Week 8 - Rosary Primary School

Dear Parents
26 March 2015
Week 8 Term 1
This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday. In fulfillment of prophecy (Isaiah 62:11 & Zechariah 9:9), Jesus rode
into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds lined the street shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the
name of the Lord." (Psalm 118:25-26) They placed palm branches and robes in front of Jesus. This was particularly disturbing to the religious leaders who were jealous of Jesus. They demanded that Jesus silence the
crowd, but he responded that even if the crowd were silent, the stones would cry out.
The events of the next week would forever change the world. Jesus entered Jerusalem and the crowd welcomed him as a king. By the end of the week they were demanding his death. His followers abandoned him in
fear. None of his close followers had really understood the events of Palm Sunday and Holy Week until after
Jesus returned. They had all expected Jesus to be an earthly king, but God had given them something so much better - an open door into a
Kingdom that would never end.
Palm Sunday, in the Christian calendar is the Sunday before Easter, sixth and last Sunday in Lent, and the first day of Holy Week. The other
important days of Holy Week include:
Holy Thursday - The Last Supper and betrayal.
Good Friday - The arrest, trial, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus.
Easter Sunday - The day Jesus rose from the grave.
Term 1 Holidays
The ladies in the Front Office have received numerous phone calls this week seeking clarification regarding the end date of this term.
Next week we finish school on Thursday, 2 April for the Easter break. Students then return to school on the Tuesday after Easter, 7 April for
the last week of Term 1.
Term 1 ends on Friday, 10 April and school resumes on Monday, 27 April for Term 2.
We received notification from ACTION today about school bus services on the first Monday of Term 2, 27 April:
“I am writing to inform you of an important change to your school bus service on Monday 27 April 2015. This day has been declared a service
holiday for all ACT Government employees due to Anzac Day (25 April) falling on a Saturday. However, it is not a gazetted public holiday for
the rest of the ACT.
The parents of non ACT Government school children who normally use dedicated school services will need to make alternative arrangements
to get their children to and from school on Monday 27 April 2015. NSW school buses will be running as normal.
Learning Journeys
You are all invited to accompany your child on a Learning Journey on Tuesday, 7 April. Classrooms will be open between 3:15pm and
6:00pm for you to visit with your child. You will be taken on a journey around the classroom to see the work that has been completed during
Term 1. Visits to the library, Indonesian and Music rooms, as well as our ’art gallery’ will be part of the journey. I hope you are able to take
advantage of this opportunity to share in your child’s life at school.
Congratulations to…
John O’Brien for graduating (in absentia) from ACU last Friday with a Master of Education degree.
Boyd and Leo for their initiative in organising the Bananas 4 Vanuatu fundraiser last Tuesday. It is wonderful to know that the money raised
will go directly to help rebuild the village school in Pango which was destroyed by Cyclone Pam.
Kind regards
Maureen Doszpot
Fleming Street, Watson ACT 2602
[email protected] ABN 14 964 349 708
Telephone: 02 6248 0010 Facsimilie: 02 6247 8777
Religious Education News
PROJECT COMPASSION - Christian from Peru
Cristian’s community in rural Peru has always lived a traditional life, with simple diets and crops
dependent on rainfall. Until recently, 33-year-old Cristian had to travel one kilometre to access running water.
With the help of Caritas Huacho, Cristian and 14 other young farmers have introduced running water and irrigation to their remote Andean village. They now grow and harvest a wide variety of highvalue, sustainable crops, which provide them all with a secure income and a wide variety of food.
Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps farmers in Peru secure a food source and income
that benefits their families and communities for life.
Fund Raising
To help boost our fund raising efforts have been running two competitions. The first is an Easter Egg raffle and the second is a
guessing competition. Students can to guess the number of eggs in a large container with the student who guesses the correct
amount (or is the closest) winning. All money raised will go towards Project Compassion. The winners of these competitions will
be announced after lunch Wednesday 1 April. Our final collection for Project Compassion will be next Thursday.
Holy Week Prayer Celebrations
Our Holy Week Prayer Celebrations will be held at the following times.
Mon 30 March: Yr 6 and Kinder Palm Sunday - 11.40 (Hall)
Thur 2 April: Yr 3 Last Supper - 10.30 (Hall)
Yr 4 Garden of Gethsemane 11.40 (Jnr Playground)
Yr 5 Trial and Crucifixion 12.40 (Hall)
Tues 7 April: Yr 2 At the Tomb 11.40 (Hall)
Yr 1 He has Risen
John O’Brien
Religious Education Coordinator
Banana’s 4 Vanuatu
Hello and thank you all for your kind support for my fundraiser for Pango School in Vanuatu that
was recently damaged by Cyclone Pam .
I have very proudly raised a total of $1004 from the total sales of bananas and banana bread.
This amount will be transferred to the Pango School Parents Committee as soon as possible to
help fund purchase of materials for building repairs and replacement of damaged education
I would like to especially thank Rosary Primary School for their donation and Mrs Vincent’s contribution for the Pango School Library. There were so many contributions and such a high level of support from the entire school
community it has been amazing to me.
The bananas were delicious and I would note a big thank you to Toni who owns Ziggy’s Fruit and Vegetables at Belconnen
and Fyshwick who generously donated the bananas and responded so quickly to my request. I hope some of you can shop
there one day in return.
The large team of banana bread makers were amazing. My Mum, Amber Kenna, Sonja Falconer, Sharon Purcell, Julia Portus,
Margaret Corcoran and Abigail Barham for their fantastic community service contribution – yum!
Finally it was fun having Leo, Eddy, Mitchell and Flynn to help me. I know that money will be appreciated and well spent by Pango School and it has been an honour to help the ni-Vanuatu community in their time of need.
Once again a big thank you!
Year 6
Former Pango Student
Year 7 2016 Enrolment Information
Wednesday 6 May 2015
9.30am to 7.00pm
Come and see the College in action!
For Year 7 Students for 2016
Tuesday 12 May 2015
Friday 15 May 2015
9.00am to 2.30pm
Come and see the College in action!
For Year 7 Students for 2016
Monday 11 May 2015
Tours commence at 5.00pm and followed at 6.30 with an information session
For Year 7 Students for 2016
Thursday 26 March 2015
Tours 5.00-6.30pm followed by the Year 7, 2016 information session from 7.00-8.00pm
Pre enrolment day for catholic Yr6 students Thursday 30 April 10.00-1.45
Come and see the College in action!
For your convenience, excursion notes, canteen menus and other information are available on our website.
Community Council News
The Community Council held its second meeting of the year this week – several important items were discussed and we undertook further planning for the Open Meeting in Term 2.
We received reports on the implementation of the BYOD strategy with demonstrations of the work of students in a few classes, together with a briefing on the Professional Learning undertaken by the year 5 and 6
teachers over the Canberra Day Long Weekend. It was a really valuable opportunity for them to gain
knowledge and experience from both experts and from practitioners who had been using the technology for
1 – 5 years. Parents of students in Years 5 and 6 should be able to see some of the results during ‘Learning
Journeys’ this term.
We received the report of the Fete Co-ordinator about last year’s Fete which highlighted the successes and
some suggestions for alterations in future. We raised over $15 000 due to the spectacular efforts of the Rosary Community but guided by the impeccably capable hands of Mara Pangallo, Kirsty Saunderson and Joanna Matesic! We have a number of plans for the money including the purchase of additional equipment for
the “Engine Room” gross motor skills facility (in Nagoya). This should lift the already helpful space to a new
level of excellence. We are also looking at beginning the process of furniture renewal and will be seeking
advice on furniture that is both attractive and appropriate for age and children’s developmental needs.
It was suggested that one of the focuses for fund-raising in 2015 could be sporting equipment for the oval
including some goals for a variety of sports. The Council will undertake some further consultation with students, parents and staff to establish whether this is a priority and how we might best raise the necessary
While parental involvement has always been a notable feature at Rosary some concern was expressed at
the fact that a number of classes were still without a class contact. This role is not onerous but helps to build
community within class and year groups by sharing information between these more discrete groups of parents. If you are interested please let one of the Council parents know or one of the Administration personnel
in the Office.
The Council spent some time discussing issues related to staffing and to learning support. The Principal and
the Executive have clear plans in place to address our current needs that the Council supports. As you
know the Council’s role is in terms of governance, policy and advice rather than any management function –
this distinction is important; however, the Principal keeps us fully informed of issues that arise and her plans
to manage them.
Early in Term 2 the School will commence a review of Learning Support – an area identified by the Council
as a priority for 2015 – in order to identify the range of our needs; how our resources can be best deployed;
and, develop a plan to address the increasing diversity of learning needs which are a feature of contemporary education.
It is clear that 2015 will be an exciting year for our community with many things developing and changing –
we will keep you abreast of our thinking and discussions. I hope that the coming School Holidays are an
opportunity for your family to engage more fully with each other and to re-charge for the next Term.
Parent Members: Patrick McArdle – Chair, Bostijan Savle – Deputy Chair and Class Contact Convenor, Joanne Mitchell – Secretary, Melissa Petropoulos – Treasurer, Kirsty Saunderson – Convenor of Committees
Clothing Pool open every Friday 3.00 pm—3.30 pm
Rosary school needs you!
Class contacts for 2015
Kinder Tokyo – Michelle Kowalik (Luke)
Kinder Paris – Justine Tansley (Grace)
-- Maree Harman (Pippa)
Year 1 Vienna
Year 1 Hague
Year 2 Rome –
Year 2 Dublin – Michelle Kowalik (Lachlan)
Year 3 Barcelona –
Year 3 Osaka –
Year 4 Athens –
Year 4 London –
Year 5 Washington –
Year 5 Panama –
Year 6 Bangkok – Helen O’Kane (Matthew)
Year 6 Cairo
Please consider whether you (and some other friends) are able to take on the contact role.
The first role is to organise the class contact details sheet and then as a liaison
person in relation to the specific activity for your year level during 2015.
Any questions in relation to this role can be directed to Bostijan Savle of the
Rosary Community Council.
Meet & Greet Canberra's Nick Kyrgios @ Westside Acton Park
When: Saturday 28th of March @ 3:30pm - 5pm
Where: Westside Acton Park
This event is targeted at kids however parents are welcome to meet Nick when he isn't swarmed by
the youngsters. I advise to bring something Nick can sign (we all know how good he will be so get in
now). Note: our Jr Club Teams Challenge will be on court before this event so you may have to cheer
your team for 5-10 minutes before you can access our street tennis courts.
School Holiday Camps @ The Old Parliament House Rose Gardens
When: April 13th - 17th (week 1) & 20th - 24th (week 2)
Come for a couple of days or a whole week. 1/4, 1/2 & Full Day Options.
Bookings & Program Information Visit:
[email protected] or call 0423 366 014
Rosary Easter Lunch Day
Thursday 2nd April 2015
Veritas Awards
Congratulations to the following students who
received awards last Friday;
Order Pamphlets have been distributed to children and you
can also order online.
Orders are due back by 1st April to the canteen or online.
This lunch pack will be the only option available on the day.
Morning Tea - Squezzie Vanilla Yoghurt and a choice of Hot
Cross Bun or Muffin $4.50
Lunch - Chicken with wedges or Cheese & Spinach roll with
wedges with a choice of milk or Juice $6.50
Friday 27 March
Cross Country Years 2-6
Stromlo Forest Park
Monday 30 March -7 April
Holy Week Celebrations
See RE section
Tuesday 7 April
Learning Journeys
Wednesday 8 April
Gelato Day
Friday 10 April
Last Day Term 1
Monday 27 April
First Day Term 2
Class rooms
All articles for inclusion in Veritas should be at the School Office no later than 9:00 am Wednesday