. Precious Blood Cathedral 778 Queen Street East, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario P6A 2B1 Tel: 705-256-8474 / Fax: 705-945-8287 www.preciousbloodssm.com / Email: [email protected] Journey Email: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Father Hamish Currie Fifth Sunday of Lent Assistant Pastor: Fr. Ignatius Xavier Parish Secretary: Lisa Wyer Office hours: 8:30AM-12:30PM Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 8:30 PM Weekday Masses: 8:00 A.M. No Mass on Wednesdays Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 4:15 to 4:45 P.M. Baptism: Usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Please make arrangements one month in advance by contacting the Parish Office. Marriages: Please make marriage arrangements six months in advance by contacting the Parish office. Papal Blessing: Please allow at least 6 months for Papal Blessing to arrive after the request has been made. Diocesan Order of Women: Dorothy Yadivisiak CWL President: Louise McGuire, 705-254-7869 Liturgical Music/Choir: Shana Speakman, 705-206-3077 Bulletin Announcements Email your to [email protected] before 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday March 22, 2015 Pastor’s Pen This week leads us into Palm Sunday and Holy Week. It would be helpful for all of us to meditate on the Passion and allow these sacred events to speak to us. What follows is from a sermon Pope Francis gave in Holy Week 2014 : After reading an account of the Passion ….. We might well ask ourselves just one question: Who am I? Who am I, before my Lord? Who am I, before Jesus who enters Jerusalem amid the enthusiasm of the crowd? The group of leaders, some priests, the Pharisees, the teachers of the law, who had decided to kill Jesus. They were waiting for the chance to arrest him. Am I like one of them? We have also heard another name: Judas. Thirty pieces of silver. Am I like Judas? Am I like the disciples who understand nothing, who fell asleep while the Lord was suffering. Am I like Peter who wanted to settle everything with a sword? Am I like them? Am I like those people in power who hastily summon a tribunal and seek false witnesses: am I like them? Am I like Pilate? When I see that the situation is difficult, do I wash my hands and dodge my responsibility? Am I like the Cyrenean, who was returning from work, weary, yet was good enough to help the Lord carry his cross? Am I like those fearless women, and like the mother of Jesus, who were there, and who suffered in silence? Am I like Joseph, the hidden disciple, who lovingly carries the body of Jesus to give it burial? Am I like the two Marys, who remained at the Tomb, weeping and praying? Am I like those leaders who went the next day to Pilate and said, “Look, this man said that he was going to rise again. We cannot let another fraud take place!”, and who block life, who block the tomb, in order to maintain doctrine, lest life come forth? Where is my heart? Which of these persons am I like? May this question remain with us throughout the entire week. Allowing ourselves to enter into the Passion and Death of Jesus also frees us to enter into the joy of the Resurrection. Join us in prayer as we prepare for Holy Week. Fr. Hamish Page 2 Precious Blood Cathedral Scripture Readings: March 23 – March 29 Monday Daniel 13.1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-64++; John 8.1-11 Tuesday Numbers 21.4-9; John 8.21-30 Wednesday Isaiah 7.10-14; 8.10d; Hebrews 10.4-10; Luke 1.26-38 Thursday Genesis 17.3-9; John 8.51-59 Friday Jeremiah 20.7, 10-13++; John 10.31-42 Saturday & Sunday Isaiah 50.4-7; Philippians 2.6-11; Mark 14.1-15.47 “If a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it bears much fruit.” Jn 12.24 Monday, March 23 ł Jim McIntyre by Barb & Allan Matthews 8:00 A.M. Tuesday, March 24 8:00 A.M. ł Lanie (Lonie)Kennedy by his mother Marlene Wood ł Earl & Betty Adam by Gordie & Carol Delabbio Wednesday, March 25 No Mass Thursday, March 26 No Mass Friday, March 27 No Mass Saturday, March 28 5:00 P.M. ł Ana & Anne Furac by Martin, Judy & Girls & Mary ł Lori Ann Peres by Mom, Dad & Family Sunday, March 29 9:00 A.M. ł Cornelius Nan by Dick & Cathy Huibers ł Danny Melchiorre by his wife Dina 11:00A.M. Intentions of Parishioners 8:30 P.M. ł Maria Trunzo & Vincent Runco by Maria & Marcel Runco & Family Are you willing to die unto self? Is God calling you to share your life as a priest? Contact your Pastor or Fr. Pat Woods at the Office of Vocations 705-674-2727 ext250 or [email protected] and check out www.beapriest.ca PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS TO PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. 4th ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT! All children are welcome to participate in the egg hunt that follows 11am mass Easter Sunday. Over 630 plastic eggs filled with goodies & prizes will be hidden, but whomever finds the empty egg wins the grand prize! It will be a fun egg-venture for the kids. REMINDER Please do not leave valuables visible in your car and lock your vehicle. Sunday, March 15 Building/Journey Fund YTD $4840 $926,062 Thank you for your continued generosity! 2015 Journey Lottery Winner March 15 Eileen Hebert Precious Blood Cathedral March 28/29 Lectors Page 3 Eucharistic Minister Ushers Greeters Robert Dugas Saturday Anne Marie Dupuis Anne Greco 5:00 PM Kathleen MacDonald Monique Staruck Bernard Lysiak Neil Conway John Slobodecki Phyllis Delaney Louise McGuire Bill Denneny Clare Lennox Rudy Wheatley Brian Lidstone Louise Bichler Donna Bos Sunday 9:00 AM Dawn Malone Terry Bos Sunday 11:00 AM Joanne Dumanski Gary Dumanski Michael Currier Ted & Norma Wall Kerrie Tuckett Sophie Ostrowski Phil Bellerose Bambi Alexander Laura Castellarin Tony Pino Sunday 8:30 PM Rico Iacoe Emilie Iacoe Gino Filice This week at Precious Blood Cathedral Tues. Mar. 24 7:00pm Wed. Mar. 25 11:30am Thurs. Mar. 26 First Reconciliation Celebration (children) Craft Group at Sacred Heart 1:30pm ARISE Meeting in Ste. Anne’s Room 6:30pm ARISE Meetings in Boardroom & Ste. Anne’s Room 7:00pm Choir Practice You will that our self-denial should give you thanks, humble our sinful pride, and contribute to the feeding of the poor, and so help us imitate you in your kindness. Preface for Lent III Sick and Shut In Please remember in your prayers, all the sick and shut in especially Margaret Nicholson, Mae Roberts, Bernice Corcoran, Gerald Nolan, Ted Kobinski & Robert Gough Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015 7:00 pm Adoration: 8:00 pm-10:00 pm Ste. Anne’s Room Good Friday, April 3, 2015 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross at 7:00 pm Easter Vigil, April 4, 2015 8:30 pm Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 9:00 am and 11:00 am Page 4 Precious Blood Cathedral Knights of Columbus 11608 Pasta & Meatball Supper: Our monthly supper is growing in attendance. A special thank you to all who have attended & helping make this event a success. Monies raised at this supper is dedicated to the Journey. The next supper will be held on Tuesday, April 7 at the Grand Gardens on Dennis Street from 5pm7pm. Adults $9.99/Children $5.99. Catholic Women’s League A reminder for Monday March 23 at 1:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. Sr. Roberta Low will be facilitating an afternoon of Spiritual Reflection. All ladies of the Parish are invited to attend. Thank to all you who came out and answered Pope Francis' request on March 13th for the Adoration of the Eucharist. Thank you to Fausto and Gabriele DiTommaso for donating the coffee and to the CWL members who gave of their time in baking and serving those who attended on this special day. Chrism Mass 2015 The Chrism Mass will be held on Thursday, March 26 at 1:30pm at the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption Church, North Bay. We wish to take advantage of this celebration to express our gratitude to the women and men religious of our diocese in the context of this Year of Consecrated Life dedicated to them. Chrism Mass is an opportunity for priests, deacons, members of the Diocesan Order of Service, religious women and men and layfaithful to experience, along with the bishop, the bond of communion and solidarity within this spiritual family called the Church of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie. All are invited to participate in this special diocesan celebration. D&P “SOW MUCH LOVE TO GIVE.” Development & Peace is honoured to support courageous women and men in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East who make sacrifices each and every day. We offer our support so that their families, loved ones and communities can live another day. Sometimes the sacrifice they make is their own life. Development & Peace partner, Caritas, works to restore peace in the Central African Republic, a country where civil strife has claimed many lives. Sadly, that includes the life of Father Christ Forman Wilibona, who was shot six times and killed on Good Friday last year. The Central African Republic is just one of more than 30 countries throughout the world where your gift to Development and Peace brings new life, and honours the ultimate sacrifice made by Father Wilibona and countless others. Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains a single grain. While there has been progress in reducing hunger in the world, more than 800 million people still go without the daily food they need. The sacrifices we make this Lent in giving generously to Share Lent on behalf of the poor will bear much fruit through the work of Development & Peace. For further information contact www.devp.org or contact Jan Poulin-Zurawinski at 705 253 7536 or email; [email protected]. Precious Blood Cathedral Page 5 In the Community ARCH Hospice: Have you lost a loved one? ARCH Hospice Adult Grief Support Group. All are welcome. Free of charge, eight-week sessions, small, personal group sizes, warm atmosphere with friendly, trained volunteers & professionals. Pre-registration is required. 2015 sessions are Jan 14-March 4; March 25-May 13; June 3-July 29; Aug 19-Oct 14; Oct 28-Dec 16. Call Shaunagh Gravelines, Support Care Coordinator at 705942-1556 ext 224 or email [email protected] THE NORTHLAND BARBERSHOP CHORUS: Presents their 51st Annual Show, “Vintage Vinyl”. Featuring hit songs from 1957-1967: Vinyl Recording’s Golden Era. Saturday, April 11, 2015, 7:30 p.m. Kiwanis Community Theatre Centre. All Tickets are non-reserved @ $25.00* CDN Funds, available from: Hess Jewellers, Sault Theatre/STARS (Soo, Michigan), Theatre Centre Box Office* (Station Mall). *Box Office adds a $3 surcharge/ticket. Total price if purchased at Mall Box Office outlet is $28 SHALOM PLACE offers: Reconnecting With Your Inner Child. A workshop providing attentive time for acceptance and healing of the child within who may be wounded from life struggles from the past. Spend a day to engage the gifts of your inner child and to experience renewed freedom in your life. Saturday, April 18, 2015, 9 am to 3 pm, St. Jerome’s Parish Hall and Church. Suggested Offering: $40 (includes lunch and snacks). Facilitated by: Sister Bonnie Chesser, CSJ (North Bay, ON). PRE-REGISTER by calling 705-254 -4690 or email [email protected] Easter Tea & Bazaar: Croatian Catholic Church, Our Lady of the Highways, 446 Second Line East, Saturday March 28 from 1pm-3pm. Adults $5/Children under 10 are free. PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN, PORTUGAL Tour of the Major Shrines of Europe has been arranged for the Fall of 2015. Led by Father Hamish Currie, we will pray and have mass at all the major Shrines including Rome, Assisi, Florence, Monte Carlo, Avignon, Lourdes, Madrid, Toledo, Avila and Fatima. September 26-October 11, 2015 from Sault Ste. Marie. AllInclusive (including all travel, tours, superior accommodation, breakfast and dinner) $3690. Per person (airport taxes $583). For further information check the website www.preciousbloodssm.com or call parish office 705-256-8474. Fifth Week of Lent On the Fifth Sunday of Lent, we will use John's Gospel, in which Jesus says that the “hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” However, he describes this glory in a surprising way, which explains who he is for us and who we are called to be: “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.” “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be.” Wednesday is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, with its own special readings. The first readings this week prepare for the gospels. We begin with the long, but well worth reading story of Susanna, which ends in “blessing God who saves those who hope in him.” The bronze serpent on a pole reminds us of Jesus' saving cross. Three young men refuse to commit idolatry and show us how God protects “the servants who trusted in him.” God entered a covenant with Abraham. In the midst of his persecution, Jeremiah praises God, “For he has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked!” God promises to unite the people in an everlasting covenant. Our gospels are again from the Fourth Gospel. Presented with a woman caught in adultery, Jesus replies, “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Reminding us of the bronze serpent and his death, Jesus says, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I AM.” To the children of Abraham and to us Jesus declares, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” “Whoever keeps my word will never see death. ... Amen, amen, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I AM.” They heard what they thought was blasphemy and tried to stone him. Jesus simply told the truth, because, “the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” After the raising of Lazarus, the plans were set to destroy Jesus. The high priest says the prophetic words, “it is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish.” On Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord we make our way into Holy Week. We read the gospel about Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, Paul's invitation to us to imitate Jesus who emptied himself, and the whole Passion, this year from Mark's Gospel. **********
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