Palm Sunday - Church of the Resurrection

MARCH 29, 2015
We, the Catholic Christian community
of the Church of the Resurrection, are
rich in tradition and history. We
acknowledge with pride and
gratitude the sacrifices and efforts
made by those who came before us.
We are a growing, faith-filled
parish. We value worship, education,
faith development, and ministries that
utilize our God-given talents.
We respect diversity and we are
committed to working together to
provide the spiritual nourishment and
community support necessary for our
members to grow in their relationship
with Christ.
We seek to become Christlike in our
daily lives by loving and serving
others, especially those most in need.
The first and third weekend of each
month after the 11 AM Sunday Mass.
We request that parents attend the
Baptismal Program. Please register
with Deacon Gerald Jorgensen at
All persons who wish to arrange for
marriage are asked to contact Deacon
Tim LoBianco six months in advance.
Saturday 5:15 PM.
Other times by appointment.
Parish Membership
If you would like to become a
member of Resurrection Parish,
please call the Parish Office:
Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:00 & 6:00 PM, Sunday 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM
Holy Days & Weekdays: Refer to Bulletin
For Parish Event Registrations scan here:
Welcome to Resurrection ■ 4300 Asbury Rd Dubuque, IA 52002
MON, March 30
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
† Dennis Berlage
† Kelly Stecklein
TUES, March 31
7:00 AM
† Diane Fraehlich &
All Souls
5:30 PM † John Weber
Eucharistic Adoration immediately
following 7:00 AM Mass until 5:00 PM
WED, April 1
7:00 AM
† Colette Buchheit
No 5:30 PM Mass
THURS, April 2
Holy Thursday
No Morning Mass
7:00 PM † Doris Wolter & Jean Klaas
FRI, April 3
Good Friday - Passion of the Lord
12:10 PM Ecumenical Stations
3:00 PM Passion of the Lord
SAT, April 4
Easter Vigil
8:00 PM † Diane Fraehlich and
Audrey Lambe
SUN, April 5
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection
of the Lord
7:00 AM † Helen Kapler
9:00 AM † Robert & Marion
Neuwoehner and
11:00 AM † Eloise Meyer
Individual Reconciliation
Monday, March 30: 11:30 AM -12:30 PM
Monday, March 30: 6:00-7:00 PM
Tuesday, March 31: 6:30-7:00 PM
Please keep Jeff Schneider, Kristen
Wagner, Amanda Lawson, Heather
Thill, Anthony Kasparec, Arianna Solinger, Cameron Dolter, Riley Dolter,
Bennett Dolter, Taylor Owens, Kaci
Owens, Damon Melde, Caleb Melde,
Jet Solinger, and Jenica Solinger in
your prayers as they continue their
preparation to receive sacraments at
the Easter Vigil.
oday marks the beginning of Holy Week. This is the holiest
week of the year for all Christians, because the events we
celebrate mark the end of Jesus’ earthly life. This week we
observe the basis of our identity and faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior. We begin today’s liturgy with the Gospel of Mark’s account of Jesus’
final entry into Jerusalem. Jesus rides in on a colt. The crowds cry out,
“Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” The crowds
most likely saw in Jesus the hope of a coming messianic age which would
deliver them from the occupation of the Romans. Yet, that is not the messiah that Jesus came to be. Rather, Jesus delivers us from the occupation of
evil and sin in our lives. In so doing he demonstrates a much greater act
of love than political freedom. Jesus reveals his Fathers’ never ending
love and compassion for humanity.
How will you mark this week? Is it business as usual? Or will you
make it a spiritual reality by celebrating the great liturgies with us here
at Resurrection? From my childhood on I have loved the liturgies of Holy
Week, and I cannot imagine a Holy Week without the Mass of the Lord’s
Supper, the Passion of Good Friday and the great Vigil of Easter. Yes,
some of these take a little longer than usual but my faith is strengthened
by these days. My faith is also strengthened by those who attend to celebrate with us as a parish community.
I ask all of you to make a special effort to attend at least one of
the services of Holy Week. The Easter Vigil is the premier liturgy of the
entire liturgical year in Catholicism. This year the Vigil begins at 8:00
p.m. with the lighting of the Easter fire. There will be baptisms, confirmations, and receptions into full communion with the Church. Come and welcome these wonderful people into the faith we all profess.
Chrism Mass: The annual Mass for the blessing of oil and the consecration of the sacred chrism will be held at St. Raphael Cathedral on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. You are invited to attend this Mass with the Archbishop
and the priests of the Archdiocese.
Easter Sunday Masses will be held at our normal Sunday Mass times at
7:00, 9:00, and 11:00 a.m. Remember the crowds will be larger than
normal. Plan accordingly if you want a seat inside the church. Overflow
will be accommodated according to our ability and in accord with Dubuque fire regulations.
Final Week for Pictorial Directory! If you have not yet done so, schedule your appointment this week to have your picture taken for the Directory. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule.
May God bless you and your family during this Holy Week!
Father Joe Hauer, Pastor
How will you and your family make this a truly Holy Week?
Readings: Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47
For daily and Sunday readings go to Then click the date for the readings you want.
March 29, 2015 ■ Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Flower Carriers for Easter Vigil Saturday, April 4, 2015
It has been tradition of Resurrection for children to help
decorate the altar with flowers each year at the Easter
Vigil. This year we are looking for children age kindergarten through sixth grade to carry the flowers and help
make our church beautiful as we celebrate the Risen Christ.
The Easter Vigil is Saturday, April 4, at 8 pm. If you are
interested in having your child participate, please contact
Lisa Esch at [email protected] or call the Parish Office 556-7511 by Monday, March 30th. Practice will be
Saturday, April 4, at noon in the church. It will last a half
hour. Thank you for joining us in this celebration.
Spring clean-up for Resurrection Cemetery
The annual spring clean-up will be on April 1, 2015.
Please remove all items or decorations you wish to save no
later than March 31, 2015. Any items not removed or that
violate planting and decoration rules will be discarded.
Cemetery Management requests that no decorations be
placed on grave site until Saturday, April 4, 2015. Please
check Cemetery Regulations before placing decorations to
avoid losing items that do not conform.
What: Card Game Night
Where: The Church Social Space
When: Following the 6 PM Mass
Any parishioner wanting to play cards
Bring: A snack or appetizer to share
Bring: Your own non-alcoholic beverages
Bring: Yourself, a friend or a foursome
“The Give Back Project of Dubuque”
During Lent, YLT will be collecting the following items for “The
Give Back Project of Dubuque” a program aimed at helping
homeless teens in the Dubuque area:
 Deodorant
 travel sized shampoo, conditioner, lotion, & soap
 ready-to-eat, non-perishable food items
 chapstick
 winter clothing or blanket
 new or gently used backpacks for teens
Please place your donation in the collection bins
located at the main entrance to church and in the
Church Social Space. Thank you for your support!
"Fill the Pantry - Feed the Hungry"
Young Adults!
Resurrection Young Adult Ministry is
sponsoring an afternoon of Dodgeball
on Sunday, April 12th, from 2-4 pm in
the Resurrection School Gym. All Young
Adults (19-39) are encouraged to come
out and play. This event is free. Please
enter Door #2 at the School.
Only 1 more week for photography
You still have a chance to be photographed for the 2015
Parish Directory. You may call Kathy or Dick Hanson at
582-9236 or sign up on the parish website. The dates
are: March 30, 31, April 1, and April 4. Lifetouch has just
opened a second camera on March 30 & 31 to help with
the appointments. The deadline for submittals is April
St. Vincent de Paul Society will be collecting food during
Lent to feed the hungry in Dubuque. Food is distributed weekly
at the St. Vincent Store on Iowa Street through our St. Vincent referral/voucher program. Each week we will be collecting different items but you can bring any food or item anytime. Items can be placed in the St. Vincent Food Pantry in the
main entrance of the Church. Thank you for your continued support.
Mar 28-29 - Laundry detergent and cleaning supplies
Good Friday Collection
Christians around the world are united in a special way during Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Our parish, once a year on
Good Friday, is called on to support Christians in the Holy
Land, many who depend on this collection for their lives. The
annual Good Friday Collection offers a direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of peace and also to help protect
the Holy Places. Please be generous!
Knights of Columbus Founder's Day Open House
Good stewards strive to conform their lives to that of
Christ, emptying themselves of all pride, and putting
themselves at the service of others.
Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as
you deserve. Teach me to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to
seek for rest, to labor and not to seek reward, save that
of knowing that I do Your will. St. Ignatius of Loyola
Sunday, March 29, the public is invited to learn more about
the Knights of Columbus at Council 510, 781 Locust St. Doors
are open 1-4 pm. Light food and refreshments will be available. This event will showcase council history in addition to
honoring the founder of the order, Father Michael
McGivney. A one-hour documentary on his life will be shown
at 1:30 pm. This is a great opportunity if you are interested
in joining the Knights. Membership is open to practicing
Catholic men age 18 and older.
Welcome to Resurrection ■ 4300 Asbury Rd Dubuque, IA 52002
Angela Thomas, Youth Ministry/Confirmation Coordinator
This Holy Thursday, after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, many
churches in the Dubuque area, will remain open for exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament. During this time of exposition, High School
students are invited to participate in the Dubuque Area Holy Thursday
Pilgrimage. This centuries-old tradition is modeled after a traditional
visitation that pilgrims take in Rome, visiting seven major Catholic
This opportunity allows worshippers to figuratively walk with Jesus on
his path toward his crucifixion, death and resurrection and to step into
the role of the apostles, who went with Jesus when he prayed in the
Garden of Gethsemane, whom Jesus told, “Remain here and keep
watch with me” (Mt 26:38).
How does this pilgrimage work? Begin with Mass at Resurrection at
7:00PM. Following Mass, the altar will be stripped and we will process
the Blessed Sacrament to an altar of repose. Here you will “stay
awake with Christ” (Matthew 25:40) in adoration. Following your time
with Christ at Resurrection, you are invited to visit the other churches
in the Dubuque area on your pilgrimage, ending at St. Raphael’s
Cathedral for closing prayer at 11:00 PM. Following closing prayer,
Father Mark Murphy and Father Alan Dietzenbach will be our guests
at an ice cream social and discussion till midnight.
All participants are invited to pick up a copy of “Come Adore: A Teen
Guide to Adoration”. Copies are available in the Youth Ministry office
and at Wahlert Catholic High School.
Questions? Please call Angela Thomas 556-7511
Amy Dolan
Music and Liturgy
Here comes the yearly challenge: if you
haven’t come to all the Triduum celebrations, this is the year to do it! We
begin the Triduum at sundown on Thursday evening, a tradition that comes from our Jewish heritage. And for three
days, in unity with Christians around the world, we transition from the season of Lent to the Paschal Mystery. This
mystery of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection forms the
very heart of our Christian faith experience.
Although the Triduum is spread over three days, in actuality we are celebrating only one Liturgy: beginning with
the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, continuing
on Good Friday with the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion,
and culminating in the celebration of the Resurrection at
the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. Our celebration
continues seamlessly from one day to the next, as we celebrate and reflect upon this great Paschal Mystery… a
mystery that draws us more deeply into relationship with
the risen Christ whose love continues to be poured out in
and through us. We hope you will join us so that together
we might pray, journey, reflect, and finally sing our joyful
“Alleluias” at the first moments of Easter.
Ann Knier
Director of Religious Education
The Stations of the Cross
The Passion of Jesus makes it clear, no one escapes suffering.
Suffering is inevitable but no one should suffer alone. That is
one of the primary roles of families, to stand with and support
each other in suffering. By Bud Ozar
Hosanna to the King of Kings! The start of Holy Week – with its
stark reading of Jesus’ Passion – is a great reminder to reexamine our hearts. Is Jesus the King of our marriage and our
home? Pray to enter fully into Holy Week with your spouse and
Holy Family 2015/2016 school registration is underway for
PreS - grade 12 students. Holy Family Catholic Schools are
committed to teaching a rigorous academic curriculum while
nurturing the gifts of each child and fostering a community of
faith. Please consider Holy Family Catholic Schools for your
child/children. Visit our website at or
call the school office of your choice for more information.
Tuition assistance is available and families are encouraged to
consider applying. Applications are available at the Holy Family website and at
Look at the walls of our church. Have you
noticed the 14 Stations of the Cross showing
the sufferings of Jesus on Good Friday?
Especially during Lent they are a popular
Catholic devotion. At times, you might see a
person walking from station to station, stopping at each to pray
and think about the suffering of Jesus. At specific times during
Lent, usually on Friday nights, the people of our parish have gathered for the stations. At this time a leader or a group move from
station to station and the people remain in the pews. The reader
leads a short meditation at each station, and says a few prayers
to which the people respond.
This devotion developed in Jerusalem as pilgrims walked the way
of the cross, the route Jesus took on the streets of the Holy City as
he carried his cross from Pilate’s house to the place where he
would be executed. Some say that Jesus’ mother, Mary, walked
the way of the cross many times after the Resurrection and thought
about Jesus’ passion and death. Pilgrims returning to Europe
brought back stories of this devotion. Of course, not all Christians
were able to travel to Jerusalem to retrace Jesus’ steps on his way
to his death. In response, the faithful built outdoor “stations,” a
series of small shrines along a path where people could stop to
pray and meditate on the events of Jesus’ way of the cross.
Join our youth for Living Stations presented by our youth on
Wednesday, April 1, at 7:00 pm in Church!
March 29, 2015 ■ Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Adult tithe for March 22, 2015
Weekly contributions needed…………………….$28,212.00
Collected from 361 out of 2355 envelopes………..$14,414.00
Electronic Fund Transfer (118 envelopes)…………$11,800.49
Total collected ……………………………………$27,274.81
YTD collections needed (7/1-3/22)…………...$1,072,056.00
YTD collected in envelopes (7/1-3/22)……….$1,138,698.74
YTD total over/short ……………………………...$66,642.74
K-12 tithe for March 22, 2015
Weekly contributions needed………………………….$57.69
Amount collected from 43 envelopes…………………..$36.73
YTD collections needed (7/1-3/22)………………..$2,192.22
YTD collected in envelopes (7/1-3/22)……………$1,887.83
YTD total over/short…………………………………($304.39)
Have you remembered Resurrection in your will?
Thank you for your support!
The next SCRIP order date is Monday, March 30. Orders must be
received by 10:00 AM ON MONDAY.
Yes, you can support the parish through the Scrip program and also
earn credits (that’s cold hard cash) to put toward your account at RE.
Scrip is such a simple process now, because everything is online, why
not give it a try? Contact the Srip office at [email protected] to
have them set up an account for you and to have them send you
instructions on how to order Scrip online. Or, if you want to speak with
someone, call Julie Hermann at 588-8675.
For those of you already purchasing Scrip and earning RE credits, we
are going to change the payout system just a little bit. Rather than
have credits automatically transferred to RE 4 times a year, we will
now have you, the Scrip families, request that your Scrip credits be
transferred and applied to a balance on your family RE account. This
way, each family can find out exactly how much Scrip credit they
have accumulated and can adjust payments on their account
accordingly. Each family will be allowed to make 4 requests a year
for transfer, and credits will continue to accumulate in between those
requests. With the new option to pay online, this seemed like a good
change to make. When required to pay in full online, i.e. for Summer
RE, once full payment has been received, the accumulated credits will
be refunded to the family to offset the online payment. We hope RE
families will like both the change and having more control over their
Scrip credits. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments,
or concerns at [email protected].
As a side note, we will continue to make the automatic payments to
Holy Family and Early Childhood 4 times a year in Jan, March, July,
and Oct. To discuss how these credits are applied, you can contact
Julie Hermann at 588-8675 or Connie Tully at HF 582-5456 for Holy
Family or Ann Willenbring 583-9488 for Resurrection Early
Childhood. Thanks for your support of Scrip everyone!!
Parish Offices are closed Friday evening,
Saturday, and Sunday.
M O N D A Y , M a rc h 3 0
10:00 AM SCRIP Due ............................. Parish Office
11:30 AM Individual Reconciliation ................ Church
3:15 PM Children’s Choir .........School Music Room
5:30 PM Mass ................................................... Church
6:00 PM Individual Reconciliation ................ Church
6:45 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal ....................... Church
7:30 PM Scripture Sharing ...................... 2nd Floor
T U ES D A Y , Ma r c h 3 1
2:00 PM Chrism Mass ............................... Cathedral
5:30 PM Mass ................................................... Church
6:00 PM Foot Washing Rehearsal ............... Church
6:30 PM Divorce Group ...................... Upper Room
6:30 PM Scout Meeting ........................ School Gym
6:30 PM Individual Reconciliation ................ Church
6:30 PM Oil Carriers Rehearsal ................... Church
7:00 PM Living Stations Rehearsal............... Church
W E D N ES D A Y , A p ril 1
10:30 AM Mazzuchelli Mime ........................... Church
4:00 PM Servers for Holy Thursday Rehearsal .....
............................................................ Church
5:15 PM Hand Chime Choir ....... St. George Room
6:30 PM Religious Education ......................... School
6:30 PM RCIA ........................................ Upper Room
7:00 PM Living Stations of the Cross ........... Church
8:00 PM Art & Environment ........................... Church
T H U R S D A Y , A p ri l 2
6:30 AM M.E.S.S. ........... Lower Level Social Space
9:00 AM Scripture Sharing ...................... 2nd Floor
7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper ............ Church
F R I D A Y , A p ril 3
6:30 AM Friday F.I.R.E.S..................... 2nd Floor
9:00 AM Rehearsal for Children and Chime Choirs
............................................................ Church
12:10 PM Ecumenical Stations of the Cross .. Church
2:00 PM Servers for Good Friday Rehearsal .......
............................................................ Church
2:30 PM Rehearsal for Cross Holders ......... Church
3:00 PM Good Friday Service ..................... Church
S A T U R D A Y , A pr il 4
8:00 AM Art & Environment ........................... Church
9:00 AM Server Rehearsal............................. Church
10:30 PM RCIA Rehearsal ................................ Church
12:00 PM Flower Carrier Rehearsal .............. Church
12:30 PM Exsultet/Reading Rehearsal ......... Church
1:00 PM Adult Choir (Easter Vigil) ............. Church
8:00 PM Easter Vigil ....................................... Church
S U N D A Y , A pr il 5
7:00 AM Easter Mass ...................................... Church
9:00 AM Easter Mass ...................................... Church
11:00 AM Easter Mass ...................................... Church
1:30 PM St. Peregrine Prayer Group…….Church
The next Baptismal Preparation Class will be 7:00
-9:00 PM on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, in the St.
George Room. To register and to get more
information, call Deacon Jerry Jorgensen at 5567239. Attendance is requested prior to baptism.
Welcome to Resurrection ■ 4300 Asbury Rd Dubuque, IA 52002
Parish Office: (563)556-7511 Website:
Rev. Joseph L. Hauer, Pastor, Ext 222 ........ [email protected]
Rev. Mark D. Murphy,
Associate Pastor, Ext 213 ......................... [email protected]
Deacon Gerald Jorgensen [email protected]
Blest are they who come in the name of the Lord. Am I
being called to proclaim Jesus as a priest, deacon,
brother, or sister? (Mark 11:1-10)
Please pray for all seminarians of the Archdiocese of
Dubuque, and for those in formation for religious life and
the diaconate.
Deacon & Pastoral Associate
Deacon Tim LoBianco, Ext 230 [email protected]
Deacon Jim Schmidt ................................... [email protected]
Pastoral Associate
Ellen Patch, Ext 217 ................................... [email protected]
Music & Liturgy Coordinator
Amy Dolan, Ext 212 ................................... [email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Ann Knier, Ext 214 ...................................... [email protected]
Youth Ministry & Confirmation Coordinator
Angela Thomas, Ext 216 .......................... [email protected]
Resurrection Site Principal
Denise Grant ............................................. [email protected]
It is our prayer that more young people will consider God’s call
to Religious Life, and that they will say “yes” for the glory of
God, for the benefit of the Church and, as Pope Francis has
said, to wake up the world to the values preached by Jesus. “O
God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to
pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of
poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated
Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of faith
and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to
make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to
enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever. Amen.” (Official Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life)
Communication & Volunteer Coordinator
Patrick Andera, Ext 219 ........................... [email protected]
Business Manager
Deb Kalb, Ext 218 ..................................... [email protected]
Judy Tigges, Ext 231 ................................. [email protected]
Parish Nurse
Mary Schmidt, RN, Ext 232 ........................ [email protected]
Parish Visitor
Christy Whiteman, Ext 217 ...................... [email protected]
Mary Jo Dalsing, Ext 210 ......................... [email protected]
Holy Family School
Register Now - Circle of Celebration
Save the date for Holy Family Catholic School's biggest
event, the Circle of Celebration, on Saturday, April 11.
This event features dinner, live and silent auctions, and
evening entertainment, and will be held at the Grand River Center in the Port of Dubuque. Raffle tickets are on
sale now for a $100,000 grand prize. For more information about Circle of Celebration contact Ally Simon,
director of constituent relations, at (563) 582-5456, Ext.
255, or [email protected] or visit
Central Administration Office ................................................582-5456
Resurrection Site
School Office .............................................................................583-9488
Preschool/Daycare Office .....................................................583-5206
Karen Meyer .............................................................................588-3547
Marge Kane ........................ 583-2149, [email protected]
Parish Council, Rick Cummer ...............................................513-6440
Finance Council, Kathy Abba .............................................583-5682
Holy Family Board of Education, Gina Moran ................557-3869
Faith Formation Commission, Andy Benko .....................556-3272
Liturgy Committee, Chris Smialek .......................................513-2210
Parish Life Committee, Ron & Mary Dankert ..................556-7753
Social Justice Committee, Tim & Mary Moothart ...........557-7289
St. Vincent de Paul Society, Dianne Walke ......................556-1102
Vocations Committee, Terry Friedman .............................556-3121
The plight of refugee families [around the world] presents us
with an opportunity to delve into the heart of Matthew 25 [and]
the Gospel call to serve. We listen to the U.S. Catholic bishops
who ask us to consider the two feet of love in action: charity and
justice. In charity, we satisfy the immediate needs of those we
encounter. In justice, we ask, why are people hungry, thirsty,
naked and homeless?
At Catholic Relief Services, we often reflect on the old adage of
teaching a man to fish. Give him a fish, and he’ll eat for a day;
teach him to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime . . . Matthew 25 is
a call to conversion, a call to leap forward with both feet, with
charity and justice. We give of ourselves instinctively because
we now see, with the eyes of Christ, those places where injustice
prevails—and we commit ourselves to act.*
*Adapted reflection— For more info and/or to donate Catholic
Relief Services visit
March 29, 2015 ■ Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
$100 Fareway Gift
Card Winner
Wendy Osterberger
and Fr. Hauer
The Second Sunday of Easter (April 12) is designated as a
special Sunday to remember the great mercy which God bestows on us. For centuries the liturgy of the Church has proclaimed the mercy of God both through the Word of God and
through the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation. The
Gospel on the Second Sunday of Easter in all three cycles of
Sunday readings tells us about Divine Mercy.
In our parish we will offer a novena of prayer called the
Divine Mercy Chaplet. We will pray this together after the
7:00 AM Mass on Monday through Friday, April 6-10. Since the
Novena (9 days) actually begins on Good Friday, we are encouraged to pray the chaplet privately on Good Friday, Holy
Saturday, Easter Sunday, and on Saturday, April 11.
Please take a leaflet from the gathering space for an explanation of this brief, but effective prayer. The Divine Mercy
devotion fosters the virtue of trust in God’s mercy.
Read about the following and more in the
March 29 Witness: Archdiocese holds annual
men's conference at Xavier Catholic High School in Cedar Rapids;
Internationally famous author and Christian marriage counselor
Dr. Gary Chapman leads marriage enrichment event at Dubuque's St. Columbkille Parish; Catholic athletes organization has
presence at Major League Baseball spring training in Florida;
Dave Cushing writes about engaging people of other religions.