324 O Love That Will Not Let Me Go ST. MARGARET 1 2 3 4 G O Love, O Light O Joy O Cross that that that that will not fol lowest seek est lift est 21 X X 3 8vb G let me go, all my way, me through pain, up my head, I I I I rest my wea ry yield my flick’ ring can not close my dare not ask to X X O 1324 flow day vain red X X O 123 May May That Life X 213 C D D o life I give thee back the I bor rowed My heart re stores its I trace the rain bow through the I lay in dust life’s glo ry thee; thee; thee; thee; o cean depths its sun shine’s blaze its ise is not prom blos soms ground there OOO D G 7 D soul in torch to heart to fly from o C 88 886 7 B owe, ray, rain dead, That in thine That in thy And feel the And from the rich bright morn that X 12341 er, er, shall shall O 13421 Bm full fair tear end OO 123 sus4 E O OOO er er less less X O 1 3 23 O Em 7 A be. be. be. be. O 134111 Purchased product includes all chords; online demo shows first five chords only. Piano and Guitar Chords © 2010, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com F m 2 ST. MARGARET (E) Transposed for E Instruments ST. MARGARET (A) Transposed for B Instruments Transposed melody available in purchased product; omitted in online demo. Hymn #324: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go Text: George Matheson, 1842-1906 Lutheran Book of Worship Tune: Albert L. Peace, 1844-1912 Public Domain Public Domain Piano and Guitar Chords © 2010, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com
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