01 11 16 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Logan County Commissioners will accept bids for Electrical improvements of the facility located at 301 E. Lake Ave., Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311, according to Drawings and Specifications prepared by Hill Engineering for the following bid package: 1. BID PACKAGE 1 – 2015 LOGAN COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM REPAIR AND MODIFICATIONS BASE BID #1: High voltage (12.47kV) and low voltage system repair and modification. Complete work per the Drawings and Specifications. The Contract Documents may be reviewed for bidding purposes without charge during business hours at the Logan County Commissioners Office. Contract Documents may be purchased directly from Richland Blue Print, 1248 W. Fourth Street, Mansfield, Ohio 44906. Prospective Bidders shall make prior arrangements with Richland Blue Print at (419) 524-2781 or [email protected] to purchase required quantities of plans and specification. Sealed bids will be received at the offices at 117 E. Columbus Ave., Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311, until: BID DUE DATE: April 2, 2015 TIME: 10:30 a.m. Current Local Time Bids must be clearly marked in sealed envelopes with “2015 Logan County Fairgrounds Distribution System Repair and Modifications” and include the name of the bidder on the outside. Sealed bids will be opened by the Commissioner’s Representative at the place, date and time stated above and publicly read immediately after receipt. A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on March 24, 2015 @ 10:00 a.m., local time, at the Logan County Fairgrounds Grandstand. Any bidder must attend this meeting. All questions or requests for clarification must be submitted to the Engineer no later than 4 days prior to the bid opening, to the attention of Jim Hill, Hill Engineering, 3 W. Central Avenue, Delaware, Ohio 43015; Telephone: 740-363-0400; Fax: 740-363-6924; E-mail: [email protected]. To be considered, bids must be made on the form furnished and included in the project specifications (See 00200 Instructions to Bidders). Each bid must contain the name of every person interested therein and shall be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty in the form of either a combined Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond (as per Section 153.571 of the Ohio Revised Code) in the full amount of the bid (including any add alternates) or a certified check, cashier’s check or letter of credit in the amount of 10% of the base bid amount plus all add alternates. The Bid Guaranty, in whatever form, shall be payable to the Logan county Commissioners. The Logan County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any and all bids, to waive any and all informalities or irregularities that do not affect the amount of the bid or give the Bidder a competitive advantage. END OF SECTION 01 11 16 -NOTICE TO BIDDERS
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