Membership Terms and Conditions GO Health Clubs, Herein referred to as "The Club, business or GO HC". PERIODIC BILLING MEMBERSHIPS: I understand that there may be costs incurred through the periodic billing of my membership associated directly with the periodic billing company. I understand that any fees for the debiting or retrieval of dues are not associated with that of 'The Club'. If sufficient funds are not available I may be required MEMBERSHIP ENTITLEMENT: On this membership, I acknowledge that I will be bound by the terms and to pay a failed payment fee to the periodic billing company. Direct Debit fees may be increased at any time without conditions of membership set out and referred to in this document. As a member I understand that I am entitled to notice. (See the below Direct Debit Service Agreement.) use the facilities only during the times as set out in my membership type and only for the term of this membership. BREACH OF THE AGREEMENT: If I breach this agreement I understand that I will be liable for all fees owed as MINIMUM AGE: I understand that membership is limited to persons who are at least 15 y/o unless pre-approved part of the agreement. Plus all fees incurred by Go HC as a result of a breach of this agreement. by the Fitness Director or supervised by a personal trainer. ASSIGNMENT: Go HC may assign or transfer under this agreement all rights of Go HC and you without your MEMBERSHIP DUES: I understand that dues are not set for life on foundation memberships (pre-opening consent. You may not assign or transfer under this agreement your rights of membership. The Debit provider may m'ships of 'The Club') They may be reviewed if local, state or federal rates, duties or taxes are implemented that change without notice. You may obtain full details of the debit provider by contacting your club. affect the cost of providing the service. Go HC may also increase the membership dues before your minimum period & will do so by providing two weeks written notice. I acknowledge that an administration fee is to be paid KEYS, LOCKERS & PERSONAL BELONGINGS: Go Heath Clubs does not take any responsibility for the loss of prior to the opening and covers the establishment of my membership and pre-opening group training sessions keys, wallets or other personal belongings whilst you're in the club. Keys and wallets should not to be left at available to me. On Non-Foundation Memberships (post-opening m'ships of 'The Club'). I understand that dues reception. Lockers should not be used for storing valuables and if you do so, you leave them at your own risk. may be reviewed if inflation, local, state or federal rates, duties or taxes are implemented that may overly affect the costs in providing this service. I understand that if I choose to pay by periodical billing, my fortnightly rate GUEST: I understand that if I wish to bring a guest to The Club, I must obtain a guest pass and approval from a may be affected /increased by the CPI increase mentioned below. membership consultant, to authorise entry. CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) INCREASE: For m’ships signed between January 1st and June 30th, the CPI increase for your m’ship fees will become effective from the following financial year, being July 1st. For m’ships signed between July 1st and December 31st, the CPI increase will become effective from that financial year, being July 1st. GO HC reserves the right to increase m’ship fees in accordance with the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ to a maximum of CPI, plus 2.0% per annum.. Black Label Re-signs do not apply to this increase. TIME HOLD: I acknowledge that time hold (freeze) is available on a minimum term of one billing fortnight and a maximum of 3 months in one calendar year. Time hold will attract a suspension fee of $15 per month (1 x fortnight = $15 fee) and must be requested in writing by completing the appropriate time hold form. If I am paying by periodic billing, payments will resume when the time hold finishes, so if I wish to extend my time hold I will let 'The Club' know in writing prior to the end of the suspension date. Medical conditions (supported by a medical certificate stating that physical exertion is a contraindication) may qualify for a suspension outside of the normal time hold conditions. Please note that normal pregnancy does not qualify for automatic suspension. MEMBERSHIP CARDS/BANDS: I understand that under no circumstances can I issue my card/band to anyone. If I require a replacement card/band fee I authorise 'The Club' to debit me a $10 card fee or a $35 band fee (if applicable) The Direct Debit Service Agreement DEFINITIONS: Account means the account held at your financial institution from which we are authorised to arrange for funds to be debited. Agreement means this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement between you and us. Business day means a day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a public holiday listed throughout Australia. Debit day means the day that payment by you to us is due. Debit payment means a particular transaction where a debit is made. Direct debit request means the Direct Debit Request between us and you. Us or We means the Debit User you have authorised by signing a direct debit request. You means the customer who signed the direct debit request. Your financial institution is the financial institution where you hold the account that you have authorised us to arrange to MEMBERSHIP RESIGNATION: I understand that membership resignation is possible on or after my minimum debit. initial period by giving 30 days notice. If I choose to resign prior to completion of my initial period I will be liable for the full contract value of the membership. By signing a direct debit request, you have authorised us to arrange for funds to be debited from your account. You should refer to the direct debit request and this agreement for the terms of the arrangement between us and you. We RESIGNATION FEE: I understand a resignation fee of $250 will be applicable due to illness/injury or permanent relocation and will waive the aforementioned condition. I understand that resignation due to illness will be will only arrange for funds to be debited from your account as authorised in the direct debit request. If the debit day supported by a letter from a registered medical practitioner stating a permanent "incapacity" to exercise. I falls on a day that is not a business day, we may direct your financial institution to debit your account on the understand that resigning due to permanent relocation must be due to a change of employment or residence in a following business day. If you are unsure about which day your account has or will be debited you should ask your 20km radius of The Club. Resignation due to change of employment must be supported by proof of new financial institution. We may vary any details of this agreement or a direct debit request at any time. You will be employment and is only applicable if I don't live within a 20km radius of The Club. Resignation due to change of provided with written notice. You may be able to change the arrangements under a direct debit request by address must be supported by proof of address change in the form of a rates, utility, telephone bill or mortgage contacting us on 1800GOHEALTH. If you wish to stop, defer or alter a debit payment you must notify us in agreement). I understand 30 days notice period is also required for the above. I further acknowledge that I must writing at least 14 days before the next debit day. This notice should be given to us in the first instance. resign in writing by completing a membership resignation request and the resignation will take affect once the Resignation Request form has been completed in full, dated and signed by both member and an employee of The It is your responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient clear funds available in your account to allow a debit payment to be made in accordance with the direct debit request. If there are insufficient clear funds in your account Club. to meet a debit payment: (a) you may be charged a fee and/or interest by your financial institution; PERSONAL TRAINING PACKS: I understand that by entering into a personal training pack (including Body (b) you may also incur fees or charges imposed or incurred by Ezidebit (see below); Overhaul ™), the membership dues portion of this is owed to 'The Club' and is governed by the enclosed terms (c) you may also incur charges from The Club; and and conditions. I accept that the personal training dues portion of this pack/membership is owed to the personal (d) you must arrange for the debit payment to be made by another method or arrange for sufficient clear funds to trainer contracted by 'The Club' and all services and payment conditions pertaining to personal training are provided by the aforementioned personal trainer. I acknowledge that the deposit or registration for the personal be in your account by an agreed time so that we can process the debit payment. You should check your account statement to verify that the amounts debited from your account are correct. If the debit user/business is liable to pay training pack (which is paid to 'The Club') is for the entitlement of discounted personal training and or other goods and services tax ("GST") on a supply made in connection with this agreement, then you agree to pay the benefits outlined in the price presentation. debit user/business on demand an amount equal to the consideration payable for the supply multiplied by the COOLING OFF PERIOD (COP) AND MEMBERSHIP REFUND: FOUNDATION MEMBER - DELAYED prevailing GST rate. If you believe that there has been an error in debiting your account, you should notify us USE: If I signed on as a member prior to the opening of the 'The Club' (Foundation Member) and do not choose to directly on 1800 GOHEALTH and confirm that notice in writing with us as soon as possible so that we can resolve use other outlets of The Club or a temporary version of The Club prior to opening, I understand I have a cooling your query more quickly. off period from the date of signing this agreement to until 48 hours after the club is open for use (I will be notified of this date by mail, email or text and it is my responsibility to ensure 'The Club' has my correct contact details). I I/We acknowledge that if a debit is returned by my/our financial institution as unpaid, a failed payment fee is understand because m'ship dues will not be charged until after the opening of the club, a refund of these charges is payable by me/us to Ezidebit. I/We will also be responsible for any fees and charges applied by my financial not applicable before the cooling off period. I acknowledge that I am not eligible for a refund of the institution for each unsuccessful debit attempt together with any collection fees, including but not limited to any aforementioned charges after the COP. I acknowledge that I am not eligible for a refund and will be liable for any solicitor fees and/or collection agent fee as may be incurred by Ezidebit. admin fees associated with the set up of the aforementioned membership. FOUNDATION MEMBER - IMMEDIATE USE: If I signed on as a member prior to the opening of the 'The Club' (Foundation I/we authorize Ezidebit to vary the amount of the payments from time to time as may be agreed by me/us and The Member) and choose to use other outlets a temporary version of The Club prior to opening, I understand I am Club as provided for within my/our agreement with The Club. I/we authorize Ezidebit to vary the amount of the under the 'cooling off' & refund conditions listed below (after opening of The Club). payments upon receiving instruction from The Club of the agreed variations. I/we do not require Ezidebit to notify me/us of such variations to the debit amount. If I signed on as a member AFTER THE OPENING of 'The Club' I understand I have a 48 hour cooling off period from the date and time of the membership application and may be eligible a refund of any membership dues less Direct Debits normally occur overnight, however transactions can take up to three (3) business days depending on administration or establishment fees. After this period, I acknowledge that I am not eligible for a refund. I the financial institution. understand there is no refund on paid up-front memberships or registration fees on personal training packs associated with GO Results memberships. If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your account has been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by arranging for your financial institution to adjust your account (including interest and charges) PASSPORT MEMBERSHIPS (USE OF ALL OUTLETS OF 'THE CLUB')/ OFF PEAK M'SHIPS & CRECHE accordingly. We will also notify you in writing of the amount by which your account has been adjusted. If we MEMBERSHIPS: Passport m'ship entails use of all existing outlets of 'The Club'. I acknowledge that passport conclude as a result of our investigations that your account has not been incorrectly debited we will respond to your membership is not available on all m'ship types and is dependent on the m'ship type I signed for on the front of the query by providing you with reasons and any evidence for this finding. agreement. Changing to Passport M'ship or using multiple clubs other than my home club, may result in an upgrade fee(s). I acknowledge Off Peak M'ships (if available) are valid only between 11am to 4pm Mon to Fri and The direct debit fee (normally fortnightly) may increase at any time during the term of this agreement. all weekend. Usage outside of these times incurs a $3 fee. I accept that if on a Crèche m'ship (Debit or PIA), I am liable for the total contract commitment of both crèche & m'ship components of the dues. Any queries you may have about an error made in debiting your account should be directed to us in the first instance so that we can attempt to resolve the matter between us and you. If we cannot resolve the matter you can EQUIPMENT/FACILTY UPKEEP PAYMENT: It is understood that the club will (for the purposes of facility still refer it to your financial institution which will obtain details from you of the disputed transaction and may and/or equipment upgrade) charge a payment of $9.95 per quarter for updating the facility, equipment or services. lodge a claim on your behalf. You should check: (a) with your financial institution whether direct debiting is This charge will be debited on the 1st Friday in March; 1st Friday in June; 1 st Friday in September; 1st Friday in available from your account as direct debiting is not available on all accounts offered by financial institutions, (b) December. your account details which you have provided to us are correct by checking them against a recent account statement; and (c) with your financial institution before completing the direct debit request if you have any queries MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER: I acknowledge that the transfer of a membership incurs an administration fee of about how to complete the direct debit request. Please note that Direct Debit, through BECS is not available on all $70. This payment must be made before either the balance of a direct debit membership or the time remaining on a/c’s. an up-front membership is transferred to the new member. Memberships cannot be transferred to existing members. We will keep information regarding your account details in your direct debit request confidential. We will only disclose your account information that we have about you: (a) to the extent specifically required by law; or (b) for RIGHT OF ADMISSION: I acknowledge that The Club reserves the right to refuse admission to any persons, the purposes of this agreement (including disclosing information in connection with any query or claim). including members, and has the right to cancel my membership without warning due to inappropriate behaviour (including inappropriate language), failure to comply with 'The Club' etiquette or any other reason that 'The Club' Ezidebit will not be held liable for any disputed transactions resulting in the non supply of goods and/or services decide. and that all disputes will be directed to the Business as Ezidebit is acting only as a Direct Debit Agent for the Business. I/We acknowledge and agree that in the event that a claim is made, Ezidebit will not be liable for the CLUB ETIQUETTE: I will always wear closed toe shoes when on gym floor and a T-shirt or singlet. I will always refund of any funds and agree to reimburse Ezidebit for any successful claims made by the Card Holder through use a towel when working out. I will endeavour to be hygienic when using the club - this includes the use of their financial institution against Ezidebit. deodorant before exercising. If I am a tradesperson I will change into appropriate exercise clothing and shoes prior to commencing. I also acknowledge that I must replace weights after use and return any equipment to its original Ezidebit will keep your information about your nominated account at the financial institution private and position. I agree not to exercise in large groups (more than 4) who dominate the use of equipment in peak times confidential unless this information is required to investigate a claim made relating to an alleged incorrect or (unless approved by management of 'The Club'). wrongful debit, or as otherwise required by law. Further information relating to Ezidebit’s Privacy Policy can be found at DISCLAIMER: I acknowledge that whilst on the premises, my person and property are at my own risk. I acknowledge that I will not hold The Club responsible for any personal injury or damage (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential) suffered by me or loss of property while I am on the premises. I acknowledge that, except If you wish to notify us in writing about anything relating to this agreement, you should write to Go Health Clubs as provided in this document, The Club gives no warranties in respect of the facilities and equipment it provides. I Head Office, PO Box 1405, Browns Plains BC, QLD 4118. hereby release and will indemnify and keep indemnified The Club for any injury or loss suffered by me while on I acknowledge my membership with ‘The Club’ incorporates the following companies: the premises. Go Health Clubs – Browns Plains Pty Ltd ABN 48 131 293 680 CHANGE OF RULES: I understand that The Club reserves the right to make any change to the conditions of Go Health Clubs – Beenleigh Pty Ltd ABN 55 131 808 056 Go Health Clubs – Carindale Pty Ltd ABN 80 147 115 106 membership, hours and service. Go Health Clubs – Nundah Pty Ltd ABN 48 149 909 133 CHANGE OF PERSONAL DETAILS: I understand it is my responsibility to inform GO HC of any change in Go Health Clubs ABN 93 902 482 975 personal details.
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