Royal Regina Rifles Association Newsletter April 2015 A NOTE FROM PRESIDENT BOB It is April and daylight comes a little earlier. Spring is here. Think of it – Flowers blooming, green grass, warm sun and soft breezes. I can hardly wait. And I can hardly wait until we are together again at our Annual Reunion. Our Saskatoon planners are working hard to ensure that all participants have a great time. So plan to be with us and let your Buddies know and encourage them to join us as well. Don is trying to locate Albert Troy Hopkins - last address was in Edmonton – not there and no forwarding address. If anyone can advise us of his present whereabouts and address it would be appreciated. It may be that we have some good news for him. I want all of you to send a “well done“ to our Secretary Don. His recovery from a very bad car accident is tantamount to a miracle. He has not allowed his injuries to prevent him from carrying out his duties on our behalf. He certainly has my admiration. SEE YOU ALL IN JUNE - IN SASKATOON Our venerable past president Lloyd Beaumont is at home and being cared for by his lovely wife Carmen. His illness is such that he is unable to leave the house. However, I am informed that he would love to have people phone him. So if you have a couple of spare moments please give Lloyd a call at 306-477-2218. Look to your Front – Royal Regina Rifles! Greetings to you all! Despite that we are immersed in winter, the unit is running hot on all fronts. On 21 January we swore in 9 new recruits who enrolled in the Basic Military Qualification Cooperative Educational Program. The program, supported by both school boards and unanimously by all three provincial parties, is an educational opportunity that will grow over the years. Students earn an elective credit and a core credit and at the same time get paid for their service as new recruits. It is an opportunity where high school students learn basic military skills – drill dress and deportment while earning a wage so they can better focus on their studies. They are not obliged to continue their service on completion, but they can if they so choose. At the end of the program these young people will see their accomplishments of being better team players, more confident and stand proud as Canadians. Then they are ready to enter the work force or go on to higher education. On 23 January eight of our Rifles were invited by the Regina Pat’s to unveil the new High Definition screens high above the ice. Amidst the celebratory fireworks they rappelled from the rafters to the cheers of thousands of Reginans. You can’t get better advertising for the unit! The last weekend in January we conducted our annual winter warfare camp. Despite a lack of snow there was no lack of cold! The culmination of the weekend was a snow defences small arms penetration demonstration. From 100 metres away, 2000 rounds of 5.56 and 7.62 were fired at a 3’ ice-crete wall and a 12’ compacted snow wall. To the surprise of all, not a single round stuck the paper targets behind. The senior ranks mess was full of serving Rifles and Mess associated to welcome Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Randy Brooks back into the unit lines. Introduced by me and welcomed by LCol Malcolm Young, Acting Comd 38 CBG, Randy was welcomed back! With 40 years of service the first time he retired, Randy will continue to be a staunch supporter of all things The RRR! As Commanding Officer I am now trying to bring a little more synergy across all the parts that make up the unit. Some of you will have seen my letter to the RRR Trust asking for considerable more support to better anchor our place in history through recognizing our past and doing deeds today that will be remembered after we go. There remains so much to do! I ask every one of you help in any way you can, whether it be by your attendance at the reunion or financial support to The RRR Trust to support numerous initiatives. Equally important is the growing of our Regimental artifacts. Just a few weeks ago, Mr. Bob Ferris from BC sent LCol William Ferris (enrolled Regina Rifles in 1933) a sword, commissioning scroll and picture. These will be taken on to the collection of the Saskatchewan Military Museum and proudly displayed on the Armoury floor once some new museum cabinetry gets built. My plea to you is if you have some regimental treasures please consider our collection where these can be adorned in perpetuity by future Rifleman! I am very pleased to announce that by the patronage of our Honorary Colonel Bob Dumur, it seems we have secured two personnel for an all-expenses paid travel to Europe to participate in D-Day celebrations and other events. This is a great retention event for our Rifleman! I would be remiss if I did not mention our Regimental losses over the last short while. Denis Chisolm and Walter Keith will be missed by us all. Lastly, very hot off the press, is the recent allocation of distinction to The Royal Regina Rifles. I will simply paste it in hereunder. We are waiting to get more information as to what more exactly this means. CANFORGEN 031/15 CMP 014/15 111630Z FEB 15 ALLOCATION OF HONORARY DISTINCTIONS UNCLASSIFIED 1. IN NOVEMBER 2014 THE CANADIAN FORCES HONOURS POLICY COMMITTEE, ACTING AS THE CANADIAN FORCES BATTLE HONOURS COMMITTEE, CONCLUDED THAT FIVE UNITS OF THE CANADIAN ARMY WHICH CONTRIBUTED TO THE JOINT MOBILIZATION OF SPECIFIC COMPOSITE UNITS DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR WERE NOT RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS IN A FASHION SIMILAR TO OTHER UNITS OF THE CANADIAN ARMY 2. IN KEEPING WITH CANADIAN MILITARY TRADITION AND PRECEDENT SET IN THE BATTLE HONOURS PROCESS AND ON THE UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION OF THE BATTLE HONOURS COMMITTEE, THE ALLOCATION OF THE EMBLAZONABLE HONORARY DISTINCTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: A. THE WARTIME BADGE OF THE NORTH NOVA SCOTIA HIGHLANDERS WITH THE YEAR DATES QUOTE 1944-45 UNQUOTE TO THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND REGIMENT (RCAC) IN RECOGNITION OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND HIGHLANDERS IN THE MOBILIZATION OF THE CANADIAN ACTIVE SERVICE FORCE (CASF) UNIT OF THE NORTH NOVA SCOTIA HIGHLANDERS, AND B. THE WARTIME BADGE OF THE REGINA RIFLE REGIMENT WITH THE YEAR DATES QUOTE 194445 UNQUOTE TO THE NORTH SASKATCHEWAN REGIMENT IN RECOGNITION OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY THE PRINCE ALBERT AND BATTLEFORD VOLUNTEERS IN THE MOBILIZATION OF THE CASF UNIT OF THE REGINA RIFLE REGIMENT 3. THE AWARD OF HONORARY DISTINCTIONS TO THE FOLLOWING UNITS, IF AND WHEN THEY ARE EVER ACTIVATED FROM THE SUPPLEMENTARY ORDER OF BATTLE AND CONVERTED TO ARMOUR OR INFANTRY UNITS IS AUTHORIZED: A. THE WARTIME BADGE OF THE STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY HIGHLANDERS WITH THE YEAR DATES QUOTE 1944-45 UNQUOTE TO THE PRINCE OF WALES RANGERS (PETERBOROUGH REGIMENT) IN RECOGNITION OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY THAT REGIMENT IN THE MOBILIZATION OF THE CASF UNIT OF THE STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY HIGHLANDERS, B. THE WARTIME BADGE OF THE 12TH MANITOBA DRAGOONS WITH THE YEAR DATES QUOTE 1944-45 UNQUOTE TO THE MANITOBA MOUNTED RIFLES IN RECOGNITION OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY THAT REGIMENT IN THE MOBILIZATION OF THE CASF UNIT OF THE 12TH MANITOBA DRAGOONS, AND THE WARTIME BADGE OF THE 12TH MANITOBA DRAGOONS WITH THE YEAR DATES QUOTE 194445 UNQUOTE TO THE 2ND ARMOURED CAR REGIMENT IN RECOGNITION OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY THAT REGIMENT IN THE MOBILIZATION OF THE CASF UNIT OF THE 12TH MANITOBA DRAGOONS Up the Johns, Keep in mind we did just receive the Battle Honour of “Afghanistan”. I am giving consideration as to if that should be on our cap badge. Also considering that HRH Queen Elizabeth II will be the longest reigning monarch this fall if HRH abdicates we will have a different crown for the cap badge. But let’s just let events unfold a bit before I jump ahead! Stay warm , Up the Johns! Vic Sattler Lieutenant-Colonel Message from Rev Colin Clay - Association Padre You will see the Registration Form which Don Breher has kindly provided for us in this edition of our Association Newsletter. We are all acutely aware of the changing circumstances for so many of our members as the years pass, and the numbers attending our annual Reunion have certainly lessened when compared with those just a few years ago. We have recently mourned the deaths of two faithful members - Dennis Chisholm and Walter Keith; we were always cheered by their contribution to our gatherings. They were such good story-tellers! We learn that Dwight Small is now in a full-care home, and we are now saddened by the knowledge that our Past-President, Lloyd Beaumont, is very seriously ill. What a tribute to our Rifles' commitment and enthusiasm that Lloyd, a musician, has arranged for the Jammers to play at our Reunion Banquet, fully aware that he may not be dining with us. Lloyd and Carmen moved to Saskatoon from rural Meota just last October. The courage of the Royal Regina Rifles is manifested in so many ways - and not just on the battlefield where we shall always remember them. That courage is also seen when the spouses of our members, so wellknown to all of us, pass away. We remember Eleanor Breher and Marion Wilson - the deeply loved wives of Don and Gordon. We shall miss them when we gather for our Saskatoon Reunion. As we recognize each of them we shall nevertheless continue to share that sense of fellowship and comradeship which characterizes our Association when we come to Saskatoon on Friday, June 12th, welcoming as always our veteran riflemen, along with their spouses, children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and friends. Not everyone likes Calvados - let's admit it! But when the whistle blows, and the count is on, we will all cry "Up the Johns" and remember our comrades and cherish our continuing fellowship. This year we thought that many might enjoy a brief trip on the South Saskatchewan River and we have arranged a Saturday morning outing on the Prairie Lily - a popular vessel that will entertain us for an hour. (And for skeptics from other parts of Canada I can assure you that there is no ice on the South Saskatchewan River in June!) And since we need to eat lunch before returning to the Ramada Hotel for the Memorial Service, the staff is also ready for us to have a soup and sandwich lunch during the voyage. You can see the features of this vessel, and the price of the trip, listed on the Registration Form that Don has provided. There is much in our world today that brings tragedy in the lives of millions of our fellow human beings. We thank God that, while Canada is not free from pain and suffering, we are still privileged to stand together in fellowship, peace and love, as we continue to reach out to those in need both at home and overseas. May God's blessing touch all your lives, and while there will be those unable to join us in Saskatoon in June, be assured that you are in our thoughts and prayers. The Johns and the Jills and their families and friends are always together in the enduring spirit of the Royal Regina Rifles. Your padre and friend, Colin Clay Deceased Reported after the December 2014 Newsletter Name Location Cliff H. Belbin Moose Jaw SK Denis C. Chisholm Regina SK Don Eisler Lemberg SK Florentine Hrabi Gravenhurst ON J. Walter Keith Calgary AB Edward George McAndrew Burlington, ON Edith McCulloch Rosetown SK Fred Shiloff Justice MB Ernest Tillotson Surrey BC Marion Wilson Saskatoon SK Reg. No: L27693 L27308 DATE Wife of Joseph 19-Aug-14 3-Jan-15 9-Nov-13 Last Year B136962 Wife of James 21-Jan-15 21-Sep-14 Wife of Gordon 16-Jan-15 1-Mar-15 Service for Pfc Lawrence Gordon a day to be long remembered I attended the funeral of Lawrence Gordon at Eastend. It was an honour to be there and see how the U.S. honours their veterans. Fifty-five U.S. bikers from five states met in Shaunavon. They then came through Eastend and went west to meet the Alberta riders and hearse coming from Medicine Hat. These riders were all veterans of different wars. While we were waiting for the escort to arrive we were sitting in my car. The front plate of my car is a badge of the Regina Rifles. A lady coming down the street saw the plate and took a picture of it. She then came to my car and asked me if I was with them on D-Day. I told her no but I had spent the last months of the war with them. She said she recognized the plate because she was from Normandy in France. They escorted the hearse to the Community Hall in Eastend. With full military honours, the U.S. army soldiers carried the coffin into the hall for the service. After the service the coffin was returned to the hearse, the motorcycles escorted it to the cemetery up on the hill west of town. At the graveside, members of the Royal Regina Rifles performed a 6-gun salute. They were Sgt. Devon Boyko, Cpl. Will Quere, Cpl. Riley Mann, Cpl. Duke, Cpl. Kanics, Cpl. Donehue, Mcpl. David Slywka, Rfn. Fongssavath, Rfn. Doncaster, and Capt. Dave Nelson. They all signed my obituary card as I know them from our Reunions. We then returned to the hall for lunch. At the hall one of Gordon’s relatives came and visited with me and thanked me for coming to the service. I had a good visit with him. Also at the hall five of the U.S. bikers came to visit. I thanked them for their service and commented on how they honour their veterans, and said it was an honour for me to be there. They thanked me but said it was more of an honour for them to meet a Canadian Vet. who had served in Europe at the same time that Gordon had. Also other people stopped and thanked me as a Veteran for coming. I was told that there were two other Vets there but I did not see them. As a Veteran I can’t say enough about how the U.S. honours their Veterans. I just wish that our Canadian government would honour our veterans the same way. Also I have the highest respect for all our young soldiers and all Canadians who have served Canada in the military since WW2, I have met a lot of them at reunions and other places. They are a wonderful bunch. Thirty years ago our reunions were attended by 200 to 300 Vets, last year there were four of us. This was a day I will always remember. To have honoured Lawrence Gordon and have so many people honour me as a Vet who served at the same time as he did in Europe is truly memorable. I want to thank Bruce Freestone for driving me to Eastend that day. Dwight Small Royal Regina Regiment Royal Regina Rifles Association MEMBERSHIP Name: Address "Up The Johns" Don Breher Secretary/Treasurer Royal Regina Rifles Association 3338 Calder Cres. Saskatoon SK. S7J 4W5 Next of Kin: (Spouse/Other) Rank: _________ Company: ____________ Reg. Number: ______________ Dues: $5.00/year ____________ Donation: $_________________ Phone (___)________________ E-mail Address: _________________________________________ I would like my Newsletter by: E-mail ______, Mail ______. If your membership is paid THANK YOU. April 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note: Secretary/Treasurer Don Breher has a change of address and phone: 3338 Calder Cres. Phone; 306-222-5258 Saskatoon SK. S7J 4W5 Royal Regina Rifles Association 71st Reunion 2015 Saskatoon Saskatchewan June 12, 13, & 14, 2015 Ramada Hotel 806 Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon SK. Meghan Chisholm Keynote Speaker Swimming of the English Channel Name________________________________Service No.:_____________ For your name tags Address_____________________________________________________ City or Town__________________________Province_________________ Postal code_________________Phone#___________________________ Spouse or Companion name_____________________________________ For name tags Guests of members____________________________________________ For name tags Spouse or Companion will attend the ladies social. YES NO REGISTRATION FEE: Members _________________________________ $100.00 ___________ Spouse or Companion _______________________ $100.00___________ Guests ______$100.00 Full registrants, Banquet only $40.00___________ Prairie Lily, South Saskatchewan River Boat Cruise & Lunch See the Rev Colin Clay’s Message _________ Each $40.00___________ Total Cheque enclosed_______________________ $______________ Cancellations received in time to obtain a cost reduction will be refunded. We want as many people as possible to attend this year. If you require special assistance please contact Don Breher. All events are in the east end rooms on the second floor for easy access. (no stairs, use the elevator from the main lobby to the second floor) Please send replies to: Royal Regina Rifles Association 3338 Calder Cres. Saskatoon SK S7J 4W5 Atten: Don Breher Tickets will be with your nametag for all events and in your registration envelope. (A schedule of events is enclosed for your convenience). Friday June 12, 2015 (Do not eat before the reception) Registration and social starts at 1700 Hrs. President’s Reception to 2330 and the buffet will be from 1830 to 2130 Hrs. Come for a full evening of food fun and a time to visit with your friends. Saturday June 13, 2015 Special Events Breakfast is on your own We will have Coffee and Donuts at 0930 Hrs in the meeting room. Meet at 1030 Hrs transportation will be arranged for the 1100 Hrs Prairie Lily, South Saskatchewan River Boat Cruise & Lunch. 1300 Hrs Assemble for a Service of Remembrance in the meeting room. Refreshments will follow the meeting. Annual Meeting & Ladies program will follow. 1730 for 1830 Hrs. Banquet, The Keynote Speaker will be Meghan Chisholm Entertainment will be the Jammers. Sunday June 14, 2015 0800/0930 Hrs Association special buffet Breakfast Dress for the Service of Remembrance and the Banquet will be Regimental jacket, suit, or uniform and medals. HOTEL RESERVATIONS (for Hotel use only) For the ROYAL REGINA RIFLES REUNION to be held in Saskatoon Saskatchewan on June 12, 13, and 14, 2015. You must make your own hotel reservations by completing this form and returning it to the following or by phone or fax to the numbers listed below. We recommend the toll free number and record a confirmation number. Ramada Hotel Toll free phone 1-800-667-6500 806 Idylwyld Dr. N. Regular phone 1-306-665-6500 Saskatoon SK. S7L 0Z6 Fax 1-306-665-1973 Name_______________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City or Town_____________________________Province___________________ Postal code______________________________Phone #______________ Date of arrival_____________________________Time______________________ Date of departure__________________________Time______________________ Single room_____________________________Double_____________________ Smoking room_________Non smoking________ SPECIAL ROOM RATES OF $134.00 PLUS TAXES per night single or double have been arranged. If you are arriving after 4:00 P.M. a one-night deposit or credit card number is required to confirm your reservation. Price includes parking. We suggest that you make your reservations well in advance of June 2015 to insure your room. We have reserved a block of rooms for the reunion up to June 1, 2015. PLEASE MENTION THE REUNION WHEN REGISTERING TO OBTAIN THE QUOTED PRICE. For your convenience THE WHERE AND THE WHEN Schedule of Events Friday June 12, 2015 Saskatchewan Room Registration and social starts at 1700 Hrs. President’s Reception to 2200 and the buffet will be from 1830 to 2130 Hrs. 2100 Hrs Regimental shot of Calvados. Saturday June 13, 2015 Special Events We will have Coffee and Donuts at 0930 Hrs in the meeting room. Meet at 1030 Hrs transportation will be arranged for the 1100 Hrs Prairie Lily, South Saskatchewan River Boat Cruise & Lunch. 0800/0930 Breakfast in the Cafeteria reserved section, (individual payment) 1300 Hrs Assemble for a 1330 Service of Remembrance in the Saskatchewan Room. 1500 Refreshments served. Annual Meeting will follow in the Manitoba Room, and the Ladies Tea will be in the Harvest Room. 1730 for 1830 Hrs. Banquet Saskatchewan Room. Dress: Jacket or business suit and medals The Keynote Speaker - Meghan Chisholm, Subject: Swimming of the English Channel Entertainment: The Jammers - with some of your old favorites. Sunday June 2, 2013 0800/0930 Hrs Association special buffet Breakfast in the Saskatchewan Room. Up the Johns!
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