▫ J a n C z a r n i e c k i, arch FRICS ▫ Summary of Professional Qualifications: 2012-2015 Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli) – Title: Główny specjalista kontroli państwowej – Sr. State Controlling Specialist – term agreement Engaged as of September 1, 2012, focusing on i.a., the proper spending and technical review (audits) of public funds’ utilization on primarily large construction contracts, utilizing public and EU funds. Technical audits completed included: an audit of the EURO 2012 National Stadium in Warsaw, the S8 - GDDKiA (General Road Directorate), Modlin Airport and Zbuczyn waste treatment facility. Responsible for assessments of permitting methodology and correctness of applications / investment decisions and expenditures. 2008 ‘til September 2012 (self-employed): - Advisor (part-time) to the Zlota 44 luxury apartment building project for INSO SpA (an Italian general contractor) in Warsaw, PL Technical and operational advisory service on a 192 m tall high rise - Złota 44 – developed by ORCO External contacts with infrastructural providers and neighbors Contractual negotiations with vendors and staffing consultation Weekly site meetings and follow up - Advisor (part-time) to the Hotel Europejski refurbishment ownership structure, Warsaw, in the area of: Technical advisory assistance to ownership concerning work performed by project manager (MACE) and owner selected architects (SUD Architectes), in preparation for the functional redesign and technical drawings’ administrative permit submissions for the refurbishment of this conservator-listed property. Reviewing quality of design / progress / liaison and making recommendations on: solutions being proposed by architects/engineers and adaptability to building program and hotel operator guidelines (Raffles) to the hotel refurbishment plan; Review of submittals / budgets / progress and advising ownership on strategy with key players and stakeholders; Participating in and evaluating weekly project management meetings. 2007- 2008 CEO of Belgravia sp. z o.o. and Managing Director of Belnepco Mgmt. LLP Start up and early phase of new mid-market residential real estate development venture. Set up of operating procedures and staffing Project management including site evaluation Identification, due diligence and new project preparation for a 15,000 m2 housing project venture. Reporting to PE investors on project opportunities and presentation. 2004 – 2007 Business Development Manager for Bouygues Construction and DTP Terrassement (Bouygues Bâtiment International and Bouygues Polska SA) Reporting directly to the Prague - based Regional Manager; Operationally and functionally managing the day to day activities of the firm in Poland in the area of business development and project management Daily project management of a secured NATO contract in Lask , Poland (Value: 9 Million PLN – on-time completion / acceptance in January 2006); Overall final hand-over stage project management and coordination of a 102-unit apartment building on Wilanowska St. in Warsaw – completed in May 2007 and occupied. 1 2000 - 2004 Vice-President of Construction & Development for Central Europe for Heitman International LLC, a Warsaw - based, Chicago - headquartered real estate investment company (REIT). Project management, contract negotiation, development monitoring, lending bank reporting, and resolving ongoing technical issues of owned and under-development office, warehouse and retail property investments in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Development Monitor as well as Lender’s Representative role for the ca. Є80M Wola Park Shopping Center Project in Warsaw, then Poland’s largest retail and commercial center, completed in September 2002. Representing the Investor’s interests (on the technical side) on office projects in Warsaw (the IBC Center) and Prague (Charles Square Center). 1997 - 2000 Senior Project Architect, Tricon Restaurants, Warsaw, Poland. Technical management of a 16-project restaurant roll-out program, as part of the restaurant development and rehab division. Co-developing architectural prototype for Polish fast food market with architect consultants 1994 – 1997 Housing Development + Local Government and Bank Advisor, “PADCO” (Planning and Development Collaborative – out of Washington, D.C., currently under - AECOM). Implementation of a new World Bank initiative, the World Bank / Government of Poland Mortgage Fund Program for the housing sector in Poland. Participation in the development of strategic planning, housing and municipal investment programs for cities of Bielsko-Biała and Ziębice, all funded by USAID. Established Mortgage Fund construction lending guidelines for BudBank, a state central housing bank. Prepared an inner city rehab manual for newly forming homeowner’s associations. 1992 - 1994 Vice-President and Director of Construction Management and a member of the Management Board, Polish American Mortgage Bank ( “PAMBank”). Understanding the housing market and its depth for construction and mortgage lending. Establishing and testing newly - developed PAMBank procedures. Hiring and training of new personnel. Preparation of criteria for loans for the re-sale of older homes. Finalizing a loan product for the purchase, remodeling and modernization of older homes in large metropolitan areas. 1991-1992 Chief Architect - World Bank Housing Finance Project Office, based in Warsaw, Poland. Understanding, analyzing and communicating the then post-Communist era realities in Poland and dynamic of privatizing State-owned construction companies (kombinats) to various US and World Bank experts. Establishing relationships with central and local government authorities. Daily contacts with Government of Poland Ministries – Construction and Finance. Assisting in establishing the Warsaw office organization (peak of 14 professionals + visiting expats), hirings, and contributing to development of agreed deliverables to the Polish Government and the World Bank. Participation in World Bank missions during their trips to Poland. Oversight of proposals for new residential construction projects, writing of construction guidelines for multi-and single-family housing projects, organizing and conducting workshops in land-use planning policy, zoning and construction project finance for program-participating bankers, developers, and government officials. Earlier US-based experience available on request Education: 2 Bachelor of Architecture, with Honors and Distinction in Design and Town Planning, University of Illinois at Chicago. Ongoing continuing education programs sponsored by the Dept. of Registration and Education (State of Illinois) focusing on costing, project management and architectural technology, for State of Illinois bi-annually required credits. Public / Private Partnership course for the construction sector in Poland Completion of Auditors’ coursework as provided by NIK – Poland’s Supreme Audit Office, 2014-2015 Registrations and Affiliations: State of Illinois Registered Architect no. 001-008727 (see license look-up: www.idfpr.com) Fellow at the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS) – (initially from April 2012) NCARB Certification Member of the Board of Trustees of the Wyższa Szkoła Handlu i Prawa - Lazarski University (Since mid – 2007 and continuing). Member of the American Polish Advisory Council (APAC) - Washington, D.C. School Board member at the American School of Warsaw 1995-1997. Languages: Fluent (native) in English and Polish, with some very basic knowledge of German and Russian. Personal: Married, with two sons Enjoy architectural / historical travel, charity work (Member Polish Order of the Knights of Malta), field sketching and technical translation work (POL>ENG - ENG>POL). „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych, tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002 r., Nr 101, poz. 926 z późniejszymi zmianami.” ‘I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2002, No. 101, item 926 as amended’ 3
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