Chalmers The United Church of Canada Give Thanks Thanksgiving 10:30am October 12, 2014 GREETING YOU THIS MORNING are Robyn Holden and David Yen INFANT CHILD CARE AND NURSERY for children up to 3 years is provided upstairs in the Children’s Ministry area with Joy Yen. HEARING DEVICES, LARGE PRINT BULLETINS, LARGE PRINT MORE VOICES HYMN BOOKS are available from Greeters. KINDLY TURN OFF RINGERS on all electronic devices. THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE. List Thanksgivings and requests for Intercession for persons ill (with permission) and for global, national and local concerns on the Prayer sheet provided on the Prayer Desk (prié Dieu) at the south back wall of the sanctuary. Requests are brought to the Communion Table with the Offering and included in the Prayers of the People. HYMN BOOKS Voices United – VU and More Voices – MV GATHER MUSIC FOR REFLECTION Chorale prelude, Nun danket alle Gott - G. F. Kaufmann WELCOME ? ANNOUNCEMENTS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINISTRY CALL TO WORSHIP God is here. The Spirit is with us. For everything there is a season, Ecclesiastes 3 a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to plant and a time to reap. In the seasons of our faith, God brings us from planting to the harvest. We gather at the Thanksgiving Table of Christ. We rejoice before God as with joy at the harvest! Isaiah 9:3 stand PROCESSIONAL HYMN VU518 As Those of Old Their First‐fruits Brought PRAYER OF FAITH INTROIT VU225 We Praise You for the Sun WORD Joan Egnatoff Through sacred text we meet the Living God. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 100 VU p.824 responsive The congregation is seated. The Choir stands to lead the sung Refrain 2. Luke 17:11 – 19 The Gospel of Jesus Christ Thanks be to God SERMON Remember to say Thank You Rev. Drew Strickland THANKSGIVING THE PRESENTATION OF GIFTS OFFERTORY SOLO Such Lovely Things ‐ H. Ege, M. Head THE INVITATION Ann Patteson, soprano stand 2 COMMUNION HYMN VU456 Now to Your Table Spread d P PRO OFES SSIO ON O OF O OUR R CO OMM MON N FAITH sttand A A NE EW CREED VU U p.918 8 W We are e no ot alone. W We live e in Go od’ss wo orld d. W We bellievve in n Go od: wh ho h has cre eate ed a and is c crea atin ng, W Who o ha as c com me i n Je esus, t the Wo ord ma ade flessh, T To r eco oncile a and ma ake new w, w who o wo orkss in us a and d oth hers by y th he Spiriit. W We trust i n G God. W We are c calle ed t to b be t the Chu urch: T To c cele ebra ate Go od’s pre esen nce e, to o livve w with h respe ect in c crea atio on, T To l ove e an nd s servve o othe ers,, to see ek j usttice and d re esisst evvil, T To p procclaiim J Jesu us, cru ucifiied and d rissen n, ou ur ju udg ge a and our ho ope e. In liffe, in d death, in l life bey yon nd d death, Go od is s wiith us. W We are e no ot alone. T Tha ankss be e to o Go od. S SHA ARIN NG T THE PEA ACE OF CHR RIST T P PRA AYER R OFF TH HANKSG GIVIN NG … … With thee wh holee creeatiion we liftt our heeartts in n joyyfull praaisee, singing MV 203 MV V 20 04 … T Tog geth her we pro oclaaim thee myysteery of o our faitth, s sing ging g S SAN NCTU US A AND BEN NED DICTU US AC CCLAMA ATIO ON THE LO ORD D’S P PRA AYER R SHARING BRE EAD D AN ND W WINE E W We are in nvited t to co omee forward d dow wn th he siide a aislees to o seervin ng sttatio ons. Reeturrn to o seats by t the c centtre a aislee. A serrving g staation is in t the b balcconyy. Co omm mun nion n is r received d byy gra ape juicce in n ind divid dual cup ps, a and bread d an nd g glute en‐ffree e wa aferss. To o recceivve att your p pew,, pleeasee raise a a hand t to a serrver.. 3 AN NTHE EM Att Th his T Tablle ‐ SS. E. Muurraay, A A. Po ote Ho ope Y Yen n, flu ute PRAYE ER sta and REC CES SSIO ONA AL HY YMN N M MV 53 G God Wh ho S Spreead thee Boound dlesss Prairrie sta and BEN NED DICT TION N PO OSTL LUD DE Gra and d chooer ‐ E. Lem maig gre PA AR RTIC CIPA AN NTS S S Sou und Tecch C Cofffee Hosts C Cou unte ers Sim mon n Keerr (i in trrain ning), N Nichola Trin nh Suee Irvving g, Jo oan Sim meo on Jan ne M MacEween, Joaan Simeeon PA AST TO ORA AL C CA ARE E ‐‐a living ng, heealin ng, su ustaiining g rem mindeer of f Chalmerrs com mmu unityy of ffaith and Jesu us Ch hrist‐‐‐ • Flo owe ers: If y you wissh to placee flo oweers i n th he s sancctuaary in m mem morry o of a loveed one, p pleaase f fill i in an enveelop pe fo oun nd u undeer t he M Mem morial Book a at t he b bacck of thee saancttuarry, aand d plaace on thee Offfering Plaate; or c call Isabel MccLeo od 6 613‐ 546‐2809 9. Flow werss aree th hen deliverred to C Chaalmers folk w who may bee ho ospittalizzed d, ill,, shut‐in, g grieevin ng o or in need o of c conttactt. T Tha ankk yo ou to o Barb B bM MaccNa aughto on fo or tthe Th hankksg givin ng D Disspla ay During g Septem mbeer m mem moriaal do onation ns w were maade i in lo oving m memory of: J Jean M McN Nair R Robert H Ho oga an OC CTO OB BER R WO ORS SH HIP L LIFE E tth 19 w with Gueest Preeach her The e Rev. Christtopherr Wh hite e Wh hat M Mattterrs in n thee Ch hurcch o of th he 221st C Cen ntury ry Ch hurrch. Ezrra 3:8 – 13 26tth Refo ormatio on D Day y 1022,9118 S Sund dayys: th he c churrch so f far Actts 2:37 – 477 M Markk 1:11 – 12 Thee Baaptism m of Log gan n Paarkin nson 5pm m Un nive ersitty & & Co olle ege Stu ude entss Su upp per w with h T The Revv. D Dr. Ia an R Ritcchie ‐ ““Sp piritu ual Lifee in thee Accademy” 4 SPIRIT ALIVE! AND YOUTH UNITED Margaret Moncrieff, Coordinator of Children and Youth Ministry 613‐546‐3264 [email protected] NURSERY: If you are able to assist Joy Yen in offering loving care to our children, or to fill in for her when she is away, please contact Margaret. VOLUNTEERS: If you would like to volunteer occasionally or regularly in the Children’s Spirit Alive ministry, please contact Margaret. FALL YOUTH RETREAT WEEKEND: November 7 to 9 at Zion‐Memorial United Church in Carleton Place. The Bay of Quinte Conference is holding a Fall Retreat for youth in grades 7 to 12. For further information see the Church bulletin board or contact [email protected] th THIS WEEK AND NEXT Tue. Oct. 14 11:30am The Joint Men’s Group meets at Mino’s Village Restaurant, 1762 Princess St. Our guest will be The Rev. Brian Yealland speaking on “A Kingston Casino ‐ Who Wins?” All men of Chalmers and Sydenham St. Churches are welcome. If you are coming for the first time or have any questions, contact Jim Leake, 613‐544‐2838 [email protected], so that accommodations can be arranged. Noon The Tuesday Discussion Group meets at Church House studying our book From Age‐ing to Sage‐ing by Rabbi Zalman Schachter – Shalomi. Brown bag lunch. Tea provided. All ladies welcome. 7pm The Coordinating Council of Elders meets in MacCallum Hall. th Wed. Oct. 15 4:15pm Four Winds Presbytery meets at Cataraqui United Church. th Sat. Oct. 18 10am Chalmers Flute Choir meets preparing music to play from time to time at Sunday worship. New members welcome. Info: Bill Egnatoff [email protected], 613‐634‐3341 ANNOUNCEMENTS • The 2013 Chalmers Photo Directory: If you had a photo taken for inclusion in the Directory, pick up your free copy at the back of the sanctuary. Please see Isabel McLeod. • Book Table: We are invited to peruse the titles on the table in the hall foyer. Consider contributing books you’ve already read. 5 THE H 2 2014 HILLIKE ER PR REA AC CHING G LEC CTUR RES SH HIP w with Spe ecia al Guest Th he R Rev. Christoph her W Whiite S Seniior M Ministe er off Fairlaw wn Ave enue e Un nite ed C Churrch, Torrontto Pre esen ntation n an nd W Wo orksshop p B Build dingg Eff ffecttive Church h Inf nfrasstruuctuure f for t the 21st Ceentuury A After t the e Se erviice ... there e wiill b be a a B Boo ok D Disspla ay … … b books by w writerrs w who o aree en nricchin ng t thee waay w we und derrstand o ourr faith! native bo ookss fo or child dren n … iimaagin th hatt yo ou w won n’t f find d an nyw where e elsee! … aa sp peccial opporrtun nityy to o fin nd a un niqu ue C Christm mass gift! B Boo oks will be avvailable f for purrchaasee byy caash or c cheeque. 6::15p pm F Falll Con C ngre ega atio onal Dinn D nerr cattereed b by “O Old F Farm m Fiine F Food ds” i in M MacC Callu um Hall with s speaakerr Christo opher W Whitte. T Tick kets $255 – aavailable att th he b backk of t the san nctuary or C Churrch Hou use Offiice, Mondaay ‐ T Thu ursdaay. THE E 2014 QU UEE EN N’S THE EOLO OGY Y CONF O FERE ENC CE E Mo on. O Oct. 20 0 to oW Wed d. Oct O t. 22 2 Q Queeen’’s Universiity S Sch hooll of Relligio on T This yeaar’s theemee: S Shifttingg Theoloogyy in a a Ch han nging Churrch witth th hem me sspeakeer The R Revv. Dr. R Robeert Fen nnelll Profeesso or off Hisstorrical and d Syystemattic T Theo olog gy, A Atlanticc Sch hool of Theeolo ogy The C Con nferrencce o offeers 33 freee p publlic le ectu ures byy Drr. Feenn nell in n Co onvocaation Hall, to w whiich all p peo oplee of Chaalm merss aree invviteed. 3pm M Mon nda ay, 7 7pm m Tu uessday y, 9 9am m W Wedn nesday y Picck u up a Co onfeeren nce bro ochu ure at t the back o of th he s sancctuaary. No ote t that Wo orkshop ps lissted d aree op pen tto p perso ons registeered. 6 MIN NIST TER The Re ev. Dre ew S Strickla and d 6 613‐546 6‐32 263 e ext..226 6 em mer d drew w.strickkland@ @chaalmeersu MIN NIST TER E EMERITU US The Rev. Dr.. C. Wa ayne e Hiillik ker MIN NIST TER O OF M MUSIC Da avid Me elho orn‐‐Boe e 6 613‐546 6‐32 264 davvid.m melhor PAS STORAL CAR RE A AND V VISIT TATION The Rev. Nancy y Cla arke e 6 613‐384 4‐46 698 clarrken nec8 8789 CHIILDR REN A AND D YO OUTH H MINIST TRY COO ORD Ma arga arett Mo oncriefff 6 613‐546 6‐32 264 cchriistiaaned duc MO ODER RATO OR, COO ORDIINAT TING G CO OUNC CIL O Ma ary‐Ste ewart R Rosss 6 613‐384 4‐09 952 marrysttewaartr ADM MINISTR RATIVE A ASSISTA ANT Carol Slee eth 6 613‐546 6‐32 263 e ext.. 222 caarol CUS STODIAN N Iva an B Bran ndsm ma 6 613‐542 2‐90 012 ifbrrand ma@ P P 6133‐54 46‐32 263 F 6113‐54 46‐3 S Sund dayss 10:30am C Church H Hou use O Fridays are aadm ministratiion q quie
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