Regular Meeting of the Board of Education – April 20, 2015 The Board of Education of Rockridge Community Unit School District #300, Rock Island and Mercer Counties, Illinois, met in regular session in the library at Rockridge High School on Monday, April 20, 2015. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by President Jeff Widdop. Present: Absent: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith None The Board of Education and community members in the audience stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by Haylee Boden and Aaron Wheatley. Good News – 1) RHS Special Education department received seven new Chromebooks through a STEP grant; 2) Blood Drive at Rockridge High School provided 105 donations; 3) Asplundh Tree Service donated tree trimming services to the district in exchange for parking space. Congratulations were extended to the RHS Boys Basketball team on their 3rd place finish at the IHSA State Finals. Bryan Heath was also named 1st team All-State, Argus-Dispatch Player of the Year and 1st team All-Conference. Luke Johnson and Gentry Whiteman were named to 2nd team AllConference. Coach Toby Whiteman was named Three Rivers Conference Coach of the Year. Mitchell Wheeler and Steen Steiner advanced to state WYSE competition in Physics. Mitchell placed 6th at the State competition. Congratulations to Mitchell and Steven. Approve/Recognize Items on Consent Agenda Motion by Bill Woods, second by Steve Frakes, to approve/recognize the following items on the consent agenda: 1) minutes of the March 9, 2015 regular and executive session meeting; March 31, 2015 special and executive session meeting; April 15, 2015 special and executive session meeting; 2) payroll bills for the month of April (Education Fund-$580,147.27; O&M-$0.00; Transportation Fund-$36,691.94; IMRF-$29,723.79; Tort-$30,207.46); 3) miscellaneous bills for the month of April (Education Fund-$94,560.20; O&M Fund-$71,529.82; Transportation Fund-$28,297.06; Tort-$6,059.00; Fire/Life Safety-$122,644.35); 4) monthly Principal/Technology Director/Curriculum Director/Transportation Director reports; 5) monthly Activity Fund Reports; 6) Blackhawk Division meeting of IASB – May 5, 2015, The Cellar – Geneseo; 7) Rockridge High School Prom – Saturday, April 25, 2015; 8) Rockridge High School Graduation – Sunday, May 24, 2015 – 2:00 p.m.; 9) Rockridge High School Academic Achievement Awards – Wednesday, May 13, 2015; 10) Statement of Economic Interest due May 1, 2015; 11) Sunday facility usage request for “Fight for Foy” charity walk on May 3rd; 12) declare computer equipment as surplus; 13) resignation of Cheryl Peters as RJH/HS cafeteria cashier effective end of 2014-15 school year; 14) Sunday usage request for Girl Scouts Green & White Ceremony on May 31, 2015; 15) Rockridge Junior High Promotion – Thursday, June 4, 2015; 16) resignation of Tyson Blaser as RJHS 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach effective end of 2014-2015 school year; 17) resignation of Tyler Matlick as RJHS 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach effective end of 2014-2015 school year; 18) annual membership into the Illinois Elementary School Association for 2015-2016. Minutes – Board of Education Meeting April 20, 2015 Page 2 Roll Call: Ayes: Nays: Motion carried: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith None 7-0 Superintendent Lien presented the following financial reports: a) Financial Statement balances ending March 31, 2015 (no interfund loans were made during March), b) 2014/2015 Revenues/Expenditures through March 31, 2015; c) Third Quarter Report July-March, 2015; d) Lunch Report with an end of March, 2015 balance of $22,404.91 e) Cash Flow Report for Education, O&M, and Transportation Funds; f) Oda B. Shaw Financial Report with an end of March 2015 balance of $496,638.98. Taylor Hitchcock is the Rockridge Milan Area Rotary Student of the Month for April. She is the daughter of John and Tracey Hitchcock of Taylor Ridge. Congratulations to Taylor. Haylee Boden and Aaron Wheatley were recognized as Elementary Students of the Month. Haylee is the daughter of Greg and Sarah Boden of Taylor Ridge. Aaron is the son of Ryan and Valerie Morford of Taylor Ridge. Congratulations to Haylee and Aaron! Thursday, April 30, 2015 was set as the next Board of Education meeting. It will begin at 6:30 p.m. Canvassing of the vote from the recent election and reorganization will be the two main purposes. Meeting dates and times will be set for the remainder of the year at the reorganization meeting. The Board reviewed/discussed: 1) Pre-K grant; 2) Classified Staff meeting dates; 3) Superintendent timeline search. Bill Phillips and Matt Longnecker, Phillips and Associates, presented an update on several upcoming health/life safety projects. Discussion regarding the upcoming parking lot and the possible addition of the teachers lot was held. A hearing will be conducted prior to the beginning of the reorganization meeting. Approve Hlt/LSafety Pkg Lot Pving Roll Call: Accept/PreK Grant Roll Call: Motion by Heidi Schultz, second by Nathan Faith, to award health/life safety bid for north parking lot paving to Valley Construction in the amount of $396,777. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Janet Flaherty, second by Heidi Schultz, to approve acceptance of Preschool Grant from Illinois State Board of Education. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Minutes – Board of Education Meeting April 20, 2015 Page 3 Go to Executive Session Motion by Janet Flaherty, second by Jeff Widdop, to adjourn to executive session at 7:42 p.m. for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District [5ILCS 120/2(c) (1)] Roll Call: Ayes: Nays: Motion carried: Return to Open Session Roll Call: T.Whiteman/RHS Phys Ed Roll Call: V.Kline/RHS English Roll Call: V.Kline/RHS Varsity VB Coach Roll Call: T.Whiteman/RHS BBB Coach/rehire Roll Call: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith None 7-0 Motion by Nathan Faith, second by Bill Woods, to return to open session at 8:30 p.m. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Bill Woods, second by Janet Flaherty, to approve the transfer request of Toby Whitemen to Rockridge High School Physical Education effective 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Janet Flaherty, second by Steve Frakes, to approve the hiring of Valerie Kline as Rockridge High School English teacher effective 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Steve Frakes, second by Bill Woods, to approve the hiring of Valerie Kline as Rockridge High School Varsity Volleyball Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Steve Frakes, second by Janet Flaherty, to approve the rehiring of Toby Whiteman as Rockridge High School Boys Basketball Coach for 2015-2016 school year.. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Minutes – Board of Education Meeting April 20, 2015 Page 4 S.Strachan/RHS GBB Coach/rehire Roll Call: L.Smith/RHS WR Coach/rehire Roll Call: J.Stanforth/RHS Cheer Coach/rehire Roll Call: G.Hahn/RHS BBB Cheer Coach/rehire Roll Call: D.Parchert/RHS Dance Coach/rehire Roll Call: Motion by Bill Woods, second by Janet Flaherty, to approve the rehiring of Shawn Strachan as Rockridge High School Girls Basketball Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Nathan Faith, second by Dustin Joy, to approve the rehiring of Lucas Smith as Rockridge High School Wrestling Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Bill Woods, second by Nathan Faith, to approve the rehiring of Joey Stanforth as Rockridge High School Head Competitive/Wrestling Cheerleading Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Janet Flaherty, second by Bill Woods, to approve the rehiring of Gail Hahn as Rockridge High School Boys Basketball Cheerleading Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Heidi Schultz , second by Nathan Faith, to approve the rehiring of Deanna Parchert as Rockridge High School Dance Coach for 20152016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Minutes – Board of Education Meeting April 20, 2015 Page 5 L.Freyermuth/RJHS VB Coach/rehire Roll Call: C.Lopez/RJHS VB Coach/rehire Roll Call: P.Lynch/RJHS AD Coach/rehire Roll Call: A.Bizarri/RJHS St Coun/rehire Roll Call: M.Steiner/RJHS Speech Coach/rehire Roll Call: Motion by Bill Woods, second by Steve Frakes, to approve the rehiring of Liane Freyermuth as Rockridge Junior High 7th Grade Volleyball Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Pass: Jeff Widdop Motion carried: 6-0 Motion by Janet Flaherty, second by Nathan Faith, to approve the rehiring of Candy Lopez as Rockridge Junior High 8th Grade Volleyball Coach for 2015-2016 school year.. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Steve Frakes, second by Bill Woods, to approve the rehiring of Patrick Lynch as Rockridge Junior High Athletic Director for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Heidi Schultz, second by Janet Flaherty, to approve the rehiring of Amber Bizarri as Rockridge Junior High Student Council Coordinator for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Nathan Faith, second by Janet Flaherty, to approve the rehiring of Marge Steiner as Rockridge Junior High Speech Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Minutes – Board of Education Meeting April 20, 2015 Page 6 R.Fetterer/RJHS FB Coach/rehire Roll Call: C.Bishop/RJHS FB Coach/rehire Roll Call: J.Kroener/RHS Soc Studies Roll Call: J.Griffith/FT PreK/ ICE Roll Call: C.Busard/RtI/Title I Roll Call: Motion by Janet Flaherty, second by Bill Woods, to approve the rehiring of Rick Fetterer as Rockridge Junior High 8th Grade Football Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Steve Frakes, second by Nathan Faith, to approve the rehiring of Cory Bishop as Rockridge Junior High 7th Grade Football Coach for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Dustin Joy, second by Nathan Faith, to approve the hiring of John Kroener as Rockridge High School Social Studies teacher effective 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Bill Woods, second by Nathan Faith, to approve the reassignment of Janet Griffith as full-time Pre-K teacher at Illinois City Elementary for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Steve Frakes, second by Janet Flaherty, to approve the reassignment of Chrissy Busard as part-time RtI/part-time Title I teacher at Illinois City Elementary for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Minutes – Board of Education Meeting April 20, 2015 Page 7 C.Parchert/ICE 2nd Grade Roll Call: S.Rowland/RJ/HS Cashier Roll Call: Adjourn Meeting Roll Call: Motion by Dustin Joy, second by Bill Woods, to approve the hiring of Carol Parchert as 2nd Grade teacher at Illinois City Elementary for 20152016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Bill Woods, second by Nathan Faith, to approve hiring Sherry Rowland as cashier at Rockridge Jr/Sr High School for 2015-2016 school year. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 Motion by Nathan Faith, second by Janet Flaherty, to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m. Ayes: Jeff Widdop, Steve Frakes, Heidi Schultz, Bill Woods, Janet Flaherty, Dustin Joy, Nathan Faith Nays: None Motion carried: 7-0 ________________________________ Jeff Widdop, President ____________________________________ Heidi Schultz, Secretary
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