ANNOUNCEMENTS for March 1, 2015 WELCOME! New to Christ Lutheran? As you browse through the announcements, please know you are invited to be a part of the ministries mentioned here which include classes, small groups, special events, and service opportunities. We hope you find something that speaks to your interests as it is a great way to get to know the faith community of Christ Lutheran. March 1--March 8, 2015 Sunday 8:15 AM 9:45 AM Worship Worship Fellowship between services 11:00 AM “If Not Me, Then Whom?” Bequest and Will Monday 9:00 AM Red Bridge Preschool Tuesday 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Red Bridge Preschool Bible Study AA/AL-ANON Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 5 :00 PM 5:40 PM 6:30 PM 7:15 PM Thursday Friday 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM RBPS BYOB Bible Study Lenten Worship & lunch Soup and Sandwich supper: Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup Almost Angels/CREDO Lenten Worship Steeple Singers Men’s Breakfast @ Scandia Café RBPS, Women’s Bible Study Yoga with Loralee 9:00 AM Red Bridge Preschool 8:15 AM 9:45 AM Worship Worship Saturday Sunday Fellowship between services ‘Make-Your-Own-Totes’ for children are available outside of the office. Choose a few activities out of the drawers and pack the tote up for worship. Please return everything to its place afterwards. Large Print Bulletins are available. Please let the greeters/ ushers know if you would prefer one. Midweek Lenten Worship - Join us every Wednesday (through March 25th) for Lenten Services at NOON and 6:30PM. There will be a soup/sandwich meal served following the noon service and starting at 5:00PM prior to the 6:30PM service. Those Assisting - We have several spots over the next few months for people to volunteer on Sunday mornings. We are in need of people are willing to help lead Kids’ Church. We need people who are willing to host fellowship time. There is a need also for Communion and Fellowship sponsors. See the kiosk to sign up or call the church office for more information. Minnesota Food Share Month - Minnesota Food Share March Campaign starts today. Our goal is to donate 200 lbs. during March to the food shelves in Scandia and Stillwater. Financial donations are also accepted and encouraged as food shelves are able to stretch a dollar further because of connections to discount programs. Food donations can be dropped off anytime in the cart in the entryway. Questions? Call the church office. We invite you to contact the church office if you would like to add/remove someone from these public prayer concerns. You may also call or email the office to be put on CLC’s confidential Prayer Chain which handles any private prayer concerns you may have. As a Community and as Individuals We Include in our Prayers… Health and Wellbeing: We pray for all those struggling and/ or are recovering from illnesses of body, mind and spirit. NEW CONCERNS: ONGOING CONCERNS: Martha Albertson Mary Jirik Vern Pennie Toni Poletes Dan Boardman Dorothy Krinke Jon Hackmann Lawrence Peterson Jerry and Judy Carlson (brother & sister-in-law of Lynn Holt) Jeremy Blyth (husband of our missionary, Miriam Schmidt) Mikey Harris (grandson of Art and Shirley Hage) Alvin Jordan (friend of Jan Stull) Steve Lemmer (friend of Sandra Eberhardt) Art Marquart (father of Abby Brown) Jon Hance (friend of Glenda Svendsen) Val Watson (friend of Wendy Fernstrum) Joanne Machaud (cousin of Ginny Sjoquist) Mary Lauer (friend of Dodo Schouweiler) Pam Zawistowski (Linda Mendenhall’s sister-in-law) Church: For the bishops of the ELCA and the St. Paul Area Synod: Rev. Elizabeth Eaton and Rev. Patricia Lull. For our partners in ministry: Ugesa Lutheran Church in Tanzania, for missionaries Rev. Miriam Schmidt, Sandy Urgo, and Marcy Wirth, and for our pastor, our church and preschool staff. World and Community: For our leaders: President Barack Obama and Governor Mark Dayton and for all leaders of the world. We remember all soldiers and law enforcement serving in harms way, and for women and men who serve in the military. Pastor Ron’s email - If you have not met Ron Olson, our new part-time transitional pastor who will be with us for the next four months, please introduce yourself following worship today. If you need to get a hold of Pastor Ron through email, his address is [email protected] Valley Outreach Food Shelf - CLC is providing volunteers this week at Valley Outreach Food Shelf in Stillwater. We have been asked to provide volunteers from 9:30-12:30pm on Mon., March 2 Wed., March 4, and Fri., March 6. Please park in the lot next door, as close to the street as possible. Please arrive no earlier than 9:30. Call Ellen Albertson for more details at 651-439-3183. Music Practice During Lent - Almost Angels and CREDO will continue to practice at 5:45 on Wednesdays during Lent and Steeple Singers will practice at 7:15PM. Baskets of Promise - This Lent we’re joining Lutheran World Relief’s “Baskets of Promise” campaign. Each week, we’ll collect a different item that we’ll use to assemble Personal Care Kits that give people around the world tools to stay healthy in life’s most challenging situation. Our goal is to assemble 50 LWR Personal Care Kits during Lent. This week we are collecting bath towels (light-weight, max. 52” x 27”, dark color recommended) Talk to Laura Langreck with any questions. Bible Studies - The B.Y.O.Brain Bible Study that meets on Tuesdays at 7PM or Wednesdays at 10AM, and the Women’s Bible Study that meets on Thursdays at 9:00AM always welcome new people for a time of study, sharing and prayer. Adventurer’s in March - All adults are welcome as we “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” go to the Westminster Town Forum in Minneapolis on Thursday, March 12th to hear Andrew Zimmern speak about the importance of “The Table” as a place where food is shared, culture is learned and community is formed. Andrew Zimmern is a chef, food writer, and television host of the popular series Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. We will leave CLC at 10AM. After the lecture we will walk across the street to have lunch at Brit’s Pub. Cost is $5 for transportation, plus whatever you want to spend on lunch. See the sign-up board in the Nyman Center, or see Susan Foss for more information. If you answer yes to any one of the following statements below, please join Christa Getchell TODAY for 45 minutes to learn how you can express your gratefulness towards Christ Lutheran. Confirmation During Lent - Confirmation students Christa Getchell has been a member of Christ Lutheran for 14 years. She is the President of the Park Nicollet Foundation and is a certified financial development executive (CFRE) She would like to share with you the ease of supporting CLC through bequests and wills. All information shared are best practices for planned giving. No products or services will be sold. Join Christa TODAY in the Fireside Room from 11:00 am – 11: 45 am Come with a curious mind and open heart. Soup and salad lunch will be served. don’t forget that you are expected to attend the mid-week Lenten services.—following the service, 8th graders meet with their mentors for 15/20 minutes and 7th graders meet with an adult leader. Yoga @ CLC - Final week! Loralee is leading a yoga class that is appropriate for everyone who is able to be barefoot and sit on mat on the floor, both beginner and experienced yoginis. Bring a mat if you have one (she has many if you do not) and a beach towel. Class will be from 10:00 - 11:00 am Thursdays, through March 5. First Communion class – Pastor Joel will lead First th Communion instruction on March 28 , from 9:30-Noon. Please call the office to let us know if someone in your family would like to be included. First Communion will be celebrated on Maundy Thursday, April 2nd. Firearms Safety & Hunter Education - CLC will be hosting a DNR sponsored firearms safety/hunter class for students who are 11 years and older. The class will begin on Thursdays starting on March 12th at 7:00 pm. A parent or guardian must accompany the student to the classes. Classes will be held on the following Thursdays, from 7:00-9:00PM: March 12, 19, 26 and April 9, 16, 23 with a field day on Saturday, April 25. To register or for more information contact: Bob Appert at 651-633-1039 Missed worship last week? Want to hear the sermon? Read the announcements? It’s all online at Daylight Saving Time Set your clocks AHEAD ONE HOUR next Saturday night, March 7th. Blood Drive Thank You - I would like to thank all who made the Blood Drive possible last Friday. 50 people donated. That saves 150 lives. Thanks to all you good people! Barb Ostlund The staff and families of Red Bridge Preschool would like to thank everyone who attended our pancake breakfast. We are very grateful to the Scandia Marine Lions for donating their time to prepare our meal. Over $1100 was raised for our scholarship fund. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated! o Christ Lutheran has shaped my values and purpose for living. o I have experienced a life changing experience and friends and staff from Christ Lutheran where there to help me. o My family and I want to express our gratitude for Christ Lutheran. o I am curious how I can help others, support my charities of choice and still send my kids to college and/or save for retirement. Lent Soup and Salad Lunch/Suppers - Each Wednesday during Lent (beginning on March 5) there will be a soup/sandwich lunch following the noon service and a dinner served prior to the 6:30pm service. CLC youth going on the Mission Trip or going to WAPO this summer can raise scholarship money for themselves by helping in the kitchen or by bringing bars. The sign up sheet is on the youth wall across from the choir room. Choir for Lent and Easter - Like to sing but your schedule has prevented you being part of choir so far? How about making a commitment to sing for the next 5 weeks (between now and Easter Sunday). If interested just show up for practice this Wednesday or the following Wednesday. Almost Angels for children in preschool through 8th grade practices at 5:40pm on Wednesday nights. Steeple Singers for older youth and adults practices at 7:15PM (or after the midweek Lenten service). See Neil Johnson (Almost Angels) or Bob Waedekin (Steeple Singers) for more information. Kids’ Church Leaders - We are looking for 7 people who are each willing to lead Kids’ Church ONE TIME between now and the end of May. You will be given everything you need to teach the class and lead the kids through the lesson for the day. No previous experience needed. You can sign up in pairs, or as a couple or by yourself. See the sign-up sheet in the Nyman Center or call the church office and talk to Pastor Joel or Laura Langreck for more information. Spring is just around the corner and the community garden will be up and running again soon. Are you starting seeds for your own garden? Plant a few extra for the community garden! All the produce grown in the garden is donated to Valley Outreach. Think Spring! Have you stopped in lately and browsed the incredible selection of books we have in our little library? There are new additions on the metal cart. Take a few minutes to check them out. New Library Books - If you would like to help adorn our sanctuary for Easter, envelopes for ordering are outside of the sanc. doors on the table. Orders due by March 22. Thank you! Easter Flowers Like Us on Facebook - Keep up with all the events of Christ Lutheran and see some of the pictures that depict the ministry we share together by “liking” us on Facebook. The easiest way is to go to our website: and then click on the Facebook icon. ALL MUSIC COPIED WITH PERMISSION © License # A-715473, All rights reserved. © CCLI License #2516369 Christ Lutheran Church 150 Fifth Street, Marine, MN 55047 Office Phone: 651-433-3222, FAX: 651-433-3882 Office Email: [email protected]
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