365 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today EASTER HYMN C 77 77 with Alleluias G F 7 G C 1 Je sus Christ is ris’n to 2 Hymns of praise then let us 3 But the pains which he en 4 Sing we to our God a day, sing, dured, bove, Al Al Al Al le le le le lu lu lu lu our un our praise tri um phant ho ly day, to Christ, our heav’n ly king, sal va tion have pro cured; nal e ter as his love; who did once up who en dured the now a bove the praise him, all you on the cross, cross and grave, sky he’s king, host, heav’n ly Al Al Al Al le le le le lu lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! ia! ia! ia! ia! Al Al Al Al le le le le lu lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! suf sin where Fa fer to re deem our loss. re deem and save. ners to the an gels ev er sing. ther, Son, and Ho ly Ghost. Al Al Al Al le le le le 1 Kings 1:40 And all the people went up after him, playing flutes and rejoicing greatly, so that the ground shook with the sound. (NIV) Piano and Guitar Chords © 2010, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com lu lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! 2 X O O 32 1 OOO 21 8vb C G OOO 3 134211 F X X O 1 32 X X O 213 7 G 7 D 123 D Purchased product includes all chords; online demo shows first five chords only. EASTER HYMN (A) Transposed for E Instruments EASTER HYMN (D) Transposed for B Instruments Transposed melody available in purchased product; omitted in online demo. Hymn #365: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Evangelical Lutheran Worship Text: Latin carol, 14th cent. Public Domain Tune: Lyra Davidica, London, 1708, alt. Public Domain Piano and Guitar Chords © 2010, Lutheran Music—www.LutheranMusic.com
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