11-DG 2014-15 newsletter May

May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
The Governor’s Newsletter
Greetings fellow Rotarians.
Well the conference is over and what an emotional
roller coaster ride it was with the torrential rains
threatening to wipe out all of our preparations. The
Ferryman cruise and the fun golf day were both
cancelled. Our welcome function at the Pacific
Harbour Golf and Country Club went ahead. We
had 120 members registered for the event but
numbers attending were depleted because of the
weather. Even our band was lost in the rain
somewhere. The road to Bribie Island was cut and
we were feeling very sad and sorry for ourselves but
on Saturday morning the sun shone and members
started arriving. Many had slept in their cars
including our AV expert, Marcel Vogt who
arrived after the official opening.
He expressed his appreciation of the warmth of
feeling and friendliness extended to them by
our members.. We had a lucky door prize at the
dinner and Jun won the prize of a weekend for
two donated by Tangalooma Resort on our
neighbouring Moreton Island including return
boat fares, accommodation and breakfast.
Mary raised more than $10,000 from her
partner fundraising for the ARH—indigenous
scholarship and this raffle was won by Robyn
Yule of Rotary Club of Gympie-Cooloola and
Leslie Smith of Rotary Club of Brisbane Planetarium was the runner up. Both winning
donated original paintings.
We had over 350 registrations and 193 enjoyed our
Gala dinner at the Bribie Island Hotel.
Our Rotary
International President’s
Hugo T Perez
(Jun) and his wife
Vivian from
district 3830 in
the Philippines
were ably
escorted by past
RI Director John
Lawrence and
Jun made several addresses during his visit and
personally met everyone at the Saturday Gala dinner
unless they were absent from their table when we
passed around.
Congratulations to PDG. Russ O’Malley who
received one of only 150 Service above Self Awards
bestowed by R.I. every year. Congratulations also to
Shaughn Forbes for receiving a Citation for
Meritorious Service to the Rotary Foundation.
Rotoractor, Melanie Packer was recognised with a
PHF for her work in establishing our first Rotaract
Club in district 9600 .
May 2015
District Conference
while three Papua New Guinean members, Brian
Paiferi of Bulolo-Wau, John Onga of Goroka and
Anthony Lilou of Kokopo were recognised with a
PHF for their dedication to Rotary leadership in
their respective communities.
Number 11
For growth in absolute numbers and 2013-14
percentage growth respectively were both won by
the Rotary Club of Bulolo-Wau which increased
from 4 to 14 and had a percentage increase of
250%. They still have those members. Again these
trophies are customarily presented at DG
changeover but I was pleased to present them to
Brian Paiferi while he was present at conference.
The Jack Nicholson Trophy for attendance at
conference was won by the Rotary Club of
The Jim Trotter Memorial Trophy for the Best
Display was won by the joint youth display of
RYPEN Interact, Early Act and RANZE. The Ben
Bennett Trophy for Outstanding Support of the
Rotary Foundation was Pine Rivers Daybreak with
a per capita donation of $419.19
The Doug Biggs Trophy for the Balanced Club
Achievement Award in PNG, the Solomon Islands
and Nauru is customarily presented at the DG
changeover dinner but I was pleased to be able to
present it to the Rotary Club of Honiara who was
represented at conference. Eligibility for this trophy
includes an attendance component and unfortunately many Island Clubs failed to send monthly returns
which would have qualified them for consideration.
Two other trophies, The Errol Richardson
Membership Development Trophy and The Membership Development Trophy for 2013-14
The Australian Rotary Health Perpetual
Achievement Award was won by Nundah with a per
capita donation of $272.72. The winning club was
closely followed by Redcliffe Sunrise with $245.69
and Noosa with $243.33. A special
mention is
made of the Rotary Club of Toowong which donated the highest amount of $10,950 with 49 members.
There are another nine awards to be presented at the
District Governor’s change over dinner on 27th
June, five of which requires the clubs to submit an
application. These are The Lionel McCray
Memorial Trophy for the “Outstanding Club in
D9600”; The Herrington Shield for Best Bulletin;
The Alan Ward Memorial Shield for Vocational
Service; The Heather Kinross Memorial Trophy for
International Service; and The Service to Youth
Submissions for these awards are encouraged and
will close four weeks before the District Governor’s
changeover on 27th June.
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
Unfortunately this year, the RYLA camp clashed
with our conference but Mary and I were able to
attend the RYLA dinner on 5th May following the
conference. It was great to see Victoria Fitzgerald
from Kavieng PNG attending RYLA sponsored by
the Rotary Clubs of Boroko and Port Moresby who
conducted an earlier PNG RYLA and agreed to
send their most deserved participant to our RYLA.
Mary and I also attended the joint district 9600—
9630 launch of Bowelscan AT Princess Alexandra
Hospital. This is the first time we have held a joint
presentation and was another great example of our
districts working together to maximize exposure. It
was chaired by Professor Gerald Holtmann. Phillip
Charles, DG D9630 and I both spoke and we heard
Well done Victoria
Rylarians giving their Presentations at the dinner
from a cancer survivor and three specialist
speakers before having the opportunity to privately
inspect the Professor Ian Fraser sponsored science
lab of the Diamantina Institute
We have been offered the opportunity to send
students who miss out on NYSF selection to attend
courses under the SPARQ-ed program (Students
Performing Advanced Research Queensland)
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
Paul Tunn, President Elect of Nondugl was excited about his first trip out side PNG to attend
PETS with fellow Island club presidents elect when he was tragically killed in a motor accident.
A PMV (public motor vehicle) carrying 16 passengers was travelling from Nondugl to nearby Banz
when the brakes of the bus failed while driving down a steep hill. The driver panicked and jumped out
leaving the passengers in the bus while it careered down the road onto a bridge before falling onto rocks
below and rolling into a swiftl stream. All passengers died
Paul was an electrician and leaves a widow and three young children. His wife is a schoolteacher and
also teaches sewing from electric sewing machines donated by Rotary, giving the local ladies a source of
Former ShelterBox Director PP Greville Easte passed
away last week. Greville joined the ShelterBox Board in
July 2010 and left in 2014. He was a member in Districts
9600, 9630 and 9640. Most recent Club was Pine
Rivers Daybreak.
He remained a staunch supporter, submitting an application the Queensland Lotteries that will result in a
vehicle for use in ShelterBox activities in SE Queensland
and NE NSW. A fitting tribute to Greville’s memory.
May 2015
District Conference
Some Conference Photos
Number 11
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
National Rotary Success Conference to be held over the weekend of
5th– 6th September 2015 at the Hellenic Club, Woden in Canberra.
Jonathon Welch from the Choir of Hard Knocks and Andrew McLeod will both be actively
involved in the conference. RI Director Mary Beth Growney Selene will be the keynote speaker on the Saturday morning. Mary Beth is a dynamic speaker on membership. She was heavily
involved in the Young Professionals Conference in the US.
Who should be attending? All Rotary Leaders, Presidents and Presidents Elect, PR Chairs,
Membership Chairs and Future Rotary Leaders and Rotarians who want to be involved in the
continuing success of Rotary in Australia. There will be presentations about a number of new
innovative ideas on a wide range of topics, all practical ideas that can be used in al Rotary
The program will consist of mainly breakout groups enabling everyone to be able to
participate and interact over the weekend in a practical, worthwhile and meaningful way. The
breakout groups will cover a wide range of topics.
Coupled with the Rotary Success Conference this year will be a Youth Summit for people
under 40 years of age.
This Conference will be focussing on the future. We are positive that every Rotarian will gain
practical knowledge and new ideas to take back to their Clubs and Districts from this
Conference. You will meet Rotarians from across Australia and New Zealand and be able to
share with them your ideas and hear their ideas; it will be a great experience for everyone.
Register now at: http://www.rotaryd9710.org.au/success-conference.html
Further to my email to you dated 27 March 2015 (refer below) requesting every club in our district provide me
with an article covering the more significant activity or activities of their club over the past two decades for
the possible incorporation in a book to be prepared by the National ‘History and Archives’ Committee in
celebration of 100 years of Rotary in this part of the world.
Accordingly, this is simply a reminder that submission of articles including a good photo or two photos
(where appropriate) are required to be in my hands by no later than Friday 15 May 2015 preferably by email at
[email protected]
I would appreciate your support and cooperation.
PDG Bill Dethlefs
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
We express our profound sadness and extend our sympathies to all those affected by
the devastation resulting from the 25 April deadly earthquake in Nepal. Rescue missions and emergency aid continue to arrive in Nepal for the 8 million people impacted
by the massive 7.8 magnitude quake. As we mourn the thousands of lost lives, Rotary joins
many international agencies in providing immediate relief to survivors and mobilizing our expertise to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts. How to help:
District 3292, Nepal, has established a disaster relief fund to provide needed equipment and
supplies to affected communities. Contact District Governor Kumar Piya for information about
contributing to the fund.
Rotary’s service partner ShelterBox is working closely with Nepali Rotarians to coordinate immediate relief efforts. On Monday, 27 April, and Wednesday, 29 April, Rotarians greeted ShelterBox response teams in Nepal who will mobilize temporary housing and relief efforts. An initial 1,000 housing tents and 1,000 shelter kits will be distributed throughout affected communities. Two more ShelterBox relief teams and additional kits are ready to be deployed once further assessments are complete. Learn more about supporting ShelterBox’s relief efforts.
As with all disasters, the Rotary family may apply for global grants to support long-term recovery efforts in Nepal. Once immediate health, safety, and relief efforts have been addressed,
work with local Nepali Rotary members and their international partners to develop projects
within Rotary’s six areas of focus.
Monitor the announcements section of My Rotary for more information as it becomes available and do not hesitate to contact [email protected] with any questions. Our thoughts are
with our Nepali neighbors during this difficult time. Thank you for continuing to Light Up Rotary through your compassion and generosity.
Yours in Rotary, Gary C.K. Huang
RI President, 2014-15
K.R. Ravindran
RI President 2015-16
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
One of our Exhibitors at the Conference. It may be something a Rotary Club would like to consider in
their area
For further information Penny Limbach | Director of Marketing Tangalooma Island Resort
P: +61 7 3637 2000 | D: +61 7 3637 2156 | M: +61 415 613 242 | F: +61 7 3268 6299
E: [email protected] | W: www.tangalooma.com
May 2015
District Conference
Number 11
MEMBERSHIP During the past month we have increased our membership from 1577 to 1585.
Now that the PNG adjustments have been made, I am confident that we will reach 1600 members by
the end of our current Rotary year on 30th June. That’s only 15 members net so lets make the target
date 1st July to commence the new year with 1600 as traditionally we do lose some members who fail
to renew at changeover for various reasons.
Lets also focus on retention and see if we can stem the loss of members at year end and start to
really move forward with our membership growth..