04-26-15 - Ridgeway Mennonite Church

Ridgeway Mennonite Church
Our purpose as a Church is to love God and all people,
enabled by the Holy Spirit to become the living presence of Jesus Christ
in our homes, across the street, and around the world.
Vol. 47
Worship 9:30 a.m.
April 26, 2015
No. 17
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
Enter to worship. Depart to serve.
Opening Song
Worship in Music
Scripture: John 10:1-21
Sermon: “See With Your Ears”
Response Song
Sending Song
Preaching: Pastor Tom Martin
Worship Leader: Glen Kauffman
Song Leader: Kevin Nafziger
Worship Team: Pam Groff, Kathryn Morris, Steve Wilcox
Prelude/Offertory: Worship Team
Sound: David Hostetter
Projector: Gary Nolt
Sharing: Sam Sauder
__________________________________Attendance Last Week: 142
Next Sunday: Broadway High School Choir
Worship Leader Next Sunday: Ben Risser
Greeters: Today: Orval & Dorothy Shank & Susan Mast
Next Sunday: Jim & Eileen Shenk & Elizabeth Solanki
Nursery Caregivers:
Today, Worship: Evette, Lauren, & Courtney Whetzel
Next Week, Worship: Carla Hurst & __________
Today, Sunday School: Patsy Seitz & __________
Next Week, Sunday School: Naomi Kniss & __________
Today at Ridgeway: 6:00pm Jr. & Sr. Youth
This Week:
Looking Ahead:
4:30pm Kids Club
Mennonite Women of VA Annual
Missions Day
Broadway High School Choir
6:45am Men’s Fellowship at Ridgeway
6:45pm Women’s Care Group at Sara
7:00pm Worship Commission
Mother’s Day
7:00am Women’s Breakfast at Mr. J’s
7:00pm Church Council
7:00pm Pastor Team
Fellowship Meal
6:00pm Friendly Pilgrims SS Dinner
6:00pm Prime Timers
Eastern Mennonite School Choir
EMU Commencement
7:00pm Pastor Team
Pastor Ben’s Retreat Day
Marcia Weaver’s telephone number is 540-383-3529.
Recycle, Please! Please place your used Sunday School papers and
lesson books in the box under the foyer mailboxes.
Welcome to the Sunday School Hour
Children Age 2-5, Grades K-2, 3-5—Lower Level
Jr. Hi, Sr. Hi—Upper Level
Friendly Pilgrims—Main Level Classroom
Koinonia—Lower Level Classroom
The Potter’s Clay—Lower Level, Fellowship Hall
Today is Compassion Sunday. This is a time when you can sponsor a
child. Dorcas Good and Erwin Rempel are hosting a table in the lobby
with pictures and information about children from several countries who
need sponsors. Learn how you can transform the life of a child in
poverty and make an amazing difference in the name of Jesus.
– Outreach Commission
In Our Thoughts and Prayers:
Our congregation as we develop more specific goals and an action
plan for the future.
Larry Falls who is in hospice care at Avante.
Elnora Ludholtz who is very ill in Sentara-RMH.
If you have prayer concerns you would like included in the bulletin’s “In
Our Thoughts and Prayers” section, please notify the church secretary.
EMU Graduates! Erin Rheinheimer, Jeni Heishman, Amy
Feeser, and Jacob Landis graduate from EMU today. Lanae
Kreider also will graduate from EMU with a double major in
Psychology and Spanish. Congratulations to all!
MEN: We start a new study in May, "The sermon on the mountain,"
Matthew 5:13-26 for Wednesday, May 6 at 6:45 AM. We will skip the
beatitudes since the church had that study last year. I want us to focus
this study on what it means for 2015. Come and help us make sense of
this sermon. – John Keim
Women's Care Group will meet on Wednesday evening,
May 6, at Sara Nafziger’s home (1158 Stuart Street,
Harrisonburg). Come at 6:45 p.m. for conversation and
dessert; the discussion will start at 7:00. Ferne Bowman
will lead us in discussing Chapter 7 of the
book Courageous Women of the Bible. Copies of the
chapter are available on the table by Sandra’s desk. If
you have any questions, feel free to talk with Kathy Risser or Mary Ann
Shisler. We hope you can join us!
Ridgeway Mennonite Church
546 East Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801
Phone: 434-3476 Email: [email protected]
Web Site: http://ridgewaymennonite.org
Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am to1:30pm
Pastor Ben Risser: [email protected]
Associate Pastors Tom & Joy Martin: [email protected]
Our May fellowship meal will be on the 17 because
Mother’s Day is the second Sunday of the month.
Please bring a main dish and a salad or dessert and
your own table service if possible. A special invitation
is extended to all students. – Food Committee
A Look at VMMissions
Gracie and Yugo Prasetyo’s neighbor has stage four cancer and cannot
afford medical treatment. Pray with them for God’s mercy in the midst of
deep physical need and poverty.
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request
Today DOOR Denver is hosting its annual Cinco de Mayo festival
fundraiser. Pray that relationships will deepen as three churches
minister to their community through food, local performers, and children’s
activities. DOOR is a Mennonite Mission Network partner.
Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly—June11-13
Save the date for Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly, June 11-13,
at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church. The theme will be "Built into a
Spiritual House," based on 1 Peter 2:4-10. Registration will open soon!
Learn more at virginiaconference.org/assembly/built-into-a-spiritualhouse/.
Mennonite Church USA Convention—June 30-July 5, 2015
Registration for the Mennonite Church USA convention in Kansas City is
now open! Register online (convention.mennoniteusa.org) and catch up
on all the latest in convention news.
MWC PA 2015—July 21-26
Are you interested in learning more about Mennonite World Conference’s
Global Assembly coming July 21-26 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA?
Even if you don’t think you can come, follow along and join in the
conversation on our Facebook page:
Facebook.com/MennoniteWorldConference. Share your story, and learn
about your Anabaptist brothers and sisters from around the world!
Community Notes
Earth Day Extravaganza! At Eastern Mennonite
Elementary School on Sunday, April 26, 2-4 p.m. Care for
our earth at this FUN, FREE family event! See foyer
bulletin board.
Mennonite Women of Virginia's Annual Missions Day is May 2 at
Trissels Mennonite Church, Broadway, VA. Eve Knepp will reflect on the
importance of trusting God, as experienced through her family’s ministry
with VMMissions at Maranatha School for the Deaf, Jamaica.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. A business meeting will follow the Mission
Needs Auction, and lunch will be served.
Family Fun Day at Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center May 2 from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. See foyer bulletin board.
Annual PVFCU Neighborhood Connection—May 7, 4:30-7:30 p.m.,
EMU—University Commons. Registration required; free registration
through May 3. $10 per person for registrations May 4 or later. Register
online at bit.ly/pvfcu2015.