Tamar Views Bulletin of the Rotary Club of South Launceston No. 1 July 2 2015 Visit our website http:/www.rotary-sthlaunceston.org.au/ PRESIDENTAL NOTES Dear Rotarians The New Rotary year has come around much faster than I had anticipated. On Saturday night we had our Club Changeover. This was well attended by Club members, partners and friends including David and Brenda Sheldrick and David Dixon (who has now been made an Honorary Member) and his wife Rosemary. As usual, this was a great evening of fellowship as the Club leadership baton was passed to me from Craig. On Sunday, several of our members attended the District Changeover, which was a very well attended function held at the Riverside Golf Club. Following Past President Craig is going to be a tough job. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Craig for passing on the Club in such excellent shape; and to him and the outgoing 2014/15 Board for a successful Rotary year, including significant membership growth. The incoming Board thankfully retains much of the experience and commitment of the 2014/15 Board, but also has several new additions to inject new ideas and additional enthusiasm. I will attempt to provide the same high quality leadership and direction passed on to me by PP Craig and the outgoing Board; that said, I can’t guarantee the same consistent level of entertainment. This week we have guest speakers who will be talking with us about some fundraising activities, and so we have put off our Club forum till the following week. This will be an important Club forum as we will be discussing the Club program and activities for 2015/16 and I encourage you all to attend and participate. I would like to thank you all for your support and assistance to date. At the end of the day, the 2015/16 Rotary year will only be as successful as the South Launceston Rotary Club members make it. I am sure that I can count on your continued support and I look forward to working with you in 2015/16. Regards President Les APOLOGIES TO TERRY CRAWFORD 6344 7033 OR 0417 366 531 by 10.30am THURSDAY please or you will incur a meal invoice. ITEMS FOR NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN Please pass bulletin items to DENNIS TULK 0419 385 344 [email protected] before 1.00pm WEDNESDAY please. A message from our Program Chairman -Kevin Preece "Our guest speakers on Thursday evening, Irena and Marilyn will be presenting on fund raising opportunities for the club.These opportunities revolve around women's fashion and should be of significant interest to the female members of our club. Although the Board will have to make any decisions around these opportunities it will be of great value to have full input from our female members and questions from them on the night as it might provide an ideal way for them to have a lead role in a new project". A few photos from the Change-over Dinner held last Saturday evening. Phew, says Past President Craig “I got through that year unscathed”. Debbie and Stephen Freeman at their last official dinner before they leave us to venture to the mainland soon. We will miss you both. Is that divine light on those two? It should be a good year President Les. Past President Craig presenting David Dixon with his Honourary Rotarian Badge. BIRTHDAYS 4th JULY– DOLL TULK CLUB ANNIVERSARY 2ND JULY – PETER STEARNES (19 YEARS) 3RD JULY – STEPHEN FREEMAN (25 YEARS) 7TH JULY – JOHN FARDON (3 YEARS) DUTY ROSTER JULY 2 Attendance LES GRANT MICK SHARMAN Welcome Chairperson KATHY MACQUEEN DAVID BARTHOLEMEW Regalia TERRY CRAWFORD Thanks JULY 9 SHERYL GUY IAN SMITH PETER MCBEAN BRIAN BEARDWOOD JOHN FARDON JULY 16 HENRY HARRIS PETER STEARNES CRAIG MITCHELL KIM BIGGELAAR IAN FRASER IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND, PLEASE ARRANGE FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO DO YOUR DUTY CLUB PROGRAMME JULY 2 JULY 9 LIZ DAVENPORT FUNDRAISING- IRENA SMITH & MARILYN LITTLE CLUB FORM- TO DISCUSS ROTARY IN 2015/2016 SILVERDOME DETAILS (Geoff Lean 0417 170 735) FORTHCOMING EVENTS JULY 10, 11, 12 - CRAFT FAIR JULY 30 - INTERNATIONAL NETBALL MATCH AUGUST 10 - DANCE SPORT CHAMPIONSHIPS SEPTEMBER 11, 12, 13 - BOAT & CARAVAN SHOW SOMETIME IN SEPTEMBER - TRAVELLING ANZAC DISPLAY Recycle your old spectacles‘Small Islands Supporting Big Futures’ RAWCS Project. The parents, both men and women at the Koroinasau Primary School are desperately in need of any donations of preloved reading glasses. Could people please contact Merilyn on +61438 522 352 Thanks, Merilyn. ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTH LAUNCESTON Club Chartered March 17 1962 with 23 members 53rd Year of Rotary Service Thursday Meeting 6pm for 6.30pm Hotel Grand Chancellor 29 Cameron St, Launceston Make-ups & Apologies Assist-Secretary Terry Crawford Before 10.30 am Thursday 6344 7033 (W) 0417 366 531 Correspondence PO Box 60 Kings Meadows 7249 District Governor District 9830 2015-2016 John Dare Rotary Club of Deloraine Tel: Home:6363 2047 Mobile:0410 557 598 Email: [email protected] ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTH LAUNCESTON Officers and Duties 2015 - 2016 EXECUTIVE President: Les Baxter. Past/Vice President: Craig Mitchell. Secretaries: Glenda Iles (Organisation & Correspondence) Terry Crawford (Attendance & Recording) Treasurers: Stephen Gordon. (Accounting) Terry Crawford (Banking) DIRECTORS Club Service: Kim Biggelaar Community Service: Graeme LeFevre. International Service: Di Butler. Vocational Service: Paul Swiatkowski. Youth: John Fardon. Directors: Krista Preece, Merilyn Briggs President COMMITTEES Les Baxter Tel: Home: 6340 1625 Mob: 0403 056 676 Email: [email protected] CLUB SERVICE Secretary Glenda Iles Tel: Home: 6344 9196 Mob: 0419 628 437 Email: [email protected] Editor Ian Fraser Tel: Mob: 0400 887 224 Email: [email protected] Items by 1.00pm Wednesdays please Rotary Grace For good food, good fellowship and the opportunity of service through Rotary, we give thanks.' Director: Kim Biggelaar Membership: David Bartholemew Brian Beardwood, Bruce Burke, Ian Fraser, Peter McBean, David Peachey, Peter Stearnes, Mike Waldock, Lydia Nuttall, Judith King, Neville King, Jacquilyne Kelder. VOCATIONAL SERVICE Director: Paul Swiatkowski Membership: Henry Harris, Mike Waldock, Kathy Macqueen, Andrew Whitehead INTERNATIONAL SERVICE Director: Di Butler Membership: Peter McBean, Sonia Morganti, Mike Sharman, Ian Smith, Max Watkins, Phillip Niejalke OTHER OFFICERS Sergeant; Andrew Whitehead 0419 307 602 Bulletin: Ian Fraser/Brian Beardwood. Information Technology: Dennis Tulk. Membership: Terry Crawford. Pastoral Care: Ian Smith Photography & History: Peter McBean/Brian Beardwood. Programme: Kevin Preece Silverdome: Geoff Lean/David Sheldrick. Social: Rotary Foundation: . Sheep Manure: Henry Harris, John Frearson, COMMUNITY SERVICE Director: Graeme LeFevre. Membership: John Frearson, Steve Gordon, Graham Gough, Brian Howard, Kevin Preece, Martin Yates, Dale Luck, Craig Mitchell. YOUTH SERVICE Director: John Fardon. Membership: Judy Billett, Paul Billett, Sheryl Guy, Henk Kortekaas, Fraser Nuttall. PR & FUNDRAISING Membership: Glenda Isles, Les Grant, Terry Crawford MEMBERSHIP Chair: Terry Crawford Membership: David Peachey, Kim Biggelaar, Les Grant HISTORY Membership: Peter McBean, Bruce Burke, Henry Harris PAST PRESIDENTS PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS RC South L’ton RC North L’ton 14/15 Craig Mitchell 13/14 Dale Luck 11/12 & 12/13 Ian Smith 10/11 Damon Nehls/Terry Crawford Paul Swiatkowski 09/10 Henk Kortekaas Andrew Hayward 08/09 Stephen Gordon Graeme LeFevre 07/08 Terry Crawford John Frearson 06/07 Martin Yates Dennis Tulk 05/06 Les Grant Charles Smith 04/05 Alan Brown Andrew Whitehead 03/04 Angela Little Kaye Gillespie 02/03 Dale Luck John Richards 01/02 Richard Temby/Bruce Burke Ken Hayward 00/01 Graeme Tonks/David Lindsay Graeme Barlow 99/00 Phil Baker Stephen Freeman 98/99 Jim Dickenson Dennis Tulk 97/98 Bruce Burke Peter Smith 96/97 Kevin Preece Lindsay Chilcott 95/96 Ross Carey Ken Hayward 94/95 David Lindsay Ray Bird 93/94 John Seaton/Stuart Priest Ian Hardwick 92/93 Stuart Priest Bruce Hawke 91/92 Paul Lyons Tony Laugher 90/91 Don Fraser Ian Whitmore 89/90 John O’Donnell Michael Perkins 88/89 Bill Glachan Frank Nott 87/88 John Ledingham Horace Keetley 86/87 Brian Beardwood Graham Nott 85/86 Craig Mitchell Don Bartley 84/85 Des Jones Henry Harris 83/84 Glynn Parry Lew Davies 82/83 Ray Wright Phil Jackson 81/82 Roger Tregaskis Ken Ringrose 80/81 John Young Terry Cowley 79/80 Bob Weldon Brian Ockerby 78/79 Brian Howard Brian Kilby 77/78 David Dixon Bob Frost 76/77 Phil Wingrove Peter Roberts 75/76 Alan Bailey Norm McCafferty 74/75 Kevin Pennicott Geoff Healey 73/74 Jock Walkem/Dick Mooney Howard Poxon 72/73 Glen Horsburgh Steven Stow 71/72 Graham Meik/Tony Gibson Harry Clark 70/71 Alan Waddle Laurie Wing 69/70 Beck Harwood Geoff New 68/69 Len Bonser Trevor Burness 67/68 Mick Walsh Harry Cook 66/67 Derek Farrar Brian Warren 65/66 George Underwood Geoff Smith 64/65 Dick Mooney Ross Baird 63/64 Warwick Liddle Harold Panitzki 62/63 Tony Gibson Orm Deacon Past District Governor 90/91 Brian Beardwood Alan Bailey Brian Beardwood Paul Billett Ray Bird Bruce Burke David Bartholomew Lindsay Chilcott Harry Clark Ray Collett Terry Crawford David Dixon Ian Fraser John Frearson Stephen Freeman Bob Frost Tony Gibson Bill Glachan Steve Gordon Les Grant Ian Hardwick Greta Harris Henry Harris (Sapphire) Beck Harwood Vi Harwood Geoff Haward Ken Hayward Peter Hewitt Glen Horsburgh Brian Howard Alan Hudson Peter Hutchinson David Jackson Phil Jackson Henk Kortekaas Geoff Lean (Sapphire) Graeme LeFevre David Lindsay Dale Luck Norm McCafferty Craig Mitchell Peter McBean Geoff New (Double Sapphire) Jake Overweter Fran Poxon Howard Poxon Kevin Preece Peter Roberts David Sheldrick Charles Smith Ian Smith Keith Smith Peter Smith Dennis Tulk Albert Van Zettan Mike Waldock Max Watkins Ray Watson Phil Wingrove Ray Wright John Young ROTARY WORLD PRESIDENT 2015-2016 Rotary Year Theme: BE A GIFT TO THE WORLD RI PRESIDENT; K.R. "Ravi" Ravindran Rotary Club of Colombo, Sri Lanka MAKE-UPS Central Launceston: Kings Meadows: Launceston: Launceston West: Tamar Sunrise: Youngtown: Monday 1 pm Hotel Grand Chancellor. Wednesday 5.45 for 6.15 pm Launceston Golf Club Wednesday 6 for 6.15 pm The Boathouse, Lindsay St Monday 5.30 for 6 pm Mercure Hotel. Wednesday 7 am. Launceston Aquatic Centre. Monday 5.45 for 6.15 Abel Tasman Inn. THE FOUR-WAY TEST Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the truth. 2. Is it fair to all involved? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
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