24th May, 2015 BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: PENTECOST ROMANS 8:188:18-39 Romans begins with a profound call to the fullness of Christian life in the Way of Jesus. close relational community of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God - the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his earthly life was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was appointed the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake.” Romans The Body of Christ only exists as a response and testimony to GRACE and the whole of the Body, from the prophets, apostles, teachers, preachers, pastors and evangelists to the floor cleaners, hand shakers, hospital visitors, chaplains and good neighbours are all APOSTLES - sent ones into the world as the salt and yeast of the Kingdom of God. 1:1-5 As I mentioned last week I have been really taken by the words - “Through him we received grace and apostleship” … it is not a ‘me’ focused statement but a profoundly articulate summary of the significant importance of Christian community and its purpose in the world. Despite the many imperfections in us and the appalling periods of history when sin, avarice and hate become our overwhelming temptations, the Gospel is life and it is untarnished in its power, strength and wonder. Christian life is a charismatic life made holy by the Romans 8 explodes from beginning to end with the flavour of Grace and apostleship. The sustaining, groaning, actively forming, framing comforting, agitating, prophetic movement of the power of God living within the very centre of your being and the very centre of our shared experience of spiritual community. We celebrate the fact that the God of the whole universe of the seen and unseen is an internal God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Today we celebrate a unique faith with a unique Lord and a unique HOPE, a unique GRACE and a unique LOVE. Search the meaning-making faiths of the world and you will find some commonalities, some approximations and sympathetic echoes …. but you will not find the power and transformative kindness of God living with in, and you will not find HOPE like living water bubbling up into eternity. As a focus for Pentecost why not read John 4 chapters 13-17 and Acts 2 – 4. John Sharpe Welcome to Ringwood. We are not a perfect church…. But we do love the Lord and seek to take his life, call, ministry and hope seriously. We seek to THRIVE in his favour through an attentiveness to the Word, joining in community, seeking to recognize and exercise our gifts and connection with the wider neighborhood. WORSHIP THIS MORNING Worship Leading: Ric Cutler Song Leading: Natalie Palmer Speaker: John Sharpe NIGHT CHURCH - 6.00pm ‘Voices of Change: Jonah John will be speaking 6.00pm Services ALPHA: We have DVDs of both ‘ALPHA student’ and ‘Alpha full version – including a shorter express version’ available for any LIFE GROUPS wanting to use ALPHA in an invitational way for gathering work mates, neighbours, friends etc …. Move your LIFE GROUP into a new gear by grasping a wider view of what you can do. See Jon Sharpe ‘Building A Redemptive Bridge’: A Study designed for individual and Life Group use following the current 10am morning theme. This is available from the Ringwood Church of Christ Web site and Facebook page. Hard copies are available from the foyer. The series focuses on the proactive Way we can learn from God for ‘Building Redemptive Bridges’ when there have been bridge disasters ‘trespasses’ in relationship. COMING LATER in the YEAR: ‘Fruitfulness on the Frontline’ (Mark Greene) PENTECOST CELEBRATION : THIS AFTERNOON Maroondah Fellowship of Churches MAY 24th Heathmont Uniting Church. 2.30pm ! 89 Canterbury Road, Heathmont. Prayer Action: · Give thanks for the power of witness of faith last Sunday night in the Baptism of Mat Wright. Pray for others who are exploring faith and beginning to step up boldly. · Give thanks for the Family Fun night on Saturday of last week. Give thanks for the imaginative energy of Bec Murray and Lachlan Salmon as they have worked enthusiastically to connect people through these nights. · Pray for the upcoming School Holiday program. Uphold Linda as she works to enlist leaders and all the helping roles that make this such a week of witness, encouragement and joy. Pray for the eyes and ears of parents to be alert to this and get on board. Pray for our outreach and wider community connection. · Pray for the upcoming Thanksgiving Dinner for local marketplace leaders. Pray for our role - yours and mine in being the inviters … crossing the floor to ask our school principals, bank managers, small business owners, sports club coaches etc … to an expression of ‘thank you’. · Pray for the Holy Spirit movement within us to see ourselves – each of us as unique missionaries in our unique areas of community. All of us live, play, shop , learn and exist somewhere …. Can we see the Holy Ground of it ? · Pray for those experiencing significant health issues. Pray also for the husbands, wives and families that seek to do so much heavy lifting in areas of support and care. Uphold Gary White, Ruth Mollison, David Andrews and Graeme Nicholls (Drew’s dad) . · Give thanks for new little lives and the excitement in families of babies that are expected later in the year. Life is a miracle and also both robust and frail. Pray for safety and well-being. · Give thanks for the inspiration of the recent Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania Conference weekend. Pray for the ongoing vitality, imagination , wisdom and prophetic momentum of Paul Cameron (CEO) and the quite exceptional cohort of leaders throughout the partner departments. · Pray for the Churches of Christ in this outer Eastern region as we begin to regularly meet, pray and discern God’s vision for new adventures in ministry and mission together. · Pray for local churches in Maroondah as we continue to work together and seek God’s call for the blessing of the region. · "Our friend Cheryl Rippingale highlights there is significant political unrest in Burundi. This is causing much unrest. 20 people have been killed. Thousands of Rwandans have fled back to Rwanda. Please pray for Lord's intervention and that peace would reign." · Pray for the ongoing recovery work in Nepal… pray for those nations experience terrorism and violence…. Pray particularly for the people of Iraq. Celebration Sunday - MAY 31st A day to offer an overflow of praise, gratitude, hope and commitment to God’s future in the life of Ringwood Church of Christ and the unique ministry and mission it is called to. This year we encourage: 1. 2. 3. 4. The renewal of tithes and regular offerings for those who have never considered this as part of active worship and devotion. Generous financial giving in celebration of MINISTRY. Generosity towards the ongoing unfolding of the future mission shaping of our buildings. (Last year’s Celebration offerings to ‘Loving the house’ are still rolling out change with more to come.) As in other years gifts of time, art, music, letters, practical support and help etc are welcome and honoured. We have had a complex pattern of giving since approximately August last year and have found that irregularity in giving has affected what was a very balanced achievable and future focused budget. We have set aside a gifted, adaptive and interactive Ministry team through discernment and prayer over a number of years in faithfulness to the multigenerational DNA and community mission interface of this church’s call. The short fall in budget will eventually have an impact on ministry and mission unless we can encourage a faithful, worshipful and generous attitude to giving not just amongst a few , but in the loaves and fishes that we all hold. We are the reflection of God who blesses and uses the generosity , devotion and gratitude of His body in Christ to be hands and feet, hearts and minds, wisdom and Word in a world that is heading down destructive pathways. The Kingdom of our money drifting towards. It is a powerful thing to give ( direct debit etc) even when we are away… and plan in advance for our honouring tithes and approach each season with a generosity of prayer, joy, resolve and dedication to the advance of God’s witness. God calls us to grow in trust, rest in reliance on him and stand on an uncertain planet as generous Kingdom focused people in all seasons. As part of our celebrations, we always like to celebrate with a special morning tea following the 10.00am service. Can you please also remember to bring a plate of food to share (preferably something which doesn’t require heating). Position Vacant An opportunity to be part of a growing community ministry at East Ringwood Football Club. We need a bright person for 2-3 hours once or twice a month to help at the canteen on a voluntary basis. No age limit! Join with me in mixing with great people and building bridges into our wonderful community. See Noel for more details. The Klong Toey Community Beatitudes and Woes: Brought to the recent Vic/Tas Churches of Christ Conference AGM by Andrew Menzies (Principal of Stirling Theological College) on behalf of UNOH. We were encouraged to prayerfully listen to God and add our own. Excerpt below - Full transcripts are available as a hard copy from the info table and on request as a hard or email version from the office. Blessed are the homeless, for their home is with You. Blessed are those who are abused now, for You will comfort and protect them. Blessed are those who are humiliated, stripped of their dignity, for You will clothe them with Your glory and honour. Blessed are the barren women, for You will fill their hearts with joy. Blessed are the young men, thrown upon society's rubbish tip, locked in prison, shut away and f or got t en, f or You wi l l be r ai s ed up, gi v en hope and pur pos e; a pl ac e t o s er v e, wor k and c on tribute. You will be honoured. Blessed are you who are crippled physically or mentally, for you will run and dance and be filled with peace. You will be released to dream. Blessed are those whose childhood has been stolen from them, for their innocence shall be returned to shine as white as snow, their laughter overflowing to the heavens. Blessed are those who are coerced and pressured into lives they didn't choose, for the power to choose life, health and freedom will be theirs. Blessed are those with empty hands, for their life will be filled with abundance. Blessed are the fatherless, for you will have a full, loving family, you will be called and loved as a son, you'll be enfolded in the arms of your Father. Blessed are the broken, demoralised and downcast, for you shall be whole, full of hope and lifted high. Blessed are your children, for they will receive my Spirit that knows no limit. Woe to you who crush the head of the poor, for you have received your reward. Woe to you who hold back compassion, for compassion will be withheld from you. Woe to the con-men, to the advertisers of goods we do not need and didn't want until you put your boards up, for you will drown in a rubbish tip of futility. Your streets will be littered forever. What sorrow awaits you who are too proud to know your neighbours for you will not find community. What sorrow awaits you who have found fame at the expense of others, for the tables will be turned. What sorrow awaits you who do not embrace the lonely and are too busy for the hurting for you will be left alone. What sorrow awaits you who look down on the poor like scum on your feet, for you will be cast aside like an empty tin. Woe to those who close their hearts, homes and families to protect their perfection, for your life will be stained, your security ruined and your prideful segregation torn down. Woe to you who stuff your face and pat your belly as the backs of the poor break to feed your gluttony, for your health and satisfaction shall elude you, you shall hunger and never be full. CAN YOU HELP? SYG (State Youth Games) is coming up again soon over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend at Warragul, and we have some contacts through our Youth Group who are wanting to register and are finding the cost of $185 prohibitive, and we wondered if there was anyone who might like to assist in some way. If this is something you might like to do, can you please contact the Church Office. 9870 8169 or email: [email protected] STATE YOUTH GAMES …. Coming up on the Queens Birthday Weekend – 5TH to 8th June. As always to make an event like this “happen” there is a need for heaps of volunteers. We would be grateful to hear from anyone if you can help: · With transport to games, and transporting teams to the sporting venues at the games – contact Simon Trease 0427 509 809 · With food preparation/cooking – contact Kellie Lewis Ph: 0425 789 878 · In loaning full gas bottles, and even an old couch could you please contact Simon Trease on 0427 509 809 (There will also be sign up sheets on the noticeboard this morning if you are happy to help out JJ) A special invitation is open to all to cheer along our youth as they compete and especially to the current Grade 6 kids to come and see what goes on in preparation for next year. ‘UNIFY’ COMBINED YOUTH EVENT: Encouragement from Sue and Anthony Tregenza: “Hi John …. we wanted to express our joy and happiness being present at the Youth Worship Night which combined with 8 other churches 2 weeks ago. The Broadbent’s and ourselves decided to put together a supper and so we arrived about 8 pm . When I walked in to our chapel and saw it close to full of young people worshipping our Father, well it was a sight!! I thought, ‘ How fantastic to see so many young people on the same page loving a life through Christ … and all part of our ‘neighbourhood’. There is so much negative and bad news surrounding young people these days and here we were looking at 200+ young people making brilliant life choices on a Friday night. We understand there’s been interest from these and other churches to repeat this more and more. AMEN !!! A super effort from Rachel Broadbent who had doubts and concerns. So we thought it was important to deliver this feedback to you and the team. Exciting times !!!! Sue and Anthony Tregenza WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY - 12.30-2pm (parents room) Continuing ‘Building a Redemptive Bridge’: Study of Romans BLESSED FEET Last meeting we had a look at the life of John Wesley, and how God changed the world through him. We will be completing this study on Tuesday night. Please come and join us at the church in the parents' room at 7:30pm. MOVIE NIGHT – FRIDAY 29TH MAY Movi e t i me agai n’ ; We ar e meet i ng at Cr oydon on Fr i day 29th to see “Woman in Gold’. Please email the day before for a place, and to confirm session times . My number is 0409 007 396 or email ([email protected]). See you there! CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Budgeting course: Encouragement from participant: The current course is almost finished and more are planned …. My hope is that YOU will actively promote this quite significant service to friends, workmates and family: Stuart Gay sent this to me : “Hi Stuart, Thank you for the invitation to the CAP Course Review. I’m sorry that I will be unable to attend that night, but I would like to thank you for the course. I found it most helpful. I had never heard of anything like that before, and am most grateful to Laurie Bird for bringing it to my attention during our discussion at the Ringwood Men's Shed last year. I was particularly impressed with the way you presented the course, and the video content and presentation was all first class. Excellent work. I am sure that you, and the other presenters get a lot of satisfaction when you see the results of your efforts in helping people through their difficult financial periods. The Church of Christ needs to be thanked also, for making it possible to run these sessions. Our financial situation is slowly improving, and we are ever hopeful that things will be greatly improved by the end of this year. I wish you and the other members of the CAP group all the best for the future.” Thanks again. CELEBRATION SUNDAY …. Coming May 31st Polar Explorer’s Holiday Program Needs You! Linda is looking for people to be part of this year’s team, it’s not too late to be involved. There are a range of options available including: small group leaders and assistants, actors for drama, musicians and singers for song leading, bakers for morning teas, kitchen hands, plus much more. The first team meeting is Sunday 31st May after the service from 12.15pm – 2.15pm and lunch is provided. If you are interested, contact Linda ASAP to find out what’s required. Ph 9870 8169 or email: [email protected] ART GROUP – Thursday evenings 7pm -10pm @ Rachel Thomas’ home. Different projects each week. $10 or $5 concession per week. Please contact Rachel on 0415 295 255 for more information. A wonderful opportunity to gather in prayer for OM (Operation Mobilisation), one of the Mission Groups Ringwood Church of Christ supports financially and through prayer. Trish and John Sonsie, along with Natalie Palmer serve in various capacities at OM. “There is nothing more important in the world than to stand in the presence of God and commit our lives and the journey of others to Him. We are passionate about prayer! OM Australia has experienced God's ultimate blessings within our local and global community because of our reliance on Him through prayer. We consider it a privilege to be able to join with friends, and hear from some of our missionaries who have served abroad with OM, and how we can be praying for some of the least reached countries of the world. Please join us on Thursday 4th June for our Prayer for the Nations evening. Invite your small group or bible study group along. All are welcome! Location: Ringwood Church of Christ in the Chapel, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood. Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm. See you there!” Entertainment Books For SaleLast year, over 300,000 Entertainment™ Members discovered more than $20,000 worth of valuable offers and now it's your turn to join them! Order your 2015/16 Entertainment™ Membership from us and enjoy the benefits of new places to dine, new activities to try and new places to stay all at a reduced price when using your Entertainment Book Voucher!! Nicole is no longer selling these for Rahabs Room so we thought we might sell them this year to benefit the church funds. They are still selling for $65 each and you can either buy a book or a digital membership that you can use on your phone. Please sell them to your friends, neighbours, work mates and family. Out of every book sold we earn $13.00, not a lot but every bit helps!! Please see Anne or ring on 0418 565 931 or the office to buy your copy. You can also order them from the Ringwood Church of Christ Facebook page - just follow the link. BOOKKEEPER WANTED Steve Marek would love to hear from anyone who is interested in two days a week work bookkeeping. Please contact Steve on 0413155899. ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ An Opportunity: Last year we had an inaugural ‘Thanksgiving Dinner’ to honour the lives of those who serve Maroondah through the local council, banking and several schools. This was a fantastic evening and a powerful expression of our missional intention to be active and encouraging in building bridges of blessing in the various spheres of our neighbourhood. We are planning another Thanksgiving Dinner on Monday June 27th. We have booked a function room for 80-100 and would love to invite YOU to attend … but not on your own. We encourage you to pay for 2 and actively invite someone that you might know who has influence in the wider community and market place: Someone you know who might be a business leader, a small business person, a CEO of an organization, head of police, fire brigade, Hospital, school, bank or other key organization. Our goal is to fulfil our role in the region as encouragers for the Kingdom of God. Invitations will be available shortly. Please pray and imagine who you might like to invite. If you have any questions speak with Noel, Dave or John. Worshipful, faithful and regular giving to God’s work … consider I authorise Ringwood Church of Christ, 13 Bedford Road, Ringwood 3134. to charge my credit card for $_____________ being my offering for today. Or My regular offering amount of $____________ to be debited from my credit card each week/month. (Please circle the appropriate option) Visa Direct Debit or Internet Banking Ringwood Church of Christ Inc. Mastercard NAB BSB: 083 343 Account No: 89 395 1419 Card No: Name on card: ______________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Card Expiry Date: __/__ Contact No: _________________________ Birthday Greetings - May Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday 25th Max Privitera, Jeremy White 26th Madeleine Brown, Michelle Pritchard 27th Samuel Wardenaar 28th Mayella Trease 30th Barbara Harrison, George Harrison 31st Ben Graham-Nellor Next Week - 31st May – CELEBRATION SUND SUNDAY AY BUILDING A REDEMPTIVE BRIDGE: A SACRIFICE SACRIFICE– ROMANS 12:1 12:1--18 Speaker: Worship/Communion: Song Leader: Bible Reading: Communion Helpers: John Sharpe Salmons Annora Hummerston Doc Wallace Julia Fullerton, Trish & John Burch, Christine & Laurie Prentice, Geoff Clarke, Ern Darbyshire Band: Annora Hummerston, Aidan Salmon, Felicity Graham-Prowse, Andrew Whitby, Darren Evans, Ian Homewood Singers: Kathy Alsop, Carmen Cleary, John Newnham Audio: Matt Phillips Projection: Julie Mayers Morning Tea: Belinda & Brian Tanfield Communion Preparation: Jan Carroll Flowers: Welcome : Dorothy Birch, Jenny Waack, Julie & John Lanaway Offering Counters: John Lanaway, Russell Cheal NIGHT CHURCH: ‘Voices of Change - Micah’ Speaker: Drew Nicholls Op Shop: Wednesday/Thursday (10.00am - 3.00pm) NOTICEBOARD: SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES 8.30am Communion/Study 10.00am Worship 6.00pm Evening Service Oasis Meals: - Thursday (12.00pm) Great Ryrie Primary School Chaplaincy Committee presents a Beef & Lamb Tasting Night We are urgently needing more people to take part in this fundraiser. It is FREE and all it requires is 1 hour of your time at Great Ryrie PS (on Great Ryrie Street off Bedford Road) Your participation along with 60 other taste testers will earn the school $1,000 towards the Chaplaincy Program at the school WHEN: Thursday 28th May SESSIONS: Three 1 hour sessions available. Choose from 4:30 - 5:30, 5:30 - 6:30 or 6:30 - 7:30pm. Each session requires 20 participants. Bookings can be made on the GRPS website ( http://www.greatryrieps.vic.edu.au/ ) and are restricted to 1 ticket as each participant must be named. OR let Ashton Devenish know which session you can attend (mobile 0417 152 369; email [email protected] ) PRE-REQUISITES: To attend this event you must meet the following criteria: · · · Aged between 18 – 70; Prepared to give your name and phone number; and Complete a survey based upon consumption of 7 meat samples. NOTE: The meat samples will be prepared to medium. VENUE: Great Ryrie Primary School Library 51A Great Ryrie Street Ringwood, VIC 3134 Great Ryrie Primary School Chaplaincy Committee presents a Beef & Lamb Tasting Night We are urgently needing more people to take part in this fundraiser. It is FREE and all it requires is 1 hour of your time at Great Ryrie PS (on Great Ryrie Street off Bedford Road) Your participation along with 60 other taste testers will earn the school $1,000 towards the Chaplaincy Program at the school WHEN: Thursday 28th May SESSIONS: Three 1 hour sessions available. Choose from 4:30 - 5:30, 5:30 - 6:30 or 6:30 - 7:30pm. Each session requires 20 participants. Bookings can be made on the GRPS website ( http://www.greatryrieps.vic.edu.au/ ) and are restricted to 1 ticket as each participant must be named. OR let Ashton Devenish know which session you can attend (mobile 0417 152 369; email [email protected] ) PRE-REQUISITES: To attend this event you must meet the following criteria: · · · Aged between 18 – 70; Prepared to give your name and phone number; and Complete a survey based upon consumption of 7 meat samples. NOTE: The meat samples will be prepared to medium. VENUE: Great Ryrie Primary School Library 51A Great Ryrie Street Ringwood, VIC 3134
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