Services and Notices Sunday 29th March 2015 Palm Sunday A very warm welcome to all our visitors today. Please feel free to introduce yourself to one of the clergy after the service. Please let us know if you are new and would like to join our regular congregations or would like to know more about how we can support you in your faith. Please, take this Pew Slip away with you so that you can refer to the notices contained in it. Please, also use it to prompt prayers for this Cathedral and all that we seek t’ d’ i‘ G’d s service. Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available. Please ask a member of Select Vestry or a Verger if you would like one. An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users. Dean: The Very Revd John Dobson In Residence: The Dean Cathedral Office: 01765 603462 Website: A Note from the Dean Welcome to the Cathedral. A special welcome if you are joining us for the first time. Please, complete a Welcome Card if you would like to give us your contact details. Holy Week Today, Palm Sunday, we begin our walk with Jesus through the days that led to his crucifixion. In this most holy of weeks we begin by rejoicing with the crowds who shout Hosanna and wave palm branches, keen to see the long-expected King entering into his city. We may also experience the discomfort of being challenged by this heroic figure as he enters the temple to challenge commonly held assumptions and practises. In the upper room on Maundy Thursday we begin to glimpse how much he is prepared to serve our needs, and on Friday we see the once-and-for-all revelation of the truth that Jesus is prepared to make the supreme sacrifice for the sake of fallen humanity. This in itself is a triumph. Please, do take full advantage of the services that are on offer here at the Cathedral during this Holy Week. Note the opportunities on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, from 8pm until 9pm to hear a short address, enjoy half-an-hour of quiet reflection and then to share in Compline (a late evening service) together. Please, see the details of this week's services below. Planned Giving I would like to express huge gratitude to those of you who have responded to the planned giving campaign, the result of which we will announce today. Your generosity and commitment to the Cathedral's mission makes a huge difference and we simply could not continue as we do without it. If you have not yet responded, it is not too late. The important thing to remember is that we all share in the responsibility for sustaining the life and ministry of this Cathedral. A big 'thank you' to all who make a difference. Canon Evangelist Please, pray for the person who has been offered the role of Canon Evangelist. I hope to be able to make an announcement soon and I anticipate that the new canon will be in post before August. A further Grant received I am delighted to be able to announce that we have been successful in gaining a second grant from the World War I Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund. This grant will allow us to carry out urgent repairs to several of the windows around the Cathedral. This is all in the context of the Cathedral developing its strategy to further the vision of growing God's Kingdom in Ripon, the diocese and beyond. With my very best wishes Dean John T’day s Services 8.00 am Holy Eucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer) President & Preacher: Canon Paul Greenwell 9.30 am Mattins 10.30 am Childre‘ s Church Psalms 61, 62 takes place during the10.30am Eucharist. All welcome Activity Bags are also available for younger children 10.30am please ask if you would like one. Sung Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir President: James, Bishop for Ripon Hymns: 509, 92, 86, 95 Preacher: The Dean Setting; St Wilfrid Mass Perrin Anthem; Ave verum corpus Byrd Voluntary: Valet will ich dir geben (BWV 736) J S Bach Lesson read by Susan Thomas Intercessions led by Jean Denney You are warmly invited to stay for coffee or juice after the 10.30am Service and Childre‘ s Church. The Choir Association will be serving the tea and coffee and selling cakes including simnel cakes, easter biscuits, cookies, cakes and savoury goods. All proceeds for funds for the choristers. 12.30 pm Holy Eucharist (1662 Book of Common Prayer) President: Canon Wendy Wilby 4.30 pm Evening Prayer Psalm 69 [1-22] 5:30 pm A Meditation for Palm Sunday sung by the Cathedral Choir The Crucifixion Stainer Daily Worship This Week Morning Prayer: Evening Prayer: Choral Evensong: Monday to Saturday at 8.30am Monday, Thursday & Friday 6.00pm; Saturday 5.30pm Tuesday & Wednesday 6.00pm Eucharists: Mon 30th Mar 9 am Tue 31st Mar 9 am Wed 1st Apr 9 am Thurs 2nd Apr 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Sat 4th Apr Easter Eve 7.30pm Reverend Peter Dodson Canon Paul Greenwell Canon Paul Greenwell 12.00 Canon Wendy Wilby Sung Eucharist with Footwashing, Stripping of the Altars and Watch of the Passion James. Bishop for Ripon/Venerable Paul Slater Easter Vigil and First Sung Eucharist of Easter James, Bishop for Ripon/Venerable Paul Slater For more details of the services during this week, please take a Music and Services Diary available from the Welcome Desk or visit the website or call the Chapter House 01765 602072 Events This Week TODAY Sponsored Bible Reading 2015 The Select Vestry are holding their sponsored Bible reading of 1 and 2 Samuel. Members of the congregation are invited to take part as well as to sponsor readers. All monies raised will be donated to RCDC for the Cathedral Music Trust. This event has become a regular event in the Cathedral's calendar and is enjoyed by both readers and visitors to the Cathedral. Refreshments will be available and cakes, etc, will be on sale. Please give your support. Monday 10am The Magdalen Fellowship at St Mary Magdalen Chapel Contemplative prayer and intercessions. St Mary Magdalen Chapel. All welcome. For further information, contact Patricia Whaling 606570 or John Whelan 600668. No meeting Monday 6th April. Tuesday 2.00pm M’thers U‘i’‘ H’ly Week Service in Thorpe Prebend House led by Canon Wendy Wilby. All welcome. Saturday 12 noon Cathedral Parish Lunch in the Cathedral Hall. All are welcome. Worship Next Sunday: 5th April 2015 8.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 12.30 pm 3.30 pm Easter Day Eucharist (1662) Canon Paul Greenwell Mattins Festal Eucharist and Blessing of the Easter Garden James, Bishop for Ripon/The Dean Eucharist (1662) The Dean Festal Evensong and Admission of Choristers and Te Deum Canon Paul Greenwell Forthcoming Events Monday 20th April 8-9pm Cathedral Prayer Group meet in the Chapel of the Resurrection. All welcome. Thursday 23rd April 1.15pm Lunchtime Concert. Oliver Hancock, organ. Admission FREE, refreshments from 1.00pm. Thursday 23rd April 7.30pm St Wilfrid Lecture Professor Nigel Curry: F’r they k‘’w ‘’t what they d’: Ref–ecti’‘s ’‘ a –ifeti—e ’f rura– p’–icy . A–– we–c’—e. Tuesday 28th April 7.30pm Question Time and Election Hustings in the Cathedral with candidates for the Parliamentary Constituency of Skipton & Ripon at the General Election. Questions to be submitted in advance to Judith Bustard at the Cathedral Office. Refreshments served from 7pm. All welcome. Sunday 3rd May 3.30pm Inaugural lecture by Ca‘’‘ Dr Char–’tte Methue‘ Why b’ther with the Ref’r—ati’‘ f’––’wed by refreshments and Evensong with Installation. Monday 4th May 11.30am-5pm Ripon Cathedral Beer Festival. Please can you help at this year s Beer Festiva– by d’‘ati‘g a‘y prizes f’r the t’—b’–a suitab–e f’r either adults or children? We are also looking for volunteers to help on the day. If you could spare a couple of hours, please contact Margaret or Lorna at the RCDC office Tel: 603583 or email: [email protected]. Notices Casual Learning Assistant We have a Vacancy for someone to join the Education Team. Details are on the Cathedral website. PEGs studyi‘g The Eucharist . The next PEGs series will be on The Eucharist, meeting on roughly alternate Thursday evenings, 7.30pm in Thorpe Prebend. Details are on the PCC notice board where you can also pick up a card with the dates and topics. All welcome to a group which aims to offer discussion and learning. Thank you to all those who came to the Lent Lunches and also to those who helped with catering. A total of £ 616.10 was raised. Ripon Christian Aid, in partnership with Thirsk and Northallerton, have pledged to raise £5,000 towards a Kenya Health Project for mothers and children. If this target is achieved by 2016, the European Union will treble the donations, thus £5000 becomes £20000. This means that the wonderful £616.10 raised could represent £2464.40! The joint donations are now in excess of £4000 and it is anticipated the target will be reached and the maternal mortality rate in Narok County might be greatly reduced. Cathedral Festival Weekend May 2016 Over the first bank holiday in May 2016 the Cathedral is holding a festival to showcase the work that goes on across all the many parts of Cathedral life. As part of that we will be creating a display exhibiting a year in the life of the cathedral using photographs and video. We will be starting this over the Easter period. If for any reason you would not wish to be in any shots please let us know by contacting the cathedral office 01765 603462/[email protected] and we will ensure that your image is removed during editing. The Cathedral Flower Guild invite donations towards the cost of purchasing the very many flowers, etc required to decorate the Cathedral for Easter. Any donations you feel able to give would be gratefully accepted by Mrs Sue Woods, or the Vergers. Electoral Roll Revision 2015 We are approaching the annual revision of the Electoral Roll. If you are already on the Roll, you don't have to do anything. The Dean is keen that all regular attenders are on the Roll. If you wish to be put on the Roll, a simple form is available in the Cathedral. If there are any problems, contact Peter Hicks. (01765 692648). The deadline for forms is 12th April 2015. The Annual Meeting for the Cathedral Parish will be on Monday 27th April at 7.30 pm in Thorpe Prebend. Please put the date in your diary and come along. There are vacancies for 5 (five) members of the PCC, which aims to further our mission and ministry in Ripon itself. If you are interested in finding out more, please talk to the Dean or Canon Elizabeth. Nomination forms are by the PCC notice board. The PCC also needs a new Treasurer since Liz Thomas who has served most ably in the role for many years is standing down. For more on that role please talk to Liz or Canon Elizabeth. Salvation Army Food Bank The Salvation Army is so grateful for the fantastic response to their request for winter food and nappies etc. Now with Easter just around the corner, it would be nice to be able to provide the families they support with a few Easter treats such as chocolate eggs, hot cross buns etc. On a more practical side there is a special need for UHT milk, tinned puddings, custard, tinned fruit, and tea bags. Nappies, pasta, ready meals are ongoing needs. Christian Aid Week 10th 16th May Last year our team of collectors raised over £1,500. Please consider collecting for Christian Aid. Contact Christina/Simon Hoare 692187; David Wells 690841; Liz Kimbell 608661. The Cathedral Shop Opening hours Mon Sat 10am 5pm, Sundays 12 Noon - 5pm. Easter cards and gifts now in stock. Please come and support our Cathedral Shop. Please note that the Shop will be closed on Good Friday. Giving by Gift Aid Our financial supp’rt ’f the Cathedra– s —issi’‘ is an expression of our gratitude to God for all that we receive from him. It does strengthen the mission, however, if the Cathedral can reclaim any tax that has been paid on our offerings. If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift-Aiding your donation. For every £1 you give, we will receive £1.25. Gift Aid envelopes are available in the pews or from the Sidespeople. Please use the envelope and sign it there is no extra cost to you. If you would prefer to give by electronic banking the details are as follows: Account Name: Ripon Cathedral PCC Fund; Sort Code: 05 07 17; Account No: 35697334 If you are a regular worshipper at the Cathedral and would like to know more about our planned giving scheme, please contact the PCC Treasurer via the Cathedral Office (Tel: 01765 603462). We are very grateful for your financial support. Without it the worship and ministry of this Cathedral Church simply could not happen. Childre‘ s Activities f’r Holy Week and Easter Journey to Jerusalem Children of primary school age are invited to join us for an Easter Holiday Club in Ripon Cathedral When: Wednesday 1st April 10am-12noon Thursday 2nd April 10am-12noon Friday 3rd April (Good Friday) 10am-12noon What s On: Drama, Easter crafts, Easter gardens, Banner making, Easter biscuits, Paint a Plate Cost: £5 for all 3 sessions (payable on arrival) Places are limited so to avoid disappointment please complete the booking form on the leaflet in the Cathedral and return as soon as possible and by Sunday 29th March at the latest to: Ripon Cathedral Office, Liberty Courthouse, Minster Road, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1QS. Alternatively email with the details requested on the form to [email protected] Good Friday Service 10:30am The children will be presenting their drama and Easter art work during this service. The service will be followed by drinks and hot cross buns. Ripon Cathedral Holy Week and Easter 2015 Palm Sunday: 29 March 8.00am 10.10am 10.30am 12.30pm 5.30pm Eucharist PALM PROCESSION from the Market Place Parish Eucharist with the reading of The Passion Eucharist Stainer: The Crucifixion – performed by the Cathedral Choir Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week: 30 March - 1 April 8.00pm-9.00pm Address, Silent Prayer and Compline Tuesday of Holy Week: 31 March 12noon Stations of the Cross Wednesday to Friday of Holy Week: 1 April - 3 April 10.00am to 12noon Journey to Jerusalem Children’s event for Holy Week Maundy Thursday: 2 April 7.30pm Sung Eucharist with Footwashing, Stripping of the Altars and Watch of the Passion Good Friday: 3 April 9.30am 10.30am 12 noon to 1.30pm 1.30pm to 3.00pm Mattins Good Friday Service for People of All Ages Followed by Hot Cross Buns Preaching of the Cross Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday with Veneration of the Cross Holy Saturday: 4 April 7.30pm Easter Day: 5 April 8.00 am 10.30am 12.30pm 3.30pm Easter Vigil and Sung First Eucharist of Easter Eucharist Festal Eucharist, Procession and Blessing of the Easter Garden Eucharist Festal Evensong and Admission of Choristers
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