Parisa Vatanka, PharmD Pharmacy Strategic Alliances Manager Assistant Clinical Professor, UCSF Stan Leung, PharmD Clinical Division Lead April 13, 2015 ! PrevenFve Care – Immuniza(ons (aligned with ACIP and Healthy People 2020 Target) – Smoking cessaFon services ! PaFent EducaFon and Monitoring – Chronic medical condi(ons (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia) – Self-‐care triage and consulta(on ! MedicaFon Therapy Management (MTM) – Comprehensive Medica(on Review (CMR) – Targeted Interven(on Program 2 ! Tobacco smokers: 18% of U.S. popula(on (12.5% in California) Source: Centers for Disease Control and Preven(on; American Lung Associa(on ! Cardiovascular disease claims more lives of smokers 35 years of age and older every year compared with lung cancer ! Exposure to secondhand smoke causes significantly more deaths due to cardiovascular disease than due to lung cancer ! Exposure to secondhand smoke is a cause of stroke (increased risk by an es(mated 20–30%) Source: The Health Consequences of Smoking – 50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General Execu(ve Summary. US Department of Health and Human Services 3 ! Study Design – Randomized, controlled trial, n=20 – Dura(on: 12-‐weeks – Ask-‐Advise-‐Refer care model implemented – Service provided by pharmacists and pharmacy /clerks technicians ! PaFent Care Service Results – 15,000 pa(ents were asked about tobacco use – 1,300 tobacco smokers were iden(fied – 1,200 pa(ents received smoking cessa(on counseling – Hundreds of pa(ents were referred to the CSH 4 Safeway Smoking CessaFon Service ! First community pharmacy chain to incorporate an organizaFon-‐wide iniFaFve to include brief smoking cessaFon intervenFons as a rouFne component of paFent care ! All Safeway pharmacists and pharmacy technicians engage in the Ask-‐Advise-‐Refer model to idenFfy and assist individuals who want to stop smoking on their journey to becoming tobacco-‐free; pharmacists engage in 5A’s model when appropriate 5 Ask-‐Advise-‐Refer Model [Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians/Clerks] • Ask about tobacco use • Document tobacco status in prescrip(on database to screen for drug-‐tobacco smoke interac(ons • Advise to quit • Technicians encourage pa(ents to think about qui_ng and to get assistance • Pharmacists provide a clear, strong and personalized message • Refer to other resources • Assess readiness to quit and refer to other resources for behavioral modifica(on counseling and support, e.g. state tobacco quitlines [Pharmacists engage in 5A’s model with tobacco smokers interested in qui:ng: Ask-‐Advise-‐Assess-‐Assist-‐Arrange] 6 MedicaFon Counseling and Follow-‐Up • Assist in selecFon of medicaFon therapy based on past quit a`empts and current tobacco use – Recommend appropriate over-‐the-‐counter nico(ne replacement therapy (or) – Contact primary care provider for prescrip(on smoking cessa(on medica(on • Conduct benefits invesFgaFon for insurance coverage • Provide medicaFon counseling on proper use and precau(ons • Conduct follow-‐up call with pa(ent – Assess medica(on efficacy, side effects, ongoing insurance coverage – Answer pa(ent ques(ons – Verify pa(ent enrollment with tobacco quitline 7 Ending the devastaFon of tobacco-‐related illness and death is not in the jurisdicFon of any one enFty. We must all share in this most worthwhile effort to end the tobacco epidemic. -‐Kathleen Sebelius Former Secretary of Health and Human Services 8 9 “Drugs don’t work in paFents who don’t take them.” C. EvereY Koop 10 ! MedicaFon prescripFons never filled: 20% to 30% Sources: h`p://‐content/themes/cons/m/release.pdf ; Osterberg 2005, NEJM; Ho 2009, Circula(on ! Rates of medicaFon adherence drop a]er first six months ! Only 51% of Americans treated for hypertension are adherent to their long-‐term therapy ! About 25% to 50% of paFents disconFnue staFns within one year of treatment iniFaFon Source: Choudhry 2011, N Engl J Med; Yeaw 2009, J Manag Care Pharm; Script Your Future press release, November 2, 2011; accessed here: h`p://‐content/themes/cons/m/release.pdf. CVS Caremark Report: Medication Non-Adherence in U.S. Costs Up to $290 Billion Annually 11 ! Non-‐adherence causes ~30% to 50% of treatment failures and 125,000 deaths annually ! Non-‐adherence to staFns increased relaFve risk for mortality (~12% to 25%) ! Non-‐adherence to cardioprotecFve medicaFons increased risk of cardiovascular hospitalizaFons (10% to 40%) and mortality (50% to 80%) ! Poor adherence to heart failure medicaFons increased number of cardiovascular-‐related emergency department (ED) visits Sources: Ho 2009, Circula(on; Edmondson 2013, Br J of Health Psychology; George & Shalansky 2006, Br J Clin Phar 12 November 2012 1% Increase in Rx fills $$ One-fifth of 1% decrease in medical service spending $$$$ 13 ! Interprofessional; team-‐based care ! PaFent-‐centered focus to address barriers (behavior, clinical, health literacy, cultural, cost, etc.) ! EffecFve exchange of health informaFon between all members of the healthcare team ! MedicaFon Therapy Management – Comprehensive Medica(on Review – Targeted Interven(on Program 14 Face-To-Face appointment at the pharmacy Clinical Pharmacist CMR Opportunities Targeted Medication Intervention (TIP) Clinical MTM Lead RPh Telephonic CMR appointment and TIP CMR Triage Face-To-Face appointment at the pharmacy Clinical Pharmacist Clinical Pharmacist Face-To-Face appointment at the pharmacy Face-To-Face appointment at the pharmacy Adherence, Medication discrepancies, DDIs, HRM Medical Provider 15 ! What if pharmacists collaborated with community providers to offer and transmit blood pressure readings with each prescripFon refill? ! What if HIE allowed for true collaboraFon among community providers? ! What would this care model look like? 16 Parisa Vatanka, PharmD Pharmacy Strategic Alliances Manager Albertsons Safeway Pharmacies Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California San Francisco Email: [email protected] Cell: 925-‐997-‐1594 Stan Leung, PharmD Clinical Division Lead Albertsons Safeway Pharmacies – NorCal Division Email: [email protected] Cell: 925-‐605-‐8112 17
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