May 10, 2015 Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Bless us with your presence. Serving as the Mother Church of the Diocese of Richmond Twinning with the Catholic Community of Carissade, Haiti Serving the Campuses of Virginia Commonwealth University The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo Bishop of Richmond Monsignor Patrick D. Golden Rector 800 S. Cathedral Place, Richmond, VA 23220-4853 Office: (804) 359-5651 Fax: (804) 358-8043 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 6th Sunday of Easter Donations for the Victims of Earthquake in Nepal According to CRS “the official death toll is now over 5,000 and that is expected to rise significantly as relief workers reach rural villages now cut off by landslides.” As we see the tragic crisis in the aftermath of this terrible natural disaster in one of the poorest countries in the world, let it move us to pray and send aid to our brothers and sisters who are in dire need of assistance. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded by the bishops of the United States in 1943 to serve the poor and disadvantaged and to alleviate human suffering. It operates on five continents in over 90 countries. To learn more about Catholic Relief Services and to see current reports regarding what they are doing in Nepal, visit and click on Donate or Help Now to make a donation. Parish Staff Rector, Rev. Msgr. Patrick Golden [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Stephen Osei-Duah, Parochial Vicar [email protected] | 804-212-3893 Deacon, Rev. Mr. Marshall Banks, MD | [email protected] Deacon, Rev. Mr. Chris Malone | [email protected] Deacon, Rev. Mr. Mark Matte | [email protected] Deacon, Rev. Mr. Charles Williams | [email protected] Interim Director of Music and Liturgy, Colleen Crafton [email protected] | 804-212-3889 Director of Religious Education, Maria Thorsen [email protected] | 804-212-3888 Youth Ministry Coordinator, Elizabeth Riegler [email protected] | 804-212-3888 VCU Campus Minister, Joshua Dart | [email protected] | 804-212-3894 VCU Campus Minister, Mary Rebecca Anderson | [email protected] | 804-212-3891 Business Administrator, Kim Kremer [email protected] | 804-212-3898 Administrative Secretary , Jayne Hushen [email protected] | 804-212-3892 Administrative Assistant/Membership Services, Candice Davis | [email protected] | 804-212-3883 Bookkeeper, Tiffany Baham | [email protected] | 804-212-3890 Facilities, Patrick Garrett | 804-248-2207 | [email protected] Daniel Hudson | 804-874-6152 Pastoral Council, Donna Newcomb | [email protected] Finance Council, Steve Brincefield | [email protected] For a complete list of our ministries, committees and ways to get involved please refer to our Parish Resource Guide on our Website or pick up a copy at the entrance to the church. This Week at the Cathedral Prayers and Praise Saturday, May 9, 2015 2:00 pm Wedding 5:15 pm Mass -- Cathedral Parishioners Sick: Barbara Kersey, Richard Alford, Bill Fox, Fran Ambrose, Lisa Hearl, Beauchamp Payne, Kerrigan Leach, Dr. Charles Blair, Katie Belcher, Julian Fitzgerald, Mary Hormachea, Gabriel Peter Norment, Gina Loehr, Ed Dunn, Jr., Eddie Dunn, III, Sally Pastore, Mike Inzitari, Frank Inzitari, Thelma Robinson, John Kuhn, Jerry Kuhn, Shep Harder, Miguel Lopes, Michael Amrhein, Mimi Eynon, Sheila Dolan, Joseph Dees, Tony Smith, Dylan Marshall, Donald Barkman, Jean Serini, Stephanie Merenda, Gerald Dennis Neville, Amy Tweedale, Billie Sutherland Moore, Fr. Paul Richardson, Jenny Mileto, Rae Funk, Raymond Wilkerson, Jim Crowe, Chrystal Muldrow, Mark Eckstein, Pete Scherer, Mark Rittling, Karen Massengil, Mary Brocking, Pat Mirr, Edward Klein, Larry and Sharon Lilly, Marjorie Dineen, Mark Patrick Cotham, Walter Bullard, Anne Hutchins, Patrice Morris, Melvin Spurlock, Tim Dolan, Janine Thompson and Lidia Quagliano. Also, please continue to pray for those written in the Book of the Sick and those in our Armed Forces. Sunday, May 10, 2015 Mother’s Day! 9:00 am Mass † Josef Tecza 10:05 am Children’s Formation Classes 11:00 am Mass † Bruna Luperini Bullock 5:15 pm Mass † Liddy Horsey Monday, May 11, 2015 12:05 pm Daily Mass † Kathy Liegers 5:30 pm Cathedral Foundation Board Meeting Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:30 am Tour 12:05 pm Daily Mass 11:30 am Prayer Shawl Meeting 12:30 pm Little Rock Scripture Group 6:00 pm IFF Planning Meeting ednesday, May 13, 2015 W 12:05 pm Daily Mass 5:30 pm Choir Rehearsal Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:05 pm Daily Mass † Wayne L. Moffett 5:30 pm Pastoral Council Meeting 7:30 pm YAM Bible Study F riday, May 15, 2015 12:05 pm Daily Mass † Charlie Rittling † Deceased members of the St. Jude Women’s Guild 5:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, May 16, 2015 Pastoral Council Election 11:00 am Quinceañera 2:00 pm Wedding 5:15 pm Mass -- Emily Ko Sunday, May 17, 2015 Pastoral Council Election 9:00 am Mass † Marcin & Felipina Tecza 10:05 am Children’s Formation Classes - Last one! 10:05 am Prayer & Spirituality 11:00 am Mass -- Cathedral Parishioners 12:00 noon Evangelization Team Meeting 5:15 pm Mass † Andrew Honsharuk, Jr The Museum of Virginia Catholic History will close for renovation on June 8 and re-open early September. Virginia Bishops’ Death Penalty Statement Virginia Bishops Francis X. DiLorenzo and Paul S. Loverde have called on the faithful to help radically shift the Commonwealth’s ongoing death penalty debate. In a statement published in The Arlington Catholic Herald and The Catholic Virginian, the Bishops write that they want to shift the conversation from who should be executed or how to execute them to why the death penalty is still being applied in a society that has other adequate means to protect itself without taking a human life. The Bishops exhorted Catholics to fully embrace the “culture of life,” which affirms the sanctity of the unborn, the poor and vulnerable, immigrants and refugees, and even the “least lovable” members of society, those convicted of committing heinous crimes. The statement is available on the Virginia Catholic Conference ( and the Diocese of Richmond ( websites. @ Seminarians: John Baab, John Christian, Deacon Danny Cogut, Taylor Hall, Jamie Hickman, Deacon Matt Kiehl, Mark Kowalski, Marton Lonart, Deacon Nick Mammi, Chris Masla, Miguel Melendez, Dan Molochko, Kyle O’Connor, James O’Reilly, Andrew Oehmann, Frank Petsche, Nick Redmond, Justin Shuma, Cassidy Stinson. We welcome our newly initiated Catholics! Taylor Alas, Oscar Bastidas, Jem Chapman, Courtney Donner, Crystal Greene, Jessica Hladky, Christopher Lee, Brandon Monahan, Sierra Roman, Stephen Sovinsky, Barbara Sulimay, Zanas Talley, Carla Wong, Sophia Choi, Celia Cifuentes, Lineth Cobarrobias, Erika Cruz, Susan Horn, Amanda Olivas, Luke Payne, Monique Sanchez and Julliette Zeballos-Perez, Patrick Ambrose, Erik Draves, Danielle Harris, Amber Petrohovich, Haden Yonce and Adam Yost Welcome our New Members who joined us in April: Michael & Cynthia Greene; Kathryn Loomis; Damien Howell & Marilynn McAteer; Donald & Conchita Caldwell, Michael, Christina; Aaron & Cathy Metrick, Arabelle; Nini Hicks; Megan Morris; Andrew Wojcik; Lino & Rosalba Covello, Graziella, Gabriella, Isabella; Philip & Patricia King, Phil Jr, Lucy; Eduardo Sayoc & Eiwa Mari Badilla; Wayne Halbleib; Maria Pham; Ashley Sheets; Abby Ross. The Pope’s general prayer intention for May is: Universal: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbours who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Evangelization: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. We pray for the Churches and religious institutions of Metropolitan Richmond: That the true light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ may awaken and heal every heart in every corner of Richmond, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, and the surrounding counties and towns. Weekly Offerings For Fiscal Year beginning 7/1/2014 The Cathedral is grateful for last week’s collection. Last Week Year to Date Year to Date 2014-20152013-2014 Regular Offertory Amount Budgeted $20,448 $944,454 Amount Received $24,921 $906,897 $855,381 Difference $4,473 -$37,557**+$51,516 Preservation $762$153,671 Social Justice Poor and Needy $2,159 $42,975 Haiti $411$19,808 *Living Our Mission $0$42,677 *Payments received from the Diocese for the parish sharing portion of your gifts to the Living Our Mission campaign. In keeping with our case for support, 1/2 of all contibutions will go to the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Foundation for the preservation of the Cathedral. Thank you for your generosity. **Due to your generosity and continued faithfulness in our Increased Offertory Program, giving is this amount ahead of last year. Thank you! The second collection next week is for the Diocesan Home Missions. Beyond the Cathedral Rosary Ministry at St. Mary’s Hospital Contact: Peggy Seaton | [email protected] | 358-2788 Betty Spencer | [email protected] | 285-3315 The Mission Ministry of Bon Secours Richmond is in the initial stages of forming a Rosary Ministry at St. Mary’s Hospital. For the past three years, there has been an active Rosary Ministry at St. Francis Medical Center, which has been very successful and has received much positive feed back from patients. In order to establish this ministry at St. Mary’s Hospital, we are in need of volunteers from the community to pray and to lead the Rosary in the St. Mary’s Hospital chapel, which will be televised through the closed circuit television system to the patient rooms. We are planning to begin in May, the month of Our Lady. We will pray the rosary Monday through Friday at 3:00 pm. Everything will be scripted for the leader, including prayers and mysteries. We need leaders and responders. You would be asked to do this only once per month. This is a wonderful opportunity to live the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy through Rosary Ministry. If you have any questions, or wish further information, please contact Peggy Seaton or Betty Spencer. Please prayerfully consider this ministry. Miles Jones Elementary School SOL Carnival Friday, May 15 | 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Nancy DeNoia | [email protected] | 358-0802 Miles Jones Elementary School is having a SOL Carnival on May 15. Volunteers are needed to work the various booths. The planned activities are: Moon Walk, dunking booth, popcorn, food, and games. If you would like to help, please email Nancy DeNoia. St. Edward’s Great Big Yard Sale! Saturday, June 13 | 8:00 am to 2:30 pm Contact: Bobby | 804-560-2883 | [email protected] GET READY, GET SET for St. Edward the Confessor Church (2700 Dolfield Drive, Richmond) and its annual GREAT BIG YARD SALE on Saturday, June 13, from 8:00 am-2:30 pm, RAIN OR SHINE!! There will be bargains galore, baked goodies, food concessions, raffles and door prizes. To participate (still $35 per table), to donate items, or for more information, contact Bobbi at 804-560-2883 or [email protected]. DON’T MISS IT! Parish Community Life Food Collection Sunday – May 17 Call or email Mike DeNoia | 355-2096 | [email protected] We continued to be amazed with your generosity with our food drive in coordination with Catholic Charites. We collect the food and they distribute it in a multi-factored program that not only feeds but help folks get out of the cycle they are in. They could not do it without you. May food collection Sunday is May 17. They are in great need for baby food, juices and diapers for children. Any gift is appreciated but this is our need now. While May 17 is Food Collection Sunday the grocery cart is always at the back of the church for your convenience. If you have any questions about this program please call or email Mike DeNoia 355-2096 [email protected] will be glad to answer your questions. Cathedral Concert Series: “Pershing’s Own” Army Brass Quintet Sunday, June 7, 2015 | 2:00 pm after the Picnic – FREE Concert! 76 Member Minnesota Boychoir Wednesday, June 24, 2015 | 7:00 pm FREE Concert The Greater Richmond School of Music Summer Musical Theatre Camp June 8 - 26 | [email protected] The Greater Richmond School of Music (GRSM) is offering a three-week summer camp for the wacky comedy The Big Bad Musical, A Howling Courtroom Comedy, book by Alec Strum, music and lyrics by Bill Francoeur and produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado. The camp will be held at St. Benedict School from June 8 - 26, 9:00 am-4:00 pm with childcare available before and after the rehearsals. The performance will be on Friday, June 26 at the school, 7:00 pm. NO FEAR AUDITIONS will be on Sunday May 3 from 3:00-6:00 pm for rising second graders through high school in St. Anselm Hall, also at the school. No experience is necessary and everyone will be cast in the show! For more information email: [email protected] Cathedral Information Daily Mass Schedule: Monday - Friday: 12:05 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:15 pm Sunday: 9:00 am 11:00 am & 5:15 pm Saturday: 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm If you’re interested in becoming Catholic contact Maria Thorsen at [email protected] or 804-212-3888 For Weddings, call Jayne Hushen in the Parish Office at 804-212-3892. For Mass Intenions, call Candice Davis in the Parish Office at 804-359-5651. Christian Marriage Formation Program for Engaged Couples, Infant Baptisms - A Baptism Registration Form is available online on our website - For more information on upcoming concerts at the Cathedral, please visit the website of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at As they are booked, they will be posted to the website. Close to the date of each concert a complete Concert Program may be viewed on our web site. On-street parking is sometimes available as well as the VCU Parking Deck across the street from the Altria Theater. Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry ladies have been hard at work making these small, comforting pocket shaws to give to those who are sick in body, mind or spirit. If you are visiting someone in the hospital, convalescent or nursing home, or those who are housebound, you can stop by and pick up one of these cards from the Parish Office for your next visit. Nursery is open from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Sundays for children ages 12 mos. to 3 years. The nursery is on the lower level (take the elevator). Ordained Ministry and Religious Life: For information about the life and ministry of priests, deacons, and seminarians of men & women in religious life, contact Fr. Michael Boehling at 804-359-5661 or Self-Guided Tour: When visiting the Cathedral, pick up a Self‐Guided Tour pamphlet at the front entrance. To view the tour on our website, visit: selfguidedtour.pdf We welcome new members to our parish! You can fill out a registration form found at the back of the church, or email [email protected], or fill out an online registration form on our website: During Weekday Masses, Parking Passes Are Not Needed Readings and Reflection Parish Community Life Pastoral Council Meeting Thursday, May 14, | 5:30 pm The next Parish Council meeting will be held on May 14 in the Parish Hall. Parishioners are always invited to attend and are welcomed! Thank you for your continued support! CARITAS Intake Returns to the Cathedral! Saturday, June 13 – Friday, August 14, 2015 | 4:15 – 6:00 pm Laura O’Connor | 804-690-8141 | [email protected] or Will Beebe | 804-658-7288 | [email protected] Each afternoon, we will be welcoming 35 CARITAS guests to the Cathedral for the annual summer intake program. Our guests will gather in our parish hall and enjoy a beverage and snack while they are checkedin by CARITAS staff and await transportation to their overnight location. There are many ways you can assist in making this ministry a success! Parishioners may volunteer by: n Serving as a weekly coordinator overseeing the service and volunteers n Serving as a volunteer serving snacks and drinks n Donating snacks, drinks, and/or paper products Please sign up at the CARITAS Intake board located by the front doors of the Cathedral. Training is provided. You will be contacted to confirm your contribution(s)/participation one to two weeks prior to your service. Please prayerfully consider how you will play a part in the success of the CARITAS Intake. Questions? Please contact: Laura O’Connor or Will Beebe Thank you for your participation! Children’s Faith Formation Registration 2015-2016 Forms online at Online registration is now available at Please return these registration forms to the Parish Office by August 1. Classes for grades Pre-K - 5 will begin on Sunday, September 13. They meet in the Parish classrooms from 10:05 am - 10:55 am. Parent volunteers are welcomed for various activities throughout the year. Thank You! Virginia Home 5K Walk ‘n Roll Saturday, May 16 | 9:00 to 11:00 am Contact: [email protected] | 359-4093 x222 The Virginia Home 5K Walk ‘N Roll for athletes with disabilities and their friends and family takes place on Saturday May 16 in Byrd Park. Volunteers are needed for registration, pushing wheelchairs or just cheering them on! 8:00 am Registration, 9:00 am Start, 11:00 am Finish. You can participate in this fun, non-competitive event either as an athlete or volunteer! Parents: The last day for Christian Faith Formation class is May 17. The last day of the Children Liturgy of the Word is May 24. Commonwealth Chris Joseph Lisa Joseph Associate Broker / REALTOR® 7201 Glen Forest Drive, Suite 104, Richmond, VA 23226 Chris: 804-276-2932 Lisa: 804-276-2370 Fax: 804-612-2829 [email protected] | Each Office Independently Owned and Operated May 10 Acts 10 : 25-26, 34-35, 44-48 1 Jn 4 : 7-10 John 15 : 9-17 May 17 Acts 1 : 15-17, 20a, 20c-26 1 Jn 4 : 11-16 John 17 : 11b-19 Prepare for Sunday Mass using an online resource that includes a copy of the readings and much more. To access, go to the parish website and click on “Prepare for Sunday.” 6th Sunday of Easter Today’s Gospel follows immediately after the Gospel proclaimed last week, in which Jesus taught that he was the vine and that his disciples were the branches. In the example of the vine and the branches, we learned that our union with Jesus will lead to fruitful service. Today’s reading extends this teaching to describe the kind of service that Christians are called upon to offer to others. When John wrote this Gospel, his community was influenced by a set of religious beliefs called Gnosticism. It appears that one of John’s intentions was to distinguish Christian belief from the beliefs held by the Gnostics. Evidence of this can be found in today’s Gospel. One of the tenets of Gnostic teaching was the importance of knowledge, or gnosis, as the determining aspect of faith. We read today’s Gospel as a response to this teaching. In John’s Gospel, we hear Jesus affirm that he is known by the Father and that his disciples will know the Father by knowing Jesus. In this passage, however, Jesus reminds his disciples that this knowledge is to be expressed in love. Those who know Jesus well—and Jesus says that his disciples do know him—will love one another. Knowledge leads to love, which leads to action. John reminds his community that Jesus taught that love is the sign of a true disciple and, thus, a true Christian. Even more, a true disciple shows a particular kind of love, sacrificial love. In the Greek, there are two words for love that are used in this passage. The first is agape. The second is philia. The first word is most often used to describe love for other persons and for God. It is understood as the highest and most perfect kind of love. The second word is used to describe the affection of friendship. In this context, John appears to use these words as synonyms. The root of the Greek word for friend comes from this second term for love, philia. By using this word, Jesus transforms the terms of his relationship with his disciples and redefines for them their relationship with God. In the Hebrew Scriptures, faith in God made one a servant of God. Here Jesus teaches that his relationship to his disciples is based on friendship, not servitude. Another aspect of Gnostic belief taught that a believer was an elect person, chosen and set apart from the world. John reminds his community that Jesus also taught that a disciple is one who had been chosen—one who had been chosen by Jesus. To be chosen by Jesus, however, is not to be set apart from the world. Instead, to be chosen by Jesus is to be sent to serve the world as he did. The disciples of Jesus were chosen and were sent into the world to bear fruit by serving others, by sacrificing for others, in love. This reading, like last week’s, is part of Jesus’ Last Supper discourse. In the context of John’s Gospel, these words are spoken before Jesus’ Crucifixion. We read his instruction to the disciples in light of his death and Resurrection. We know that Jesus himself gives us the greatest example of the kind of love and service that he teaches to his disciples. He has, in fact, laid down his life for his friends, for his disciples, and for us. Through his death and Resurrection, we have received the grace to love others as Jesus has commanded. ©LoyolaPress Save the Date! for Cathedral’s Vacation Bible School July 6 -10 | 8:30 am to 12 noon Sign up information coming soon! Watch for it!
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