allison Ward
Susan Tellefsen
Ben Tellefsen
Augusta Livingston,
Megan Maner, Kara Heater
Megan Maner, Carol Fowler
Flowers given by:
Hospitality Table:
Altar Guild Team: Susan Tellefsen/Vikki Maner
Council Lock Up: Megan Maner
Worship Assistants for May 31
Jamie Coursey, Kerry Coursey
Jim Heater, Ron Altman
Peyton Coursey
Assisting Minister
Janet DeLoach
Communion Assistant
Heather Hegg
Wendy Hall
Tech Board
Ben Tellefsen
Staci Woods, Charlene Altman,
Kimberly Woods
Liz Drinnon, Carol Fowler
Flowers given by:
Hospitality Table:
Altar Guild Team: Susan Tellefsen/Vikki Maner
Council Lock Up: Megan Maner