File - Rotary Chocolate Festival

Kent Square Lobby at 12:30pm
250 South Main Street, Blacksburg
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Contestants – 10 per level
Level 1 – Middle School
Level 2 – High School
Level 3 – Professionals
Sign up online at
Fee per Recipe - $5.00
Entry Deadline – April 10, 6pm
Categories – required main ingredient: chocolate
Level 1 – First: $35 gift card
Second: 2 Regal movie tickets
Level 2 – First: $35 gift card
Second: 2 Regal movie tickets
Level 3 – First: TBD
Second: TBD
Contest Rules
1. Each contestant may enter only one dish.
2. Registration is online at, and the deadline is April 10 , 2015 until 6pm.
3. All baked goods must be fully baked and complete, and prepared in a sanitary manner (must be prepared off
4. Chocolate is the main required ingredient of a cake, pie, cookies, cupcake, doughnut, muffins, pudding,
casserole, and so on. Sweet or salty recipes will be judged according to creativity, presentation, originality and
5. Contestants must arrive and bring the baked food at least an hour before the official start of the contest and
have the application form ready at the registration desk in the Kent Square lobby, 250 South Main Street,
6. Each contestant will have a number assigned when they register. In order to prevent judging bias, each
contestant should deliver their entry along with its number, so the judges taste each dish blind, with no knowledge
of who made it.
7. If entering a cake, please enter an entire cake.
8. If entering cookies, please enter one dozen cookies.
9. If entering cupcakes, please enter one dozen cupcakes.
10. Each entry will be marked with a name of your baked good when you register on the day of the contest (for
example: Black Forest Cake).
11. Entries must be accompanied by the recipe used to bake it. Judges will use the recipe as part of their
information for judging. Also with your permission, the recipes will collect for distribution to the public. If you
choose not to give this permission, this will not affect whether your entry will win a prize.
12. All entries must be placed on a disposable plate enclosed in a Ziploc bag or covering.
13. Three professional Chefs will taste and judge the food based on all four categories: creativity, presentation,
originality and taste.
14. The first and second winner in each level will be presented after judge’s decision.
15. If two entries are tied for first place, the judges will break the tie by awarding the prize to the dish that had the
highest degree of difficulty.
16. All Contestants must give permission for pictures and publicity; levels 1 and 2 must have parental permission.
17. After the end of the contest any leftover items will be available for pick up and will be disposed after 5pm.