JOYS and CONCERNS LENT 2015: "Re-Lent Whether for worship, Bible study, or personal use, it is beneficial to know our Wi-Fi password: 3724898703 The Messenger weekly ♥ Continued prayers for Daniel Yohe (Tim Tryon’s cousin). 17 yr old High School Senior, was hit in the face by a pitch and suffered numerous facial fractures. ♥ Continued prayers for Sam & Drew Greenfelder (Christy Bracken’s niece and husband). Pregnant with their first baby, who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. MISSION & CORE VALUE STATEMENT March 22, 2015 "At Richville UCC we are disciples sharing our faith to make new disciples, so that we all will celebrate GOD by living life to the fullest - growing in faith, love and service with our families and community. " CALENDAR OF EVENTS ♥ Continued prayers for Pam Lingrel (Jay Moock’s mother in law). In a Specialty Hospital Care approximately 6-8 weeks while recuperating from infections and surgery. ♥ Prayers for Chuck Girt (Jenny Lambert’s dad). Has enlarged nodes in his colon. In the hospital until Monday--having biopsy and tests to determine if it’s cancer. ♥ Continued prayers for Larry Meyer. He is still at Hanover House (Room C162). ...IN CHURCH MEMBERSHIP OR BAPTISM? For anyone curious about being baptized or becoming a member of Richville UCC or having their child baptized, please contact Pastor Will at (330) 704-8350 or email him at [email protected] specifically in this regard. (I Quit! What Will You Give Up On This Lent?)" SUN MON 23 Newsletter Deadline 24 Camp Sunday 30 31 22 Sunday Schedule* TUE WED 25 26 Tuesday Schedule* Wednesday Schedule* Tuesday Schedule* April 1 Wednesday Schedule* 29 Palm Sunday Sunday Schedule* Offering taken for One Great Hour of Sharing Belle Stahl (Doug Lautensleger’s grandmother) Jonathan Boughman (Kim Boughman’s son) Bonnie Jones (Leanne Treadway’s friend) Sheryl Black (Violet Earl’s friend) Gladys Burrier (Judy Gopp’s mom) Don Huberty (Jen Schumacher’s dad) Angela Mast (Jen Schumacher’s sister) Blake Billier (Bonnie Willis’ nephew) Heather (Friend of Sandy Provost) Sharon Waldrop (Glenn & Betty Tipton’s daughter) Dave Lamp (Friend of Christy Bracken) Chris (Deb Tryon’s friend) Megan (Diane Wilson’s daughter) Randy Rhoades (Rich Griffin’s step-father) Rose Griffin (Rich Griffin’s grandmother) John Postel (Jane Gordon’s father) Shelby White (friend of Dee Elliott) Pam Lingrel (Jay Moock’s mother-in-law) Annie Brechbuhler (Faith Black’s grandmother) Emily Johnson (Gladys Johnson’s granddaughter) Dan Jackson (Erica Montgomery Weiner’s brother in law) Terry Nemeth (Sue Montgomery’s neighbor) Nicholas Bailey Diane Wilson Shirley Kalleker Jean Sundheimer Janice Stetler Emerie Wanzer Jerry & Linda Risher Don Perretta AT HOME: Sam Kolonchuk Carolyn Stauffer Mary Jo Purney Trevor Kiko and Family Debbie Ciesielczyk Art Risher Darlene Gottler Newsletter Mailed AT RESIDENT FACILITIES: Country Lawn: Hazel Mattern [Karen Barkheimer’s mother] (Room 201) Inn at University Village: Gloria Dressler (Room 202) (330) 833-6490 direct line Rita Waddell [Kathy Dressler’s mother] (Room 103) Allay Senior Care: Denny Mowery *Sunday Schedule 9:15 am Adult Discussion Groups 10:30 am Updates in the Life/Work of the Church 10:30 am Worship 10:30 - 11:45 am Rotational Sunday School Post Worship (Children Dismissed from Worship) Fellowship Hour *Tuesday Schedule 10:00 - 10:45 am Staff Meeting Pat Mingus Hanover House: Larry Meyer (Room C162) PRAYER CHAIN: Please call Judy Gopp at (330) 477-6593 or the church office at (330) 832-1891 if you or a member of your family is in the hospital or facing upcoming surgery. If you would like Pastor Will or someone from Called 2 Care to serve home communion or if you would like a visit, please call the church office. For pastoral emergencies, Pastor Will’s cell number is (330) 704-8350. FRI SAT 27 28 10:30 am Easter Egg Hunt 3 Good Friday 4 9:30 am T.O.P.S Kids Chorus Singing during Worship Please remember the following members and friends of Richville UCC with your prayers, cards or visits. Complete addresses for the Resident Facilities and Shut-In information is available on the bulletin board opposite the church office. Please help us keep our prayer concern list up-to-date and let us know if someone no longer needs to be on the list. CONTINUING PRAYER FOR: THU *Wednesday Schedule 6:00 pm RENEGADE GOSPEL Bible Study 7:00 pm Bells 8:00 pm Chancel Choir 2 Maundy Thursday 9:30 am T.O.P.S 6:00 pm Congregational Soup Supper 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday Service Altar Flowers are given by the Tilton Family in honor of Jill Tilton’s birthday Announcements: Jackie Schlemmer (Financial Secretary) Hospitality Team for this week is: Welcome Center Karen Provost Head Usher: Larry Bates Ushers: Tara Wiggins, Lily Stuart Charles Stuart Greeters: Malena Cybak Bell: Charles Stuart Acolytes: Tara Wiggins, Lily Stuart Worship Readers: Braydon Noll, Lily Stuart Fellowship Hour: Diane Wilson Crib/Nursery: Jen Schumacher March 15, 2015 Attendance: Operating Fund Offering March 15, 2015: Average Operating Fund Offering needed weekly for 2015: **NEW CHURCH OFFICE HOURS** Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM 7:00 pm Good Friday Service Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 85 $4,500.00 $2,976.00 “like” us on Facebook TODAY IS SERVICE SUNDAY! Our Sunday School kids will be participating in the worship service. Kids Chorus will also be singing “Lord I Lift Your Name on High”. TODAY IS ALSO CAMP SUNDAY! If you attended a church camp growing up or as an adult, or if you have a t-shirt from a church group, you were asked to wear it on this day! It is also a great time to sign up for church camp! Information packets for Outdoor Ministries, which include camp events, dates, and registration forms, can be found in the Welcome Center. IT’S AN 80TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! For today’s Fellowship Hour (after worship), everyone is invited to join the Barkheimer family to help celebrate Freda Barkheimer’s 80th birthday. EASTER EGG HUNT Join us for the fun of an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 28th from 10:30 - 12:00 PM! Each family attending is asked to bring one dozen hard-boiled undyed eggs. We will color eggs for the Easter Sunday sunrise breakfast, and children will get to take some home. Punch and cookies will also be served. Anyone who would like to bake or donate cookies, please see Amber Cybak or Jill Tilton. PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER for Nick Bailey A Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for Nick Bailey will be held at the Perry Grange on Saturday, March 28th from 8:00 - 11:00 AM. There will be basket raffles galore! Tickets are $6 each, or free for children under 3. See Jackie Schlemmer to get your tickets! ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING Next Sunday, March 29th, we will be taking up an offering for One Great Hour of Sharing. An offering envelope will be provided in the bulletin. Please give as you feel led. God is still speaking through your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing. When you give to OGHS through the United Church of Christ, you will participate in a world-wide ministry of helping people change their lives. A ministry that carries God’s message of hope to people in more than 138 countries, including the U.S. by working with local, national and international partners. Did you know OGHS responds to disasters on average every 2.5 days, while it changes lives 365 days each year? Funds from the United Church of Christ’s OGHS help families in the USA and across the globe to recover from disasters - floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and everyday disasters of hunger and poverty. Your generous support is needed. Richville United Church of Christ will be hosting a 6 week class sponsored by the Eastern Ohio Association of the United Church of Christ. The class will be called INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY, and will be taught by Rev. Dr. Steve Johnson. DESCRIPTION: A broad range of topics will be discussed, but the focus will be on the central ideas of Christian Theology: Christology (what we believe about Jesus), the Doctrine of God and the Trinity, the Doctrine of Creation, the nature of the Holy Spirit and the nature and purpose of the Church. Students will be expected to prepare brief papers on these topics and will be expected to engage their peers and the instructor in vigorous conversation. DATES: April 14 and 21, May 12 and 19, June 9 and 16 (all Tuesday nights) TIME: 6:00 - 8:45 PM CLASS FEE: $75.00 *REGISTRATION DEADLINE: March 31, 2015 For more information and to register, contact: Eastern Ohio & Western Reserve Associations Office EOA/WRA United Church of Christ 330-940-2220 (ext. 101) [email protected] AS PART OF OUR NEW SAFE CHURCH POLICY, we have a Student Information Form that needs to be filled out for each child. These forms can be found in the Children's Area outside the sanctuary. Please fill a form out for each child. Completed forms can be turned in at the Children's Area. Thank you! We are seeking to fill a new position for our church: DIRECTOR OF YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRIES The Director of Youth and Family Ministries will serve 15 hours/week (with a variable schedule). Candidates should possess a strong faith and Christian background and a commitment/ability to work within the policies and procedures of the UCC. Required competencies include computer, social-media and organizational skills, as well as two years post high school education. Email cover letters and resumes to [email protected]. Initial deadline for resumes is April 15th. For further information, please contact Jill Tilton, Pastor Will Stuart, or the church office. RUCC Additional/Alternative Worship Service Surveys can be found in the Welcome Center. If you have not yet filled one out, we encourage you to do so. Also, please share the survey with any young families who would be willing to share their input (especially if they don’t have a church home). Completed surveys can be returned to the church office. Thanks to everyone who has filled out a CHURCH DIRECTORY INFORMATION FORM. Keep them coming in! Forms can be found in the Welcome Center. Please pick a form up for each member of your family. Once completed, return them to the church office. Thank you for your cooperation! Dar Wellman-Dorsey will once again be doing a SUMMER READING READINESS PROGRAM. The program will be held from June - August, and will be housed at Richville United Church of Christ. Sessions focus on individual/one on one tutoring, not groups. All kids Pre K - 2nd Grade can sign up. For more information, or if you would like to sign up, please contact Dar at (330) 685-2633. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITES WITHIN THE COMMUNITY A few local organizations have come to us expressing the need for volunteers. These volunteer opportunities have been posted on the church webpage (under Coming Events and Calendar: Outreach & Ministry Opportunities and Sign-Ups), on our Facebook page, and in the Welcome Center. Check them out! EASTER FLOWERS We have a limited number of Easter Flowers still remaining. The sign up sheet can be found in the Welcome Center. Tulips ..................................................$7.00 each -Red (3 left) -Yellow (3 left) -Pink (2 left) -Purple (4 left) - White (2 left) Hyacinths............................................$7.00 each -Pink (4 left) -Blue (1 left) -White (2 left) Regular Yellow Daffodils (1 left)........$7.00 each **We are sold out of Lilies, Hydrangeas, Azaleas, and Mini Yellow Daffodils** The flowers will be used to decorate the Sanctuary for Easter and will be available for you to take home on Easter Sunday after the worship service. CONFIRMATION NEWS AND NOTES The next Confirmation session will be held Sunday, April 12th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Confirmation Sunday has been scheduled for Sunday, May 17th. Watch for further details! ATTENTION CONFIRMANDS… Worship worksheets are available in the Welcome Center, and are also available for download on the church webpage ( Please remember to fill out at least one worksheet per month. The sheet to fill out for your community service project can also be found on the church webpage. Also, remember that Pastor Will’s big concordance for help in writing your Statement of Faith is on the counter in the church office.
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