Ruislip Manor Methodist Church Torrington Road Inspire Wider Vision ‘O Lord we ask thee for a Governor who would rule in the fear of God; who would defeat the ringleaders of corruption, enhance the prosperity of the State, promote the happiness of the people - O Lord, what’s the use of beating about the bush? Give us George W. Briggs for Governor! Amen.’ (Father Taylor, a clergyman in America in the 1940s.) I couldn’t be so confident in promoting any one of the parliamentary candidates or parties above the others! Underlying much of the electioneering is the assumption that voters are only interested in, ‘what’s in it for me (in the short term)?’ We’re not expected to look much beyond our own doorsteps. It’s as though we are oblivious to the huge needs across the world. We are also thought to believe that what matters are the personality and presentation skills of the party leaders rather than the policies or the constituency candidates themselves. Belief in God as creator & sustainer means that everything in life matters to God. There is nothing real that is beyond his care. We have a responsibility and opportunity to make a difference to the lives of people across the world. Christian Aid point out that poverty is the result of unequal access to power and resources, usually as a consequence of political decisions. They have produced an election manifesto that sets out key steps that the next government should take in five different areas with action points given in each of the following headings: 1. Global leadership & government wide commitment. Early in the life of the next Government countries will commit to new agreements for eradicating poverty, tackling climate change and strengthening the global humanitarian system so the new government should seize the opportunity to tackle the root causes of poverty. 2. Climate and sustainability. 3. Fair tax systems. 4. Gender equality. 5. Reform of the humanitarian system. In the past 20 years disasters from natural hazards have affected 4.4 billion people, claimed 1.3 million lives and caused $2 trillion in economic losses. Christian Aid point out that the UK public continue to be among the most generous in responding to emergency appeals and that they also see the increasing need for governments not merely to respond to disasters, but where possible to prevent them. (see for the manifesto in full) So I hope that as Christians we will have a wider vision and continue to use the opportunities we have to raise these issues still higher on politicians’ agendas in line with God’s Kingdom. Roger Dunlop The next Church Council meeting takes place on Monday 15th June 8pm in the Coffee Lounge. This is an open meeting to which all are welcome. Please could any items for the Agenda be give to Val Graham or Revd Roger Dunlop by Sunday 7th June. Some people are more involved than others in local politics. But the good thing is that we all have a vote. Here is Graham Lee, our Church Treasurer, at the Hillingdon Interfaith Network Hustings in Uxbridge, alongside Boris Johnson. Will you become a DEMENTIA FRIEND And join the growing number of people helping to make our society DEMENTIA AWARE ? Come to Ruislip Manor Methodist Church Thursday 14th May 8pm - 9pm followed by refreshments For a User Friendly Information Session which will help in understanding the many different signs and symptoms of Dementia. Over 5000 people in Hillingdon & over 1 million people nationwide are already helping to create Dementia Friendly communities. Will you help to reach the target of 4 million by 2020? For more information, please contact Janet Fairclough 07973 663831 Afraid, alone, in pain Be the answer to Loko’s prayer this Christian Aid Week. This Christian Aid Week, 10th -16th May you can help transform the lives of women like Loko. During the week, churches the length and breadth of Britain and Ireland will come together to pray, campaign and raise money to improve the lives of people like Loko. Every year, 100,000 volunteers demonstrate God’s love for the poor by taking part in houseto-house collections for Christian Aid. This fantastic witness is a chance once again to take the mission of the church into our community in Ruislip Manor. Loko’s choice in life is simple:‘If I can’t collect firewood,my children will die.’ Four times a week, in a remote corner of Ethiopia, Loko makes a backbreaking eight-hour trip to gather wood. It’s a task she dreads, but she steels herself to do it because if she doesn’t her children will starve. She prays to God as she walks. ‘I ask him to change my life and lead us out of this,’she says. Just £5 could give Loko a loan to start her own business buying and selling tea and coffee, freeing her from her desperate task and allowing her to spend more time caring for her family. By collecting in one of the roads in Ruislip Manor allocated to our church, you can make an enormous difference to the many Loko’s of this world. Please sign up on the road list in the coffee lounge. Collecting in this way takes some fortitude. But that is nothing compared with what Loko has to do every single week. Contact June Palmer on 01895 674093 if you need more information. Thank you to everyone who supported the Coffee Morning for on 26th April & to those who bought cakes after the morning service. A total of £249.50 was raised - a fantastic result! Help Needed ! Torrington Toddlers are very short of help. The group meets on Mondays & Fridays in term time from 9.30am - 11.30am. Help is needed in the following ways: ● ● ● ● ● Preparing the room and clearing away afterwards Taking the money at the door Refreshments Singing songs Craft Table. If you can help in any way, even if it is only for a short time or occasionally, please speak to June Palmer on 01895 674093. After August, Val will no longer be producing this Inspire leaflet. Would you like to take on this role? Inspire does not have to be in the same format, style or frequency - you can add your own creative or I.T. skills to an alternative leaflet or magazine. If you would like to find out more about what may be involved, please speak to Val on 020 8845 4245. On 12th April, Paige Louise Culham was baptised. It was good to welcome all the family and friends who had come to celebrate with Amy & Lee. Paige has been coming to church since she was a week old so is very much part of the church family. It was especially fun to see how happy she was chewing on Roger’s dog collar! On 26th April, Peter & Hilary Eldrett were confirmed into membership of the Methodist Church. They explained during the service, “We have been attending this church since 1990 and made a joint decision that, for our 25th anniversary, we would like to become more involved with the everyday life of this church, and could think of no better way to commit ourselves than by attending the confirmation classes.” We are grateful for Hilary & Peter’s involvement in the life of the church and for their continued commitment. At the Annual Church Meeting, the Stewards Team and Church Council Members were appointed. Nola Stammer is now Senior Steward. Cathy Smith, who has stepped down as Senior Steward is staying on to support the Stewards’ Team as a ‘job share’ with Adrian Buckland and alongside Phil Mayes. Chris & Niki Cone were welcomed as new Stewards (as a ‘job share’). Gratitude was expressed to all the Stewards Team for their continuing hard work and especially to Cathy for her role as Senior Steward during the last year. We were reminded at the meeting that there is no Christmas Fair planned, as yet, for this year. If anyone is willing to co-ordinate this, Patsy would be happy to explain what is involved. Alternatively, ideas would be welcome for other fundraising events. Although we have money from Dorothy Wood’s Bequest, it is important that we are not reliant on this. So, if you would like to get together with some friends and organise a Quiz Night, Christmas Coffee Morning Extravaganza, Talent Contest or Bake Off, just let one of the Stewards know! Diary Events MAY Sun 3 Sun 10 10.45am 3.30pm 9am 10.45am 6pm Ms Helen Schoon Friendship Teas Communion Breakfast Revd Roger Dunlop All Age Worship at North Harrow To celebrate Dr Peter Briggs 40 yrs as Local Preacher Tue 12 Thu 14 10am 8pm 8pm Craft Group Dementia Friends meeting Journeys at Ruislip Sun 17 10.45am 6.30pm Local Arrangement Wesley Chapel Ordinands’Testimony Service Diary Events MAY continued Mon 18 2.15pm Thu 21 Sun 24 8pm 10.45am Monday Fellowship Bring & Share Memories Torrington Group - Discussion Revd Roger Dunlop Communion Tue 26 Sun 31 Tue 31 10am 8pm 8pm 10.45am 8pm Craft Group Social Evening Journeys Ms Helen Schoon Social Evening JUNE Sun 7 Tues 10 Thurs 11 Sun 14 Mon 15 Thurs 18 Sun 21 10.45am Ms Catherine Wells 3.30pm Friendship Teas 10am Craft Group 8pm Journeys at Ruislip 9am Communion Breakfast 10.45am Revd Roger Dunlop Church Anniversary followed by lunch 8pm Church Council 7pm Torrington Group Lido Walk & Meal. Meet in Lido car park 10.45am Local Arrangement 6.30pm Westminster Central Hall Farewell service for District Chair Revd Dr Stuart Jordan Mon 22 2.15pm Tues 23 Sun 28 10am 8pm 10.45am Tues 30 8pm Monday Fellowship Age UK Talk Craft Group Journeys Revd Roger Dunlop Communion Social Evening To add your input to the July/August edition of Inspire, please contact Val on 020 8845 4245 or [email protected]
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