MINUTES OF ACT STEERING COMMITTEE AND ADC MEETINGS MAY 7, 2015 ATTENDEES: A. Wolf, D. Hickambottom, J. Pardee, L. Centell, E. Washatka, M. Cooper, S. Beer, M. White, J. McLean, W. Gordon, J. Register, D. Gronemeier, I. Moore and B. Paul. CALL TO ORDER: Co-Chair J. McLean@7:30pm, home of Anne and Roger Wolf INTRODUCTION OF STEERING COMMITTEE AND GUESTS MINUTES: Motion: Approval of Minutes re April 2, 2015 meeting as distributed. Moved, second. Minutes approved, no additions or corrections. All ayes, no nays. Motion passed. GUEST SPEAKER: Sarah Holyhead-Marijuana Policy Project. Background: with MPP since 2006 as Major Gifts Officer, Master’s in Public Policy (’08). Handout: MPP leads effort to end failed policy marijuana prohibition. Vision: marijuana legally regulated similar to alcohol. Runs state initiatives, lobby legislatures, educate public, seek/maintain allies in elected office. Goal: Enact federal legislation “legalizing” it during 2019-2010 Congress. Scored 11 major victories since 2013, at same time adding many other successes. Next set of goals to achieve federal “legalization” by 2019. Update re status of legalization in CO. Can legalization occur in CA 2016?? 55% support it, needs $10-12M to finance campaign. Current status of work at federal level. PAC powerful tool. Areas that MPP develops: medical, decriminalized, legalization, lobbying, future legalization in several states. Q & A’s. Contact info: [email protected]. TREASURER, E.D. REPORTS: Per E. Washatka, detailed Reports hand-out for period ending April 30, 2015, ACT/ADC Operating Account as of April 30: Operating $17,976.04 JB Fund $ 15.00 Total Operating $18,864.04 ACT Political $14,864.22 ACT Dem Victory fund $ 1,239.22 ADC $ 873.00 Per E. Washatka, Membership Income: $12,860. Households: 211(73% renewal rate), 31 new, 294 ACT individuals, 219 ADC. Will send out renew notices in July. We could do welcome to new members. Suggestion: could be done at July Pot Luck. Motion: move to accept Treasurer and Membership Reports, second. Approved. All Ayes No Nays J. Fuhrman working on getting updated list of Steering Committee, people on right committees. Need to make new members aware of Research Committee slots. COMMITTEE REPORTS: CO-CHAIR: Discussion re starting meeting earlier: 6:30 social, 7pm meeting. Will maintain current times, meeting end at 9:15, latest 9:30pm. FUNDRAISING: Next event: Wine and Cheese@Bruce and Marilee’s, meet and greet newly elected officials, 3rd week-end July (19th). Speaker could be Mayor Tornek. Money raised will go towards JB Fund-$7-8,000 needed. Committee will assist with event. COALITION/OUTREACH: Per D. Gronemeier(handout), next mtg May 26@7:30pm. Pasadenans for Livable Wage(PLW) will gather signatures re petition to City Council to expand to include also private employers. Sat@Fair Oaks/Orange Grove, Wed@corner of Fair Oaks/Colorado. Contact E. Washatka for additional info. ACT will co-sponsor ACLU Forum May 12@Neighborhood Church. Re: Revised Livable Wage Proposal (handout). Motion: move that ACT supports expanding the existing City of Pasadena Living Wage Ordinance to apply to all employers doing business within the City of Pasadena. Second. Discussion ensued, consensus can we table til next meeting when we have more input?? Motion: move that we table for next Steering Committee meeting. All Ayes No Nays. Motion passed. Fracking also tabled til June. PROGRAM: June Meeting: Cynthia Kurtz, pres. and CEO SGV Economic Partnership, will focus on economy in SGV, how it shifted focus from recession and recovery to growth and new opportunities. July: Pot-Luck and Fundraiser ISSUES COMMITTEE: Per L. Centell, putting together ad hoc committee, has long list of needs to shorten to 5-10 ideas, will insert list in Phoenix, have membership rate 1-10 scale for approval. COMPUTER: Using facebook push, J. McLean promoted T. Tornek and C. Wells, very effective, cost minimal $5 per person, will submit article for Phoenix. ELECTION RESULTS: J. Fuhrman(not present) will update@next meeting. The Phoenix: Lead article: Speaker next meeting. S. Holyhead will also provide info. Deadline Sun. 17th, mailing Thurs. 21st. J. Register questioned M. Gatto’s column-is he serving constituents in our local area??? NEXT MEETING: June 4@W. Gordon’s home ANNOUNCEMENTS: National Women’s Political Caucus Champagne Brunch 5/23, Hilda Solis-speaker, $35. Discussion Group-5/15@Dupar’s. J. Pardee working to host Independent Oversight Committee Forum, June, ACT can have table, involves ACLU, Mayor Tornek, Chief Sanchez. He posed question-Has ACT done anything on this issueyes, we have a 93% support of membership. ADC: Question re: ADC contributing monies, will report to committee in June. ADJOURNED: 9:33 pm Respectfully Submitted, Barbara Paul
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